ED :: Volume #5

#26: Unusual war

Chapter 930 unusual war 第930章超凡战争 With departure of man, movie theater again peaceful, Bell Finger makes an effort to stretch oneself body, was relaxed completely in the chair by oneself. 随着男人的离去,电影院再次安静了下来,贝尔芬格用力地舒展着自己的身体,让自己在椅子里完全放松起来。 „......” “哈……” He looks at the screen, proficiently grasps popcorn to force in the mouth. 他看着荧幕,熟练地抓起一把爆米花塞进嘴里。 Bell Finger tries to be invested in the movie story by oneself, but the form of man seems like the nightmare to be the same, can hardly be removed in the mind, annoying the person is annoyed. 贝尔芬格试着让自己重新投入进电影故事之中,可男人的身影像是梦魇一般,在脑海里挥之不去,惹人心烦。 Like Samuel.” “就像塞缪尔。” Brief words are lingering like the spell, Bell Finger understands meaning. 一句简短的话语如同魔咒般萦绕着,贝尔芬格明白其中的意思。 Samuel is a fellow who advocates the violence, may arrive finally, is actually controlled by the violence, is longing for peacefully. 塞缪尔是个崇尚暴力的家伙,可到了最后,却被暴力支配,渴望着安宁。 Whether Bell Finger not clear present Samuel obtained the true peace, he only rejoiced that compared with own blood relations, Bell Finger's desire is not intense. 贝尔芬格不清楚如今塞缪尔是否获得了真正的安宁,他只庆幸和自己的血亲们相比,贝尔芬格的欲望并没有那么强烈。 He is such person, a mediocre person, not only without other blood relation such biased desires, and gives self up to offer the noble spirit that without that person. 他是这样的人,一个平庸的人,既没有其他血亲那样偏执的欲望,又没有那个人舍身奉献的高尚精神。 Being suspended in midair, this is to the Bell Finger best portrayal, is a curse that is difficult to escape. 不上不下,这是对贝尔芬格最好的写照,也是一份难逃的诅咒。 Sometimes I thought that I obtain me to want.” “有时候我觉得我已经得到了我想要的。” Bell Finger takes up a film magazine at will, inside records somebody's life, he is stroking gently, in the recollection the blood relations are unceasing to oneself ridicule sound reverberation. 贝尔芬格随意地拿起一份胶片暗盒,里面记录着某人的一生,他轻轻地抚摸着,回忆里血亲们对自己的嘲笑声回荡不绝。 They called themselves pitiful ideal, dirty peeper...... 他们称自己为可悲的理想者,龌龊的偷窥者…… Bell Finger in pursue story, like initially his desire such. 贝尔芬格只是在追求“故事”而已,就像当初他的愿望那样。 I long for......” “我渴望……” In the memory, the child is holding the turned wrinkled books, muttered, more, made the story that one immersed, life that another can invest.” 记忆里,孩童抱着已经被翻的皱皱巴巴的书籍,喃喃道,“更多的、令人沉浸的故事,另一段可以投入的人生。” In this regard, the man appraises is truly accurate, Bell Finger is a coward, when has not become the devil, he is enduring the bitter cold, the real world brought too many tribulations to him, therefore Bell Finger can only hide into the spirit in the world, after becoming the devil, he as before so. 关于这一点,男人评价的确实很准确,贝尔芬格是个懦夫,尚未成为魔鬼时,他就忍受着苦寒,现实世界给他带来了太多的磨难,因此贝尔芬格只能躲入精神的世界里,成为魔鬼之后,他依旧如此。 Bell Finger makes an effort to shake the head, flings completely these static, probably shows off power, he showed that indifferent happy expression, the vision fell on the screen, he knows that at this moment in this world, is having another good play to perform. 贝尔芬格用力地摇摇头,把那些杂音全部甩出去,像是逞强般,他又露出了那副无所谓的笑意,目光落在荧幕上,他知道此刻在这世界上,正有另一场好戏正在上演。 Ma gate, were actually you constrained by what?” “玛门,你究竟被什么拖住了呢?” Bell Finger waves curiously, the picture in screen in the different angle of view switches over, presents scatters the line of sight of poets in the all over the world. 贝尔芬格好奇地挥挥手,荧幕中的画面在不同的视角切换,呈现出散落在世界各地中诗人们的视线。 Not tied up the poetry society is survives in name only now, but still had few poets to believe Bell Finger, they no longer put into during the fight, but like reciting Poet roaming, under Bell Finger's instruction, travelled far and wide, is pursuing the turning points of these world. 