EPHSDXD :: Volume #3

#260: Cao Cao's invitation

Chapter 0260 第0260章 Cao Cao's invitation 曹操的邀请 Cao Cao, did you summon that Dragon God to come out to do?” 曹操,你们召唤那头龍神出来干什么?” The brow tight wrinkle, Tenraku asked. 眉头紧皱,天落问道。 You also know? Our boss Ophis want to return to the dimension the crack, but must return to the dimension the crack to find that True · Red Dragon God Emperor and defeats it to be good.” “你们也知道的吧?我们的boss奥菲斯啊很想回到次元的裂缝,而要回到次元的裂缝就必须找到那头真·赤龍神帝并打败它才行。” Our boss have granted us the strength to help us diligently, occasionally should we also help her realize the own desire not?” “我们的boss一直都勤勤恳恳地赐予我们力量帮助我们,偶尔我们也该帮助她实现一下自己的愿望不是吗?” A face relaxed smile, Cao Cao returns said. 一脸轻松的笑容,曹操回道。 Snort, you use Ophis' chastely free of evil intention to treat as the puppet to use it, in the final analysis for the own goal!” “哼,你们利用奥菲斯的纯洁无邪将它当作傀儡使用,说到底还是为了自己的目的吧!” Sneers, Tenraku is satirizing. 冷笑一声,天落讽刺着。 Was seen through by you, indeed, no matter can summon that True · Red Dragon God Emperor, the light is this unprecedented summon ceremony can provide many interesting data for us.” “都被你看穿了啊,的确,不管能不能召唤出那头真·赤龍神帝,光是这场前所未有的召唤仪式都能为我们提供不少有趣的数据呢。” Moreover, if really that Dragon God-sama summoning, we make Dragon Eater to True · Red Dragon God Emperor has the tremendous impact and so on experiment is also good again......” “而且,如果真的把那位龍神大人给召唤了出来,我们再做做食龍者能给真·赤龍神帝造成多大影响之类的实验也非常不错……” Feels the chin of own, Cao Cao said, but hears sound the Tenraku eyes narrow in the eye to glitter the ray of faint trace danger: 摸着自己的下巴,曹操说道,而闻声的天落双眼微眯眼中闪烁起丝丝危险的光芒: „Do you want to massacre that Dragon God?” “你们想要杀掉那头龍神?” Also is insufficient to achieve that degree, how after all existence of that rank saw that cannot easily kill.” “还不至于做到那种程度,毕竟那种级别的存在怎么看都不是能够轻易杀死的。” In the final analysis this to us is a pure experiment, no matter succeeds is also good to be defeated is also good we to obtain the interesting data.” “说到底这对我们来说就是一场单纯的实验,不管成功也好失败也好我们都能得到许多有趣的数据。” Naturally, although will even bring many troubles to the Kyoto fellow yōkai-san others, but this does not have the matter of means that we were regarded as the unprincipled person of terrorist by you, to us does this matter is not perfectly justified?” “当然了,虽然会给京都的各位妖怪桑甚至其他人带来许多的麻烦,不过这也是没办法的事情,我们可是被你们视为恐怖分子的坏人啊,对于我们来说做这种事不是天经地义的吗?” hē hē, felt that the opposite party said is really good to be reasonable, Tenraku actually had nothing to say in reply! 呵呵,感觉对方说得真是好有道理,天落竟然都无言以对了! Right, Kamiya Tenraku, were you interested in also joining us?” “对了,神夜天落,你有没有兴趣也加入我们?” A topic revolution, Cao Cao said suddenly, lets Tenraku and females gawks. 话题一转,曹操突然道,让天落和众女都是一楞。 I heard that your Hero Faction will only gather human to take the partner, some devil and terrorists of other fallen angel even races want to join you actually to be rejected by you, why can actually invite my devil now?” “我听说你们英雄派只会招揽人类作为伙伴,一些恶魔堕天使甚至其他种族的恐怖分子想加入你们却都被你们拒绝,为什么现在却要邀请我这个恶魔?” Kamiya Tenraku, you know the goal of all my actions is at? I want to explore the human the limit to be, which step the human small and weak and tenacious race can arrive, therefore I gathered companion of one crowd of human, if were not human does not have the significance.” 神夜天落,你知道我一切行动的目的所在吗?