EPHSDXD :: Volume #3

#256: valkyrie of alcoholic intoxication

Chapter 0256 第0256章 valkyrie of alcoholic intoxication 醉酒的女武神 Already late in the morning, the Tenraku talent and Asia three females came out from the room. After has not used the breakfast anxiously busily, calls everyone. 都已经日上三竿了,天落才和爱莎三女从房间里出来。不急不忙地用过早餐后,又才将大家召集起来。 Today the destination is Tenryū-ji of Lanshan, set off.” “今天我们的目的地是岚山的天龍寺,出发吧。” Yes, club president-sama!” “是,部长大人!” Led the young girls to ride from the Kyoto stand the cable car that went to the Lanshan direction, Tenraku chose a middle position to sit down, the left was Asia, the right was Kiryuu Aika. 带着少女们从京都站乘上了前往岚山方向的电车,天落选了一个中间的位置坐下,左边是爱莎,右边则是桐生蓝华 Kiryuu that fellow also too held to club president-sama.” 桐生那家伙是不是也太粘着部长大人了。” Quite hateful, is also holding the hand of club president-sama unexpectedly, I am also good to sit in club president-sama side.” “好可恶,竟然还挽着部长大人的手,我也好想坐在部长大人的旁边。” Always felt that Kiryuu somewhat seemed to be different, is my misconception?” “总感觉桐生似乎有些不一样了,是我的错觉吗?” ...... …… Has not heard everyone to say you, gives me honestly.” “没听见大家都在说你吗,给我老实点。” Looks to sit by own some not law-abiding only ero-mouth girl, the Tenraku ill-humored said/tunnel. 看着坐在自己旁边一刻也不安分的某只工口女,天落没好气地道。 Snort, their is jealous.” “哼,她们那是忌妒。” Light snort/hum, a Kiryuu Aika face self-satisfied facial expression, but the next quarter looks at Tenraku miserable: 轻哼一声,桐生蓝华一脸得意的神情,不过下一刻又楚楚可怜地看着天落: Just used the complete human family/home to lose the interest for others, club president-sama is quite brutal.” “才刚刚使用完人家就对人家失去兴趣了吗,部长大人好无情。” The corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, Tenraku were also only convinced to this ero-mouth girl, closed one's eyes to be disinclined to respond simply, how she liked tossing about how tosses about. 嘴角抽了抽,天落对这只工口女也是服气了,索性闭上眼懒得搭理,她爱怎么折腾就怎么折腾吧。 Does not have the words, quick one group of then arrived at Lanshan, that maple leaf all over is too beautiful to behold , from afar as if entire mountain seems like the flame of combustion to be the same. 一路无话,很快一行人便来到了岚山脚下,那漫山遍野的枫叶美不胜收,远远看去仿佛整座山都像是燃烧的火焰一样。 Visits to play, before quick Tenraku and young girls then arrived at Tenryū-ji on mountain . 一路参观游玩,很快天落和少女们便来到了山上的天龍寺前。 Tenryū-ji, Ddraig, Albion, here and are you concerned?” 天龍寺,格莱格,阿萨比恩,难道这里与你们有关吗?” own within the body is also lodging two Heavenly Dragon, Tenraku somewhat asked curiously. 自己的体内还寄宿着两头天龍呢,天落有些好奇地问道。 Does not know, probably before and Albion has fought one here, not Qing dynasty.” “不知道,好像以前和阿尔比恩在这里打过一架,记不大清了。” We have fought the place is innumerable.” “我们战斗过的地方数不胜数。” Ddraig and Albion's sound resounds in the mind, Tenraku has not cared, he also asks casually. 格莱格阿尔比恩的声音在脑海中响起,天落也没怎么在意,他也就随便问问而已。 Is preparing to lead the young girls to enter in the temple to visit, what makes Tenraku accidental/surprised is, saw acquaintance in front of temple unexpectedly 正准备带着少女们进寺庙里参观,不过让天落意外的是,竟然在寺庙的门前看到了一位熟人 Kunou?” 九重?” When changed first meeting that miko attire, the lovable beast ear and tail also hid, the young girl seems to be waiting for anyone, after seeing Tenraku, eyes one bright, runs over immediately. 换上了初次见面时的那身巫女装,可爱的兽耳和尾巴也藏起来了,少女似乎在等着什么人,看到天落后双眼一亮,立马跑了过来。 Tenraku-sama.” 天落大人。” Kunou, what person do you wait for here?” 