EB :: Volume #2

#18: Greedy god bone

The sky deep blue like the sea, the sea breeze strokes lightly, the sunlight shines in the sea level, the wave light is clear. 天空碧蓝如海,海风轻拂,阳光照射在海面上,波光粼粼。 The Golden Chin and snake woman anchors in the wharf, Knight youngster leads the people to tread the plank steps gradually. Has the reception clerk to wait in the wharf early, immediately walks to greet. 金下巴号、蛇女号停泊在码头上,骑士少年率领众人缓步踏下木板阶梯。早有接待员等候在码头上,立即走上来迎接。 Captain Long Fu, marine hero, here invited.” The reception clerks bow slightly, the attitude is neither arrogant nor servile. 龙服船长,诸位海上豪杰,这边请。”接待员微微鞠躬,态度不卑不亢。 Since new Tsukimori is selected as the harbor of secret duty, the wharf had been controlled by Empire. In this moment wharf besides the personnel in Empire aspect, only has Knight youngster and the others. 新月镇既然被选定为秘密任务的港口,码头早已经被帝国管制。此刻码头上除了帝国方面的人员之外,就只有骑士少年等人。 Knight youngster walks in the forefront, alias Shi Qi Zong Ge and 006 follows, later is Yi Shenhui, The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman. 骑士少年走在最前面,化名狮旗鬃戈和006紧随其后,随后才是一身灰金下巴海蛇女 All around the latter three vision glance, reveals to be vigilant the color. 后三者目光扫视四周,都流露出警惕之色。 Although they received the Empire secret spy duty, but arrives at the Empire secret harbor first time. Naturally is somewhat anxious, after all can also harness the ship to be free in marine them, but falls the harbor, will go well by the ambusher very much easily. 他们虽然接受了帝国的秘谍任务,但是来到帝国的秘密港口还是第一次。自然是有些紧张的,毕竟在海上他们还能驾船逍遥,但是落到港口,很容易会被伏兵得手。 Compared with them, the Knight youngster vision is confident, Zong Ge looks at boldly all around, a style of boldness because of one's skill. 与他们相比,骑士少年目光坦然,鬃戈雄视四周,一副艺高人胆大的风范。 The reception clerks accompany side Knight youngster, vision like a torch, gets a panoramic view the manner of people. 接待员陪同在骑士少年身边,目光如炬,将众人的神态尽收眼底。 It seems like Long Fu information real, he should be Empire Knight. He and his companion have the natural trust to Empire.” “看来龙服的情报是真的,他应该就是一位帝国骑士。他和他的同伴对帝国有天然的信任感。” As for another three, indeed is also sea level Ueno was used to the pirates.” “至于另外三位,的确也都是海面上野惯了的海盗。” The reception clerks introduce the dock them. 接待员将他们引入船坞。 This dock is not Cang Xu investigates that Camber of evil believer to be possible compared with. Its scale is huge, inside facility not only has it all, but also contains the alchemy tool. This means that the personnel of shipbuilding at least are Blackiron Level extraordinary, because the average person is unable to control the alchemy goods. 这个船坞就不是苍须调查邪教徒的那个小船坞可比的了。它规模庞大,内里设施不仅一应俱全,而且包含炼金工具。这意味着,造船的人员至少是黑铁级别超凡者,因为普通人是无法操控炼金物品的。 This dock, if makes full power, every year will have at least two Blackiron Level magic energy ships to launch. One -and-a-half years of time, can make a Bronze Rank magic energy ship. If trades to do is the ordinary battleship, that were more.” “这一处船坞如果全力制造,每年会有至少两艘黑铁级别魔能船下水。一年半的时间,能制造出一艘青铜级别魔能船。