EB :: Volume #2

#12: Retreating

The Rou Cang strength is extremely powerful. 肉藏的实力极其强大。 He is senior gold fighter, strength far exceeds public that this war shows to his cognition. 他原本就是资深的黄金斗者,此战展现出来的实力远超公众对他的认知。 Knight youngster, Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui collaborate, was suppressed by him with ease. 骑士少年鬃戈一身灰联手,被他轻松压制。 But Rou Cang does not have the weakness. 肉藏并不是没有弱点的。 And the most obvious weakness, lies on him and unfurnished. 其中最明显的一个弱点,就在于他身上并无装备。 His fists and feet is his weapon, his whole body only wore pocket crotch trousers up and down, was throwing over the captain took is abandoned by him at the beginning of battle on own initiative. 他的拳脚就是他的武器,他周身上下只穿了一件兜裆裤,原本披着的船长服早就在开战之初被他主动抛弃了。 His attire condition at this moment, approaches to nakedness. 他此刻的衣着状态,接近于赤裸。 This is he is also intentional. 这也是他有意为之的。 Because his battle skill is very special, if the body has the clothing to cover, instead will hinder his display. 因为他的斗技很特殊,如果身上有衣物覆盖,反而会阻碍他的发挥。 However because of this, he does not have in the usual significance against has. At this moment facing the Knight youngster crossbow bolt concentrated fire, Rou Cang can only use the gold battle energy cover to live in own body. 不过也正因为如此,他没有通常意义上的防具。此刻面对骑士少年的弩箭攒射,肉藏就只能动用黄金斗气罩住自己的身体。 But this suffers a loss. 但这样非常吃亏。 Knight youngster uses the alchemy crossbow bolt, consumed Rou Cang massive battle energy. 骑士少年动用炼金弩箭,就消耗了肉藏的大量斗气 The production of battle energy requires the time, although his battle energy the total quantity is very big, but cannot support such consumption. 斗气的产生是需要时间的,他的斗气虽然总量很大,但也架不住这样的消耗。 Once battle energy exhausts, is only his mortal body, although is also very powerful, but cannot definitely be victorious also has battle energy Knight youngster, Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui three people. 一旦斗气耗尽,单凭他的肉身虽然也很强大,但肯定打不过还拥有斗气骑士少年鬃戈一身灰三人。 Rou Cang also realized this point, therefore he soon carries the crossbow bolt concentrated fire hardly, displayed the method of pressing the bottom. 肉藏也意识到了这一点,所以他很快就硬扛着弩箭攒射,施展出了压箱底的手段。 battle skill- meat mountain Juhua! 斗技-肉山巨化! The battle energy crazy revolution in within the body, after 15 seconds, he holds breath a cold air/Qi, battle energy in within the body explodes fiercely. 体内的斗气疯狂运转,十五秒后,他倒吸一口冷气,体内的斗气猛地一炸。 The Rou Cang body inflates rapidly, balloon that particularly the belly gasifies probably, becomes gigantic incomparable. 肉藏身躯迅速膨胀,尤其是肚皮像是充了气的气球,变得硕大无比。 He is very big, at this moment holds in the battle skill in addition, turned into Giant. 他本身就已经很高大,此刻在斗技的加持下,变成了一个巨人 His both feet steps on by the broad side, the Squirrel first deck immediately narrow several times. Only remaining standing tall and erect masts go directly to the Giant Rou Cang waist side. 他双脚踩在船舷两侧,灰鼠号的第一层甲板立即狭窄数倍。仅剩下的一根高耸的桅杆直达到巨人肉藏的腰侧。 Zong Ge and the others are shorter than the knee of Rou Cang. 鬃戈等人比肉藏的膝盖都要矮。 What battle skill is this?!” The Yi Shenhui shock, he never hears Rou Cang to have such method. “这是什么斗技?!”一身灰震惊,他从未听闻过肉藏有这样的手段。 