EPHSDXD :: Volume #3

#254: Kidnapped nine-tailed fox

Chapter 0254 第0254章 Kidnapped nine-tailed fox 被绑架的九尾狐 In the morning, Tenraku had the yawn to open the eye. 清晨,天落打了打哈欠睁开了眼来。 Asia and Raynare one step had first waked up, Asia is kneeling to sit in side makes the early morning to pray, as for Raynare 爱莎雷娜蕾都已经先一步醒来了,爱莎正跪坐在旁边做着晨祷,至于雷娜蕾 Un, is lying under makes the early morning to nip for her master...... 嗯,正趴在下面为她的主人做着晨咬…… Side is pure saintess, side is evil demoness, how although this style saw that somewhat is strange, but Tenraku has become accustomed. 一边是纯洁的圣女,一边是邪恶的魔女,虽然这画风怎么看都有些奇怪,不过天落已经习以为常了。 How can I say, the feeling is good...... 怎么说呢,感觉还蛮不错…… Rubbed gently for quite a while, when Tenraku and Asia and Raynare go out of the room, Kiryuu Aika they have waited for a long time. 磨蹭了半天,当天落爱莎雷娜蕾走出房间时,桐生蓝华她们都已经等候许久了。 kendo club does not need to move with other classes and grades, therefore Tenraku does not worry, after bringing the young girls are having the breakfast, together to start their activities swayingly. 剑道部不需要和其他的班级一起活动,所以天落也不着急,带着少女们一起吃罢早餐后才晃晃悠悠地开始他们的活动。 The arrangement according to school, they need to visit Kiyomizu-dera, Yinge Temple and Jinge Temple today, is some famous temples, Tenraku also has the young girls one by one visit. 按照学校的安排,今天他们需要参观清水寺、银阁寺和金阁寺,都是些有名的寺庙,天落也带着少女们一一参观。 Here has a look there racket racket, is very the way lively . Moreover the young girls who frequently train do not need to look like others to visit a place to rest like that big a while, almost one morning time Tenraku and young girls then tour place ~ going all over. 这里看看那里拍拍,一路上好不热闹,而且经常训练的少女们也不需要像其他人那般参观一个地方就要休息好大一阵子,差不多一个上午的时间天落和少女们便把游览的地方~给走遍了。 club president-sama,- also had yōkai to appear!” 部长大人,-又有妖怪出现了!” Is just thinking where the next stand should go, the sudden kendo club young girl runs over anxiously. 正想着下一站该去什么地方,突然一名剑道部的少女紧张地跑了过来。 The surrounding pedestrian falling to the ground lethargic sleep in the past, Tenraku naturally also discovered the yōkai trace, when sees after Rossweisse that yōkai walks together, Tenraku then knows that this time should not have what trouble again. 周围的行人纷纷倒地昏睡了过去,天落自然也发现了妖怪的踪影,不过当看见和一名妖怪一起走过来的罗丝薇瑟后,天落便知道这次应该不会再有什么麻烦了。 Make the young girl tense, Tenraku was saying to Rossweisse: 让少女无需紧张,天落则是对着罗丝薇瑟道: Rossweisse, has matter been solved?” 罗丝薇瑟,事情已经解决了吗?” Un, That side negotiation misunderstanding has untied through Sir Serafall, yesterday attacked your monster fox princess to add that wants to apologize to you.” “嗯,通过赛拉芙露大人那边的交涉误会已经解开了,昨天袭击你们的妖狐公主还说想给你们道歉。” Sir Serafall and Teacher Azazel had waited in that side, I am greet your.” 赛拉芙露大人和阿萨谢尔老师已经在那边等候了,我是过来迎接你们的。” Rossweisse nods, together then appears grew the beautiful female of fox ear also to open the mouth 罗丝薇瑟点了点头,然后一同出现的长着狐狸耳朵的美丽女性也开口了 I serve Ruler of Nine Tails kitsune, yesterday's matter was really was extremely sorry. Because our princess-sama said wants to apology, therefore please come one with us.” “我是侍奉九尾之君狐妖,昨天的事真是非常抱歉。