EPHSDXD :: Volume #3

#257: Another Tools that Destroy God - Longinus

Chapter 0257 第0257章 Another Tools that Destroy God - Longinus 又一件神灭具 „Is this...... the fog?” “这是……雾?” Only feels own suddenly by one group of warm smooth/slide mist package, when Tenraku recovers he is not in the tavern, but appears in a dim different space. 只觉得自己突然被一团温滑的雾气包裹,当天落回过神来时他已经不在酒馆里面,而是出现在一片昏暗的异空间中。 hōng lóng!!! 轰隆!!! Airborne transmits a loud sound, Tenraku concentrates the eye to look, sees only Azazel of golden armor to grasp warspear to wear man (Han) clothing/taking with one ~ the young men battles. 空中传来一声巨响,天落凝目望去,只见一身黄金铠甲的阿萨谢尔正与一名手持战枪身着汉服~的青年男子激战。 within the body Sacred Gear Plunder Unprecedented moving restlessly, although sees one from afar, but Tenraku recognized that warspear on- instantaneously. 体内的【神器掠夺】前所未有的躁动,尽管只是远远地看到一眼,但天落瞬间就-认出了那柄战枪 Strongest Tools that Destroy God - Longinus True Longinus! 最强的神灭具黄昏圣枪】! That was also self-evident with the status of young men Azazel fought, was Hero Faction leader Cao Cao! 那个与阿萨谢尔战斗的青年男子的身份也不言而喻了,正是英雄派的首领曹操 hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… The explosive sound each other fluctuates, does not need to ask that Tenraku also knows they were attacked by Khaos Brigade, Raynare has put forth Black Evil Dragon King Forbidden Move with a male fight that grasps Demonic Sword, as for Asia their 爆炸声彼此起伏,不用问天落也知道他们被祸之团袭击了,雷娜蕾已经使出了【黑邪龍王】的禁手在与一名手持魔剑的男子战斗,而至于爱莎她们 ahhhhh......” 啊啊啊……” Was being attacked by one crowd of demonic beast! 正在被一群魔兽攻击着! Hermes' Boots!” 赫耳墨斯的长靴!” The under foot launches two pairs of golden wings, Tenraku goes toward the Asia numerous female direction lasing. 脚下展开两对金色的羽翅,天落向着爱莎众女的方向激射而去。 Handle Demonic Sword flashes in the hand, a Tenraku sword cuts, then is a huge sword qi mighty current to shooting, cut everywhere muddy flesh demonic beast of all attack young girls! 一柄魔剑在手中闪现而出,天落一剑斩出,然后便是一道巨大的剑气洪流冲射而出,将所有攻击少女们的魔兽都斩成了漫天肉泥! Tenraku-san!” 天落桑!” Tenraku-sama!” 天落大人!” club president-sama!” 部长大人!” Sees Tenraku to catch up, Asia, Kunou and kendo club young girls revealed the color of pleasant surprise. 看到天落赶来,爱莎九重剑道部的少女们都露出了惊喜之色。 „Are you all right?” “你们都没事吧?” Un, we are all right. Tenraku-san, these are the Khaos Brigade's enemies.” “嗯,我们都没事。天落桑,那些都是祸之团的敌人。” Tenraku-sama, was that unprincipled person seized Okaa-sama!” 天落大人,就是那个坏人抓走了母亲大人!” Asia explained to Tenraku briefly a situation, but Kunou is pointing at in the air with a Cao Cao face angry look that Azazel fights. 爱莎天落简短地说明了一下情况,而九重则是指着空中正与阿萨谢尔战斗的曹操一脸愤怒的神色。 Relax, Kunou, I comply with you certainly to rescue your Okaa-sama.” “放心吧,九重,我答应你一定会将你的母亲大人救出来。” Here present is very dangerous, you are advanced in my Saints and Demons Hall to hide.” “这里现在很危险,你们先进我的圣魔殿中躲一下。” Lifts the hand to wield, Tenraku took in Asia, Kunou and kendo club young girls Saints and Demons Hall. 抬手一挥,天落就将爱莎九重剑道部的少女们都收进了圣魔殿中。 lài lài lài...... 籁籁籁…… Sound gets up from out of the blue, then is one group of Khaos Brigade's enemies flies to shoot to come to encircle Tenraku, there are both men and women probably ten several people of appearances. 一阵破空声响起,然后便是一群祸之团的敌人飞射而来将天落团团围住,有男有女大概十数人的样子。 Red Dragon Emperor, your opponent is we!” 赤龍帝,你的对手是我们!” Sorry, you may not have the qualifications, when my opponent.” “抱歉,你们可还没有资格当我的对手。” Although these Khaos Brigade's member strengths are very good, but the sincerity had not been watched by Tenraku. 