EPHSDXD :: Volume #3

#258: Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker

Chapter 0258 第0258章 Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker 魔兽创造 „Do you name?” “你叫什么名字?” Quite reveals the interest in take a look at the present youngster, Tenraku is asking. 颇显趣味地打量着眼前的少年,天落问道。 Leonardo.” 李奥纳多。” Unemotional, the youngster returns tranquilly said. 面无表情,少年平静地回道。 Because made demonic beast that a moment ago exceeds the strength, the complexion of youngster appears somewhat is pale. 因为刚才制造了一头超越自身实力的魔兽,少年的脸色显得还有些苍白。 Knows that what I do want to make?” “知道我想做什么吧?” Knows.” “知道。” Tenraku had to plunder the Sacred Gear's ability has not been the secret, as Artifact - Sacred Gear Wielder, if even/including Sacred Gear Plunderer had not heard that was leaks this solitary one ill-informed. 天落拥有掠夺神器的能力早已不是什么秘密,作为神器持有者如果连“神器掠夺者”都没听说过的话那就是孤漏寡闻了。 Knowing the opposite party wants to capture own Artifact - Sacred Gear, but the youngster has not actually escaped. 知道对方想夺取自己神器,但少年却并没有逃跑。 It is not does not want to escape, but was he had lost the opportunity of escaping from the beginning. Under two people feet, the Tenraku's shadow generally spike in his shadow like the black thorn. 不是不想逃跑,而是他从一开始就已经失去了逃跑的机会。在两人的脚底下,天落的影子如同黑刺一般钉入他的影子中。 A little is slightly painful, you endure patiently.” “稍微有点痛苦,你就忍耐一下吧。” Also is impolite, Tenraku submerged the chest of youngster a hand, then started Sacred Gear Plunder Ability. 也不客气,天落将一只手没入了少年的胸膛,然后发动了【神器掠夺】的能力。 ahhhhh!!!” 啊啊啊!!!” Do not make him work!” “不要让他得逞!” The look twists, youth's painful pitiful yell, and is ten several Khaos Brigade's members flies to shoot to come to Tenraku, to prevent him to win Artifact - Sacred Gear of youngster. 神色扭曲,少年痛苦的惨叫了起来,而又是十数名祸之团的成员向天落这边飞射而来,想要阻止他夺走少年的神器 cold snort/hum, Tenraku naturally cannot make these mixed fish disturb own, started Sacred Gear's Forbidden Move instantaneously Unlimited Blade Works, Then in a pitiful yell sound these Khaos Brigade member all shot the screen. 冷哼一声,天落自然不会让那些杂鱼来打扰自己,瞬间发动了神器的禁手无限剑制】,然后在一片惨叫声中将那些袭来的祸之团成员全都射成了筛子。 However, the opposite party has not given up, one group of mist well up, covers the youngster to want him to transmit to rescue. 不过,对方也没有就此放弃,一团雾气涌来,笼罩住少年就想将他传送救走。 However, Tenraku where can let the other side do as they wish! 但是,天落哪里会让对方如意 Gives me scatter! “给我散! Vast spirit qi spurts to disperse from Tenraku's, as if wild astral wind blew a cleanness the mist instantaneously, simultaneously Tenraku started Inherent Barrier The ability, locked own and youngster together in barrier. 浩瀚的灵气天落的身上喷散出来,仿佛狂暴的罡风瞬间将雾气吹了个干净,同时天落发动了【固有结界】的能力,将自己和少年一起锁在了结界之中。 Plundering continues, the matter that he must handle no one can prevent! 掠夺继续,他要做的事情没有人能够阻止! The pain called out pitifully, when did not want to be many jet black such as jade jewel of black ink was then extracted from within the body of youngster by Tenraku, but the youngster also looking deathly pale whole person faint fell to the ground. 痛苦惨叫,不要多时一颗漆黑如墨的宝玉便被天落从少年的体内抽取了出来,而少年也脸色惨白整个人都昏厥倒地。 On the face floated off a smile, even under Tenraku still cannot help but heart excited. 脸上浮起了一丝笑容,即使天落也不由得心下激动。 Except that Gauntlet of the Red Dragon Emperor - Boosted Gear With Light Wings of the White Dragon Sovereign - Divine Dividing, He obtained third Tools that Destroy God - Longinus finally! 