如果换做是普通战舰,那就更多了。” Naturally, the dock irresponsible shipbuilding of crecent moon port, is mainly responsible for Lord repair and promotion ships performance.” “当然,新月港的船坞并不负责造船,主要还是负责为诸位大人修理和提升船只性能。” „The harbor of similar crecent moon port, such dock, the Empire aspect has arranged more than 30, distributes in Holybright Continent as well as in the marine islands. In the future will have.” “类似新月港的港口,还有这样的船坞,帝国方面已经布置了三十多座,分布在圣明大陆以及海上诸岛之中。将来还会有更多。” The reception clerk tone is proud, he is Bronze Rank, during the spoken languages exposes the Empire strong strength. 接待员语气自豪,他本身就是青铜级别,言语间展露帝国的强劲实力。 In the dock is not emptying, inside stayed a ship. 船坞中并不是空着的,里面停留了一艘船。 This is three mast carricks, the hull is very wide, has stretches out ship both sides forecastles and poops dangerous. 这是一艘三桅大帆船,船体很宽,有悬伸出船两端的船首楼、船尾楼。 Hull is 80 meters, 36 meters in width, 15 meters in height. Altogether three decks, the muzzle position achieve 24, the seaman can carry about 500 people. This naturally is not the data that packed with, but paid attention to both food consumption, navigation course and other factors. 船体长达80米,宽36米,高15米。一共有三层甲板,炮口位达到24位,海员能载500人左右。这当然不是满载的数据,而是兼顾了食物消耗,航海历程等因素。 The volume of this ship also wants to be huger than The Pig's Kiss. The Pig's Kiss is 76 meters, is the commercial trade ships, can the oceangoing voyage, before communicating two continent, is close to top that. 这艘船的体积比猪吻号还要庞大一些。猪吻号长有76米,是商用贸易船只,能够远洋航行,来往两个大陆之前,已经是接近顶层的那种。 Both cannot make the simple comparison actually. 两者其实不能做简单比较。 Because of The Pig's Kiss commercial, but this carrick is a battleship! 因为猪吻号商用,而这艘大帆船是战舰! So long as one round bombards, The Pig's Kiss has the attacked and sunk possibility. The escaping sea boat that on Monster Bewildering Island, the people make cannot compare. 只要一轮炮轰,猪吻号就有被击沉的可能。迷怪岛上,众人制造的逃生海船就更不能相比了。 Knight youngster and the others saw this ship, and has no color of accident/surprise. 骑士少年等人看到这艘船,并没有什么意外之色。 In fact, this is one of the goal of his trips. 事实上,这正是他此行的目的之一。 They rout the ships that the most Rou Cang pirate rolled, has the victory very much. Although suffers setbacks to draw back with the Rou Cang confrontation, but the Knight youngster gang has demonstrated own potential and value. 他们击溃了大半的肉藏海贼团的船只,是很有战果的。虽然和肉藏交锋受挫而退,但骑士少年一伙人已经展现出了自身的潜能和价值。 The Empire aspect decides to intensify the support, but the proof of this ship Empire sincerity, is the request that Knight youngster set specially. 帝国方面决定加大支持力度,而这艘船正是帝国诚意的证明,也是骑士少年特意提出的要求。 He needs a ship to treat as oneself place ship. 他需要一艘船当做自己的座舰。 He has Sea Monster right, but this ship originates from War Monger, best not expose to wonderfully. On the one hand can reduce the possibility of leaking, on the other hand can treat as the surprise-attack forces it, a card in hand. 他拥有深海怪鱼号没错,但这艘船来源于战贩,最好还是不要暴露为妙。一方面是能够减少泄密的可能,另一方面则可以将其当做奇兵,一份底牌。 As the leader, youngster naturally hopes in own hand such card in hand the more better. 身为领袖,少年当然希望自己手中这样的底牌越多越好。 Therefore to the present, Yi Shenhui, The Golden Chin, Sea Snake Woman and the others does not know strange/monster fish existence. 所以到现在,一身灰金下巴海蛇女等人都不知道怪鱼号的存在。 First has a look at the ship.” The Knight youngster proposition said. “先看看船吧。”骑士少年提议道。 The reception clerks smile immediately: Here invited.” 