EFK :: Volume #4

#37 Part 1: Vessel

Newest website: The gentle moonlight cover falls on the street, although faintly visible this region once liveliness, but the scene of nobody left, do not see the light shadow jet black the house, making here atmosphere seem especially lonely. 最新网址:柔和的月光罩落在街道上,虽然依稀可见这片区域曾经的繁华,但空无一人的场景,一座座漆黑不见光影的房屋,使得这里的气氛显得格外冷清。 Lies down Sasuke on bed, sits up from the bedboard fiercely, the cold sweat got wet slightly the hair of temple, is pale, in the look appears the painful and panic-stricken color, in the mind the terrifying picture the beam energy spread has not gone for a very long time. 躺在床上的佐助,猛地从床板上坐起,冷汗微微沾湿了鬓角的头发,脸色苍白,眼神里浮现出痛苦和惊恐之色,脑海中恐怖的画面久久未能散去。 Damn, had the nightmare......” “该死,又做噩梦了……” Has not had the nightmare obviously a long time, but why does not know, turns back Konoha after Land of Waves, but also without arriving at the next day, started the nightmare that in the midnight directly that the dream arrived at frequently. 明明已经很长一段时间没有做过噩梦了,但是不知道为何,从波之国折返回木叶后,还没到第二天,就直接在半夜做起过去那个常常梦到的噩梦了。 That is full of the bloody night. 那一个充满血腥的夜晚。 Familiar clansman faces die under the blade. 一张张熟悉的族人面孔死于刀下。 In the family/home everywhere is the blood, as well as pours the parents in pool of blood...... 家里面到处都是鲜血,以及倒在血泊中的父母…… Then regarding Sasuke, without a doubt is the childhood nightmare that most is not willing to recall. 那对于佐助而言,毫无疑问是最不愿意回想起来的童年噩梦。 Before Kakashi taught, his daily night by this nightmare is suffered, that night all, completely firmly profound in mind, does not dare the moment to dismiss from mind. 以至于在被卡卡西教导之前,他每天夜晚都被这个噩梦折磨,将那个夜晚的一切,全部牢牢深刻在脑海中,不敢有一刻忘怀。 Even treats as the reason that it oneself go on living. 甚至将其当做自己活下去的理由。 Revenge. 复仇。 Sasuke from the bed, turned on the switch of bedhead position, in the room was illuminated by the daylight lamp immediately, during the night, the ray that the daylight lamp shines, the luster deviation is pale. 佐助从床上下来,打开了床头位置的开关,屋子里立马被日光灯照亮,在黑夜之中,日光灯照射出来的光芒,色泽偏向惨白。 Sasuke wears the frail pajamas, before stepping on the slipper is arriving at the writing desk, takes up the cup to use the teapot but actually one cup of water. 佐助穿着单薄的睡衣,踩着拖鞋走到写字台前,拿起杯子用茶壶倒了一杯水。 On the writing desk is putting the pen container, the books, the scrolls of some blanks, above writes itself regarding the understanding and sensibility of Ninjutsu, in own remembers conveniently, the synthesis keeps off own situation, investigates Quebu leaks. 写字台上放着笔筒,书本,还有一些空白的卷轴,上面书写自己对于忍术的理解与感悟,方便于自己记忆,综合挡下自身的情况,查缺补漏。 From the shinobi school time, Sasuke is a top student. 忍者学校时代,佐助就是优等生。 Although in the written examination, has always been pressed a head by present teammate Sakura, but written examination result in grade, is among the best, does not have the so-called weak area. Note, is a custom of Sasuke. 虽然在笔试上,总是被现在的队友小樱压过一头,但笔试成绩在年级之中,也是名列前茅,不存在所谓的短板。记笔记,也是佐助的一个习惯。 Sasuke drinks the hot water, the expression on face gradually is returning to normal, the breath also starts becomes even. 佐助喝着热水,脸上的表情才逐渐恢复平静,呼吸也开始变得均匀。 Drinks up the water, 喝完水, Sasuke looks to clock on the writing desk, when the above needlework between 12 and one, just crossed 0 : 00 am, has several hours from the dawn. 佐助看向写字台上的时钟,上面的时针指在了12和一之间,刚过凌晨0点,距离天亮还有好几个小时。 