我啊想要探索一下人类的极限之所在,人类这个弱小而又顽强的种族到底能够走到哪一步,所以我才聚集了一群人类的同伴,因为如果不是人类的话就没有意义了啊。” I had also understood your matter, to be honest I to your unusual being interested, as human with that great devil Phenex's person of mixed blood, your powerful devil bloodlines unexpectedly instead by small and weak human bloodlines suppressing, this simply is inconceivable miracle!” “我也了解过你的事情,说实话我对你非常的感兴趣啊,作为人类与那个大恶魔菲尼克斯的混血儿,你身上强大的恶魔血脉竟然反而被弱小的人类血脉给压制了,这简直就是一件不可思议的奇迹!” Some people talked into the own waste material attribute for the first time are miracle, Tenraku somewhat did not know whether to laugh or cry, but Cao Cao more said is more excited, continued saying: 还是第一次有人将自己的废材属性说成是奇迹,天落都有些哭笑不得,而曹操却是越说越激动,又继续道: Moreover Artifact - Sacred Gear that you have is also special, can actually the infinity system capture other Artifact - Sacred Gear.” “而且啊,你所拥有的神器也非常特别,竟然能够无限制地夺取其他的神器。” Before others think that you capture Artifact - Sacred Gear purely, although this ability still the terrifying but does not have extremely to care, Artifact - Sacred Gear that because captures will be too many will instead become your burden and burden.” “以前其他人以为你只是单纯地夺取神器,虽然这个能力依然恐怖但却也没有太过在意,因为夺取的神器太多反而会成为你的负担和累赘。” But, I actually discovered some unusual, captures in the Sacred Gear's data before you, as if after every time captures Artifact - Sacred Gear, your strength will grow some, more is high-grade Artifact - Sacred Gear can be also more obvious for the strength that you grow.” “但是,我却发现了一些异常,从你之前夺取神器的数据中,似乎每夺取一件神器后你的力量就会增长一些,越是高等级的神器能够为你增长的力量也越明显。” Although guessed before, but saw you to capture Leonardo's Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker Latter I believed firmly completely.” “虽然之前只是猜测,但看到你夺取了李奥纳多的魔兽创造】后我就完全确信了。” Kamiya Tenraku, your ability is to not only capture other Artifact - Sacred Gear obtains their abilities, but can also promote the own strength with them, did I say wrong not?!” 神夜天落,你的能力不仅是夺取其他的神器获得它们的能力,还能够用它们提升自己的力量,我说得没有错吧?!” Loud and clear, Cao Cao incomparably is staring at Tenraku excitedly, besides already Asia several females who know Tenraku these secrets, everyone on the scene showed the incomparably shocking look, looked looks like to the Tenraku's vision is looking at the monster to be the same! 掷地有声,曹操兴奋无比地盯着天落,除了已经知晓天落这些秘密的爱莎几女外,在场的所有人都露出了无比震惊的神色,一个个看向天落的目光就像是在看怪物一样! Was understood thoroughly for the first time so thoroughly, Tenraku also cannot help but sighed one secretly, no wonder Azazel said that the Cao Cao most dangerous place was not in his hand True Longinus But is named Cao Cao his existence, this insight or the analytical ability make people feel the palpitation! 还是第一次被人洞彻得如此彻底,天落也不由得暗叹一声,难怪阿萨谢尔就说曹操最危险的地方不是他手中的【黄昏圣枪】而是名为曹操他本身的这个存在,无论是这份洞察力还是分析力都让人感到心悸! If before is, will expose this secret to fear many influences on prevent Tenraku's to grow vigorously, even to Tenraku were still a very big trouble, but he is now fearless. How even exposed? He has the strength of controlling the own destiny! 如果是以前暴露了这个秘密恐怕许多势力都会极力阻止天落的成长,即使对天落来说也是件很大的麻烦,但是现在他已经无所畏惧了。就算暴露了又如何?他已经拥有了掌控自己命运的力量! Good, this is also my ability, any Artifact - Sacred Gear can promote the strength for me, therefore I continuously capture Artifact - Sacred Gear ah! of others” “不错,这也是我的能力,任何神器都可以为我提升力量,所以我才不断地夺取其他人的神器啊! The corners of the mouth raise high, Tenraku said, but in the Cao Cao behind Hero Faction member many people cannot bear suck in the cold air. 嘴角高扬,天落道,而曹操身后的英雄派成员中许多人都忍不住倒抽凉气。 