接待员顿时笑起来:“这边请。” He draws onto the ship to visit the people. 他将众人引上船四下参观。 In the warship is self-contained, has to place the measurement room of nautical chart and marine navigational sextant, has places the seaman cabin of the single bed and double bed respectively, has special prepares food with kitchen, side of kitchen is the spacious using restaurant. 战船中设施齐全,有摆放海图、航海六分仪的测量室,有分别摆放单人床、双人床的海员舱,有专门做饭用的厨房,厨房的旁边就是宽敞的用餐厅。 Because is the battleship, the goods warehouse is few, but the ammunition warehouse and food reserve warehouse is very big. 因为是战舰,货仓是很少的,但弹药仓、食物储备仓很大。 Has the medical office, has among carpenter protect. 有医务室,有木工维护间。 Has to arrange the kinetic energy cabin of magic energy furnace, this is the heart of warship. Means even calmly, the warship can still use the magic energy rapid vanguard. 有布置着魔能炉的动能舱,这是战船的心脏。意味着即便是无风,战船仍旧能利用魔能迅速前行。 In addition, has Room alchemy, has the meditation room, has the wrestle training room, even prayer room. 除此之外,有炼金,有冥想室,有格斗训练室,甚至还有祷告室。 Generally speaking, on the pirate ship does not set up the prayer room. On the national warship will have, because this is for priest and priest preparation. 一般来讲,海盗船上并不设立祷告室。国家军舰上才会有,因为这是为牧师神父准备的。 The captains cabin in the poop, the line of sight is best, the space is broadest. Spacious brown red ship's rudder, but also is sending out the mast of paint taste, the pure white sail surface showed that this new ship just launched, be at most peak condition. 船长室在尾楼,视线最好,空间最宽广。宽大的棕红色船舵,还散发着油漆味的桅杆,洁白的帆面都显示这艘新船刚刚下水,处于最巅峰的状态。 Entire ship by superior oak manufacture, but the ship hull also has a metallic luster. This is the metallic coating, the alchemy technology that recently in 100 years presented that can enormously the enhancement by the firm tenacity of technique goal. This is not the War Monger technology, War Monger excels at life alchemy and manufacture munitions. alchemy this concept is actually broad, segmentation some words many domains. War Monger indeed is alchemy Grandmaster, but alchemy Grandmaster and not only he. 整个船是由上等橡木制造的,但船体表面还有一层金属光泽。这是金属涂层,最近一百年里才出现的炼金技术,能够极大的提高受术目标的坚韧度。这不是战贩的技术,战贩更擅长于生命炼金和制造军火。炼金这个概念其实非常广阔,细分的话有很多领域。战贩的确是炼金大宗师,但炼金大宗师并不只是他一人。 Finally the people visited the field emplacement. The back guy of artillery gate builds with the fine iron, but on the field emplacement is empty. 最后众人参观了炮位。炮门的拉索都是用精铁打造的,但炮位上空无一物。 The visit ended. 参观结束了。 Zong Ge concealment happy expression , he although excels at the ground warfare, but the vision is very good, can see high-quality of this warship. 鬃戈隐含喜色,他虽然擅长陆战,但眼光是很好的,看得出这艘战船的优质。 Yi Shenhui is the whole face low-spirited color, at present the brand-new warship makes him associate to own Squirrel. 一身灰则是满脸黯然之色,眼前崭新的战船让他联想到了自己的灰鼠号 Knight youngster not only satisfaction is unsatisfied. 骑士少年既满意又不满意。 What satisfies, this warship is not only worse than the request that he set, was the Blackiron Rank magic energy ship. 满意的是,这艘战船比他提出的要求只强不差,是黑铁级魔能船。 What is unsatisfied, this warship is incomplete. Most remarkable is the artillery, has not provided. Even sail, only then one set on main mast. In addition, the sleeping bag of food, water, liquor and ordinary sailor wait/etc needed him to supplement. 