Now because of the reason of nightmare, a Sasuke sleepiness cannot feel. 只是现在因为噩梦的缘故,佐助一点睡意都感受不到了。 Moreover comes back after Land of Waves, in 6 : 00 pm, just at nightfall time, he exhausted pours the bed to rest at home. 而且从波之国回来后,在下午 6 点,刚刚入夜的时候,他就疲累的在家里倒床就睡。 Calibre......” “器量……” Sasuke chews these two to puzzle oneself for a long time phrase. 佐助嘴嚼着这两个困扰自己许久的字眼。 When is Fugaku wave Itachi leaves, unceasingly to two phrases that oneself said. 也是宇智离开时,不断对自己所说的两个字眼。 Because of this bored reason, killed the parents, killed the lover, killed the clansman...... 就因为这种无聊的理由,杀死了父母,杀死了恋人,杀死了族人…… The mood of originally returning to normal, was been unwilling with fill up again angrily. 本来平复下来的心情,再一次被不甘和愤怒填满。 But Sasuke knows, angry and unwilling does not help matters. 佐助知道,愤怒和不甘也无济于事。 Oneself and Itachi disparity is very big, now passes to look for the opposite party, will only be massacred. 自己和的差距还很大,现在过去寻找对方,只会被杀掉而已。 And- 而且- Land of Demons...... Fugaku family/home emblem, only then that I will not misread.” 鬼之国……宇智波的家徽,只有那个我是不会看错的。” The Sasuke tone quite affirmed. 佐助的语气相当肯定。 Although exists to misread the situation of eye, but the pride of Uchiha Clan, has engraved in his bone. 虽然存在看错眼的情况,但宇智波一族的骄傲,早已经刻印在他的骨子里。 Family's symbol, is one of the Uchiha Clan souls, that mark, similarly only then Uchiha Clan shinobi has the qualifications use. 家族的徽记,也是宇智波一族的灵魂之一,那种标记,也同样只有宇智波一族忍者才有资格使用。 In other words, on that day in the Land of Waves harbor, sees to follow in that Land of Demons young girl behind some shinobi, without a doubt was Uchiha Clan one. 换句话说,那天在波之国港口,所看到跟随在那个鬼之国少女身后的某个忍者,毫无疑问是宇智波一族的一员。 But, in the reason could not convince. 可是,情理上也说不通。 Uchiha Clan after the Warring States period, established Konohagakure with a Senju clan, is one of the Konoha initiators. 宇智波一族自战国时代之后,就和千手一族创立了木叶忍者村,是木叶的创始者之一。 This also means, Uchiha Clan and Konoha have bound completely in one. 这也意味着,宇智波一族木叶已经完全的绑定在了一起。 Based on this premise, how possibly also to have the clansman, joins other country? 基于这种前提,怎么可能还有族人,加入别的国家呢? But that family/home emblem, clearly assigns conveniently to comes Uchiha Clan shinobi. 但那个家徽,又分明指定对方便是出身宇智波一族忍者 Endures the symbol of clan unable to abuse casually, will otherwise bring in all kinds of troubles. 忍族的徽记不能够随便乱用,否则会引来各种各样的麻烦。 Sasuke felt that own brain was chaotic. 佐助感觉到自己的脑子混乱起来了。 Lost long in outside clansman? 是很早以前遗落在外面的族人吗? But, why this matter, hasn't he heard to cross? 可是,为什么这件事,他从没有听人说起过? Wait- 等等- In the Sasuke brain the miraculous glow flashes, in while in a state of confusion, as if recalled anything. 佐助脑中灵光一闪,在混乱之际,仿佛间回想起了什么。 Words that he did not remember incorrectly, before went to the intelligence department library, searched the Uchiha Clan material time, the materials of some clansmen were deliberately torn up, that some clansmen were missing, was lives is dies does not know the circumstances of the matter completely. 他没记错的话,之前前往情报部图书馆,查找宇智波一族资料的时候,一些族人的资料被人刻意撕毁,那部分族人下落不明,是生是死也完全不知情。 These clansmen, oneself have not heard, has not seen in the family. 那些族人,自己从没有听说过,也从没在家族里见过。 Did these whereabouts unknown clansmen, go to Land of Demons? 难道,这些行踪未知的族人,前往了鬼之国吗? Sasuke is frowning stubbornly, why does not know, the train of thought in brain was getting more and more chaotic. 佐助死死皱着眉头,不知道为何,脑子里的思绪越来越混乱了。 