无缚诗社如今算是名存实亡了,但仍有少量的诗人信仰着贝尔芬格,他们不再投入战斗当中,而是像吟游诗人一样,在贝尔芬格的指示下,周游列国,追逐着那些世界的转折点。 Under the switch over, Bell Finger noticed unceasingly one bunch of lines of sight, her experience, projected above the screen. 不断地切换下,贝尔芬格留意到其中的一束视线,她的所见所闻,投射在了荧幕之上。 First is one low and deep bang the sound, hearts of the engine are burning probably the fuel, is moving the body of heavy steel, difficult vanguard on land, is stormy explosive sound, roared and shouts from far to near. 先是一阵低沉的轰隆声,像是一颗颗引擎之心正燃烧着燃油,挪动着沉重的钢铁之躯,在陆地上艰难前行,然后是一阵密集的爆炸声,咆哮与嘶吼由远及近。 The picture was gradually clear, in dust sand and thick smoke that raise unceasingly, a battlefield of combustion appears in Bell Finger at present. 画面逐渐清晰了起来,不断扬起的尘沙与浓烟中,一片燃烧的战场浮现在贝尔芬格眼前。 Had degenerated into the blazing scorched earth by the land that the green grass covered, the blood and waste water piles up in together, inside soaked the corpse with cutting off limb, probably a blaspheming swamp, charred tank wreckage perished in this, the skeleton of probably giant monster. 原本被青草覆盖的大地已经沦为了炽热的焦土,鲜血与废水堆积在一起,里面浸泡着尸体与断肢,像是一处亵渎的沼泽,一辆辆烧黑的坦克残骸沉沦于此,像是巨大怪物的尸骸。 Here is in Koergadell Empire, eastern area.” “这里是科加德尔帝国境内,东部地区。” The female voice resounds, she detected that Bell Finger's arrival, just like side Baiyin, explained the matter that here has for him. 女声响起,她察觉到了贝尔芬格的降临,如同旁白音一样,为他讲解这里所发生的事。 Is a thousand-mile away, another end of the world, the woman stands on the hill of rising up, is looking on this local war secret. 远在千里之外,世界的另一端,女人站在高起的丘陵上,隐秘地旁观着这场局部战争。 both sides of battle are wait on king Dunwei and King's Secret Sword, after overlord personal leading of cylinder, they had captured several town in the near future, column of royal power, to avoid causing the turmoil, has conducted the complete blockade to the current region, the information is controlled by the strictness.” “交战的双方是侍王盾卫与国王秘剑,经过霸主・锡林的亲自领军,他们已经在近期攻陷了数个城镇,王权之柱方面,为了避免引起动乱,已经对当前区域进行了完全封锁,情报被严加管控。” The fearsome ether response bursts out in the battlefield center, in the thick smoke transmits one to whistle by, immediately several were turned the iron lump the tank but air-splitting, pounds to turn the soldier who one after another tried to attack like the shell, the flesh was ground the muddy flesh, with soil mix in one. 可怖的以太反应在战场的中央迸发,浓烟中传来一阵啸叫,随即数辆被扭成铁疙瘩的坦克破空而至,如同炮弹般砸翻了一连串试图进攻的士兵,血肉被碾成了肉泥,和泥土混合在了一起。 The air current emerges, the thick smoke was swung fiercely, in the end of woman field of vision, an arrogant form floats off from the surface, his is revolving behind a tang, like deity of birth. 气流涌现,浓烟被猛地荡开,在女人视野的尽头,一个孤高的身影从地表浮起,他的身后旋转着一圈剑环,如同降世的天神。 Cylinder was too big to the King's Secret Sword pressure, for the moderate war, King's Secret Sword has deployed the mortal army to participate in the fight,” woman then said that „, but these mortal armies and conventional military units are different, they passed through unusual military equipment in varying degrees.” “锡林给国王秘剑的压力太大了,为了缓和战局,国王秘剑已经派遣凡人部队参与战斗,”女人接着说道,“但这些凡人部队和常规军事单位不同,他们都经过了不同程度的超凡武装化。” Finishes barely the words, the ground raises a series of columns of flame, that is the attack that by calling the stick of fire is released. After the production in enormous quantities of industrialization, these inexpensive consumption gold metallurgy arming, have been able to conduct large-scale army arming, the way of war are changing with the lapse of time quietly. 话音未落,地面升起一连串的火柱,那是由唤火之杖释放的打击。经过工业化的大批量生产,这些廉价的消耗型炼金武装,已经可以进行大规模的部队武装,战争的方式正随着时间的推移悄然发生变化。 