EFK :: Volume #4

#32 Part 2: Growth

Naruto is pointing at the chest front rib, was stepped on several, is very sore by the present, making Naruto pull out the cold air/Qi once for a while. 鸣人指着胸前的肋骨,被踩断了好几根,到现在都还很疼,让鸣人时不时抽着冷气。 Sasuke here loses blood seriously, your there words, smudge with this.” 佐助这里失血严重,你那里的话,用这个自己涂抹一下。” Sakura puts out one box of medicinal ointment, put the Naruto front. 小樱拿出一盒药膏,放到了鸣人的面前。 The Naruto depressed receiving medicinal ointment, smudged compared with oneself, he wants to let as girl's Sakura, strokes own chest, applied medicine personally. 鸣人郁闷的接过药膏,比起自己涂抹,他更想让作为女孩子的小樱,来抚摸自己的胸口,亲自上药。 Said how not to see Teacher Kakashi does come?” “说起来,怎么没看到卡卡西老师过来?” Naruto applies medicine to oneself, while inquired the Kakashi whereabouts. 鸣人一边给自己上药,一边询问卡卡西的下落。 If Kakashi also follows to come together, they do not need to fight was so laborious. 如果卡卡西也跟着一起过来的话,他们就不用战斗的那么辛苦了。 The Sasuke vision twinkle, closes the eye to say immediately: Who knows where that fellow went.” 佐助目光闪烁,随即闭上眼睛说道:“谁知道那个家伙去哪里了。” Sasuke finishes speaking, the sound resounds from behind together: 佐助话音刚落,一道声音就从后面响起: Aiyaya, is Schoolmate Sasuke is dissatisfied within my guide Jōnin?” “哎呀呀,佐助同学是对我这个指导上忍感到不满吗?” The tone that teased, Kakashi appeared there spotlessly, the facial expression was relaxed. 略带调侃的语气,卡卡西一尘不染出现在那里,神情轻松。 Side him, but also with a petite young girl, is Thunder Corps leader Chino. 在他身边,还跟着一名身材娇小的少女,正是雷光团的首领千乃 Looks at the situation, two people come in waves. 看情况,两人是联袂而来。 Teacher Kakashi!” 卡卡西老师!” Naruto and on the Sakura face reveals the color of pleasant surprise. 鸣人小樱脸上都露出惊喜之色。 Only then Sasuke snort/hum, as if regarding two people of late behaviors, felt that is very discontented. 只有佐助哼了一声,仿佛对于二人的迟到行为,感到十分不满。 Sorry, handled that side matter to spend time. However, your three people also do well, three people made Jōnin of Hidden Cloud village jointly unexpectedly, this may really make me surprised.” “抱歉,处理那边的事情花了一点时间。不过,你们三人也做得不错,三人联手竟然做掉了云隐村的上忍,这可真是令我惊讶。” Although is only Special Jōnin, has no way compared with true Jōnin, but the good and evil also occupies the Jōnin reputation, is not general Genin can resist. 虽然只是特别上忍,和真正的上忍没法相比,但好歹也是占据着上忍的名头,绝不是一般的下忍可以对抗的。 Therefore, can achieve this point regarding three people, quite makes Kakashi be surprised. 因此,对于三人能够做到这一点,颇让卡卡西感到惊讶。 Especially Sasuke grasped Lightning Style initially perhaps Chidori this style, words as the matter stands, the Sasuke growth, must above he imagines. 尤其是佐助初步掌握了雷遁千鸟这个招式,这样一来的话,佐助的成长速度,恐怕要在他想象之上。 Although ten points of application reluctantly, but also was crosses the threshold reluctantly. 尽管应用的十分勉强,但也算是勉强入门了吧。 Hehe.” “嘿嘿。” Naruto senseless smiling. 鸣人没头没脑的笑着。 Since these three brat did not have the matter, then, Mr. Kakashi, calculates among us the account. 1.002 million employment fees, please complete the payment in one week.” “既然这三个小鬼没有事情了,那么,卡卡西先生,也来算一算我们之间的账吧。一百万两的雇佣费,请在一周内完成支付。” Chino that has kept silent interrupted Kakashi and three people of conversations, regarding the Thunder Corps employment fee/spent. That...... solves the enemy leader, should be my three students? ” 一直默不作声的千乃打断了卡卡西和三人的交谈,谈起雷光团的雇佣费。那个……解决敌人首领的,应该是我的三个学生吧?” Kakashi is saying low voice. 卡卡西小声说着。 Mr. Kakashi, were you plan to repudiate a debt? With all due respect, this is not the good custom. Said, your Konoha does want to provoke our Thunder Corps bottom line?” 卡卡西先生,您是打算赖账了吗?恕我直言,这可不是什么好的习惯哦。还是说,你们木叶想要挑衅我们雷光团的底线呢?” A Chino eye danger narrows the eyes. 千乃一双眼睛危险的眯起。 But......” “可是……” The Sakura preparation said anything. 小樱准备说什么。 Do not disturb, Sakura, entrusted to the Thunder Corps duty, Thunder Corps has brilliantly completed. Not, Kakashi?” “不要捣乱,小樱,委托给雷光团的任务,雷光团已经出色完成了。不是吗,卡卡西?” Sasuke prevented Sakura, the vision to sweep to Kakashi. 佐助阻止小樱,目光扫向了卡卡西 „, Is small Sasuke your bright affair, the brain also transfers very quick. In order to reward you, the elder sister will lead you to go to the place of Sir several days later, lets your crisp well.” “啧啧,还是小佐助你明事理,脑子也转的十分快。为了奖励你,过几天姐姐带你去大人的地方,好好让你爽一把。” Chino looks with the ambiguous look to Sasuke. 千乃用暧昧的眼神看向佐助 Sakura is staring Chino vigilantly, protects in front of Sasuke, should this dwarf, what illegal heart not have to Sasuke? 小樱警惕瞪着千乃,护在佐助面前,这个矮子,该不会对佐助有什么不轨之心吧? That, Mr. Kakashi, must give the payment to be clean the expense as soon as possible. You do not think our Thunder Corps, gives Konoha to disturb outside everywhere.” “那么,卡卡西先生,要尽快把费用给支付干净。你也不想我们雷光团,在外面给木叶四处捣乱吧。” Has not cared about Sakura that to have the warning meaning look, Chino turns the head to continue to Kakashi to say. 没在意小樱那带有警告意味的眼神,千乃转头继续对卡卡西说道。 Although Thunder Corps does not have the means and Konoha this huge machine opposes directly, but the combat of small stock army, Thunder Corps does not fear Konoha completely, even Konoha, if this money and Thunder Corps oppose, when the time comes that loses was not a money is so simple. 虽然雷光团没办法和木叶这个庞大机器正面作对,但是小股部队的作战,雷光团完全不惧木叶,甚至木叶要是为了这点钱和雷光团作对,那到时候损失的就不是一点金钱那么简单了。 „Is, I knew. This matter, I can the signalling to three generations of Sirs, making him deal with.” “是是,我知道了。这件事,我会传信给三代大人,让他进行处理的。” Helpless Kakashi flexure scratched the head. 卡卡西无奈挠了挠头。 If we had known the Thunder Corps arrival fee/spent is so high, he found several people casual to be perfunctory from Anbu directly. 早知道雷光团的登场费这么高,他就直接从暗部里面找几个人随便过来敷衍一下好了。 Likes starting to escape from Konoha to ask everyone to collect:() Starts to escape the young girl schoolmate net refresh rate from Konoha to be quickest. 喜欢从木叶开始逃亡请大家收藏:()从木叶开始逃亡少女同学网更新速度最快。
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