Insteadin the Sasukeeyereveals a none, getting hold of that the fistmakes an effort, as ifguessed something.
反而佐助眼中流露出一丝精光,拳头用力的握紧,似乎猜测到了一些事情。„............ Killedfinally......”
“哈……哈……终于干掉了啊……”Is backing on the tree trunk, wearsgood the monoclealsobecause of the fiercefight, fellfrom the face, fallsfallsonside.
背靠着树干,原本戴好的单片眼镜也因为剧烈的战斗,从脸上滑落,摔落在旁边。Asukafelt that the bodyseemed like drained the strengthto be the same, lifted the fingercontinuallybecomesdifficultincomparable, can only back onby the treemakes an effortto pant for breath. The physical strength, isChakra, be at the condition of almostbottoming.飞鸟感觉身体像是被抽干了力气一样,连抬起手指都变得困难无比,只能背靠在树旁用力喘息着。无论是体力,还是查克拉,都处于几乎见底的状态。Compares the Asukacondition, fragrantphosphorusconditionat this moment must not exposed towell, the whole personpresents‚in a big way’characterface upwardsinverted/fallon the ground, abdomentherewas delimited the profoundblood-stained mouth the sharp blade, on the right handis condensingonegroup of greenphoto sourcestogether, placesin the wound of abdomensluggishly, startsto stop bleeding.
相比起飞鸟的状态,香燐此刻的状态也见不得多好,整个人呈现‘大’字仰倒在地上,腹部那里被人利刃划出一道深长的血口,右手上凝聚着一团绿色的光源,慢吞吞放在腹部的伤口上,开始止血。Onlyconditionquitegoodwas the color.
唯一状态比较好的就是彩了。Althoughis notperfectly, butcomparesalmostuses up the physical strengthandChakra'sAsuka, and abdomenis damaged the fragrantphosphorus, heis only the clothes of right armis soakedby the blood, is dropping the blood, the whole person can also stay the condition of standing.
虽然算不上完好无损,但是相比差不多用光体力和查克拉的飞鸟,以及腹部遭到重创的香燐,他只是右臂的衣服被鲜血浸透,不停的滴着血,整个人还可以保持站立的状态。Heleft hand that usesalso to move, puts outonevolume of medicalbandagesfrom the Ninja Toolpackage, biteswith the mouth, tearslongbandage, inright armwound that later the skilledwindingnon-stopbleeding. Fromcolorskilledmovement, tooneselfsimple treatmentwoundmatter, is familiar and easy, does not feelstrange.
他用还可以活动的左手,从忍具包里拿出一卷医用绷带,用嘴咬住,撕扯出一条长长的绷带,随后熟练的缠绕住不停流血的右臂伤口上。从彩熟练的动作来看,给自己简单处理伤口这件事,已经轻车熟路,并不觉得陌生。„ChiefAsuka, the color, are you twoall right? WhenIprocess the wound , helping youtreatagain......”
The fragrantphosphorusinquired that Asukaandcolorcondition, at the same timetreats the wound of waist.
香燐询问飞鸟和彩的状态,一边治疗自己腰部的伤口。„Me can also be able to support, wasChakra and physical exertionare many. The color, your does there have the unnecessaryrationspill?”
“我这边还能撑得住,就是查克拉和体力消耗多了。彩,你那里还有多余的兵粮丸吗?”Asukagasps for breath, askedto the color.飞鸟喘了一口气,向彩问道。Colornodded, takes out a rationspill that in the Ninja Toolpackageonlyremains, throwstoAsuka.
彩点了点头,取出忍具包里仅剩的一颗兵粮丸,扔给飞鸟。Asukaputs out a handto catchreluctantly, notpolite, swallows the rationspill, the physical strengthandChakra who soonbottomed, restoreat the visiblespeed.飞鸟勉强伸出手接住,也没有客气,将兵粮丸吞服下去,原本快要见底的体力与查克拉,以肉眼可见的速度恢复。Althoughis impossibleto restoreto the most flourishingcondition, so long ascanmaintain the bodyactionto be enoughtoAsuka.
After absorbing the energy of rationspill, Asukatakes upto fallinnearbymonocle, wearsgood, is then depending upon the tree trunkagain, standsslowlyfromgroundcrawling.
吸收完兵粮丸的能量后,飞鸟拿起掉落在一旁的单片眼镜,重新戴好,然后依靠着树干,缓慢从地上爬站起来。„Really, copes withtwoJōninone time, extremelyforced......”
