EPHSDXD :: Volume #3

#261: Introduction of Heroes

Chapter 0261 第0261章 Introduction of Heroes 英雄们的介绍 Has to say the Cao Cao's invitation indeed very attractively, if really joins them to capture their Artifact - Sacred Gear to make the Tenraku's strength the leap rise suddenly in a short time, but Tenraku wants not to reject. 不得不说曹操的邀请的确非常的誘人,如果真的加入他们并夺取他们的神器可以让天落的实力在短期内飞跃般地暴涨,但天落还是想也没想就拒绝。 Principle of righteousness type of thing are little significance to people, but regarding standing seemed especially important these people of apex. When the villains good is not approved by the world again, will not have to be big to pity eventually! 大义这种东西对一般人来说没有多大意义,但是对于站在顶点的那些人来说就显得尤为重要了。反派当得再好也不会被世界所认可,终究不会有多大出惜! Moreover, his day somebody present is also tied down by care of one's family, has a good class origin and performance, if shortsighted, for a little temporary advantage gives up the long-term benefit, that was really stupid! 而且啊,他天某人现在也算是拖家带口,根正苗红,如果鼠目寸光为了一点儿暂时的好处就放弃长远的利益,那才是真的愚蠢了! Kamiya Tenraku, you are special, if you have other conditions we are not cannot discuss.” 神夜天落,你是特别的,如果你还有其他的条件我们也不是不可以商量。” So long as you join us, Artifact - Sacred Gear and women have everything expected to find, even our entire Hero Faction can use for you , helping you become in history the god of only human!” “只要你加入我们,神器和女人都应有尽有,甚至我们整个英雄派都可以为你所用,助你成为有史以来唯一的人类之神!” The condition that Cao Cao put forward was really rich, regardless of anybody faced this situation to be unlikely hard to reject. 曹操提出的条件实在是太丰厚了,无论任何人面对这种情况恐怕都难以拒绝。 Asia, Raynare as well as 15 fight saintess incomparable tranquilities, the day are their masters and Gods, regardless of he will make what kind of decision they to follow Tenraku. 爱莎雷娜蕾以及十五名战斗圣女无比的平静,天就是她们的主人与神明,无论他做出何等决择她们都会追随着天落 The Katerea vision brilliant has an anticipation faintly, this ambitious woman hopes actually Tenraku can comply. So long as Tenraku uses the Hero Faction strength achievement hegemony, then her ambition can also realize. 卡特蕾雅目光灼灼隐隐带着一丝期待,这个野心勃勃的女人倒是希望天落能够答应下来。只要天落利用英雄派的力量成就霸业,那么她的野心也能够实现。 On the other hand, at this time most anxious was Ross Wei and Kunou, two female students feared that the Tenraku yield to temptation complied, if such...... 相对来说,此时最紧张的则是罗丝薇丝和九重了,两女生怕天落经不住誘惑就答应了下来,要是那样的话…… The anticipation or the disturbance, under everyone's gaze, Tenraku also opened the mouth finally again: 或期待或忐忑,在所有人的注视之下,天落也终于再次开口了: I had said that has rejected, Cao Cao, Artifact - Sacred Gear I can own capture, the woman I also meets own to conquer.” “我已经说过拒绝了,曹操,神器我会自己去夺取,女人我也会自己去征服。” Even to become Gods “就算是想成为神明 I do not need your help!” “我也不需要你们的帮助!” The grinning corner/horn, the Tenraku's words could be said as suitable is impolite, causes the Hero Faction people to glower. 咧了咧嘴角,天落的话可以说是相当的不客气,引得英雄派的众人一个个怒目而视。 Being concerned about face also dares to reject the good intentions of their leader, was really serious own?! 给脸不要脸还敢拒绝他们首领的好意,真把自己当回事了是吧?! Katerea also somewhat small disappointment, however does not know why she thought such Kamiya Tenraku reliable, being worth her betraying the body and mind to offer all follows. 卡特蕾雅也有些小小的失望,然而不知为何她却又觉得这样的神夜天落更加的可靠,值得她出卖身心奉献一切地追随。 Rossweisse and Kunou are long relax, particularly Kunou, looked that has taken the vision of worship to the Tenraku's look faintly. 罗丝薇瑟九重则是长长地松了口气,尤其是九重,看向天落的神色中隐隐都已经带上了崇拜的目光。 That also is really regrettable......” “那还真是遗憾……” But, even if cannot become the companion, people like you as the opponent is still a happy event!” “不过,就算不能成为同伴,你这样的人作为对手也是一件快事!” Somewhat small regrettable also somewhat small feeling relaxed, Cao Cao showed that uninhibited smile again. 