不满意的是,这艘战船还并不完整。最显著的就是火炮,一门都没有配备。甚至连风帆,都只有主桅杆上的一套。除此之外,食物、水、酒、普通水手的睡袋等等都需要他来补充。 Leaves this warship, the people returns to the dock. 离开这艘战船,众人回到船坞。 The reception clerks prepared the tea and breakfast in the workshop, entertained the people, hands over in the magic contract the hand of Knight youngster. 接待员在工作间准备了茶水和早点,一面招待了众人,一面将魔法契约交到骑士少年的手中。 This is the youngster first supplies, the significance is great. 这是少年的第一处补给,意义重大。 The content of magic contract is a contract, agreed cooperation of both sides, as well as duty, but also including violation consequence. 魔法契约的内容是一个合同,约定了双方的合作关系,以及彼此之间的义务,还包括违约后果等。 After youngster consult, gives others to look the contract. 少年查阅之后,又将契约交给其他人看。 After looking at one, youngster nods to the reception clerk said: Contract does not have the issue.” 看了一遍之后,少年点头对接待员道:“契约没有问题。” Captain Long Fu, hero, before signing this contract, but also please wait a bit the moment, I need to verify the situation with the relevant personnel.” The reception clerk attitude said with a smile temperately. 龙服船长,诸位豪杰,在签订这个契约之前,还请你们稍等片刻,我需要和相关人员核实一下情况。”接待员态度温和地笑道。 Captain youngster nods, 006 then can exchange with the reception clerk. 少年船长点头,006这才得以和接待员进行交流。 The reception clerks must confirm 006 conditions, whether was held under duress the threat, whether before ulterior motive, doesn't facilitate the report? 接待员必须确认006的状态,是否被挟持威胁等,是否还有隐情之前不方便汇报的? youngster was not worried. 少年对此并不担心。 Sea Monster as well as Cang Xu and the others existences wait/etc, 006 do not know the circumstances of the matter. 深海怪鱼号以及苍须等人的存在等等,006都不知情。 After experience of Monster Bewildering Island, youngster handled affairs is safer and discrete. Before no matter with The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman confrontation, were with the Rou Cang battle, he is always hiding strange/monster fish. 迷怪岛的经历之后,少年行事更加稳妥和谨慎了。之前不管是和金下巴海蛇女交锋,还是和肉藏争斗,他始终都隐藏着怪鱼号。 Really, under magical artifact, the reception clerk confirmed 006 to have the perfect and free will. 果然,在魔法器具之下,接待员确认006拥有着完善、自由的意志。 Excuse me, let on.” How long actually has not waited, but the attitude of reception clerk is very good, finally also needs to confirm. Is the divine nature phalanx in related information. Can make me appraise personally?” “不好意思,让诸位就等了。”其实并没有等待多久,但接待员的态度真的很好,“最后还有一项需要确认。是有关情报中的神性指骨的。能让我亲自鉴定一下吗?” youngster nods, turns the head slightly, hints Yi Shenhui with the vision. 少年点头,微微转头,用目光示意一身灰 Yi Shenhui then loosens the clothes neckband, pulls out the necklace, takes down in the presence of everyone, puts in the hand of reception clerk. 一身灰便松开衣服领口,将项链掏出来,当众取下,放到接待员的手中。 The reception clerk preparation is sufficient, or the Empire aspect prepares sufficiently. He took out appraised the scroll, on the quick scroll flashed before the platinum brilliance. 接待员准备非常充足,或者说帝国方面准备充足。他取出了鉴定卷轴,很快卷轴上就闪现白金般的光辉。 This appraisal scroll specification is very high, value not poor, appraised one time successfully. 这份鉴定卷轴规格很高,价值不菲,一次性鉴定成功了。 