EPHSDXD :: Volume #3

#262: nine-tailed fox and nine-tailed fox

Chapter 0262 第0262章 nine-tailed fox and nine-tailed fox 九尾狐九尾狐 Lifted the hand, instantaneous hundreds and thousands of all kinds of magic formation launches before the body of Georg, magic formation the magic writing of digit is the rapid rotation. 抬起了手来,瞬间成百上千各种各样的魔法阵格奥尔克的身前展开,魔法阵中的数字的魔法文字更是飞速转动。 „The Northern Europe type, the devil type, the fallen angel type, black magic, white magic and elf magic...... are completely some fierce technique......” 北欧式、恶魔式、堕天使式、黑魔法、白魔法、精灵魔法……尽是些厉害的术式啊……” Is skilled in various magic technique -type Rossweisse to sigh the say/way, Katerea and Asia females also revealed the color of exclamation. However looked like Tenraku this type only to pass six holes fellows unable to see what positive result regarding the magic seven orifices, only felt that the dazzling eye was dodged quickly blindly. 精通各类魔法术式的罗丝薇瑟感叹着道,就连卡特蕾雅爱莎众女也露出了惊叹之色。不过像天落这种对于魔法七窍只通了六窍的家伙也看不出不什么名堂,只感觉眼花缭乱眼睛都快被闪瞎了。 Under the control of Georg, all magic formation engagement combinations, then became incomparably complex ultra huge magic formation mutually. Is centered on nine-tailed fox Princess Yasaka, whole piece huge magic formation mapped the ground. 格奥尔克的控制之下,所有的魔法阵相互衔接组合,然后变为了一张无比复杂的超巨大魔法阵。以九尾狐八坂公主为中心,整张巨大的魔法阵映射到了地面。 hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… The entire land as if shivered, then entire Kyoto is flowing the essence of water and land all was similar to the flood resembles to well up! 整个大地仿佛都颤动了起来,然后整个京都流动着的水与大地的精气全都如同洪水般像这边涌了过来! ahhhhh!!!” 啊啊啊!!!” Painful calling out in grief, all was gathered the air/Qi that comes to swamp into the body of Princess Yasaka, the miraculous glow sparkle figure rises suddenly, then Princess Yasaka under everyone's gaze changed the body to become a giant gold/metal fox! 痛苦的悲鸣,所有被聚集而来的气全都涌入了八坂公主的身体之中,灵光闪耀身形暴涨,然后在所有人的注视之下八坂公主变身成了一头巨大的金狐! Beautiful woman, noble exquisite, nine tails of golden from the sky dance in the air swinging, Princess Yasaka takes monster clan ~ true stance 削肩细腰,高贵优美,九条金色的尾巴在空中飞舞摆动,正是八坂公主作为妖族~的真正姿态 nine-tailed fox! 九尾狐 However, but also does not need the people to continue to appreciate, changes body nine-tailed fox Princess Yasaka is calls out in grief, then lifts a great claw then them racket- to Tenraku. 然而,还不待众人继续欣赏,变身九尾狐八坂公主又是一声悲鸣,然后抬起一只巨爪便向天落他们这边拍-来。 Dispersing!” “散开!” Tenraku holds Asia and Kunou leaps, but Rossweisse and Raynare females also scatter in all directions the avoidance. With hōng lóng one, the place that Tenraku they stood a moment ago is cranked up the smashing by the great claw of gold/metal fox. 天落抱起爱莎九重飞跃而起,而罗丝薇瑟雷娜蕾众女也四散躲避。随着轰隆一声,天落他们刚才所站的地方被金狐的巨爪拍成了粉碎。 Okaa-sama!” 母亲大人!” Loves dearly incomparably, has tears streaming down the face, was held Kunou in bosom to summon by Tenraku loudly, but had been controlled the consciousness Princess Yasaka unable to respond. 心疼无比,泪流满面,被天落抱在怀中的九重大声呼唤着,但已经被控制意识的八坂公主根本就无法回应。 Summoned True · Red Dragon God Emperor the disposition of magic formation and tribute is good, then looked whether that Dragon God-sama swallowed the bait.” “召唤真·赤龍神帝魔法阵和贡品的配置良好,接下来就看那位龍神大人是否上钩了。” Cao Cao, then I must operate this magic formation, to disturb me.” 