虽然这些祸之团的成员实力都很不错,不过还真心没有被天落看在眼里。 Hit a sound to refer, immediately Katerea and dozens female magicians flashed before. 打了个响指,顿时卡特蕾雅和数十名女魔术师闪现了出来。 Gave you.” “交给你们了。” Also had not explained, Tenraku ordered one. 也没有解释,天落命令了一声。 Yes, master.” “是,主人。” Smiles callously, Katerea and female magicians then fought with the enemy in together. 冷酷一笑,卡特蕾雅和女魔术师们便与敌人战在了一块儿。 Although was summoned unclear about here condition suddenly completely, but these things are how good, only needs to carry out master's order as the they of tool and servant! 虽然突然就被召唤出来还完全不清楚这里的状况,但这些东西怎么样都好,作为工具与奴仆的她们只需要执行主人的命令! hǒǒuu!!” 吼吼!!” Walks toward the battlefield middle, is several huge demonic beast throws to Tenraku, but was actually cut several by Tenraku several swords conveniently. 向着战场的中间走去,又是几头巨大的魔兽天落扑来,不过却是被天落随手几剑就斩成了数段。 These were cut crack demonic beast not to leave behind the bloody skeleton, but changes to wisp of building black air/Qi to vanish does not see, obviously is not true demonic beast. 这些被斩裂的魔兽并没有留下血腥的尸骸,而是化作一缕楼黑气消失不见,显然也并不是什么真正的魔兽 Looks around, quick Tenraku then found a youngster of small fellow in battlefield side, has one group of huge shadows in the under foot of youngster, but in this group of shadows has various grotesque demonic beast to condense the forming then to work loose unceasingly. 四处搜寻,很快天落便在战场的一边找到了一个小个子的少年,在少年的脚下有一团巨大的黑影,而这团黑影中不断地有各种奇形怪状的魔兽凝聚成形然后挣脱出来。 Dozens over a hundred . Moreover the quantity continually is still increasing! 数十上百,而且数量还在不断地增多! That obviously is not magic, but is the Sacred Gear's ability. In the Tenraku's memory, can so measure land to make demonic beast Artifact - Sacred Gear to only have one in large numbers. 那显然不是什么魔法,而是神器的能力。在天落的记忆之中,能够如此大批量地制造出魔兽神器只有一件。 Tools that Destroy God - Longinus Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker! 神灭具魔兽创造】! Moreover, before that group brought should also to be to the different space mist him the Sacred Gear's ability, without guessing wrong, was one of the Tools that Destroy God - Longinus Fog of Extinction - Dimension Lost! 而且,之前那团将他带到异空间的雾气应该也是神器的能力,如果没有猜错的话,亦是神灭具之一的【绝雾】! True Longinus, Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker With Fog of Extinction - Dimension Lost, One presented Tools that Destroy God - Longinus in three legend, this also is really super grand meeting ah! 黄昏圣枪】、【魔兽创造】和【绝雾】,一下就出现了三件传说之中的神灭具,这还真是一场超级盛会啊! hōng lóng!!! 轰隆!!! A loud sound, wore the gold to fight Azazel of armor to pound side Tenraku's. 一声巨响,身着黄金战铠的阿萨谢尔砸在了天落的身旁。 Azazel, you not such simple was done to turn?” 阿萨谢尔,你不会这么简单的就被干翻了吧?” Brat, I just let slip for a while.” “臭小子,我只不过是一时失手而已。” Tenraku teased one, but Azazel was scolds to stand, on the armor of that solid gold was opened black hole, can imagine penetrates its weapon sharply how. 天落调侃了一声,而阿萨谢尔则是骂咧着站了起来,那坚实的黄金之铠上被开了一口黑洞,可以想像击穿它的武器是多么的锋利。 I am Cao Cao, the Hero Faction leader. Had heard so much about you, Kamiya Tenraku.” “我乃曹操,英雄派的首领。久仰大名了,神夜天落。” Floats stands in in the air, Cao Cao is interested is sizing up below Tenraku. 浮立在空中,曹操颇感兴趣地打量着下方的天落 And you too, why will Khaos Brigade's attack us suddenly?” “彼此彼此,祸之团的诸位为什么会突然袭击我们?” Welcomed regards the opposite party, Tenraku is asking. 迎视着对方,天落问道。 