Mousies, you are very lucky, can first I who see such shape. Naturally, is very unfortunate!” Giant Rou Cang is grinning fiendishly, the double palm strikes suddenly fiercely on own belly. “小老鼠们,你们很幸运,能第一个见到这样形态的我。当然,也很不幸!”巨人肉藏狞笑着,双掌忽然猛地拍击在自己的肚皮上。 battle skill- chaotic skin Gu! 斗技-乱皮鼓! The belly big quake, exudes one terrifyingly bang the sound, pounds probably in everyone's heart. 肚皮大震,发出一声恐怖的砰响,像是砸在所有人的心中。 Bang, bang and bang...... 砰、砰、砰…… Giant Rou Cang raps later continuously. 巨人肉藏随后连续敲击。 The sound arouses the translucent sound wave, curls the seat battlefield. 声音激起半透明的音波,卷席战场。 The Zong Ge physique staggers, the whole face is pale. Yi Shenhui partly kneels on the ground, covers both ears, is painful. On the Knight youngster also face becomes flushed a piece, felt that whole body muscle under the function of drumbeat, beats and shivers unceasingly, does not receive the autogenous control. 鬃戈身姿踉跄,满脸惨白。一身灰半跪在地上,捂住双耳,非常痛苦。骑士少年也脸上涨红一片,感觉到全身肌肉在鼓声的作用下,不断跳动、颤抖,再不受自己控制。 Especially heart. 尤其是心脏。 The beat of heart also because of cardiac muscle. 心脏的跳动也是因为心肌。 Now the cardiac muscle is also affected by the drumbeat, jumps madly unceasingly, brings the huge burden. 现在心肌也遭到鼓声的影响,不断乱跳,带来巨大负担。 After several breath, Knight youngster on the both ears overflowing blood, has a dizzy spell. 几个呼吸之后,骑士少年就双耳溢血,头晕目眩。 The Rou Cang battle skill power terrifying, after displaying, must send Knight youngster immediately and other people in the deathtrap! 肉藏斗技威能恐怖,施展出来之后,就立即要致骑士少年等三人于死地! Their three are the Silver Rank warriors, in addition so. The Squirrel pirates are pitiful, first that the drumbeat just made a sound, half people were killed by shock. After the drumbeat makes a sound continually three next, these pirates died certainly. 他们三个都是白银级别的斗士,尚且如此。灰鼠号的海盗们更是凄惨,鼓声刚响的第一声,就有半数人被震死。鼓声连响三下之后,这些海盗们都死绝了。 Cannot this way!” Knight youngster clenches teeth, the spiritual reassignment blood nuclear, magic energy emerges. “不能再这样下去!”骑士少年咬牙,精神调动血核,魔能涌现。 The red light flashes passes. 红光一闪即逝。 Knight youngster transformed Draconian youngster, the mutation had/left dragon head, dragon scale, dragon claw. 骑士少年转变成了龙人少年,异变出了龙首、龙鳞、龙爪。 However does not have the dragon heart. 但是没有龙心。 The color of Draconian youngster whole face pain, he was still suffering brutal devastation of drumbeat. 龙人少年满脸痛苦之色,他仍旧遭受着鼓声的无情摧残。 Roar! 吼! Draconian youngster spelled to go all-out, erupts dragon howl. 龙人少年拼尽全力,爆发出了龙吼。 By the dragon roar disturbance, Rou Cang was stopped slightly. The drumbeat stagnates, Yi Shenhui, Zong Ge as well as Draconian youngster had opportunity of the precious respite finally. 被龙吼干扰,肉藏稍微停顿了一下。鼓声一滞,一身灰鬃戈以及龙人少年自己终于有了一丝宝贵至极的喘息之机。 spell- vortex prisoner's cage! 法术-漩涡囚笼! next moment, the sea water ascends, covers the Rou Cang both legs rapidly. 下一刻,海水升腾而起,迅速笼罩肉藏的双腿。 The blue sea water revolves unceasingly, forms two groups of vortex, imprisoned the leg and foot of Rou Cang. 蓝色的海水不断旋转,形成两团漩涡,禁锢住了肉藏的腿脚。 Was Sea Snake Woman acts. 海蛇女出手了。 Quickly!” Sea Snake Woman partly knelt on snake woman, is maintaining this spell difficultly, the complexion rapidly became pale. “快!”