除了【赤龍帝的笼手】和【白龍皇的光翼】,他终于得到第三件神灭具了! Is preparing to integrate own within the body Tools that Destroy God - Longinus, but at this moment 正准备将神灭具融入自己的体内,不过就在这时 sī la...... golden warspear elongates rapidly, shoots to empty to come toward Tenraku's behind, solid barrier was pierced by the field like the glass with ease, then the spear head power and influence does not reduce to Tenraku. 嘶啦……一杆金色战枪急速伸长,向着天落的背后射空而来,坚实的结界如同玻璃般被田轻松捅破,然后枪头威势不减地向天落袭来。 The fine body hair explodes stands, Tenraku does not doubt, if were hit will die, even he will still die! 寒毛炸立,天落毫不怀疑,如果被击中会死的,就算是他也会死的! Yata-no-Kagami - Eight Ta Mirror!” 八咫镜!” The crisis time, Tenraku drinks greatly, then radiance flashes the plain god imaginary mirror to appear at the same time in Tenraku's behind. 危机时刻,天落一声大喝,然后光华一闪一面古朴神幻的镜子浮现在天落的身后。 warspear that raids hit the god mirror, but has not actually made any sound, Yata-no-Kagami - Eight Ta Mirror The mirror surface changed to an vortex, but warspear that raids is submerges in the vortex to vanish does not see. 袭来的战枪击中了神镜,但却没有发出任何的声响,【八咫镜】的镜面化作了一面漩涡,而袭来的战枪则是没入漩涡中消失不见。 Yo, the boy, are you all right?” “哟,小子,你没事吧?” You said that doesn't make you constrain his?” “你说呢,不是让你拖住他的吗?” The Azazel sound, from in the air flew to fall, but Tenraku was the ill-humored said/tunnel. 阿萨谢尔的声音,从空中飞落了下来,而天落则是没好气地道。 That fellow, but the super difficult to deal with enemy, I can drag to be good to the present.” “那个家伙可是超级难对付的敌人啊,我能拖到现在就已经不错了。” Azazel innocent expression, although Tenraku also knows what he said is the fact, but some fires are really big. 阿萨谢尔一脸无辜的表情,虽然天落也知道他说的是事实,但果然还是有些火大。 Cao Cao, since the back sneak attacks, is this you says the Hero approach?” 曹操,从背后偷袭,这就是你们自称英雄的做法吗?” Looks to in the air Cao Cao, the Tenraku cold sound said. 看向空中的曹操,天落冷声道。 I have not planned to sneak attack you, but wants to prevent you to win Leonardo's Artifact - Sacred Gear.” “我并没有打算偷袭你,只不过是想阻止你夺走李奥纳多的神器。” Took back True Longinus, Cao Cao shakes the head. 收回了【黄昏圣枪】,曹操摇了摇头。 That also is really regrettable, his Artifact - Sacred Gear is me.” “那还真是遗憾,他的神器已经属于我了。” Sneers, Tenraku directly Demonic Beast Creation - Annihilation Maker Patted own within the body. 冷笑一声,天落直接将【魔兽创造】拍进了自己的体内。 Buzz!!! 嗡!!! The entire space trembled to call, the vast imposing manner soared to the heavens from Tenraku's. 整个空间都颤鸣了起来,浩瀚的气势从天落的身上冲霄而起。 Every time captures a Artifact - Sacred Gear Tenraku's strength to grow a point, but the Sacred Gear's rank is higher the strength that can promote is also bigger. Rises suddenly unceasingly, spirit qi that now Tenraku within the body holds converts magic power already several times of other comparable Demon King levels! 每夺取一件神器天落的力量就会增长一分,而神器的等级越高所能提升的力量也越大。不断地暴涨暴涨,如今天落体内所容纳的灵气换算成魔力已经堪比其他魔王级的数倍! However is insufficient, wants to achieve that boundary, Tenraku at least also needs two many Tools that Destroy God - Longinus to be even good! 但是还不够,想要达到那一个境界,天落至少还需要两件甚至更多的神灭具才行! Although thought so before, the boy, you also are really a monster.” “虽然以前就这么觉得了,小子,你还真是一个怪物啊。” Feels on Tenraku that to make the own palpitation the aura, Azazel obtain enlightenment. 感受着天落身上那让自己都心悸的气息,阿萨谢尔不由得道。 Monster? Perhaps I really am a monster.” “怪物?或许我真的是一个怪物吧。” Grasped both hands of own, the Tenraku corners of the mouth raised a curve, then looked again to in the air Cao Cao: 握了握自己的双手,天落嘴角扬起了一丝弧度,然后再次看向了空中的曹操: Cao Cao, comes one with me, making me also experience your True Longinus Strength!” 曹操,和我来一场吧,让我也见识一下你那【黄昏圣枪】的力量!” The vision like the electricity, fights intent to soar to the heavens, in the Tenraku preparation fights one, in the air Cao Cao actually shakes the head. 目光如电,战意冲霄,正在天落准备大战一场时,空中的曹操却是摇了摇头。 