Finds the opportunity to inquire to Kakashi, he as Minister Anbu, will definitely know anything. At present what is most important is grows stronger as soon as possible.” “找机会向卡卡西询问一下吧,他身为暗部部长,一定会知道什么。眼下最重要的还是尽快变强。” The strengthen, needs the powerful strength. 变强,就需要强大的力量。 After having the strength, can look for the Itachi revenge. 有了力量之后,才能去找复仇。 This is the Sasuke present survival goal, even must promote a clan, that still arranges after killing Itachi, matter that must handle. 这是佐助如今的生存目标,即便要振兴一族,那也是排在杀死之后,要去做的事情。 Could not process including a rebel, promoted a clan to mention from where. 连一个叛徒都处理不了,振兴一族从何谈起。 Is stranded Sasuke that intent all disappears, puts down cup that in the hand drinks water, arrives by the clothes rack, exchanges clothes that goes out. Afterward takes up Ninja Tool that the cultivation uses, walks out of the door, passed by the jet black piece of street, toward being the Uchiha Clan territory forest goes. 困意全消的佐助,放下手中喝水的杯子,走到衣架旁边,换上外出的衣服。随后拿起修炼用的忍具,走出家门,路过漆黑一片的街道,向着属于宇智波一族的领地森林而去。 Time of convergence after the lunch, outside happy drawing Noodle shop. 汇合的时间是在午饭后,一乐拉面店外。 Sasuke arrived here time, discovered that Naruto is combing the pineapple hair same age youngster exchange with one. 佐助来到这里的时候,发现鸣人正在和一名梳着凤梨头发型的同龄少年交流。 Nara Shikamaru. 奈良鹿丸 In the Sasuke mind presents the name of this youngster immediately. 佐助脑海中顿时出现这名少年的名字。 Just like Naruto, in the shinobi school period, is own classmate. 鸣人一样,在忍者学校时期,是自己的同班同学。 Comes a Nara clan, the father is Patriarch of Nara clan, according to Kakashi, the Shikamaru father is not only Patriarch of Nara clan, is Konoha Leader Jōnin, manages Konoha all Jōnin, is the Konoha real power sends the character. 出身奈良一族,父亲是奈良一族的族长,据卡卡西所说,鹿丸的父亲不仅是奈良一族的族长,也是木叶上忍班长,管理木叶所有上忍,是木叶的实权派人物。 Like Uchiha Clan, before has not exterminated the clan, has controlled the Konoha garrison army, the power can be on par Anbu. 就和宇智波一族一样,在未灭族之前,一直掌握着木叶的警备部队,权力可以比肩暗部 A Nara clan also has since the ancient times tradition. 奈良一族也有自古以来的传统。 Konoha all previous generations Leader Jōnin, is by shinobi of Nara clan , indicating shinobi that this endures the clan, the ability and moral behavior are of deep the trust Hokage. 木叶历代上忍班长,都由奈良一族的忍者担任,足见这个忍族的忍者,能力和人品都深得火影的信任。 As the heir of this great person, even if the opposite party displays incomparably sluggishly in the school, takes a test is careless scuffling, Sasuke does not dare to look down on the opposite party. 作为这种大人物的子嗣,哪怕对方在学校里表现得无比懒散,就连考试也都是马马虎虎的敷衍了事,佐助也不敢小瞧对方。 When the graduation divides into classes, Sasuke has also fantasized, if can be good situated in a squad with the opposite party. 在毕业分班时,佐助还幻想过,如果能和对方处于一个小队就好了。 Now looks like, then idea somewhat was naive in inside. 如今看来,当时的想法还有几分天真在里面。 Yo, Sasuke, good afternoon.” “呦,佐助,下午好。” Escapes from Naruto of talking endlessly, after Shikamaru sees Sasuke, looking like saw the liberator is the same, greets to Sasuke that the front surface is walking hastily. 从喋喋不休的鸣人手里逃脱,鹿丸看到佐助之后,就像是看到了救星一样,连忙对着迎面走来的佐助打了个招呼。 Good afternoon.” “下午好。” Sasuke to his nodded, has also greeted. 佐助对他也点了点头,算是打过招呼了。 Naruto is somewhat discontented regarding the behavior that Sasuke involves suddenly, spiteful as snort/hum, flung the face another side. 鸣人对于佐助突然介入进来的行为有些不满,赌气似的哼了一声,把脸甩到另一边。 