有些小小的遗憾也有些小小的释然,曹操再次露出了那不羁的笑容。 From the reason said that he hopes Tenraku becomes the own companion, perhaps but from the natural disposition, he hopes that Tenraku takes the own opponent! 从理智上说他希望天落成为自己的同伴,但从本性上来说,或许他更希望天落作为自己的对手! hē hē...... that also was really indebted the praise.” 呵呵……那还真是承蒙夸奖了。” To be honest, Tenraku also not repugnant Cao Cao such fellow, even also somewhat pities the clearheaded favorable impression about him clearheadedly. 说实话,天落也并不讨厌曹操这样的家伙,甚至对他还有些惺惺惜惺惺的好感。 However, this/should starting time he will not be lenient! 但是,该下手的时候他也不会手软! Kamiya Tenraku, we must start to summon the experiment of that True · Red Dragon God Emperor immediately, wants to retrieve the words of nine fox senior generals to prevent us although!” 神夜天落,我们马上就要开始召唤那头真·赤龍神帝的实验了,想要救回九狐大将的话就尽管来阻止我们吧!” This is not anxious, Cao Cao, didn't you tell you your companion?” “这个不急,曹操,你就不向大家介绍一下你身边的同伴吗?” Cao Cao sent out the battle manifesto, but Tenraku is the smiling said/tunnel. 曹操发出了开战宣言,而天落则是笑眯眯地道。 Looked at own behind several hundred companions, then Cao Cao quite somewhat puzzles 看了看自己身后的数百名同伴,然后曹操颇有些困扰 Person were too many, introduced the words that are very troublesome.” “人太多了,一个个介绍起来的话很麻烦啊。” Does not need completely, only to introduce that several fiercest was good, best also say ability these that they excelled.” “不需要全部,只介绍那几个最厉害的就行了,最好把他们擅长的能力这些也说一下。” You also saw, our here obvious population are insufficient, moreover besides me is the woman, when you took care of them to be good.” “你也看到了,我们这边明显的人数不足,而且除了我以外全都是女人,你就当照顾一下她们好了。” After hearing the Tenraku's words, the Hero Faction member and Rossweisse females somewhat are scared, actually also brings to play? 听到天落的话后,英雄派的成员和罗丝薇瑟众女都有些傻眼,竟然还带这么玩的? Even Cao Cao is still stunned of face, but actually hā hā laughs subsequently: 即使曹操也是一脸的错愕,不过继而却又哈哈大笑: hā hā hā...... Kamiya Tenraku, you are really an interesting fellow!” 哈哈哈……神夜天落,你果然是个有趣的家伙!” I introduced “那我就介绍一下吧 Holy Spear in hand shakes, then Cao Cao aimed at his nearby one youth who wears the long gown feather to weave. 手中的圣枪一抖,然后曹操指向了他旁边一名身着长袍羽织的青年。 He called Georg, set the contract with legend devil Mephisto Pheles the Faust descendants, had one of the Tools that Destroy God - Longinus Fog of Extinction - Dimension Lost, The ability you have experienced.” “他叫格奥尔克,是与传说恶魔梅菲斯托·费勒斯定下契约的浮士德的子孙,拥有神灭具之一的【绝雾】,能力你们都已经见识过了。” A heavy line, the named Georg youth braces oneself to Tenraku and females nods, then Cao Cao aimed on his nearby one to hang the number longsword white hair male: 一头的黑线,名为格奥尔克的青年还是硬着头皮向天落和众女点了点头,然后曹操又指向了他旁边一名身上挂着数柄长剑的白发男性: He called Siegfried, was church with Hero Siegfried the man-made soldier of gene creation, had Artifact - Sacred Gear of subspecies Hand of the Dragon - Twice Critical And Demonic Emperor Sword Gram and many Demonic Sword in legend.” “他叫齐格弗里德,是教会英雄齐格弗里德的遗传因子创作的人造战士,拥有亚种的神器龍之手】以及魔帝剑格拉墨和多把传说中的魔剑。” Although his Artifact - Sacred Gear is very ordinary, but swordsmanship actually unusual, even Holy King Sword - Caliburn Arthurand Demonic Emperor Sword Siegfried in Khaos Brigade ‚’ is still keeps pace, your fallen angel hand/subordinate should have profound understanding.” “虽然他的神器很普通,但是剑术却非常的了得,即使在祸之团中‘圣王剑亚瑟’和‘魔帝剑齐格弗里德’也是并驾齐驱的,你手下的那位堕天使应该深有体会。” Others make you introduce that you said that moreover gave to raise the own ins and outs, the named Siegfried white hair man was also the complexion becomes dark, but suppressed a sword to hack to death the Cao Cao's gentleman them to see saluting upon meeting to Tenraku impulsive very much. 