因为我们的公主大人说想向各位道歉,所以请跟我们来一趟吧。” Where goes, your yōkai supreme headquarters?” “去哪里,你们妖怪的大本营?” Tenraku asked. 天落问道。 In that yes, our Kyoto yōkai occupies, Your Highness Demon King and Sir fallen angel's governor general have also waited in that side.” “是的,我们京都妖怪所居住的里之都,魔王殿下和堕天使的总督大人也已经在那边等候了。” Has known the Tenraku's status, the kitsune female returns respectfully said. 已经知道了天落的身份,狐妖女性恭敬地回道。 Tenraku also had an interest in that anything li (0.5 km), but must bring his these club members to go hesitant together, after all inside all was yōkai possibly these young girls scaring, when comes back to see young girls that exciting curious appearances, Tenraku knew him to want. 天落对那什么里之都也产生了一丝兴趣,不过犹豫要不要带着他的这些部员们一起去,毕竟里面全是妖怪可能会把这些少女给吓坏了,不过当回过头来看到少女们一个个那兴奋好奇的样子时,天落才知道他想多了。 Good, guides.” “好,带路吧。” Yes, everyone please come along with me.” “是,各位请随我来。” Under the kitsune female leadership, Tenraku and young girls went through gate of the barrier, steps into Kyoto yōkai occupied the capital in. 狐妖女性的带领之下,天落和少女们穿过了一道结界之门,踏入了京都妖怪所居住的里之都。 The murky sky, the ancient construction, streets interlock vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, making one as if return to the remote Edo period. 昏沉的天空,古老的建筑,一条条街道交错纵横,让人仿佛回到了遥远的江户时代。 Big face yōkai of one-eyed, the head is going against the river child of tray, stands the leopard cat of walk...... in the streets and two sides constructions is being some grotesque evil spirits, causes the young girls to call out in alarm again and again. 独眼的大脸妖怪,头上顶着盘子的河童,站着行走的狸子……街道和两边的建筑里全都是些奇形怪状的妖物,引得少女们惊呼连连。 Aiya!” “哎呀!” Kiryuu Aika that looks around everywhere stepped on a stone, then a stone pitiful yell jumped, Kiryuu Aika having a scare. 四处张望的桐生蓝华踩到了一块石头,然后石头一声惨叫蹦了起来,把桐生蓝华给吓了一跳。 Stone and stone are strange!” “石、石头怪!” Looks that grows the eye and nose even also to have the stone of mouth, the Kiryuu Aika surprised say/way, but nearby Murayama and Katase females also encircled curiously. 看着长出眼睛、鼻子甚至还有嘴巴的石头,桐生蓝华惊讶道,而旁边的村山片濑众女也好奇地围了过来。 Human, you stepped on injure me!” “人类,你踩伤了我!” Be angry is staring Kiryuu Aika, the stone strange say/way. 生气地瞪着桐生蓝华,石头怪道。 You are not yōkai, stepped on injured?” “你不是妖怪吗,这么踩一下就受伤了?” I said that was injured was injured, you must compensate me!” “我说受伤了就是受伤了,你要赔偿我!” Looks that so must look for the stone of own compensation to be strange arbitrarily unexpectedly, Kiryuu Aika cannot help but happy 看着如此蛮横竟然还要找自己赔偿的石头怪,桐生蓝华不由得乐了 How do you want to compensate?” “那你要怎么赔偿啊?” Gives me your panties, I want panties!” “把你的胖次给我,我要胖次!” Fat, panties, do you want my panties to do?” “胖、胖次,你要我的胖次干什么?” Holds down the own skirt, Kiryuu Aika as well as other young girls is a face astonished look, now will link yōkai to play the hooligan inadequately? 