After intense flame, the soldier who many drop down stood unexpectedly again, properly speaking, this degree of injury, even if cannot kill them, still made them lose the ability to act sufficiently, but they disregarded probably painfully, picked up the weapon again. 强烈的火光后,诸多倒下的士兵居然再度站了起来,按理说,这种程度的伤势即便杀不死他们,也足以令他们丧失行动能力了,可他们像是无视了痛苦般,再度捡起武器。 King's Secret Sword while dealing with cylinder, is testing the new war pattern, they gave the soldiers to provide the gold metallurgy military equipment and increase medicament...... are really the bloody experiments.” 国王秘剑在应对锡林的同时,也在实验新的战争方式,他们给士兵们配备了炼金武装、增幅药剂……真是血腥的实验。” The women ice-cold comment, „, but is also not enough to level the sublimation and mortal disparity between.” 女人冰冷地评价道,“但还不足以抹平凝华者与凡人之间的差距。” The ether howls to burst out, the soldiers stand in same place like the sculpture, their bodies start to collapse inward, blasted open everywhere blood fog one after another. 以太呼啸迸发,士兵们如雕塑般站在原地,紧接着他们的躯体开始向内坍缩,一个接一个地炸裂成了漫天的血雾。 In the face of the strength of honor, soldier that emaciated body, is unable to prevent the invasion of ether, when they see the cylinder, the cylinder had then seen them, and controlled their bodies. 在荣光者的力量面前,士兵那羸弱的躯体,根本无法阻止以太的侵入,当他们看见锡林时,锡林便已看见了他们,并掌控了他们的躯体。 This moment honor great strength to the mortal shows with nothing left, can estimate, if such honor breaks in the city core, when launches no difference slaughter, will bring the fearful disaster. 此刻荣光者对凡人的强大展现无遗,可以预想到,如果这样的一位荣光者冲入城市核心,展开无差别屠杀时,会带来何等可怕的灾难。 Bell Finger calmly is watching these, have a relish ate the popcorn, if forgot that this was the reality the matter words, Bell Finger thought that this was an exquisite war piece. 贝尔芬格静静地观看着这一幕幕,饶有兴致地吃起了爆米花,如果忘记这是现实正发生的事话,贝尔芬格觉得这就是一部精妙的战争片。 I listened to Leviathan saying that he was reading the newspaper recently, in the newspaper says, human will discover in the near future what radioactive metal, after being studied, it is said that type of thing only needed dozens kilograms, responded after the special atomic nucleus again, will produce extremely terrifyingly, was powerful enough to destroy the explosion of city.” “我听利维坦说,他最近在看报纸,报纸上讲,人类近期发现了什么放射性金属,经过研究后,据说那种东西只需要几十千克,再经过特殊的原子核反应,就会产生极为恐怖的、足以摧毁城市的爆炸。” He also asked me jokingly, if human grasped this strength, could make up for among the disparity with unusualness.” “他还开玩笑地问我,如果人类掌握了这种力量,能否弥补与超凡之间的差距。” Bell Finger has not continued, the answer is obvious. 贝尔芬格没有继续说下去,答案显而易见。 Compared with honor, human all the methods of self- destruction, seemed too ineffective. 和荣光者相比,人类所有自我毁灭的手段,都显得太低效了。 Intermittent bang the sound gets up, the land cracks, the rock bulge, the cylinder controlled this stretch of land, divides forcefully it, the large expanse of soldier like the ant, fell in the to split open darkness, vanished does not see, only remained the pitiful yell sound reverberation. 阵阵的轰隆声响起,大地开裂,岩石凸起,锡林统驭了这片大地,将它强行分割开来,成片成片的士兵就像蚂蚁般,摔进了开裂的黑暗里,消失不见,只剩惨叫声回荡。 Continue, the canary, I wants to see.” “继续,金丝雀,我想看到更多。” Hears Bell Finger's instruction, the canary deeply inspires, even pressure numerous, she silent forwards, was praying should not be discovered by the cylinder. 听到贝尔芬格的指令,金丝雀深吸一口气,即便压力重重,她还是无声地向前,祈祷着自己不要被锡林发现。 The fearsome war was still continuing. 可怖的战争仍在继续。 Above the upper air, the cylinder is overlooking the overall situation, under his control, the balance of victory is inclining to him, but he does not have therefore to relax vigilantly, he can detect, at present is also not the King's Secret Sword complete strength. 高空之上,锡林俯视着全局,在他的掌控下,胜利的天平正向他倾斜,但他没有因此而放松警惕,他能察觉到,眼下还不是国王秘剑的全部实力。 