海蛇女半跪在了蛇女号上,艰难地维持着这个法术,脸色迅速变得苍白。 Originally, The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman collaborate, routs the Rou Cang pirate group, close to battlefield. 原来,金下巴海蛇女联手,将肉藏海贼团击溃,接近了战场。 However sees Draconian youngster and the others and Rou Cang tactical situation, they do not dare to penetrate in reef Shi Qun, has decided to retreat. 但是看到龙人少年等人和肉藏的战况,他们不敢深入礁石群中,已经打定主意撤退了。 Draconian youngster dark snort/hum, if The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman battle full power, by five people of strength, has to defeat the Rou Cang possibility. But since they such attitude, that has to remove. 龙人少年暗哼一声,如果金下巴海蛇女全力作战,凭借五人之力,不是没有战胜肉藏的可能。但他们俩既然这样态度,那就只好撤了。 Immediately, youngster rushes to Yi Shenhui and Zong Ge, clamps two people in own armpit, jumped to Squirrel. 当即,少年就奔向一身灰鬃戈,将两人夹在自己的腋下,跳离了灰鼠号 Zong Ge already stupor. 鬃戈已然昏迷。 My ship!” Yi Shenhui is the consciousness is also fuzzy, sees oneself left Squirrel, actually awakens suddenly. “我的船!”一身灰也是意识模糊,看到自己离开了灰鼠号,却是陡然惊醒过来。 Later will have the opportunity!” Draconian youngster spoke thoughtlessly to comfort one, leading two people to jump on the reef unceasingly, spread out with Rou Cang. “以后会有机会的!”龙人少年随口安慰了一句,带着两人不断在礁石上跳跃,和肉藏拉开距离。 Rou Cang cold snort/hum, made to break the fetter of Water Element magic. 肉藏冷哼一声,挣破了水系魔法的束缚。 „Do three mousies, where you want toward to escape?!” “三个小老鼠,你们想往哪里逃?!” He bellows wildly, the acoustic shock four. 他大吼一声,声震四野。 Afterward, under he bows to squat slowly, gold battle energy emerges, piles up on his leg and foot. 随后,他缓缓屈膝下蹲,黄金斗气涌现出来,堆积在他的腿脚上。 next moment, a Rou Cang both legs tread, gold battle energy sprays fiercely loudly, drives his whole person unexpectedly, leap. 下一刻,肉藏双腿猛地一蹬,黄金斗气轰然喷射,竟是将他整个人带动,飞跃而出。 Squirrel receives his terrifying the tread strength, the hull sinks fiercely, then inclines rapidly, shows one's true nature to face upwards unexpectedly at the scene! 灰鼠号受到他恐怖的蹬地力量,船体猛地下沉,然后迅速倾斜,竟是当场翻了个底朝天! Draconian youngster is jumping in reef Shi Qun jian, suddenly saw nearby oneself was lived by one group of shadow covers. 龙人少年正在礁石群间跳跃,忽然看到自己附近被一团阴影罩住。 The shadow rapidly expands. 阴影迅速扩大。 Draconian youngster raised the head to look, immediately dragon pupil micro. 龙人少年抬头回望,顿时龙瞳微缩。 Rou Cang seems like a mountain peak, suppresses directly to three people. Imposing manner fierce vast, let wait and see this The Golden Chin to feel the scant of breath. 肉藏像是一座山峰,直接向三人镇压下来。气势之凶猛浩大,让观望到这一幕的金下巴都感到了呼吸困难。 Draconian youngster retreats strongly, but leads two people, the speed of escaping always differs the frontline. 龙人少年竭力撤退,但是带着两人,逃生的速度始终相差一线。 Rou Cang reveals to grin fiendishly, he had noticed that Draconian youngster was pressed the shrivelled situation by oneself directly. 肉藏露出狞笑,他已经看到龙人少年被自己直接压瘪的情形了。 But in next moment, the water rope braves suddenly together from the sea level, ties up the waist of Draconian youngster, then violent force zhuai. 但就在下一刻,忽然一道水绳从海面上冒出来,捆住龙人少年的腰,然后猛力一跩。 Draconian youngster only misses the frontline, obtained the help of water rope, the danger and strategic place avoids throwing of Rou Cang to strike. 