What are you chatting?” “你们在聊什么?” Sasuke has not paid attention to the behavior that Naruto acts difficult, because he has become accustomed. 佐助没理会鸣人闹别扭的行为,因为他已经习以为常了。 Regardless of Naruto makes how stupid action, he will not be that is surprised and shocking. 无论鸣人做出多么蠢的举动,他都不会感到意外和震惊。 Naruto delivers me some special products that bring from Land of Waves, speaks the honorable deed in your C level duty while convenient. Probably your three people collaborated, defeated Jōnin anything.” 鸣人送我从波之国带回来的一些特产,顺便讲一讲你们这次c级任务中的光荣事迹。好像你们三人联手,打败了上忍什么的。” The package that Shikaku raises hand, Naruto the special product that brings from Land of Waves, packages with the kraft paper, is not difficult to guess, inside should be a warranty very long special product between-meal snack. 鹿久扬了扬手上的包裹,正是鸣人波之国带回来的特产,用牛皮纸包裹住,不难猜测,里面应该是一种保质期很长的特产零食吧。 After all too precious thing, at the Genin start fund, purchase. 毕竟太贵重的东西,以下忍的启动资金,也购买不起。 Your relations are very good.” “你们的关系很好嘛。” Sasuke is quite surprised. 佐助颇为意外。 Shikamaru sighed, said: Takes care of this fool, is very troublesome matter. As for a Ding that fellow, actually very anticipation overseas special product between-meal snack.” 鹿丸叹了口气,说道:“照顾这个笨蛋,可是很麻烦的事情呢。至于丁次那家伙,倒是挺期待国外特产零食的。” Thinks of here, Shikamaru rejoiced when oneself come, has not told Ino. 想到这里,鹿丸又庆幸自己过来时,没有告诉井野。 Otherwise after seeing Sasuke, must keep chatting not to have here. 不然看到佐助之后,又要在这里聊个没完没了了。 How did your group cross recently?” “你们小组最近过得怎么样?” Sasuke is backing on nearby telephone pole, asked interestingly. 佐助背靠着一旁的电线杆,饶有兴趣问道。 How can also? Cannot compare your seventh class, your one month completed over 30 D level tasks, now completes the C level duty...... seemed like the task regards in the factory simply the assembly line product, conducting the production is the same. You were also too diligent.” “还能怎么样?比不上你们第七班,你们一个月就完成了超过三十个d级任务,现在又完成了c级任务……简直像是把任务当成工厂里面流水线产品,进行生产一样。你们也太勤快了。” Shikamaru somewhat blushes with shame. 鹿丸有些汗颜。 Compared with the seventh class, the tenth class that he is , was a little slack. 和第七班一比,他所在的第十班,就有点自由散漫了。 Graduates after the school, has above the one and half months, the D level duty only completed more than ten finally, the C level duty, later must look at the situation. 从学校毕业后,已经有一个半月以上的时间,结果d级任务只完成了十几个,c级任务,之后还要看情况。 Perhaps at the end of this month applied, could attain from Hokage there. 也许这个月月底申请一下,说不定可以从火影那里拿到吧。 Regarding the C level duty, his warm is not very high. 只是对于c级任务,他内心的热情并不是很高。 Can the words, made the D level duty to be for a lifetime perfect in the village. 可以的话,在村子里做一辈子d级任务就完美了。 After growing up, marries an ordinary woman, raises the adult the child again, then cares for the aged, walks the life ordinary...... 长大以后,娶个普通的女人,再将孩子养大成人,然后进行养老,平平凡凡走完一生…… Unknowingly, Shikamaru started to fantasize the future matter. 不知不觉,鹿丸开始幻想将来的事情了。 Life all conducted the detailed incomparable plan. 人生一切都进行了详细无比的规划。 Only by doing so, can provide for a rainy day. 只有这样,才能够未雨绸缪。 Heard that your tenth class of Jōnin, is the Hokage-sama second son, is the elite in Konoha Jōnin.” “听说你们第十班的上忍,是火影大人的次子,也是木叶上忍中的精英。” Saying that Sasuke cares about very much. 佐助很是在意的说道。 