按住自己的裙子,桐生蓝华以及其他的少女们都是一脸惊愕的神色,现在连妖怪都会耍流氓了不成? I must eat it!” “我要把它吃掉!” You are her partner, must eat to me panties, otherwise I do not forgive you!” “你们都是她的同伙,全都要把胖次给我吃掉,不然我就不原谅你们!” Stomps on the ground, stone yōkai rampantly loud say/way. 在地上蹦来蹦去,石头妖怪嚣张地大声道。 Good, this is not a hooligan, but is perverted! 好吧,这不是个流氓,而是个变态 Go away, your perverted yōkai!” “滚,你这个变态妖怪!” The complexion becomes dark, a Kiryuu Aika foot blamed trampling to fly the stone. 脸色发黑,桐生蓝华一脚就将石头怪给踹飞了出去。 Even your great-aunt's small advantage dares to occupy, really does not want to live! 连你姑奶奶的便宜都敢占,真是不想活了! Sir Red Dragon Emperor, these yōkai likes practical joke, please do not mind.” 赤龍帝大人,这些妖怪都喜欢恶作剧,请不要介意。” Is slightly awkward, the kitsune female of taking the lead said to Tenraku. 略显尴尬,走在前面的狐妖女性对天落道。 Doesn't matter, is some interesting little fellows......” “没关系,都是些有趣的小家伙……” Tenraku does not care smiles, but when the kitsune female leadership, did not want were many one group of then to arrive at a very spacious and ancient house. 天落不在意地笑了笑,而在狐妖女性的带领下,不要多时一行人便来到了一所非常宽大而又古老的住宅。 Yo, you came.” “哟,你们来了啊。” „, Everyone.” “呀呵,大家。” In the dignified and broad main hall, sits Azazel and Serafall on guest seat is greeting with everyone, Yura Tsubasa, Meguri Tomoe, Kusaka Reya and Hanakai Momo several females also wait on to sit in the one side. 庄严而又宽阔的大殿里,坐在客位上的阿萨谢尔赛拉芙露与大家打着招呼,由良翼纱巡巴柄草下怜耶花戒桃几女也侍坐在一旁。 On main hall seat of honor, was yesterday makes one attack that monster fox young girl of Tenraku and young girls, but the young girl has not worn that miko attire today, but changed the Warring States period style princess kimono, a noble and shocking feeling. 在大殿上方的主座上,则是昨天让人袭击天落和少女们的那名妖狸少女,不过少女今天没有穿着那身巫女装,而是换上了战国时代风格的公主和服,给人一种高贵而又惊艳的感觉。 princess-sama, I already led Sir Red Dragon Emperor and others.” 公主大人,我已经将赤龍帝大人和其他人都带过来了。” To above Your Highness princess good saluting, kitsune female character. 对着上方的公主殿下行了行礼,狐妖女性道。 good work, you first drew back.” “辛苦了,你先退下吧。” Nods, the young girl returns said. 点了点头,少女回道。 Yes.” “是。” Bang changed to one group of fox-fires, then the kitsune female then disappeared. 砰地化作了一团狐火,然后狐妖女性便消失了。 Under the gaze of people, before the fox young girl on seat of honor walks stood the Tenraku's body, 在众人的注视之下,主座上的狐狸少女走了下来站到天落的身前 Hello, Sir Red Dragon Emperor, I lives in the table and in Kyoto yōkai the manager Yasaka's daughter, named Kunou.” “你好,赤龍帝大人,我是住在表和里京都妖怪们的管理者八坂的女儿,名叫九重。” Yesterday's matter was extremely sorry, without clarifying attacked you, please forgive me.” “昨天的事非常抱歉,没有弄清楚就袭击了你们,请原谅我吧。” Deeply lowers the head, the voice of young girl is very sincere, but Tenraku actually not direct reaction, but looked to own behind young girls: 深深地低下了头,少女的声音无比诚恳,不过天落却并没有直接回答,而是看向了自己身后的少女们: Your Highness princess had apologized, your replies?” 