龙人少年只差一线,得到水绳的帮助,险而又险地避开了肉藏的扑击。 Sea Snake Woman that lends a hand to assist. 出手相助的正是海蛇女 Before, The Golden Chin suffered besieging of Knight youngster, Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui, fell into the hopeless situation, then escaped by her magic. Now, youngster and other people also enjoyed this treatment. 之前,金下巴遭受骑士少年鬃戈一身灰的围攻,陷入绝境,就是靠她的魔法这才逃生。现在,少年等三人也享受到了这种待遇。 Rou Cang comes up empty-handed, falls to the reef on, splashes the dreadful water spray. 肉藏扑空,落到礁石上,溅起滔天水浪。 He air/Qi angrily roars, displays battle skill- mortal body raft. 他气得怒吼一声,施展出斗技-肉身筏。 gold battle energy wraps his whole body, although superficial, but actually passes unceasingly. 黄金斗气包裹他全身,虽然只有浅薄的一层,但却不断流转。 Rou Cang steps on directly in the sea level, the sea water only overflowed his ankle area, he continues to chase down the youngster three people. 肉藏直接踩在海面上,海水只没过他的脚踝,他继续追杀少年三人。 Draconian youngster left Shanyou evades, the situation is worrying. 龙人少年左闪右避,处境堪忧。 The Giant Rou Cang offensive is aggressive, the ordinary fists and feet compares favorably with Silver Rank battle skill power. 巨人肉藏的攻势非常凶悍,普通的拳脚都媲美白银级斗技威能 Luckily has water rope often pulling of Sea Snake Woman, Draconian youngster then brings two burdens, temporarily saves the life. 幸亏有海蛇女的水绳不时的拉扯,龙人少年这才带着两个累赘,暂时保住性命。 In the process of running away, Zong Ge regains consciousness finally leisurely. 逃窜的过程中,鬃戈终于悠悠苏醒。 Puts me to get down, we disperse escape!” Zong Ge said immediately. “放我下来,我们分散逃!”鬃戈立即道。 No!” The Draconian youngster rejection, I can also insist a while......” “不!”龙人少年拒绝,“我还可以坚持一会儿……” The words have not said, Rou Cang put forth battle skill- thorn in the side! 话还未说完,身后的肉藏又使出了一记斗技-肉中刺! gold battle energy changes into the close acupuncture, probably torrential downpour, covered the youngster three people. 黄金斗气化为细密的针刺,像是一场瓢泼大雨,罩住了少年三人。 gold battle energy condenses the needle, so long as grips thoroughly the skin, sneaks in three people of flesh immediately. 黄金斗气凝聚成针,只要扎透皮肤,就立即钻进三人的血肉之中。 The youngster three people of muscles were changed immediately, the rapid crystallization, forms splinters. 少年三人的肌肉顿时被改变,迅速结晶化,形成一根根肉刺。 So long as moves slightly, the splinter brings the great pain. The key is the splinter is still growing unceasingly, the ignores gets down, can the five main internal organs (entrails) of stabbing within the body. Really must develop this step, the minor wound will transform into the severe wound and mortal wound. 只要稍微活动一下,肉刺就带来巨大痛楚。关键是肉刺还在不断生长,放任下去,就会刺中体内的五脏六腑。真要发展到这一步,轻伤就会转变为重伤、致命伤。 Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui are both miserable, Draconian youngster also this battle skill. His whole body is wrapping dragon scale, but cannot block gold battle energy completely. 鬃戈一身灰双双惨哼,龙人少年也中这个斗技。他全身包裹着龙鳞,但不能全部挡住黄金斗气 Draconian youngster staggers, on the involuntary, direct reef falls to fall. 龙人少年一个趔趄,身不由己,直接礁石上摔落下去。 Rou Cang is in hot pursuit, after behind, delayed like this, makes the youngster three people fall into the hopeless situation directly. 肉藏紧追不舍,就在身后,这样耽搁了一下,直接让少年三人陷入绝境。 