Smoke does not leave the smoker of hand, moreover once for a while goes to eighth class of Jōnin there to inquire after the well being of...... the woman, is really troublesome existence.” “一个烟不离手的烟鬼罢了,而且时不时去第八班上忍那里嘘寒问暖……女人,真是个麻烦的存在。” Shikamaru worried flexure scratched the head. 鹿丸苦恼的挠了挠头。 Can judge from here, this below ninja squad except for the seventh class, other groups has not shown the positive attitude regarding the duty, from the Shikamaru tone, Sasuke has not at least listened to the opposite party to have what working zeal to the duty. 从这里就可以判断出,这一届的下忍小队除了第七班,其余小组对于任务并没有表现出积极的态度,至少从鹿丸的口吻中,佐助没有听出对方对任务有什么干劲。 However whether regarding the Shikamaru lazy this issue, Sasuke still reserves own opinion. 不过对于鹿丸是否怠惰这个问题,佐助依然保留自己的意见。 In all Genin, the person who he cannot see through is only Shikamaru. 在所有下忍之中,他唯一看不穿的人就是鹿丸 His idea ratio fills accidental/surprised Naruto to be different, but is the true rich mind, will not think some impractical things all day. 他的想法比充满意外性的鸣人不同,而是真正的富有头脑,不会整天想一些不切实际的东西。 Perhaps, will become an own strong opponent in the future opposite party. 或许,在未来对方会成为自己的一个强劲对手。 The time of ok, chatting was also up, then you must carry out the task, our tenth class also had the duty to do in the afternoon. Today arrived here, has the time to chat again.” “好了,聊的时间也差不多了,接下来你们要去执行任务了吧,我们第十班下午也有任务要做。今天就到这里吧,有时间再聊。” Shikamaru takes the package that packages the special product, said goodbye after Sasuke and Naruto, turned around to leave. 鹿丸拿着包裹特产的包裹,向佐助鸣人告别之后,转身离开了。 Shortly after Shikamaru leaves, Sakura and Kakashi also come here to converge from the different directions, the seventh class starts the busy and substantial duty profession again. 鹿丸离开不久,小樱卡卡西也从不同的方向来到这里汇合,第七班再次开始忙碌而充实的任务生涯。 In the shinobi strength, what is the most important proportion? 忍者实力中,最重要的比重是什么? Ninjutsu? 忍术 genjutsu? 幻术 taijutsu? 体术 No, about this issue, Sasuke thought that should redefine. 不,关于这个问题,佐助觉得应该重新定义。 In the past he only paid attention to Kakashi these incomparably gorgeous powerful Ninjutsu, actually forgot, any Ninjutsu, genjutsu as well as taijutsu, were based on Chakra release. 以往他只关注卡卡西那些无比绚丽强大的忍术,却忘记了,任何的忍术幻术以及体术,都是建立在查克拉的基础上进行释放。 Loses Chakra's support, what Ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu, will appear soft will be incapable. 失去查克拉的支持,无论是什么忍术幻术体术,都会显得绵软无力。 Therefore, if shinobi wish becomes by oneself powerful, promoting own Chakra to measure, without doubt is an intelligent choice. 因此,如果一个忍者想要让自己变得强大,提升自己的查克拉量,无疑是一个聪明的选择。 However, Chakra's exercise is very difficult. 但是,查克拉的锻炼无比艰难。 Needs the long-term accumulation, simply speaking, is not one week, one month, even several months, can have the obvious change the thing. 需要很长时间的累积,简单来说,不是一个星期,一个月,甚至几个月,就可以产生明显变化的东西。 This point, even as Sasuke of talent, still has to acknowledge, depends upon own effort, not possible to obtain powerful Chakra in the short time, supplies the release of Chidori and Sharingan. 这一点,即便是作为天才的佐助,也不得不承认,依靠自己的努力,不可能在短时间获得强大的查克拉,供应千鸟写轮眼的释放。 However does not solve this problem, his many ability does not have the means to be shown. 但是不解决这个问题,他的很多能力就没办法得到展现。 Chakra...... following wish has been greatly promoted by oneself strength, perhaps the method promotes Chakra this type incessantly, but promotes Chakra, without doubt further liberates one of the hands and feet best ways, will not let itself in the fight timid and hesitant. 