This time stops, Kamiya Tenraku.” “这次就到此为止吧,神夜天落。” In the evening we will use Great general nine-tailed to conduct a grand experiment in Kyoto Nijō Castle...... to prevent us, but also invited to participate.” “晚上我们会在京都二条城使用九尾大将进行一场盛大的实验……为了阻止我们,还请诸位务必参加。” At the appointed time, I can with your heartily war!” “届时,我会与你尽情一战!” A warspear point, Cao Cao sent out the invitation. 战枪一点,曹操发出了邀请。 Good, I will certainly come!” “好,我一定会来的!” In the eye the sharp glow flashes, Tenraku naturally also received invited the war. 眼中锐芒一闪,天落自然也接下了邀战。 In the entire different space raised mist, but the quick mist dissipated, but together vanished also had Cao Cao and Hero Faction people. 整个异空间中升起了一层雾气,不过很快雾气又消散掉了,而一同消失的还有曹操英雄派的众人。 Raynare, Katerea and female magicians also gathered, brought some or the light or heavy injury. 雷娜蕾卡特蕾雅和女魔术师们也聚了回来,都带了一些或轻或重的伤势。 Other person of good, Raynare is the whole body is actually bathed in blood, the chest front was cut together the bloodstain of deep obvious bone, has Black Evil Dragon King The insane woman who the armor protection, this collapse twists estimated that did not come back. 其他人还好,雷娜蕾却是浑身浴血,胸前更是被斩出一道深可见骨的血痕,要不是有【黑邪龍王】的铠甲保护,这个崩坏扭曲的疯女人估计就回不来了。 Is who does?” “是谁干的?” The knitting the brows head, Tenraku asked. 皱了皱眉头,天落问道。 „A fierce white-furred swordsman, how, is the master loving dearly me?” “一个厉害的白毛剑士,怎么,主人在心疼我吗?” Does not care about the own injury, a Raynare instead face evil smile. 也不在意自己的伤势,雷娜蕾反而一脸邪邪的笑容。 I was just caring that my tool, remembered, without right that my order you have not died.” “我只不过是在关心我的工具而已,记住了,没有我的命令你没有死的权利。” Returns lightly said, then Tenraku started Smile of the Holy Mother - Twilight Healing, Wields one group of sparkling stone light to treat the Raynare's injury. 淡淡地回道,然后天落发动了【圣母的微笑】,挥出一团莹光治疗雷娜蕾的伤势。 hē hē hē...... compliant, my master.” 呵呵呵……遵命,我的主人。” Before wore out by the master, absolutely I can go on living......” “在被主人用坏之前,我绝对会活下去的……” Was finished with the primary battle of Hero Faction, although has not decided the victory and defeat, but that side Hero Faction suffers a loss obviously, was won important Tools that Destroy God - Longinus by Tenraku. 英雄派的初次交战算是结束了,虽然并没有分出胜负,但显然英雄派那边吃了大亏,被天落夺走了一件重要的神灭具 Shortly after Hero Faction leaves, the different space of battle also starts collapse treads, was good left behind the transmission coordinates because of Azazel outside ahead of time, finally before the different space collapsed thoroughly transmitted the people. 英雄派离开不久后,交战的异空间也开始崩踏,好在阿萨谢尔在外面提前留下了传送坐标,总算在异空间彻底崩溃前将众人都传送了出来。 valkyrie Rossweisse of alcoholic intoxication also wakes, when everyone and Hero Faction enemy fights she stayed in the hotel hū hū to rest greatly, although the liquor vigor passed, but somewhat seems to be blurry, slow restored most of the day, but also asked the clothes that under is who helps her wash the bath that changes. 醉酒的女武神罗丝薇瑟也醒了过来,大家与英雄派的敌人战斗时她则被留在酒店里呼呼大睡,虽然酒劲儿过去了但似乎还是有些迷糊,缓了好大半天才恢复过来,还问了下是谁帮她洗的澡换的衣服。 Surface not Hearts does not jump, somebody said that is the Asia help trades, blinking Asia heart is not I do, but the young girl has not finally said that since Tenraku-san said that is she makes that is she does. 面不红心不跳,某人说是爱莎帮忙换的,眨了眨眼睛爱莎心道不是我做的啊,不过少女最终还是没有说出来,既然天落桑说是她做那就是她做的吧。 Although always felt where some are not right, but cannot think, therefore Rossweisse also can only give up, and thanked Asia to turn well...... 虽然总感觉哪里有些不对劲,不过却怎么也想不起来,于是罗丝薇瑟也只能放弃并且好好的感谢了爱莎一翻…… To be continued...... 未完待续……
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