九重,你在这里等什么人吗?” I heard that Tenraku-sama you will come to here to visit today, therefore waits for Tenraku-sama specially here.” “我听说天落大人你们今天会来这里参观,所以特意在这里等天落大人。” „Do I, what matter have?” “等我,有什么事吗?” That, that Tenraku-sama complies to help me rescue Okaa-sama, but my anything has not actually returned Tenraku-sama, therefore...... therefore......” “那、那个,天落大人答应帮我救出母亲大人,而我却什么也没有回报天落大人,所以……所以……” „If not shut out makes me bring Tenraku-sama and everyone visits.” “如果不嫌弃的话就让我带天落大人和大家参观一下吧。” The cheek blushes, this is also Kunou can think that now can only repay the Tenraku's place, although this repayment as if also insignificant. 脸蛋儿发红,这也是九重现在唯一能想到可以报答一下天落的地方了,虽然这种报答似乎也微不足道。 Had Kunou help words that too to be good, asked you.” “有九重帮忙的话那就太好了,拜托你了。” Un, Tenraku-sama!” “嗯,天落大人!” Saw Tenraku to agree, the young girl also showed the happy smile. 天落同意了,少女也露出了开心的笑容。 Entire Kyoto is the territory of Kunou, the young girl was familiar with here each place, brings Tenraku and kendo club young girls visited all interesting places, then also led everyone to taste under neighbor the famous good food, these also wandered around the waiters to be luckier on the mountain compared with other classes. 整个京都都算是九重家的领地,少女对这里的每一个地方都非常熟悉,带着天落剑道部的少女们参观了所有有趣的地方,然后还带着大家品尝了下附近有名的美食,比起其他班上那些还在山上瞎转悠的伙计们可是幸运多了。 At noon, Tenraku and young girls prepare to dine in a foot tavern, Rossweisse and Azazel also lead the respective student here, but 中午,天落和少女们准备在山脚的一家酒馆里就餐,罗丝薇瑟阿萨谢尔也带着各自的学生在这里,只不过 Nest has not fallen! Lets loose the nest, lets loose the nest, the nest must drink!” “窝没坠!放开窝,放开窝,窝还要喝!” Rossweisse is scattering the drunk in the tavern, several young girls hug her not to make her fall the ground stubbornly, but one group of male students flow the saliva to pat in side unceasingly. 罗丝薇瑟在酒馆里撒着酒疯,几个少女死死地抱着她不让她摔到地上,而一群男生则流着口水不断地在旁边拍来拍去。 Azazel, did you make her drink?” 阿萨谢尔,你让她喝酒了?” You came finally, handles her a bit faster.” “你终于来了,快点把她搞定吧。” She only drank one cup to be drunk, then cannot stop completely.” “她只喝了一杯就醉了,然后就完全停不下来啊。” Rossweisse is that type that drinks the liquor to be drunk, moreover liquor does not dare to think highly, it is estimated that Azazel has not thought to be able like this. Is having a headache, saw Tenraku to come to see the liberator finally. 罗丝薇瑟是那种沾酒即醉的类型,而且酒品也不敢让人恭维,估计阿萨谢尔也没想到会这样吧。正头痛不已,见天落过来了总算看到了救星。 Let several young girls let loose, Tenraku held whole body liquor air/Qi Rossweisse. 让几个少女放开,天落抱起了满身酒气的罗丝薇瑟 You dine below, I first lead Teacher Rossweisse to rest.” “你们在下面就餐吧,我先带罗丝薇瑟老师去休息。” Said to the kendo club young girls, then Tenraku asked the service person to open a room, held Rossweisse then to walk toward the building. 剑道部的少女们说了一声,然后天落找服務员开了一间房间,抱着罗丝薇瑟便向楼上走去。 Aiya, my cell phone was bad!” “哎呀,我的手机坏了!” My is also!” “我的也是!” Hateful, is the alcoholic intoxication photo of Teacher Rossweisse, which bastard does?!!” “可恶,罗丝薇瑟老师的醉酒照啊,是哪个混蛋干的?!!” Downstairs resound wailing sound of a male students, but Tenraku held Rossweisse to arrive in the room in building. 楼下响起一片男生们的哀嚎声,而天落则是抱着罗丝薇瑟来到了楼上的房间里。 Nest must drink, the nest has not fallen! Nest from giving Odin that bad old man is the aide starts to drink to accompany his liquor.” “窝还要喝,窝没有坠!窝从给奥丁那个糟老头当侍从的时候就开始喝陪他酒了。” hai hai, haven't you fallen.” 嗨嗨,你没有坠没有坠。” Is roaring Rossweisse Tenraku while hugged in her bathroom, the whole body liquor air/Qi also moistened many dirty things, Tenraku untied the Rossweisse's clothes then to prepare to her washes the body. 