公主殿下已经道歉了,你们的回答呢?” That also with saying, naturally forgave, this is super lovable princess-sama ah! “那还用说吗,当然是原谅了,这可是超级可爱的公主大人啊! Un un, true princess-sama, my first seeing.” “嗯嗯,真正的公主大人,我还是第一次看到。” Talked, in the young girls eyes is flashing the star, obviously this was also the crowd with the fellow who Tenraku same judged people solely on appearance. 你一言我一语,少女们双眼中闪着星星,显然这也是群和天落一样以貌取人的家伙。 Heard, Your Highness princess, we have forgiven you, therefore yesterday's matter does not need to care.” “听到了吧,公主殿下,我们已经原谅了你,所以昨天的事也无需在意了。” Returns to be excessive, Tenraku said with a smile. 回过了头来,天落笑道。 Thank you...... thank you......” “谢谢你们……谢谢你们……” A face affected look, the young girl also relaxes. 一脸感动的神色,少女也松了口气。 However thought of anything, on the young girl face dyed one to blush, seemed somewhat coy: 不过想到了什么,少女脸上又染起了一层红晕,似乎有些扭捏: That, that Sir Red Dragon Emperor called me Kunou to be good, did not need also to call my Your Highness princess.” “那、那个,赤龍帝大人叫我九重就好了,不用也叫我公主殿下。” I called you Kunou to be good, you did not need to call my Sir Red Dragon Emperor again. I called Tenraku, Kamiya Tenraku.” “那我就叫你九重好了,你也不用再叫我赤龍帝大人。我叫天落,神夜天落。” „...... Is, Tenraku-sama!” “啊……是,天落大人!” „......” “……” Each other was familiar turned, Kunou also invited Tenraku and young girls takes a seat, then on attractive Fox Immortal maidservant hold the sumptuous mouth may food is receiving cordially the people. 彼此熟悉了一翻,九重也邀请天落和少女们入座,然后一个个漂亮的狐仙侍女盛上了丰盛口可的食物款待着众人。 Kunou, your here exactly what happened, your was Okaa-sama kidnapped?” 九重,你们这里到底发生什么事情了,你的母亲大人被人劫持了吗?” Also tasted several ingredients, then Tenraku asked. 也品尝了几口料理,然后天落问道。 Matter is such......” “事情是这样的……” On the face floats off sad, then Kunou also tells the beginning to end of matter. 脸上浮起一丝难过,然后九重也将事情的始末娓娓道来。 Originally Kunou's mother Yasaka is running the Kyoto yōkai present age chieftain, the envoy who because couple days ago must come with Mount Meru dispatch discussed to leave main residence, but Yasaka miss actually goes no longer not to appear to the present, when they found the peer went actually to process being on the verge of death condition Karasu-Tengu know that Yasaka miss was kidnapped. 原来九重的母亲八坂正是掌管着京都妖怪的当代头目,前几天因为要与须弥山派谴来的使者会谈离开了本宅,但是八坂小姐却一去不复还到现在也没有出现,而当他们找到同行前往却处理濒死状态的鸦天狗时才知道八坂小姐被人绑架了。 Yasaka miss is nine-tailed fox of present age, the Kyoto yōkai leader, can kidnap her person should not be many?” 八坂小姐是当代的九尾狐,京都妖怪的首领,能够绑架她的人应该也不多吧?” The brow slightly wrinkle, Tenraku looked to one side Azazel. 眉头微皱,天落看向了一边的阿萨谢尔 hey hey...... looked like your boy to guess correctly. Good, good deed that Khaos Brigade these fellows do.” 嘿嘿……看来你小子已经猜到了。不错,正是祸之团那些家伙干的好事。” Good wine, Azazel said. 品了一口美酒,阿萨谢尔道。 