EPHSDXD :: Volume #3

#255: Please also treat as the tool me

Chapter 0255 第0255章 Please also treat as the tool me 请将我也当作工具吧 Although Tenraku complied to help Kunou save her mother, but this matter for a while, where the enemy has not known eagerly after all. 虽然天落答应了会帮九重救她的母亲,但这件事情也不急于一时,毕竟敌人在哪里都还不知道。 According to the view of Azazel, Yasaka miss should not have the danger temporarily, moreover in Kyoto. 按照阿萨谢尔的说法,八坂小姐应该暂时没有生命危险,而且也还就在京都之中。 As since the ancient times then the control Kyoto big yōkai, nine-tailed fox flowing various air/Qi on this land compiles to maintain balanced existence, if nine-tailed fox left this lands or is killed, entire Kyoto will have the mutation. 作为自古以来便统御着京都的大妖怪,九尾狐是把流淌在这块土地上的各种气汇总起来保持平衡的存在,如果九尾狐离开这片土地或者被杀了的话,整个京都会发生异变。 But the phenomenon that Kyoto now and has no happened, in other words Princess Yasaka was still in good health, kidnaps her these person possibilities here also is very high. 京都现在并没有任何的异象发生,也就是说八坂公主仍然健在,绑架她的那些人还在这里的可能性也很高。 The people discussed turns, finally decided will first seek for the trail of enemy by a yōkai side, devil and fallen angel will also send some people to help. Serafall will also stay here for these days, but before discovering the trail of enemy Tenraku they keeps standby , to continue the travel activities of school. 众人商议了一翻,最终决定由妖怪一方先寻找敌人的踪迹,恶魔堕天使也会派一些人帮忙。赛拉芙露这几天也会留在这边,而在找出敌人的踪迹之前天落他们则保持待机,继续学校的旅行活动。 In stayed in for a long time, when the group return to Human World, outside weather has gotten dark. 在里之都里呆了许久,当一行人回到人间界时,外面的天色都已经黑了下来。 Ok, everyone first goes back to rest today, the yōkai matter does not need you to manage, tomorrow we will continue the activity.” “好了,今天大家都先回去休息,妖怪的事情不需要你们管,明天我们继续活动。” Patted clapping, Tenraku was saying to the kendo club young girls. 拍了拍手,天落对着剑道部的少女们道。 Yes, club president-sama!” “是,部长大人!” Regarding young girls, but today a day of super stimulation, whole evening will be it is estimated that excited cannot sleep. 对于少女们来说,今天可是超级刺激的一天,估计整晚都会兴奋得睡不着觉吧。 After the young girls separate, Tenraku with Asia and Raynare returned to the hotel top layer in their own room. 和少女们分开后,天落则是与爱莎雷娜蕾回到了旅馆顶层他们自己的房间里。 Flushed under the body, Tenraku lay down on the bed to open the communication and Rias and Akeno they chatted the little while day. When does not want to be many, Asia and Raynare also changed the clothes to walk. 冲洗了下身体,天落躺到床上打开通讯与莉雅丝朱乃她们聊了会儿天。不要多时,爱莎雷娜蕾也换上衣服走了出来。 A Raynare extremely h queen attire, to try to please her master evil fallen angel will play these patterns each time, what makes Tenraku accidental/surprised is, unexpectedly even Asia is also! 雷娜蕾一身极其h的女王装,为了取悦她的主人这个邪恶的堕天使每次都会玩这些花样,不过让天落意外的是,竟然连爱莎也是! Ten-Tenraku-san, do not look.” 天、天落桑,不要看。” Extremely shy, cheek blood red Asia is covering the body of own, does not need to ask that also knows is Raynare instigates the young girl to wear this type of clothes, pure Asia own will not make this matter. 极度的羞涩,脸蛋儿血红的爱莎捂着自己的身体,不用问也知道是雷娜蕾怂恿少女穿上这种衣服的,纯洁的爱莎自己根本就不会做出这种事情。 At home when is this, Akeno they make fun of Asia to make her wear these extremely h clothes frequently, although the young girl did not agree from the beginning, but so long as each time pair of she said that Tenraku will like Asia still forcing own even again shyly, she is such a pure young girl. 