We planned that does an experiment in Kyoto, but you will become our interrupters, therefore planned before the experiment starts cleans up you.” “我们打算在京都做一场实验,而你们都会成为我们的阻碍者,所以打算在实验开始之前清理掉你们。” So that's how it is......” “原来如此……” Obtains Cao Cao's to reply, Tenraku nods, then looked to nearby Azazel 得到曹操的回答,天落点了点头,然后看向了旁边的阿萨谢尔 Azazel, you continues to entertain this Hero Faction leader.” 阿萨谢尔,你这边就继续招待这位英雄派的首领阁下吧。” „Doesn't boy, you want to dispute one with such opponent? That Holy Spear in his hand do you also certainly want very much?” “小子,你难道就不想和这样的对手较量一场吗?他手中的那杆圣枪你也一定很想要吧?” Naturally wants, but wants to obtain its also not big reality now, therefore side I plan first to go to make one to obtain the hand.” “当然想要,不过现在就想得到它还不大现实,所以我打算先去旁边弄一件可以得到手的。” You go, I will help you constrain his, hā hā hā hā......” “那你就去吧,我会帮你拖住他的,哈哈哈哈……” Understands the Tenraku's intention, Azazel hā hā laughs, then shot up to the sky again with Cao Cao games in together. 明白了天落的意图,阿萨谢尔哈哈大笑,然后冲天而起再次与曹操在了一块儿。 hōng hōng!! hōng hōng hōng!!! 轰轰!!轰轰轰!!! Although both sides have not put forth the true skill, but fights still the incomparable intensity, Cao Cao here has Azazel to cope, Tenraku toward making the demonic beast youngster walks. 虽然双方都还没有使出真正的本事,但战斗依然无比的激烈,曹操这边有阿萨谢尔对付,天落则是向着制造魔兽的少年走去。 Delicious ingredients of any Artifact - Sacred Gear regarding Tenraku, can increase his ability likely , to promote his strength, but Tools that Destroy God - Longinus without doubt is rarest most and precious delicacy, any Tenraku not fault-tolerant! 任何神器对于天落来说都像可口的料理,能够增加他的能力,提升他的力量,而神灭具无疑又是其中最珍稀美味的,任何一件天落都不容错过! Makes the demonic beast youngster naturally also to see that to Tenraku that he walks, is controlling its manufacture demonic beast then unceasingly to Tenraku. 制造魔兽的少年自然也看到向他走来的天落,控制着其制造的魔兽便不断地向天落袭来。 shuā shuā shuā...... 唰唰唰…… Tenraku unceasingly throwing raids demonic beast that comes to cut under the sword, but even was top-class devil's demonic beast appeared to behind comparable high-class devil, these demonic beast can also display magic, the electric light flame of emitting powerful. 天落不断地将扑袭而来的魔兽斩于剑下,但是到后面堪比上级恶魔甚至是最上级恶魔的魔兽都出现了,这些魔兽还能够施展魔法,喷吐强力的电光火焰。 Moreover, because these demonic beast do not calculate the true living creature, therefore they have no frightened emotion, even before the surrounding companion were cut kills many again still, throws the successor to rush to the enemy! 而且,因为这些魔兽并不算真正的活物,所以它们也没有任何恐惧的情感,即使周围的同伴被斩杀再多依然前扑后继地涌向敌人! hǒǒǒuuu!!!” 吼吼吼!!!” hōng hōng hōng!!! 轰轰轰!!! The demolition thunders, Tenraku was also submerged finally in the innumerable magic attacks. 爆破轰鸣,天落最终也被淹没在了无数的魔法攻击中。 The windblown dust is billowing, the hot wave is scorching, after the field of vision is clear, returns safe and sound Tenraku of armor of Two Heavenly Dragons again to appear! 尘烟滚滚,火浪灼人,不过当视野清晰下来后,毫发无损一身二天龍之铠的天落再次显现了出来! Lifts the hand, in the Tenraku hand launches the laser common energy wave, hōng hōng hōng sweeps clear nearby demonic beast. 抬起手来,天落手中发射出激光一般的能量波,轰轰轰将附近的魔兽清扫一空。 However, soon also had many demonic beast to throw! 但是,很快又有更多的魔兽扑了上来! Worthily is the Longinus' strength, was really endless. 不愧是神灭具的力量,真是没完没了了。 However, this also strengthened Tenraku to obtain its determination! 但是,这也更加坚定了天落要得到它的决心! Tries that move......” “试试那一招吧……” Muttered, then dozens scarlet red and silver white small flying dragon flew from jade jewel above armor. Each be only the palm of the hand size, seems like the Two Heavenly Dragons diminished version to be the same. 喃喃自语了一声,然后数十只赤红色和银白色小飞龍从铠甲之上的宝玉中飞了出来。每一只都只有巴掌大小,看上去就像是二天龍的缩小版一样。 