一边哄着罗丝薇瑟天落一边将她抱进了yu室里,浑身酒气还沾了不少的脏东西,天落解开罗丝薇瑟的衣服便准备给她洗一洗身体。 You take off the nest clothes!” “你脱窝衣服!” One held Tenraku's both hands, Rossweisse was staring a pair of beautiful eye. 一下抓住了天落的双手,罗丝薇瑟瞪着一双美目。 How doesn't take off your clothes to take a bath to you? Do not be noisy, lets loose quickly.” “不脱你衣服怎么给你洗澡啊?别闹,快放开。” Calm incomparable, Tenraku returns said. 淡定无比,天落回道。 Also yes, you take off/escape.” “也是哦,那你脱吧。” The head is thinking, then Rossweisse let loose the hand. 偏着脑袋想了想,然后罗丝薇瑟就放开了手。 The corners of the mouth raise, Tenraku not polite, unties a Rossweisse's clothes each article, even the underwear and panties have not stayed behind. 嘴角微扬,天落也没有客气,将罗丝薇瑟的衣服一件件解开,连内衣和胖次都没有留下。 Has saying that surpasses to praise as the valkyrie Rossweisse stature. The flesh wins the snow, the curve is exquisite, whole body does not have an unnecessary fat, moreover that pair of slender jade leg is to make some Tenraku mouths do she to be dry. 不得不说,作为女武神罗丝薇瑟身材超赞。肌肤胜雪,曲线玲珑,全身上下都没有一丝多余的脂肪,而且那一双修长的玉腿更是让天落都有些口干she燥。 Endures below moving restlessly, Tenraku puts the full hot water to the bathing pool in patiently, then threw Rossweisse, is scouring the body with bristling to her. 忍耐着心下的躁动,天落给浴池里放满热水,然后将罗丝薇瑟扔了进去,拿起毛由给她擦洗着身体。 Is shutting the eyes, whatever Tenraku is acting on own, Rossweisse continues to scatter drunk 闭着双眼,任由着天落自己身上施为,罗丝薇瑟则是自顾自地继续撒着酒疯 Vomited...... a little to think.” “呕……有点想起来了。” Odin that stinky old man, the nest made so many effort to support him obviously, he also said some in the journey like the idiot ‚, little elder sister!’ Aiya, liquor!’ Aiya, breast!’ Anything's foolish talk, completely not nice child!” 奥丁那个臭老头,窝明明花了那么多力气支援他,他在旅途中还像个白痴一样说些‘哎呀,小姐姐!’‘哎呀,酒!’‘哎呀,ru房!’什么的蠢话,完全不像个样子!” Valhalla other military commanders said that I am the bad old man's maid, the nest takes a little wage also to consider the life of that old man, blames his ah! 瓦尔哈拉的其他武将都说我是糟老头的婢女啊,窝就拿那么一点薪水还要照顾那老头子的生活,都怪他啊! Is because this nest does not have the boyfriend, without boyfriend, without boyfriend ah!!!!!” “就是因为这个窝才没有男朋友,没有男朋友,没有男朋友啊!!!!!” wū wū wū wū wū......” 呜呜呜呜呜……” Was saying was saying Rossweisse cries on wāāā, the body also moves heedlessly unceasingly is inexpensive everywhere the water splash in bathing pool is. 说着说着罗丝薇瑟哇哇大哭起来,身体也不断乱动贱得浴池中的水花到处都是。 Does not have valkyrie of boyfriend also to really be laborious, Tenraku incomparably is sympathizing with Rossweisse. 没有男朋友的女武神还真是辛苦啊,天落无比地同情着罗丝薇瑟 Therefore, he decided that he must help Rossweisse! 所以,他决定了,他要帮一下罗丝薇瑟 Who said you do not have the boyfriend, amn't I your boyfriend?” “谁说你没有男朋友的啊,我不就是你的男朋友吗?” Caressed valkyrie that attractive cheeks, the Tenraku smiling said/tunnel. 抚了抚女武神那漂亮的脸颊,天落笑眯眯地道。 „Are you boyfriend in nest? The nest does not believe that you lie!” “你就是窝的男朋友?窝不信,你撒谎!” Holds Tenraku to look, then Rossweisse air/Qi the hū hū said/tunnel. 抱着天落瞧了瞧,然后罗丝薇瑟呼呼地道。 Why doesn't believe? I really am your boyfriend.” “为什么不信?我真的是你的男朋友啊。” The smile depends on for a long time, narrows the eyes, Tenraku is not believing him not to handle an alcoholic intoxication valkyrie. 笑容依久,眯着双眼,天落就不信他还搞不定一只醉酒的女武神 Doesn't believe that only if you showed that looks to the nest!” “不信不信,除非你证明给窝看!” Whips the pool of water unceasingly, Rossweisse was saying. 不断地拍打着池水,罗丝维瑟道。 