This is one suppression to the cylinder, is a bloody exercise, King's Secret Sword wants to arm the feasibility of mortal army from the confirmation of cylinder. 这是一场对锡林的镇压,同时也是一场血腥的演习,国王秘剑想从锡林的身上验证武装凡人部队的可行性。 Then this powerful army disintegrates in the hand of cylinder. 然后这支强大的部队在锡林的手中分崩离析。 The cylinder does not feel happy, he is very clear, in fact, King's Secret Sword succeeded. 锡林对此并不感到开心,他很清楚,事实上,国王秘剑成功了。 In smog that the ground winds around, silver white forms go through high-speed, they cross the bloodstained mud the land, proliferated the gap of crevice, the sword blade of steel passed over gently and swiftly rapidly, chops to reduce one after another head of soldier. 地面缭绕的烟雾里,一道道银白的身影高速穿行,它们越过染血泥泞的土地,遍布裂隙的鸿沟,钢铁的剑刃迅速掠过,劈砍掉一名又一名士兵的头颅。 The blood surges, the form of silver knights appeared. 鲜血激荡间,银骑士们的身影显现了出来。 In the epidemic disease of event deterioration, the cylinder has not lost all shield health/guard, third is one of the survivors, after obtaining the opportunity of respite, he showed oneself talent perfectly, built a silver knight guard for the cylinder, but these gold metallurgy puppets need third to operate personally, shared, the speed, response and intensity each silver knight on weak many, but was used to cope with the mortal army enough to use. 衰败之疫事件中,锡林没有失去所有的盾卫,第三席便是生还者之一,在获得喘息之机后,他完美地展现了自己的天赋,为锡林打造出了一支银骑士卫队,只是这些炼金傀儡都需要第三席亲自操作,分担下来,每一位银骑士的速度、反应、强度都弱上不少,但用来对付凡人部队倒足够用了。 At least before today's this fight erupts, the silver knight can easily rout the enemy. 至少在今天这场战斗爆发前,银骑士是可以轻易地击溃敌人的。 Columns of flame presently, are mixing with the gold metallurgy warhead of salvo suddenly, even silver knight again how firm, facing this mighty current hail of bullets, as well as third because of operation quantity diluted ether intensity, the silver knights after impact noise one after another, creaky, drops down about. 一道道火柱骤现,夹杂着齐射的炼金弹头,即便银骑士再怎么坚固,面对这洪流般的弹雨,以及第三席因操作数量而被稀释的以太强度,银骑士们还是在接连的撞击声后,摇摇欲坠,行将倒下。 Has injected the soldiers who strengthen the medicament invade, inserts the mail-armor and helmet in the slit to fire multiple shots the muzzle, or punctures the dagger carelessly, blows flowered that fine armor. 注射过强化药剂的士兵们蜂拥而上,将枪口插进甲胄的缝隙里连开数枪,又或是胡乱地刺出匕首,刮花那精致的盔甲。 They like the crowded mouse group, buried the silver knights. 他们如同密集的鼠群般,掩埋了一个又一个的银骑士。 The quantitative change causes the qualitative change, although the mortal army is unable to threaten cylinder such honor, but resistance honor and defend building following sublimation, they have certain strength. 量变引起质变,凡人部队虽然无法威胁到锡林这样的荣光者,但对抗荣光者、守垒者以下的凝华者们,他们已经具备了一定的实力。 The cylinder tears a land for building, the crushed stone and corpse one and holds up, after short throwing flight, they pounded to explode one just to drive out of the smog the tank. 锡林扯开一片地皮,连带着碎石与尸体一并举起,经过短暂的投掷飞行后,它们砸爆了一辆刚刚驶出烟雾的坦克。 The flame of explosion reflects in the eye of cylinder, he saw that more soldiers put in the battlefield, they follow in the tank about, in the shadow hides King's Secret Sword that is disguising. 爆炸的火光倒映在锡林的眼中,他看到有更多的士兵被投入战场,他们跟在坦克的左右,阴影里潜藏着伪装起来的国王秘剑 The throat sound of engine transmits from the upper air, several fighter aircraft run out from the cloud layer, does not wait for them to project the bomb toward , the cylinder waves gently, high-speed disintegration of fighter aircraft in midair, like pulled apart the fly of wing. 引擎的喉咙声从高空之上传来,数架战斗机从云层里冲出,不等它们朝下方投射炸弹,锡林轻轻地挥手,战斗机在半空中高速解体,如同被扯断翅膀的苍蝇。 Slaughters is still continuing. 厮杀还在继续。 () ()
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