人家让你介绍你就介绍,而且还把自己的老底都给掀出来了,名为齐格弗里德的白发男子亦是脸色发黑,但还是强忍住一剑砍死曹操的冲动很是绅士地向天落他们这边见了见礼。 She called Jeanne D'arc, do not think that this was by chance, the person of she that famous saintess Jeanne's reincarnation, has Artifact - Sacred Gear Holy Sword Creation - Blade Blacksmith. In Kamiya Tenraku your hand as if has named Demonic Sword Creation - Sword Birth Artifact - Sacred Gear? With that is opposite existence.” “她叫贞德·达尔克,可不要以为这是碰巧,她正是那位大名鼎鼎的圣女贞德的转世之人,拥有着神器圣剑创造】。神夜天落你的手中似乎有一件名为【魔剑创造】的神器吧?和那正好是相反的存在。” What this Cao Cao introduced was a beautiful woman in golden-haired foreign land, even stood in the distant place can feel on her holy aura, but hears sound Asia and Semiria females cannot help but revealed the color of shock. 这一次曹操介绍的是一位金发异国的美女,即使站在远处都能感觉到她身上那圣洁的气息,而闻声的爱莎塞米莉亚众女都不由得露出了震惊之色。 saintess Jeanne, this is senior that they worship! 圣女贞德,这可是她们所崇拜的前辈 hē hē hē...... made everyone be laughed, although the leaders of our family/home had the makings of tyrant, but occasionally also like the fool.” 呵呵呵……让各位见笑了,我们家的首领虽然拥有霸者的气质,但偶尔也会像个笨蛋一样。” I called Jeanne D'arc, inherited saintess Jeanne soul the person of reincarnation, please assist me in any way you can.” “我叫贞德·达尔克,是继承了圣女贞德灵魂的转世之人,请多多关照了哦。” Walked, Jeanne D'arc does not lose is introducing own naturally, then the vision fell on Tenraku's: 走了出来,贞德·达尔克不失大方地介绍着自己,然后目光落到了天落的身上: Red Dragon Emperor your excellency, I am also very interested to you, if you change an attitude to comply to join us, I can consider to be your girlfriend.” 赤龍帝阁下,我对你也很有兴趣哦,要是你回心转意答应加入我们的话,我可以考虑做你的女朋友呢。” Blinks, Jeanne D'arc also released a wave of electric current to Tenraku. 眨了眨眼睛,贞德·达尔克还向天落释放了一波电流。 Asia and Semiria females are incredible, always to feel at present this bold big elder sister and they imagine Jeanne senior to be somewhat different. But resulted under the heart by the electricity itchy Tenraku touches the nose, which heart this is what saintess, obviously is a seductress! 爱莎塞米莉亚众女不可置信,总感觉眼前这位“豪放”的大姐姐和她们想像中的贞德前辈有些不一样啊。而被电得心下痒痒的天落则是摸了摸鼻子,心道这哪是什么圣女,明明就是个妖女! Although has the similar soul with that saintess Jeanne, but after the reincarnation , the personality has some changes is very normal.” “虽然与那位圣女贞德拥有同样的灵魂,不过转世后人格发生些变化也很正常。” Slightly explained that Cao Cao aimed around one to have two meters high guy. 小小解释了一下,曹操又指向了旁边一名足足有两米多高的大汉。 He called Heracles, was that the person of reincarnation inherited in the myth the Heracles soul, had Artifact - Sacred Gear Prank of the Giant - Variant Detonation, Can trigger the explosion in the attack.” “他叫海格力斯,也是那位继承了神话之中海格力斯灵魂的转世之人,拥有神器巨人的恶作剧】,能够在攻击的时候引发爆炸。” This big fellow is the muscular simpleminded type, copes with his words, so long as the moving point brain were OK.” “这个大块头是肌肉发达头脑简单的类型,对付他的话只要动点儿脑子就可以了。” Cao Cao's made Tenraku be somewhat moved honestly, but is called Heracles of muscle fool not to have slight angry by the own leader, but also broke off the fist of own that sandbag size the tooth to say with a smile: 曹操的坦诚让天落都有些感动了,而被自己的首领叫作肌肉笨蛋的海格里斯也没有丝毫的恼怒,还掰了掰自己那沙包大小的拳头呲牙笑道: Cao Cao, I want to fight with that Red Dragon Emperor, gives me him.” 曹操,我想和那个赤龍帝战斗,把他让给我吧。” „It is not good, Kamiya Tenraku is my.” “不行,神夜天落是我的。” Wants not to reject, then Cao Cao has turned around: 想也没想就拒绝,然后曹操转过了身来: Although the remaining inside some strengths are also good, but introduced that stops.” “虽然剩下的里面也有一些实力还不错的,不过介绍就到此为止吧。” Georg, started to test!” 格奥尔克,开始实验了!” Understanding!” “了解!” To be continued...... 未完待续……
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