查克拉……接下来想要让自己的实力得到巨大提升,也许方法不止提升查克拉这一种,但提升查克拉,无疑是进一步解放自己手脚最好方式之一,不会让自己在战斗中束手束脚。 Was recalling the Naruto fight style, Sasuke can think, is extravagant and wasteful four characters. 回想着鸣人的战斗风格,佐助能够想到的,只有铺张浪费四个字。 No methodicalness Shadow Clone Technique, but Naruto can actually depend upon oneself powerful Chakra, makes shadow clone go forward to fight wave after wave, even if shinobi of Chūnin level, once falls into the Naruto rhythm, still can only be suffers a defeat and flees a way. 毫无章法的影分身之术,但是鸣人却能依靠自身强大的查克拉,一波接着一波让影分身上前战斗,即便是中忍级的忍者,一旦陷入鸣人的节奏之中,也只能是败亡一途。 Because Naruto Chakra were too many, even the pure spelling consumption, will still make Chūnin desperate finally. 因为鸣人的查克拉太多了,就算是单纯的拼消耗,最后也会让中忍绝望。 As for Jōnin, that was other topic. By the Naruto present strength, but also is not enough to level itself and Jōnin disparity. 至于上忍,那就是另外的话题了。以鸣人如今的实力,还不足以抹平自身和上忍的差距。 Regarding shinobi of that class, the human wave attack was poor to use. 对于那个阶层的忍者而言,人海战术就不怎么好使用了。 Naturally, if can branch out several thousand shadow clone one time, the situation discusses in addition. 当然,如果一次性能够分出几千个影分身,情况另论。 But Sasuke felt, Naruto Chakra, even again many, not possible many to this degree. 佐助觉得,鸣人的查克拉,即使再多,也不可能多到这个程度。 But without a doubt, Chakra regarding an influence of shinobi, is incomparably giant. 但毫无疑问,查克拉对于一名忍者的影响,是无比巨大的。 Then, places Sasuke front issue, is only left over one. 那么,放在佐助面前的问题,就只剩下一个。 Is the choice can erupt Chakra shortly, to own body harmful Forbidden Technique, is the selection approach is temperate, but requires some time to have the remarkable results, the way of security health? 是选择能够短暂爆发查克拉,对自己身体有害的禁术,还是选择手段温和,但需要一定时间才能产生明显效果,更加安全保障健康的方式呢? Although these two ways, Sasuke is very excited. 虽然这两种方式,佐助都很心动。 However since Kakashi gives these two choices, that means that by his ability, can only choose one. 但是卡卡西既然给出这两个选择,那就意味着以他的能力,只能从中选择一个。 Moreover, he does not have so many time, inquires into a completely strange domain. 而且,他也没有那么多的时间,去探究一个完全陌生的领域。 Only is Lightning Style Chidori following derivation Ninjutsu, as well as Uchiha Clan Sharingan, enough he studied diligently a long time. 光是雷遁千鸟接下来的衍生忍术,以及宇智波一族写轮眼,都足够他钻研很长一段时间了。 His energy and time, are limited. Wants the difference/two kinds to sweep the decks, from the actual situation, is completely impossible. 他的精力和时间,都是有限的。想要两样通吃,从实际情况来说,完全不可能。 If solely aims at taking revenge , chooses first, takes revenge the nature to be optimal fast. 如果单单是以复仇为目标,那么,选择第一个,快速复仇完毕自然最优。 But his goal is to not only take revenge , to promote a clan after that is also as important. 但他的目的不仅仅是复仇,在那之后振兴一族,也同样重要。 Even if this goal, were to arrange after the revenge, meant that occupies the important proportion in own heart. 哪怕这个目标,是排在了复仇之后,也意味在自己心中占据着重要比重。 Under two measure, after afternoon completes the D level duty normally, Sasuke like in the past such, left the team, pulls out Kakashi from the pocket in Land of Waves to his name card. 两相权衡之下,在下午正常做完d级任务之后,佐助如同往常那样,离开了队伍,从口袋里掏出卡卡西波之国时给他的那张名片。 Words that did not remember incorrectly, the meaning of Kakashi is, must make him go to Hospital Konoha, seeks for named Asami Masumi hospital high-level manager. 没记错的话,卡卡西的意思是,要让他前往木叶,寻找一个名为‘浅美真澄’的医院高层管理员。 His relative strength same age Genin, is powerful enough, does not need for the short benefit, but gives up the future life. 