“果然,一次性对付两个上忍,还是太过勉强了……”Asukalooks that two of not far awaydeliver in personbeing unwilling the colorcorpse, recalled the fight, somewhathad a lingering fear.飞鸟看着不远处的两具面呈不甘之色的尸体,回想起刚才的战斗,还是有些心有余悸。Even ifoccupiedcompletely the beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the peoplefrom the beginning, byhavingto do mental arithmeticto have no interest, for successive one day depended upon the Sensor Type Shinobi techniqueandByakugan, implementedvariouslong-distancesneak attacks, to assassinateandpoisontotwoJōnin, reduced the physical strengthandChakra of opposite party, laterstartedto contact the fight. Isthis, theyinsteadare also almost killedbyJōnin that twostrengthsweaken.
哪怕一开始占尽了天时地利人和,以有心算无心,连续一天依靠感知忍术和白眼,对两名上忍实施各种远程偷袭、暗杀、投毒,将对方的体力和查克拉削减,之后才开始接触战斗。就是这样,他们也差点被两名实力削弱的上忍反杀。Jōninbattle efficiencyandChūnincompletelynotin a rank.上忍的战斗力和中忍完全不在一个级别。Copes with the Chūnin means that whendealing withJōnin, will appearunderprepared.
Different withChūnin, mostJōninwill developoneselfabilitycomprehensively. CangrowtoJōninthisrank, taijutsu, genjutsuandNinjutsupinchesat fingertips. Even the place of weakest area, toChūnin, is still unattainable.
和中忍不同,大多数上忍都会全面发展自己的能力。能成长到上忍这个级别,体术、幻术、忍术都是信手捏来。即便是最为短板的地方,对中忍来说,也是可望而不可即。This point in the Jōninlife-and-death fight, is completely unmasked.
这一点在和上忍的生死之战中,暴露无遗。At this moment, severalleavesfall gently.
The Asukathreepeopleturn the headto look, the person's shadowsilentappearanceinnot far away, the opposite partyvisiontook a fast look aroundoneon the twocorpses of groundtogether, laterfellon the Asukathreepeople.飞鸟三人转头去看,一道人影无声无息的出现在不远处,对方目光在地上的两具尸体上扫视了一眼,随后落在了飞鸟三人身上。ThismaleAsukathreepeople of instructionJōninFugakuwavewords.
这名男子正是飞鸟三人的指导上忍宇智波言。„Said the teacher.”
“言老师。”Asukathreepeople of imagesdistressedarrives in front of the Fugakuwaveword.飞鸟三人形象狼狈的走到宇智波言面前。„Un, yourthreedowell. AlthoughthesetwoJōninstrengthsare somewhat lowin the Jōninranks, butcanbethemjointly, yourthreepeoplelook likegood of growththese days.”
“嗯,你们三个干得不错。虽然这两名上忍的实力在上忍行列有些低,但能够联手做掉他们,你们三人这段时间看来成长的不错。”Regarding the commendation of Fugakuwaveword, threepeopleare panting for breathslightly, nostrengthspoke any unnecessarywords.
对于宇智波言的称赞,三人都只是在微微喘息,没有力气说什么多余的话。Even if the color, in the restorationphysical strengthsilently, cannot speakin a momentas far as possible.
哪怕是彩,也在默默的恢复体力,能不说话就尽量不说话。„Thenyourdutiesended, tomorrowwill rest for day, the day after tomorrowearly morningstartsto return toLand of Demons. Thenpreparedhalf a month laterjointChūnin Test.”
The Fugakuwavewordknows that threepeopleare at this moment exhausted, thereforerubbish, bybriefestwordsexplanation.宇智波言知道三人此刻疲累不堪,所以也不废话,以最简短的话语说明情况。„Alreadytothis time?”
The Asukathreepeople of somegods, thisresponded that the presentis at the end of September, from the time of unitingChūnin Teststarting, is only left overfor half a monthabout.飞鸟三人都有些愣神,这才反应过来现在已经是九月底了,距离联合中忍考试开始的时间,只剩下半个月左右。„Right, in brief, thesemonths of dutieswere laboriousyou. Then, followingjointChūnin Test, hopes that youcanbe problem-free, goes through customssmoothlyto becomeChūnin.”
The Fugakuwavespoke the words of blessing.宇智波言说出祝福的话语。„Yes.”
“是。”Asukathreepeople of seriousnods.飞鸟三人郑重点头。LeavesLand of Demonsless than halfyearto pass, regardinghas not left homesuch a long timethem, at this timealsoa littlethought in the Land of Demonsfamily member.
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