在家里时就是这样,朱乃她们经常就捉弄爱莎让她穿上那些极度h的衣服,虽然一开始少女怎么也不同意,但每次只要一对她说天落会喜欢爱莎就算再羞涩也会强迫自己,她就是这样一个单纯的少女。 Same dressing up, Raynare will tempt frantic vent of Tenraku on her. 同样的装扮,雷娜蕾会引誘天落在她身上疯狂的发泄。 But Asia, then wants to tarnish her ruthlessly! 爱莎,则是想将她狠狠的玷污! Comes.” “都过来。” Is low and deep the sound, the Tenraku order was saying. 低沉着声音,天落命令道。 Smiles evilly, Raynare thrust in Asia the Tenraku's bosom, then added lip own also to be involved. 邪恶一笑,雷娜蕾爱莎推入了天落的怀中,然后添了添嘴唇自己也加入了其中。 Indulges fallen, when does not want to be many in the room then resounded young girls that lost self- tall Yinsheng...... 放纵堕落,不要多时房间中便响起了少女们那迷失自我的高吟声…… ...... …… w-worthy of club president-sama!” 不、不愧是部长大人!” This is the Yuuma senior sound, oh oh, this time is Asia-chan!” “这是夕麻前辈的声音,哦哦,这次是爱莎酱!” The complexion blood flushes, Kiryuu Aika lies in the entrance is panting for breath unceasingly, the whole person is excited is hard from already. 脸色潮紅,桐生蓝华趴在门口不断地喘息着,整个人都兴奋得难以自已。 Besides Kiryuu Aika, Murayama and Katase unexpectedly also, two females, although like that is not exaggerating like Kiryuu, but actually also blushes the whole person collapse to collapse to the ground bashfully on. 除了桐生蓝华外,村山片濑竟然也在,两女虽然不像桐生那般夸张,但却也是羞赧至极整个人都虚脱般地瘫坐在地上。 It is not good, felt ashamed, blamed Kiryuu to draw them. 不行了,太羞人了,都怪桐生把她们拉了过来。 Good wants to leave, but...... but...... 好想离开,但是……但是…… Also good to listen! 又好想听下去! How long also has not known and gone, with Raynare one chilly fierce the pitiful yell sound, in the room was finally peaceful. 也不知道又去过了多久,随着雷娜蕾一声“凄烈”的惨叫声,房间里面终于才安静了下来。 Tied and finished?” “结、结束了吗?” The young girl who three listen to the patten on the ground, had looked at each other one weak, can see in that thick bashfulness to the square features blushes and shocks. 三个听墙脚的少女早已瘫软在地上,对视了一眼,都能看到对方脸上那浓浓的羞赧和震惊。 This is several hours...... 这可是好几个小时啊…… Their club president-sama also too savage, Yuuma senior and can Asia-chan already break?! 她们的部长大人也太“凶残”了,夕麻前辈爱莎酱会不会都已经坏掉了?! However, at this moment 不过,就在这时 kā chā, the gate of room was opened, then Tenraku appeared in three young girls at present. 咔嚓一声,房间的门被打开了,然后天落出现在了三个少女的眼前。 c-club president-sama, we...... we......” 部、部长大人,我们……我们……” Let alone Murayama and Katase, Kiryuu Aika also worked as the machine directly. 别说村山片濑,就连桐生蓝华也直接当机了。 They were discovered! 她们被发现了! Your three do, hear interesting outside?” “你们三个,在外面听得有趣吗?” Looks at three young girls, the Tenraku smile may arrest asks. 看着三个少女,天落笑容可拘地问道。 Shakes the head unceasingly, nods unceasingly, young girls own that was unable to ponder does not know that they are shaking the head or nodding. 不断地摇头,又不断地点头,已经无法思考的少女们自己都不知道她们是在摇头还是在点头了。 Murayama, Katase, goes back to rest earlier, tomorrow we must continue the activity.” 村山,片濑,早点儿回去休息,明天我们还要继续活动。” Caressed the foreheads of two young girls, Tenraku said. 抚了抚两个少女的额头,天落道。 Yes, club president-sama!” “是,部长大人!” Two young girls are almost the instinct return said. 两个少女几乎是本能地回道。 