EFK :: Volume #4

#38 Part 2: Birth and death

Therefore, the senses of touch of these living corpses are very faint, besides the normal vision and sense of hearing, it is estimated that even the sense of taste and sense of smell has a large part of defects. 因此,这些活死人的触觉十分低弱,除了正常的视觉和听觉之外,估计连味觉和嗅觉都有很大一部分的缺失。 The reincarnation technique that but Shiraishi uses is different, is resurrecting in the true sense, the dead who lets resurrecting is vivid, with did not have the difference/two kinds. 白石所使用的转生术不同,是真正意义上的复活,让复活的死者重新有血有肉,和生前没有两样。 Ruri cannot set otherwise, the scene that technique starts is not earth-shaking, the effect of but creating, is stirring enough. 琉璃不可置否,术式发动的场面没有多么惊天动地,但造成的效果,却足够震撼人心。 At this time, lay down in the man of ground, slowly opened the eye, saw the light. 这时,躺在地上的男人,慢慢睁开了眼睛,看到了久违的光明。 But after seeing this light, in the eyes of man vacant, because in last consciousness that in he resting goes, he was clear that sees oneself spurt in the present a lot of blood. 只不过在看到这久违的光明之后,男人的眼中只有茫然,因为在他‘睡’去的最后一道意识中,他清楚看到自己飞洒在自己眼前的大量鲜血。 That is own blood. 那是自己的鲜血。 Why have oneself died to...... will also wake up again? 自己已经死了才对……为什么还会再次醒来呢? Looks at the present Shiraishi three people, he does not know three people completely. 看着眼前的白石三人,他也完全不认识三人。 The man of this resurrecting is not shinobi, before death is only a doing all kinds of evil mountain thief. 这名复活的男人并不是忍者,生前只是一名作恶多端的山贼。 To him, every day kills the passing trade route pedestrian, is the reason that survive. 对于他来说,每天打杀过往的商旅行人,便是自己存活下去的理由。 Who are you?” “你们是谁?” The men make noise vigilantly. 男人警惕出声。 The intuition told him, the present one male and two female some are not simple. 直觉告诉他,眼前的一男二女有些不简单。 One, possibly do not have the also means to overpower. 自己一个人,可能没办法同时制服。 Still remembers own before death matter?” “还记得自己生前的事情吗?” Shiraishi walks to ask, is calm. 白石走过来问道,语气平静。 The men selected the eyebrow, an opposite party silly appearance, before death? What before death? 男子挑了挑眉,一副对方傻了的样子,生前?什么生前? Shiraishi saw that the man did not speak, looked at one to following Ruri. 白石看到男子不说话,向后面的琉璃看了一眼。 The Ruri associative compound, the jet black pupil turned into three Tomoe fiercely, in the eye a bright red color. 琉璃会意,漆黑的瞳孔猛地变成了三个勾玉,眼睛里一片鲜红之色。 The male body shakes, the face of whole person becomes the delay, as if silly generally. 男子身体一震,整个人的面庞变得呆滞,仿佛傻了一般。 Under the genjutsu control of Ruri, the man starts to account orally oneself passing off and on, Shiraishi puts out a notebook, according to experience that the man accounted orally, started to compare. 琉璃幻术控制下,男人断断续续开始口述自己的过往,白石拿出一个笔记本,根据男人口述的经历,开始对照。 About after five minutes, Shiraishi gathered the notebook, the man also ended accounting orally. 大约五分钟之后,白石合起了笔记本,男子也结束了口述。 Ruri ended the control of genjutsu, opposite party a pitiful yell, looks deathly pale, pouring of direct nervous breakdown on the ground, air/Qi, if gossamer. 琉璃结束幻术的控制,对方啊的一声惨叫,脸色惨白,直接精神崩溃的倒在了地上,气若游丝。 All things compared, it seems like that the reincarnation technique was very successful, in the memory did not have the gaps and omissions on the whole. However, more detailed thing, but also needs to further interrogate, temporarily first this.” “所有事情都对照上来了,看来转生术很成功,记忆上大体上没有缺漏。不过,更详细的东西,还需要进一步审问,暂时先这样吧。” Shiraishi admitted in the notebook the pocket, deeply aspirates. 白石将笔记本放进了口袋里,深深吐了口气。 The experiment of reincarnation technique is very successful, senjutsu chakra that but needs, imagine to many. 转生术的实验很成功,但是所需要的仙术查克拉,比自己想象中要多出很多。 Own senjutsu chakra is quite many types luckily, can pay the senjutsu chakra consumption of reincarnation technique. 幸好自己的仙术查克拉是属于比较多的类型,可以支付得起转生术的仙术查克拉消耗。 Exchanges others to use this technique, likely price of payment, not only Chakra, but was technique vitality. 换上别人来施展这个术,很可能支付的代价,就不只是查克拉,而是术者本身的生命力了。 Because of pure Chakra, is unable to place on a par with senjutsu chakra in the quality. 因为单纯的查克拉,在质量根本无法和仙术查克拉相提并论。 „The consumption of it seems like that this technique to senjutsu chakra is very big.” “看来这个术对仙术查克拉的消耗很大。” Saw the Shiraishi somewhat weak stance, Ruri said one. 看到白石有些虚弱的姿态,琉璃说了一句。 Lets the dead resurrection, is not a simple matter. Even if Ryūmyaku senjutsu chakra, by my present condition, at most can use four reincarnation techniques in addition. Displays the premise of this technique, is the body is relatively complete. If the incomplete corpse, needed senjutsu chakra will be more, using two to were the limits three times.” “让死者苏生,可不是一件简单的事情。