But the reception clerk has not stopped, then used an appraisal scroll of same specification, determined the beforehand appraisal result. 但接待员并没有停止,接下来又用了一份同等规格的鉴定卷轴,确定了之前的鉴定结果。 In the reception clerk hand is pinching the white phalanx, praised without cease: To a certain extent, it is -and-a-half divine artifact! The phalanx of four generations of pirate kings, has saying that your luck were too good. It will have in a big way uses.” 接待员手中捏着白色指骨,赞叹不已:“从某种程度上来讲,它已经是一件半神器了!四代海盗王的指骨,不得不说,你们的运气真的太好了。它会有大用的。” Knight youngster, asked intentionally: Can say with me in detail?” 骑士少年哦了一声,故意问道:“能和我详细说一说吗?” Naturally.” The reception clerks nod, „till was, the pirate king had had six generations. The first three generations are the person, that is the years of pirate, their existences let all aristocrat headaches, even is scared. The present scholars call it the torvosaurus time it.” “当然。”接待员点头,“距今为止,海盗王已经出了六代。前三代都是蛮人,那是海盗的时代,他们的存在让所有贵族头疼,甚至胆寒。现在的学者们都将其称之为蛮龙时代。” Torvosaurus time ends because of the treaty of alliance breakage of barbarian race and dragon race, the pirate activity suffers the joint suppressions of various continent aristocrat. Several hundred years later, emerges, produced the pirate throne again.” “蛮龙时代因为蛮族龙族的盟约破裂而落幕,海盗活动遭受各大陆贵族的联合打压。一直到了数百年后,才重新兴起,再次产生了海盗王座。” Fourth-generation pirate king was born, but It is actually not barbarian race, but is goblin bandits and thieves.” “第四代海盗王诞生了,但祂却不是蛮族,而是一位地精盗贼。” It depends upon as if with the body entirely to come deceitful talent, and just right luck, occupied the pirate throne ahead of time. However the strength of his main body is very low, only has Gold Rank. Therefore in later, existed to plot by other, lost the life.” “祂依靠似乎与身俱来的奸诈天赋,以及恰到好处的运气,提前占据了海盗王座。不过祂本体的实力很低,只有黄金级别。因此在之后,被其他存在暗算,丢掉了性命。” However, can steal goblin of pirate throne, possibly to be how ordinary? It is not the ordinary gold bandits and thieves, he has the divine nature!” “然而,能够窃取到海盗王座的地精,怎么可能普通呢?祂绝非是普通的黄金盗贼,祂本身就具有神性!” His bloodline is very high-end, is gods rank bloodline. It in the development process, gradually condensed the greedy divine nature. Any satisfies his greed the behavior, can encourage this divine nature. But divine nature growth, will make It greedier. It can take the enormous risk, occupies the pirate throne , because It is insatiably greedy.” “祂的血脉十分高端,是神明级别血脉。祂在成长过程中,逐渐凝聚出了贪婪神性。任何满足祂贪欲的行为,都能助长这份神性。而神性的增长,又会让祂更加贪婪。祂之所以能冒着巨大风险,占据海盗王座,就是因为祂贪得无厌。” „After It dies, in the whole body skeleton precipitated his greedy divine nature. As the spoils of war, his bone in the later years, was divided, wanders about destitute around the world.” “祂死后,全身骨骼中沉淀了他的贪婪神性。作为战利品,祂的骨头在之后的岁月里,被分割开来,流落到世界各个角落。” Normally, so long as is wisdom life obtains these bone fragments, inside greedy divine nature will play the role. These bone fragments, will aim at the thing position that the user heart most wants to obtain.” “正常情况下,只要是智慧生命得到这些骨头碎片,里面的贪婪神性就会发挥作用。这些骨头碎片,就会指向使用者内心深处最想得到的东西的位置。” No wonder the Yi Shenhui name can break through to Saint tablet's first. Naturally, now he already not.” “难怪一身灰的名字能够突破到圣碑第一位。当然,现在他已经不是了。”
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