You think how I did show?” “你想我怎么证明?” In the eye the unusual look flashes, Tenraku asked. 眼中异色一闪,天落问道。 Nest wants your own nest, otherwise you are not the nest boyfriend!” “窝要你亲窝,不然你就不是窝男朋友!” Grasped Tenraku again, Rossweisse said the request of own, but heard that sound Tenraku was happy: 再次抱住了天落,罗丝薇瑟说出了自己的要求,而闻声天落则是乐了: „, This ease in doing, you are waiting, I showed looks immediately to you.” “哦,这个好办,你等着,我马上就证明给你看。” Does not have any is worth radically hesitant, Tenraku picked up the Rossweisse's chin, then stopped up her powder lip. 根本就没有什么值得犹豫的,天落托起了罗丝薇瑟的下巴,然后便堵住了她的粉唇。 wū wū wū......” 呜呜呜……” The beautiful eye opens the eyes greatly, the Rossweisse instinct struggles, but all are only the futile efforts. 美目大睁,罗丝薇瑟本能地挣扎起来,但一切都只是徒劳。 When does not want to be many, valkyrie that the dim eyes were enchanted by gradually, not only no longer the resistance, instead also incomparably caters to greedily. 不要多时,女武神那本就朦胧的双眼渐渐迷醉,不但不再抗拒,反而还无比貪婪地迎合起来。 Also does not know how long, perished the fallen two talents to open to leave, is panting for breath in gulps, a silver silk thread also connects near each other corners of the mouth. 也不知过去了多久,沉沦堕落的两人才开离开来,大口大口地喘息着,一条银色的丝线还连接在彼此的嘴角边。 What kind of, Rossweisse, do you believe now? I am your boyfriend.” “怎么样,罗丝薇瑟,现在你相信了吧?我就是你的男朋友。” Scratched the corners of the mouth, Tenraku said with a smile. 擦了擦嘴角,天落笑道。 Un, the nest and nest believed that you are the boyfriend in nest.” “嗯,窝、窝相信了,你就是窝的男朋友。” wū wū wū...... the nest no longer did not have the history of boyfriend to be equal to the age finally valkyrja, wū wū wū......” 呜呜呜……窝终于不再是没有男朋友的历史等于年龄的瓦尔基里了,呜呜呜……” A face silly smile, then Rossweisse wū wū cries. 一脸傻傻的笑容,然后罗丝薇瑟呜呜大哭起来。 Because found the boyfriend to be moved sheds bitter tears, is really difficult valkyrie ah! 因为找到了男朋友就感动得痛哭流涕,真是何等艰辛的女武神啊! Although Tenraku felt that the own behavior is shameless, but anything does not seem good. 虽然天落感觉自己的行为蛮无耻的,不过似乎也什么不好。 Also takes in own harem Rossweisse, this was Tenraku has decided that such beautiful, outstanding and lovable valkyrie, if also gave others that is the matter that the fool did. 罗丝薇瑟也收进自己后宫,这是天落早就已经决定好的,这么一位美丽、优秀而又可爱的女武神,如果还让给别人那才是傻子干的事情吧。 With the transaction of Mr. Odin, arranging Rossweisse becomes Rias' peerage, although is plan capturing/raiding step by step and enjoys joyfulness, but pays in advance a little benefits occasionally as if also good. 奥丁老头儿的交易,安排罗丝薇瑟成为莉雅丝的眷属,虽然是打算一步步的攻略并享受其中的愉悦,但偶尔这么预支一点儿福利似乎也不错啊。 Clever, lies, making me scour behind for you.” “乖,趴过来,让我为你擦洗后面。” Hi......” “嗨……” Accepting Tenraku is the setting of own boyfriend, Rossweisse becomes unusual while was skillful, no matter lets make anything to make anything, the matter that can complete quickly made two people drag the most talent to come out from bathroom actually, god knows they did anything in inside! 接受了天落就是自己男朋友的设定,罗丝薇瑟就变得非常的乘巧了,不管让做什么就做什么,原本很快就能做完的事情硬是让两人拖了大半天才从yu室里出来,天知道他们又在里面干了些什么! Puts the chuang top head good quilt fallen asleep Rossweisse, in that plays musical instruments on the cheek that may break pecked Tenraku to leave the room. Under heart joyful, snort/hum song, when Tenraku arrives at downstairs actually discovers 将已经睡着的罗丝薇瑟放到chuang上盖好被子,在那吹弹可破的脸蛋儿上啄了一下天落才离开了房间。心下愉悦,哼着小曲,不过当天落走到楼下时却发现 Everyone disappears! 所有人都不见了! To be continued...... 未完待续……
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