曹操,接下来我要操纵这个魔法阵,不要让人打扰到我。” The corners of the mouth float off a happy expression, then Georg said, but Cao Cao is waves to indicate to accept: 嘴角浮起一丝笑意,然后格奥尔克道,而曹操则是挥了挥手表示应承: Knows knew, will not make one disturb you.” “知道了知道了,不会让人打扰到你的。” Just transmitted the information, kept the member in surrounding already does with Demon King Leviathan and fallen angel's governor general, then we also started.” “刚刚传来情报,留在外围的成员已经与魔王利维坦堕天使的总督都干起来了,那么我们也开始吧。” Oh oh!!” “噢噢!!” Under the Cao Cao's order, all Hero Faction members acted, war cries them killed to Tenraku heavenshaking. 曹操的命令之下,所有的英雄派的成员都行动了起来,一个个杀声震天地向天落他们这边扑杀了过来。 Cao Cao copes with by me.” 曹操由我来对付。” Raynare, Rossweisse, you cope with that Siegfried!” 雷娜蕾,罗丝薇瑟,你们对付那个齐格弗里德!” Semiria, all pawn Promotes for queen, Your 15 people cope with Jeanne and Heracles!” 塞米莉亚,所有【士兵】提升为【女王】,你们十五人对付贞德海格里斯!” Katerea, I give you to make 200 demonic beast, leading your subordinate to deal with the remaining enemies with these demonic beast!” 卡特蕾雅,我给你制造两百头魔兽,带领你的手下和这些魔兽对付剩下的敌人!” Tenraku issued the operating instructions rapidly, simultaneously starts Tools that Destroy God - Longinus that just captured Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker The ability, a big shadow launches in the Tenraku's under foot, then only huge demonic beast roared to work loose from the shadow. 天落迅速下达了作战指令,同时发动了刚刚夺取的神灭具魔兽创造】的能力,一大片黑影在天落的脚下展开,然后一只只巨大的魔兽咆哮着从黑影中挣脱了出来。 Is nothing more or less, happen to 200 heads, moreover each demonic beast has the middle-class devil even high-class devil's strength! 不多不少,正好有两百头,而且每一头魔兽都有中级恶魔甚至上级恶魔的实力! Yes!” “是!” simultaneously responded to one, Rossweisse and Raynare flying, welcomed to Demonic Emperor Sword Siegfried of enemy side. Semiria and own sisters hinted one, then 15 fight saintess divert Jeanne and Heracles. 齐齐回应了一声,罗丝薇瑟雷娜蕾飞身而起,迎向了敌方的魔帝剑齐格弗里德塞米莉亚自己姐妹们示意了一眼,然后十五名战斗圣女牵制住贞德海格里斯 Katerea also gathered female magicians hand/subordinate rapidly and 200 demonic beast, launched the formation then with flushing the enemy ripped to kill in together. 卡特蕾雅也迅速聚集起了手下的女魔术师们和两百头魔兽,展开阵型然后与冲过来的敌人撕杀在了一块儿。 Kills the shout, the explosive sound, in entire Nijō Castle became one piece at once randomly. 杀喊声,爆炸声,一时之间整个二条城中都乱成了一片。 Kunou, Asia, you keep in barrier to support everyone.” 九重,爱莎,你们留在结界之中支援大家。” Launched several barrier for Kunou and Asia, Tenraku was also telling to two females. 九重爱莎展开了数道结界,天落又对着两女吩咐道。 Because continuously develops to Sacred Gear's, even if separated by breaks can still provide the support from Asia for the companions, moreover provided against contingencies Tenraku to make the females execute conditional expression magic on the body of own, by seriously injury they can also transmit in barrier to make Asia treat immediately. 因为对神器的不断开发,即使相隔一断距离爱莎也能为同伴们提供支援,而且以防万一天落已经让众女都在自己的身上施下了条件式魔法,如果受到严重的伤势时她们也能立马传送回结界中让爱莎治疗。 Tenraku-san, I will also try hard!” 天落桑,我也会努力的!” Tenraku-sama, please must rescue Okaa-sama, asked.” 天落大人,请你一定要救救母亲大人,拜托了。” Asia nods, but Kunou has tears streaming down the face is entreating. 爱莎点了点头,而九重则是泪流满面地哀求着。 Relax, I had said that will rescue your Okaa-sama certainly to achieve.” “放心吧,我说过会救出你的母亲大人就一定会做到的。” Caressed the forehead of young girl, then Tenraku has not said anything again, condensed red and white connection the armor of Two Heavenly Dragons, then a dragon wings show/unfolds then shot up to the sky. 抚了抚少女的额头,然后天落也未再多说什么,凝聚出了红白交汇的二天龍之铠,然后身后的龍翼一展便冲天而起。 Looked under, the females had fought to on respective enemy, the entire Kyoto air/Qi is still collecting to come to swamp into the body of Princess Yasaka continuously unceasingly, the huge gold/metal fox pain calls out in grief destruction to go crazy everywhere. 