Let loose two females, Tenraku fell Kiryuu Aika the vision 放开了两女,天落又将目光落到了桐生蓝华的身上 As for Kiryuu......” “至于桐生……” The corners of the mouth floated off a callous smile, Tenraku have not said anything, grasped the young girl to draw the own room directly, then bang closes. 嘴角浮起一丝冷酷的笑容,天落也没有多说什么,直接抓起少女拖进了自己的房间,然后砰的一声关上了门。 As if the whole world was peaceful, Murayama and Katase can only hear own that plop plop the heartbeat. 仿佛整个世界都安静下来了,村山片濑只能听到自己那扑通扑通的心跳声。 Blushes like the blood, swallows the saliva, crossed two young girls to respond good long while. 脸红如血,咽了咽口水,过了好半天两个少女才反应过来。 Kiryuu was grasped!!! 桐生被抓进去了!!! M-Murayama, what to do should we?” 村、村山,我们该怎么办?” Returns and goes back, order of club president-sama.” “回、回去吧,部长大人的命令。” Un......” “嗯……” Two young girls have not mentioned Kiryuu tacitly, as if already selective forgot her was the same. 两个少女默契地没有提及桐生,仿佛已经选择性的将她遗忘了一样。 Each other supported by the arm to stand, then Murayama and Katase repeat repeat hit hitting the ground to leave, but has not walked in the far room resounded the young girl immediately pitiful yell sound. 彼此搀扶着站了起来,然后村山片濑迭迭撞撞地离开,不过还没有走多远房间里面顿时又响起了少女的“惨叫”声。 This time, is Kiryuu! 这一次,是桐生的! ...... …… Next day, in the morning 次日,清晨 ohayo.” 哦哈哟。” Is greeting, has washed the clothing good young girls to walk from the respective room. 打着招呼,已经洗漱穿戴好的少女们从各自的房间里走了出来。 Murayama, Katase, hadn't you had a good sleep last night?” 村山,片濑,你们昨晚没睡好吗?” Sees Murayama and Katase is going against a dark pouche face tired appearance, some young girls asked. 村山片濑顶着黑眼圈一脸困乏的样子,有少女问道。 Un, is a little......” “嗯,是、是有一点……” Nods, two female return afraid said. 点了点头,两女心虚地回道。 They not only without having a good sleep, last night absolutely would have no to rest! 她们岂止是没睡好啊,昨晚根本就没有睡! Hee hee, followed club president-sama to see so many yōkai yesterday, we are also for a long time excited fall asleep. Kiryuu, isn't Kiryuu and your room?” “嘻嘻,昨天可是跟着部长大人见到了那么多的妖怪,我们也是兴奋得好久才睡着。桐生呢,桐生不是和你们一个房间吗?” Kir-Kiryuu said that she also wants to rest a while again.” 桐、桐生说她还想再睡一会儿。” This, we first have the breakfast, no matter fellow.” “这样啊,那我们先去吃早餐吧,不管那家伙了。” Un, you first go.” “嗯,你们先去吧。” Concealed Kiryuu not in the fact of room, sees everyone not to closely examine, Murayama and Katase long relax. 隐瞒了桐生并不在房间的事实,见大家没有追问,村山片濑才长长地松了口气。 Each other looks at each other one, Murayama and Katase can see in the bashfulness to square features to blush. How also did not know Kiryuu, but was definitely given mistreatment by club president-sama last night! 彼此对视一眼,村山片濑都能看到对方脸上的羞赧。也不知道桐生怎么样了,但昨晚肯定被部长大人给“欺负”了吧! In two young girls indulge in flights of fancy shyly, the top layer of hotel, Room Tenraku's 就在两个少女羞涩地胡思乱想时,旅馆的顶层,天落的 Reverent holy, Asia is making the early morning to pray to the own lord as always, but nearby Raynare also is the own master attracts as is always biting. 虔诚圣洁,爱莎一如继往地在向自己的主做着晨祷,而旁边的雷娜蕾也一如继往地在为自己的主人吸咬着。 However, besides Raynare, this time also added on Kiryuu Aika. 不过,除了雷娜蕾外,这次还加上了桐生蓝华 For a long time later, two seductively attractive girls sat up the body finally, but also wished to continue added the lip. 许久之后,两个妖女终于坐起了身来,还意犹未尽地添了添嘴唇。 Hee hee, club president-sama, do I do well?” “嘻嘻嘻,部长大人,我做得还不错吧?” Put on the own eyeglasses, Kiryuu Aika hee hee said with a smile. 戴上了自己的眼镜,桐生蓝华嘻嘻笑道。 