Boost! boost! boost!” “boost!boost!boost!” Divide! divide! divide!” “divide!divide!divide!” All small flying dragon wind high above around Tenraku's, scarlet red small flying dragon is responsible for attacking, sprays powerful unceasingly the energy wave, silver white small flying dragon is responsible for defending, is reducing and absorbing the attack of enemy unceasingly. 所有的小飞龍飞绕在天落的周围,赤红色小飞龍负责攻击,不断地喷射出一道道强力的能量波,银白色小飞龍负责防御,不断地削减和吸收着敌人的攻击。 hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng!!!!! 轰轰轰轰轰!!!!! Explosive again and again, any close to Tenraku's demonic beast only then eliminated destiny, even several Khaos Brigade's members want to sneak attack Tenraku, was spurted the energy wave that swallows to explode the flying ash by red small flying dragon! 爆响连连,任何靠近天落的魔兽都只有被消灭的命运,甚至几个祸之团的成员想要偷袭天落,也被赤色小飞龍喷吞的能量波炸成了飞灰! When does not want to be many, Tenraku had arrived at the near of small fellow youngster. 不要多时,天落就已经来到了小个子少年的近前。 Coldly looks at Tenraku, under youngster foot black group swaying from side to side, then compared beforehand all demonic beast to have huge demonic beast to work loose. 冷冷地看着天落,少年脚底下的黑团一阵的扭动,然后一只比之前所有魔兽都有巨大的魔兽挣脱了出来。 Roar!!!!!” “吼!!!!!” The huge sound wave ear-spitting desire raids, on demonic beast that powerful imposing manner as if storm assails generally on Tenraku's. 巨大的音波震耳欲袭,魔兽身上那强大的气势仿佛风暴一般吹袭在天落的身上。 Without a doubt, this is a monster of comparable Demon King level! 毫无疑问,这是一只堪比魔王级的怪物! Young of youngster, Tenraku has also seen him not to have the strength of Demon King level, but is relying on the Longinus' ability, he created unexpectedly demonic being that exceeded the strength! 少年的年纪不大,天落也早就看出他没有魔王级的实力,但是凭借着神灭具的能力,他竟然创造出了超越自身实力的魔物 Although does not know that has what price, but has saying that this is a very terrifying ability. 虽然不知道有何代价,但是不得不说这是个非常恐怖的能力。 The youngster can create a Demon King level now the monster, whatever if he grows, later perhaps he can also create ten and hundred and even more! 少年现在就可以创造出一头魔王级的怪物,如果任由他成长,以后说不定他还可以创造出十头、百头甚至更多! In the eye the cold glow flashes, Tenraku did not allow that so dangerous Tools that Destroy God - Longinus grasps in the enemy hand of own! 眼中寒芒一闪,天落绝不容许如此危险的神灭具掌握在自己的敌人手中! Blood-stained mouth big, in the demonic beast mouth condenses a huge light ball, then sī la to Tenraku spraying. 血口大张,魔兽口中凝聚出一颗巨大的光球,然后嘶啦一声向天落喷射而来。 Divide! divide!! divide!!!” “divide!divide!!divide!!!” The gloomily blue light wing launches, Tenraku mobilized the White Dragon Sovereign strength, will shoot at the attack of own to reduce unceasingly, then swallows. 幽蓝的光翼展开,天落发动了白龍皇的力量,将射向自己的攻击不断削减,然后吞噬一空。 Before flying shoots towards, then a Tenraku fist then rumbled on the body of demonic beast. 飞射向前,然后天落一拳便轰在了魔兽的身上。 Inflates suddenly/violently Chang unceasingly, as if the magma spurts the crack, then huge demonic beast hōng lóng exploded! 不断地膨胀暴长,仿佛岩浆喷裂,然后巨大的魔兽轰隆一声就爆炸了开来! Even if the monster of Demon King level, regarding present Tenraku is also a matter of fist, if the youngster can summon ten first hundred such demonic beast even Tenraku share that still only then escapes, but it is a pity that present he could not have achieved that degree. 哪怕是魔王级的怪物,对于现在的天落来说也不过是一拳的事情,如果少年能召唤出十头百头这样的魔兽即使天落也只有逃命的份,但遗憾的是现在的他还做不到那种程度。 But he did not have such opportunity! 而他也没有那样的机会了! To be continued...... 未完待续……
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