看了看下方,众女都已经对上各自的敌人战斗了起来,整个京都的气依然在源源不断地汇集而来不断地涌入八坂公主的身体之中,巨大的金狐痛苦悲鸣正四处破坏发狂。 That side Princess Yasaka also needs to prevent to be good, but Tenraku already not unnecessary manpower. 八坂公主那边也需要阻止才行,不过天落这边已经没有多余的人手了。 Only can remake to make demonic beast! 只能再制造出一头魔兽 As one of legend Tools that Destroy God - Longinus, Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker Can make all kinds of demonic beast, no matter exists in the reality exists during the fantasy, so long as the host has enough imagination any demonic beast it to you to make! 作为传说中的神灭具之一,【魔兽创造】能够制造出各种各样的魔兽,不管是存在于现实之中的还是存在于幻想之中的,只要宿主拥有足够的想像力任何魔兽它都可以给你制造出来! As for making demonic beast strength strong and weak, then to is related with its species spirit power many of setting and input of host. 至于制造出来的魔兽的实力强弱,则是与宿主对它各种属性的设定和输入的灵力多少有关。 Also does not know that remembered anything, the Tenraku corners of the mouth floated off a happy expression, then said loudly: 也不知道想起了什么,天落嘴角浮起了一丝笑意,然后大声道: Comes out, Kurama!” “出来吧,九喇叭!” As the Tenraku's voice falls, huge demonic beast swiftly from the sky condenses the formation, then hōng lóng pounds to fall to the ground above. 随着天落的话音落下,一头巨大的魔兽迅速在空中凝聚成型,然后轰隆一声砸落到地面之上。 The beast ear fox tail, nine giant tails from the sky dance in the air swinging, just like a nine-tailed monster fox! 兽耳狐尾,九条巨大的尾巴在空中飞舞摆动,俨然又是一头九尾妖狐! However with Princess Yasaka nine-tailed fox is different, this monster fox is all over the body red, as if entire giant body is comprised of the energy of solidification. Canine advantage tooth, ominous light complete(ly) prominent, if makes the Ninja in some Konoha see that certainly will have a big shock, shouts one nine-tailed! 不过和八坂公主所化的九尾狐不同,这头妖狐通体赤红,仿佛整个巨大的身体都是由固化的能量组成。尖牙利齿,凶光毕显,如果让某个木叶村里的忍者们看到一定会大惊失色,喊一声“九尾”! Roar!!!” “吼!!!” Face upwards to shout, under the Tenraku's thought that the scarlet Bijū monster fox ran all over the body, then leaps the body, hōng lóng hit with the golden great fox in one. 仰天嘶吼,在天落的意念之下,通体赤红的尾兽妖狐奔跑了起来,然后跃身而起,轰隆一声与金色的巨狐撞在了一块。 hǒǒǒuuu!!!” 吼吼吼!!!” hōng hōng hōng!!! 轰轰轰!!! Whooshes roars, tumbling killing, indigenous nine-tailed fox and nine-tailed fox of different version started their to span the peak contest of plane! 嘶吼咆哮,翻滚扑杀,土著的九尾狐与异界版的九尾狐开始了它们那跨越位面的巅峰较量! Just now captures this Artifact - Sacred Gear obviously, can unexpectedly Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker The ability uses this degree.” “明明才刚夺取到这件神器,竟然就能将【魔兽创造】的能力使用到这种程度。” Perhaps Kamiya Tenraku, I too underestimated you!” 神夜天落,或许我还是太低估你了!” Does not know when floats stands to Tenraku's opposite, Cao Cao deeply looked at Tenraku one, is sighing the say/way. 不知何时浮立到天落的对面,曹操深深地看了天落一眼,然后感叹着道。 You underestimated that perhaps my place also so, we also start incessantly, Cao Cao!” “你低估我的地方或许还不止如此呢,我们也开始吧,曹操!” Really doesn't have the issue? Makes so many powerful demonic beast, even should you still consume many strengths? Always felt that like this fights some is not unfair with you.” “真的没问题吗?制造出那么多强大的魔兽,就算是你应该也消耗了不少的力量吧?总感觉这样和你战斗有些不公平啊。” Relax, coped with your strength I to remain.” “放心吧,对付你的力量我还是留了下来。” Really is self-confident to the arrogant fellow, you may not disappoint me, Kamiya Tenraku!” “真是个自信到自大的家伙啊,那你可千万别让我失望啊,神夜天落!” The vision junction bumps, electrical spark blasting open, then Tenraku and Cao Cao turn toward the opposite party to shooting to go simultaneously...... 目光交碰,电花炸裂,然后天落曹操同时向着对方冲射而去…… To be continued...... 未完待续……
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