Un, good.” “嗯,不错。” The corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, Tenraku were commenting truthfully. 嘴角抽了抽,天落还是如实地评论着。 Although Tenraku also knows that this ero-mouth girl is not the same as the ordinary female student, but did this adapt is too was also quick a point?! 虽然天落也知道这个工口女与普通的女生不大一样,但她这适应得是不是也太快了一点?! „The Yuuma senior real name is to call Raynare, what is relates with club president-sama? The true colors under that natural lovable camouflage also are really astonishing, later please assist me in any way you can!” 夕麻前辈的真名是叫雷娜蕾吧,与部长大人到底是什么关系啊?在那大方可爱的伪装之下的真面目还真是让人吃惊呢,以后就请多多关照咯!” The eyes shining size up Raynare, Kiryuu Aika were saying. 双眼发亮地打量着雷娜蕾,桐生蓝华道。 After last night and matter, they no longer are the later generation and senior in school, but is true companion! 经过昨晚和刚才的事情,她们已经不再是学校里的后辈与前辈,而是真正的“同伴”了呢! I just am the tool of master, welcome your joining.” “我只不过是主人的工具而已,欢迎你的加入。” Welcome joining of Kiryuu Aika, Raynare smilingly to reply. 欢迎着桐生蓝华的加入,雷娜蕾笑眯眯地回答着。 Although does not want to acknowledge, but this woman has does not lose in their fallen angel's evil potential, Raynare pasted on the label of danger to Kiryuu Aika secretly. 虽然不想承认,但是这个女人有着不输于她们堕天使的邪恶潜质,雷娜蕾暗暗地给桐生蓝华贴上了危险的标签。 Labor and tool?!!” “工、工具?!!” club president-sama, do you also like playing this affective tone?!” 部长大人,你还喜欢玩这种情调吗?!” After hearing the Raynare's reply, Kiryuu Aika looked inconceivable to Tenraku. 听到雷娜蕾的回答后,桐生蓝华不可思议地看向了天落 Tool is a tool, how, do you also want to try?” “工具就是工具,怎么,你也想试一下?” The corners of the mouth raise, Tenraku picked up the chin of young girl. 嘴角微扬,天落托起了少女的下巴。 Hey...... hey hey......” “嘿……嘿嘿……” club president-sama, later please also treat as the tool to use me heartily!” 部长大人,以后请将我也当作工具尽情地使用吧!” Breathing heavily, in the Kiryuu Aika eye full is excited, as if had any strange thing to regain consciousness a moment ago. 喘着粗气,桐生蓝华眼中满是兴奋,似乎有什么奇怪的东西在刚才苏醒了。 Since you want, later will satisfy your!” “既然你想要的话,以后会满足你的!” The corners of the mouth could not bear pull out pulling out again, Tenraku returned ill-humoredly said. 嘴角忍不住再次抽了抽,天落没好气地回道。 Since this only ero-mouth girl requested on own initiative that later own satisfies her well! 既然这只工口女主动请求,那以后自己就好好的满足她吧! That, club president-sama, is Asia-chan also your tool?” “那个,部长大人,难道爱莎酱也是你的工具吗?” Also looked to nearby Asia, Kiryuu Aika asked. 又看向了旁边的爱莎,桐生蓝华问道。 „It is not, Asia is my devotee, but I am her Sir Gods.” “不是,爱莎是我的信仰者,而我则是她的神明大人。” Tenraku shakes the head to say. 天落摇了摇头回道。 Asia-chan's god and Sir Gods!” 爱莎酱的神、神明大人!” zui close to big, this Kiryuu Aika was even frightened time, is Asia-chan belief Sir Gods unexpectedly their club president-sama?! zui巴大张,这一次连桐生蓝华都被吓到了,爱莎酱信仰神明大人竟然就是她们的部长大人?! No wonder Asia-chan was praying to club president-sama, she also thinks...... she also thinks...... 难怪爱莎酱在对着部长大人祈祷,她还以为……她还以为…… Only felt that the whole body is seething with excitement, is the tool is devotee anything. 只感觉全身都在沸腾,又是工具又是信仰者什么的。 Too evil, her club president-sama was really evil! 太邪恶了,她的部长大人真是太邪恶了! However, was she even more why excited?!! 但是,为什么她却是愈加的兴奋起来了啊?!! To be continued...... 未完待续……
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