These hateful fellows, perform to others make trouble well, not to let me catch, otherwise makes them have a look at fierce of Magical Girl Levia-tan!” “那些可恶的家伙,尽给人家制造麻烦,最好别让我抓到,不然就让他们看看魔法少女利维碳的厉害!” Is grasping the powder fist, Serafall is also air/Qi the hū hū said/tunnel. 握着粉拳,赛拉芙露亦是气呼呼地道。 Because Khaos Brigade's these fellows in the entire world manufacture terror attack, the Serafall's work also usually were more than recently on several times, thus makes this Demon King-sama also quite angry. 因为最近祸之团的那些家伙在全世界制造恐怖袭击,赛拉芙露的工作也比平时多上了好几倍,从而让这位魔王大人也相当的恼怒。 Tenraku-sama, please lend me your strength, helping me rescue Okaa-sama.” 天落大人,请把你的力量借给我,帮我救出母亲大人。” I have also heard the Tenraku-sama matter, if Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Sovereign strength, certainly can defeat these unprincipled people to rescue Okaa-sama.” “我也听说过天落大人的事情,如果是赤龍帝白龍皇的力量的话,一定可以打败那些坏人救出母亲大人的。” Regardless of Tenraku-sama makes me pay what price, please help me!” “无论天落大人让我付出什么代价都可以,请帮帮我!” Before arriving at the Tenraku's body again, Kunou has tears streaming down the face is entreating, even ignored the own status to worship on bended knees the ground. 再次来到了天落的身前,九重泪流满面地哀求着,甚至不顾自己的身份跪拜到了地上。 Sees everyone to look at own, Tenraku shrugs reluctantly, then Kunou holding. 见所有人都看着自己,天落无奈地耸了耸肩,然后将九重给托了起来。 Since this is Kunou's requested, I agreed.” “既然这是九重的请求,那我就同意了。” Really and really?” “真、真的?” A pleasant surprise of face, Kunou lifted. 一脸的惊喜,九重抬起了头来。 Naturally real, this is the Red Dragon Emperor's promise.” “当然是真的,这可是赤龍帝的诺言。” The Tenraku chuckle is returning said, but side resounds the sound that Azazel that undermined immediately: 天落轻笑着回道,而旁边立马响起了阿萨谢尔那拆台的声音: hey hey, the boy, you easily complied, what design won't have?” 喂喂,小子,你这么轻易就答应了,不会是有什么不良企图吧?” Lovable for just, I am hard to reject the lovable Your Highness princess request.” “可爱即为正义,我只是难以拒绝可爱的公主殿下的请求而已。” Moreover, even if I don't comply with your side still to act? Although has not known that Khaos Brigade kidnaps the Yasaka miss goal, but will obviously not be what good deed, whatever they will run amuck do not have the advantage to everyone.” “而且,就算我不答应你们那边也会行动吧?虽然还不知道祸之团绑架八坂小姐的目的,但显然不会是什么好事,任由他们胡做非为的话对大家都没有好处。” The Tenraku confident said/tunnel, Azazel is zé zé smiles the look that a face is convinced lowly. 天落坦然地道,阿萨谢尔则是啧啧低笑一脸服气的神色。 Picking up the little girl picks up the little girl, this boy also puts in order these pompous reasons, what is sly is he does each time does not appear false is not ill-flavored, these pure young girls can block his offensive on few radically. 泡妞就是泡妞,这小子还整出这些冠冕堂皇的理由,但偏偏狡猾的是他每次都做得既不显得虚伪也不让人反感,这些单纯的少女根本就没几个挡得住他的攻势。 Sure enough, although the cheek is red, but kitsune princess is actually to somebody incomparable gratitude: 果不其然,尽管脸蛋儿通红,但狐妖公主却是对某人无比的感激: Thank you, Tenraku-sama, thank you......” “谢谢你,天落大人,谢谢你……” To be continued...... 未完待续……
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