他的实力对比同龄下忍,已经足够强大了,没有必要为了短暂的利益,而放弃未来的人生。 Perhaps the revenge is his holds to read, but should not make it control own life completely. 复仇也许是他的执念,但不应该让它完全支配自己的人生。 The most important thing is, Sasuke does not hope oneself defer to the will action of Itachi completely. 最重要的是,佐助不希望自己完全按照的意志行动。 Itachi makes him aim at taking revenge, base and low improper is living, until having the strength of revenge, avenges a grievance again. 让他以复仇为目标,卑微苟且的活着,直到拥有复仇的力量,再去报仇雪恨。 Oneself should resist, revolts against opposite party's order. 那自己就应该去抗争,反抗对方的命令。 Even if the revenge, oneself should also be open and aboveboard, having no qualms is Uchiha Clan shinobi. 哪怕是复仇,自己也应该堂堂正正,无愧为宇智波一族忍者 Compared with his avenger, has rebelled and fled Itachi of village, instead seemingly is more like stray cur. 比起他这个复仇者,已经叛逃了村子的,反而看上去更像是丧家之犬。 Therefore, the choice of Sasuke innermost feelings is very clear. 所以,佐助内心的选择已经十分明确了。 „Are you Uchiha Sasuke?” “你是宇智波佐助?” Arrives at Hospital Konoha, enters, wants to go to the medicament department directly, seeks for medicament department head Asami Masumi , when Sasuke steps into the hospital region shortly , a young white clothing female nurse walks from the opposite, about shiwuliu-year-old appearance, is an intern, she bosom is holding some medical supplies, seems carefully examining anything to be the same. 来到木叶,进入其中,本想直接去药剂部门,寻找药剂部门主任浅美真澄,但是当佐助踏进医院区域没多久,一名年轻至极的白衣女护士从对面走来,大概十五六岁的样子,还是实习生,她怀中抱着一些医疗用品,仿佛在审视什么一样。 Yes.” “是的。” The Sasuke vision stopped over on this female nurse, the opposite party appearance is delicate, the black long hair plate after brain in the same place, appears clean succinct. But on the delicate fair face too many expressions , without caused her whole person to seem somewhat indifferent. 佐助目光在这名女护士身上逗留了一眼,对方容貌清秀,脑后的黑色长发盘在一起,显得干净简练。只不过清秀白皙的脸上并没有太多的表情,导致她整个人看上去都有些冷漠。 From her body, can feel very obvious decontaminating solution smell. 从她的身上,可以感受到很明显的消毒水气味。 So that's how it is, what you are take dose right?” “原来如此,你是来取药的是吗?” Takes dose? 取药? In the Sasuke eye confuses. 佐助眼中迷惑。 Mr. Kakashi purchased in advance a number of new medicines a while ago here, since you came, it seems like Mr. Kakashi placed on the work of taking dose you.” 卡卡西先生前一阵子在这里预购了一批新药,既然你过来了,看来卡卡西先生把取药的工作放在你身上了。” What purchases in advance, takes dose...... this matter, Sasuke hears completely perplexed. 什么预购,取药……这种事情,佐助听得完全不明所以。 Sees Director Asami with me, medicine in her there. The quantity is a much less . Moreover the drugs type has not classified carefully, could lose your a lot of time.” “跟我来见浅美主任吧,药物在她那里。数量有点多,而且药品的种类还没有仔细分类好,可能要耽误你不少的时间。” Finally speaking of one, Director Asami...... referred to Asami Masumi this medical service shinobi on time. 终于说到一句正点了,浅美主任……是指浅美真澄这名医疗忍者吧。 The opposite party is Hospital Konoha medicament department head, in Hospital Konoha, has many real power. 对方是木叶药剂部门主任,在木叶之中,掌握诸多实权。 Sasuke pressed down the doubts in heart, follows honestly in this female nurse behind. 佐助按下了心中的疑惑,老老实实跟在这名女护士身后。 The opposite party very obviously are the Asami Masumi people, the attitude of however speaking, probably is hitting what riddle to be the same. 对方很明显是浅美真澄的人,但是说话的态度,好像在打着什么哑谜一样。
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