In them there are many people are Artifact - Sacred Gear Wielder, if before they to having Sacred Gear Plunderer Tenraku of title were only unusual dreading, then at this time was the complete fear. 他们之中有许多人都是神器持有者,如果说以前他们对拥有“神器掠夺者”称号的天落只是非常的忌惮,那么此时则是完完全全的恐惧了。 This fellow simply like inborn for the monster that to hunt for them has! 这个家伙简直就像天生为了捕猎他们而存在的怪物! Really so!” “果然如此!” Kamiya Tenraku, you are more like a human compared with devil, Artifact - Sacred Gear that you have exceeds existence above Tools that Destroy God - Longinus. It is not able to imagine, whatever if you plunder other Artifact - Sacred Gear constantly to grow, perhaps makes you another God of the Bible to have the possibility!” 神夜天落,比起恶魔你更像是一个人类,你所拥有的神器更是超越神灭具之上的存在。无法想像,如果任由你掠夺其他的神器不断地成长下去,说不定让你成为另一个圣经之神都有可能!” What kind of, joins us, Kamiya Tenraku, so long as you join us to track down the human sincerely together the pinnacle, Artifact - Sacred Gear that Hero Faction has can, no matter what you capture, even my True Longinus Gives to you not to have the issue.” “怎么样,加入我们吧,神夜天落,只要你诚心加入我们一起追寻人类的极致,英雄派所持有的神器都可以任你夺取,就算我的【黄昏圣枪】送给你也没有问题。” Moreover, do you also like the woman? Your subordinate also is completely some pretty women. In our Hero Faction also some good women, moreover is the pure virgin's bodies, so long as you join our me also them to introduce to you, following you to have the infinity possible powerhouse they should not to reject like this.” “而且,你还喜欢女人吧?你的手下也尽是些漂亮的女人。我们英雄派里也有许多不错的女人呢,而且也还都是纯洁的处子之身,只要你加入我们我也可以将她们介绍给你,追随你这样拥有无限可能的强者她们应该也不会拒绝吧。” Stuns the world, the Cao Cao's words made his behind female member simultaneously make a big red painted-face, although quite somewhat shamed angry, but many people looked that also indeed became to the Tenraku's vision blazing. 语出惊人,曹操的话让他身后的女性成员齐齐闹了个大红脸,虽然颇有些羞恼,不过许多人看向天落的目光中也的确变得炽热起来。 Cao Cao, you said that these words did not fear your subordinates are disappointed?” 曹操,你说这些话就不怕你的这些下属们寒心吗?” The corners of the mouth twitch, Tenraku cannot bear say. 嘴角抽搐,天落则是忍不住道。 Kamiya Tenraku, I have not always been regarded as my subordinate them, we for the common goal gather together partner, we to explore the pinnacle of human seek for own significance, may be different from these third-class villain roles, this point do not misunderstand.” 神夜天落,我从来未将他们当作是我的下属,我们都只是为了共同的目的而聚在一起的伙伴,我们都只是为了探索人类的极致而寻找自身存在的意义而已,可和那些三流的反派角色不同,这一点你可不要误会了。” Stern-faced, Cao Cao is correcting the say/way. 一脸的严肃,曹操纠正着道。 Slight false, Tenraku does not have to acknowledge that on Cao Cao has the ability of makings as well as achievement leadership of tyrant. Has nothing to do with any good and evil, all that he makes are following own faith, his faith and makings infected his person, making these people follow him to inquire about that illusory human willingly the limit. 没有丝毫的虚伪,天落也不得不承认曹操身上有着霸者的气质以及作为领导的才能。与任何的善恶无关,他所做的一切都只是遵循着自己信念,正是他的这份信念与气质感染了他身边的人,让这些人心甘情愿地追随着他探寻那虚无飘渺的人类的极限。 Moreover person who also just as he said that such a crowd has faith is not these third-class villain roles, as the enemy is very hard to deal with! 而且也正如他所说,这样一群拥有信念的人可不是那些三流的反派角色,作为敌人来说可是非常的难缠! the tone slightly, Tenraku also opened the mouth saying: 微微呼了口气,天落也开口道: Cao Cao, although your proposition indeed let some of my heart movements, but 曹操,虽然你的提议的确让我都有些心动了,但是 I reject!” “我拒绝!” To be continued...... 未完待续……
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