即使加上龙脉仙术查克拉,以我现在的状态,最多也只能使用四次转生术。施展这个术的前提,是身体相对完整。如果是残缺的尸体,需要的仙术查克拉会更多,使用两到三次就是极限了。” Shiraishi nodded, had not denied that this technique regarding own senjutsu chakra, is a huge burden. 白石点了点头,没有否认这个术对于自身的仙术查克拉,是一个巨大的负担。 However, even if the reincarnation technique has some slight defects, but can still be him to press one of the bottom determining the final outcome cards in a hand. 不过,即使转生术存在一些瑕疵,但依然可以作为他压箱底的决胜底牌之一。 How the effect of reincarnation technique made one shock again, regarding Forbidden Technique, Shiraishi is maintaining the attitude of discrete use. 只是,转生术的效果再怎么令人震撼,对于禁术,白石还是保持着谨慎使用的态度。 Once because own senjutsu chakra exhausts, must pay was the vitality from beginning to end. 因为一旦自己的仙术查克拉耗尽,要支付的便是自己原原本本的生命力了。 The great strength of Forbidden Technique, lies in this is a fearful double-edged sword. 禁术的强大,就在于这是一把可怕的双刃剑。 To to enemy, to approaching oneself. 一面对向敌人,一面对向自己。 And......” “而且……” Shiraishi is trying to find out the chin, fell into the ponder. 白石摸索着下巴,陷入了思考。 And what?” “而且什么?” I think from the beginning the chaotic life and death the causes and effects, will have the envoy of netherworld to appear, warned technique. After all once the reincarnation technique abuses, will cause the world of living and dead confuses. From the longer-term perspective, this regarding the living person and deceased person, is not a good fortune.” “我一开始以为混乱生死的因果,会有冥土的使者出现,对术者进行警告。毕竟转生术一旦滥用,就会使得生者与死者的世界进行混淆。从长远角度来看,这对于活人和死人来说,都不是一件幸事。” Shiraishi sighed. 白石叹息一声。 Ruri and Ayane looking pensive, understands the worry of Shiraishi. 琉璃绫音若有所思,也明白白石的顾虑。 Truly, reincarnation technique most fearful taboo, not regarding technique burden, but regarding living person and deceased person, life and death causes and effects light. 确实,转生术最可怕的禁忌,并非是对于术者本身的负担,而是对于活人和死人而言,会将生与死的因果淡薄化。 At that time, might distinguish unclear anything is the living person, anything is a deceased person. 那个时候,很可能会分辨不清什么是生人,什么又是死人。 It is estimated that Shiraishi, do not even know oneself grasped this Forbidden Technique, is a good deed, was the misdemeanor. 估计连白石自己,都不知道自己掌握了这种禁术,是一件好事,还是坏事了。 However even knows this consequence, Shiraishi is duty-bound not to turn back did. 但是即使知道这种后果,白石还是义无反顾的去做了。 The curiosity of human, will not be satisfied. 人类的好奇心,是不会得到满足的。 Shiraishi is also human. 白石也是人类。 Because unknown, Shiraishi will unable to restrain the curiosity of innermost feelings, to unknown initiates the challenge. 正因为未知,白石才会克制不住内心的好奇,向未知发起挑战。 Even if understands that uses the reincarnation technique, will let itself light regarding the concept of life and death. 哪怕明白使用转生术,会让自己淡薄对于生死的概念。 But still wants to inquire into, in the end of life and death, what thing is hiding. 但依然想要探究,在生与死的尽头,到底隐藏着什么样的东西。 But the result of exploration, a little disappointed Shiraishi. 但探索的结果,有点令白石失望。 Nothing happened. 什么都没有发生。 Comes from the punishment in another world, has not appeared. 来自于另一个世界的处罚,并没有出现。 If this punishment truly appears, perhaps on oneself, Shiraishi will feel that feels at ease. 如果这种处罚确实出现,发生在自己身上,白石说不定会感到一丝心安。 Because human explores curiously unknown, but facing un- gisa watches, will often unable to bear be afraid. 人类会因为好奇去探索未知,但面对未知时,又往往会忍不住心生恐惧。 Shiraishi is in this extremely complex disturbed mentality. 白石正处于这种极度复杂的忐忑心态之中。 Is curious the life and death boundary, is fearing existence of this boundary. 好奇着生与死的界限,也恐惧着这种界限的存在。 Worried oneself cannot bear the seduction, abuses such Forbidden Technique unceasingly, light original life values. 担忧自己忍不住诱惑,不断滥用这样的禁术,会淡薄自己原本的人生价值观。 He knows how to manage the living person, governs country, the thought of elucidation people. 他知道怎么去管理活人,去治理国家,去开解人们的思想。 However does not know only how to govern the world of dead, that is the human completely strange domain. 但是唯独不知道,如何去治理死者的世界,那是人类完全陌生的领域。 When knows when another world is genuine, cannot regard with the idealist viewpoint again, needs to use the materialistic attitude, regards another world. 当知道另一个世界切实存在时,不能够再用唯心的观点去看待,需要用唯物的态度,去看待另一个世界。 Pure land that the dead is, what is?” “死者所在的净土,到底是什么呢?” This issue, no one can reply Shiraishi. 这个问题,没有人可以回答白石 But Shiraishi knows oneself have started to explore to another world, finally a day, the mysterious veil of another world, under the exploration desire of human, 11 will be opened. 白石知道自己已经向另一个世界开始探索,终于一天,另一个世界的神秘面纱,会在人类的探索欲下,被一一揭开。 7017 k 7017k
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