Walks!” At a crucial moment, two people youngster both arms inspire, throws to fly Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui. “走!”千钧一发之际,两人少年双臂一振,将鬃戈一身灰抛飞出去。 He uses this reacting force, accelerates to fall in the water. 他自己则利用这阵反作用力,加速落水。 Just dropped in the water, he stretched the legs fiercely, changed himself the direction in sea water. 刚跌落水中,他猛地蹬腿,改变了自己在海水中的方向。 Almost in next moment, the big foot of Rou Cang steps on, is almost scratching the leg of Draconian youngster, stepped on spatial. 几乎就在下一刻,肉藏的大脚踩踏过来,几乎是擦着龙人少年的腿,踩了一个空。 The giant water spray is making instantaneously, the impulse makes Draconian youngster not startled counter- happy, goes all out to travel downward. 巨大的水浪在瞬间制造出来,冲击力让龙人少年不惊反喜,拼命向下潜游。 Rou Cang hesitant, has not continued to pursue Draconian youngster, but kills to recent Yi Shenhui. 肉藏犹豫了一下,没有继续追击龙人少年,而是杀向最近的一身灰 Along the way, Rou Cang suffered the hindrance of Water Element magic again, but was cracked-up by him loudly. 沿途,肉藏再次遭受到了水系魔法的阻碍,但被他轰然撞碎。 Yi Shenhui just climbed up a reef, is unable to avoid again, can only looks at Rou Cang put forth battle skill to oneself helplessly. 一身灰刚刚爬上一座礁石,再也无法躲避,只能眼睁睁地看着肉藏对自己使出斗技 gold battle energy condenses a giant palm, pats to the mouse person. 黄金斗气凝聚出一个巨大的手掌,向鼠人拍去。 The mouse person closes the eyes, has accepted fate, but next moment he was entrained by Zong Ge involuntary. 鼠人闭上双眼,已经认命,但下一刻他身不由己地被鬃戈拽了过去。 Two people evade the battle energy giant palm, was mad the palm to fall on the reef, triggered an explosion. 两人躲过斗气巨掌,气掌就落到了礁石上,引发一场爆炸。 The reef was only blasted open a small truncation, the air wave of rushing attacked, flies Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui racket. 礁石只被炸裂了一小截,澎湃的气浪冲击过来,将鬃戈一身灰拍飞。 Rou Cang chases down does not abandon, but runs half, he stops the footsteps suddenly. 肉藏追杀不舍,但奔跑到一半,他忽然停住脚步。 In his left front, Draconian youngster has stood on a reef. 在他的左前方,龙人少年已经站在了一块礁石上。 His dragon mouth opens unceasingly gathers, said is dragon language. 他龙口不断张合,说的都是龙语。 He is displaying magic! 他在施展魔法 Dragon language magic- blazing dragon breath! 龙语魔法-炽热龙息! After several seconds, magic recited, the Draconian youngster opens the mouth spouted a burning hot fiercely the flame class/flow. 数秒之后,魔法吟唱完毕,龙人少年张口猛地喷出一股炙热的焰流。 Center the flame class/flow Rou Cang, the flaming roaring flame almost submerges it. 焰流正中肉藏,熊熊烈焰几乎将其淹没。 Rou Cang does not utter a word, bathes in the flame, the figure stands one's ground steadfastly. 肉藏一声不吭,沐浴在火焰中,身形岿然不动。 After several seconds, he displays battle skill- pork is easy! 数秒后,他施展出斗技-大肉反掌! The giant palm bang that gold battle energy condenses to Draconian youngster, on the giant palm also burnt dragon flame, Rou Cang flame is gathering on the giant palm now. 黄金斗气凝聚的巨掌轰向龙人少年,巨掌上还燃烧着龙焰,肉藏身上的火焰现在都聚集在了巨掌上。 Draconian youngster can only move aside strongly. 龙人少年只能竭力躲闪。 After his involving, Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui stepped the chin number. 经过他的牵扯,鬃戈一身灰都踏上了下巴号。 Later, Draconian youngster also with the help of water rope, arrived on snake woman. 随后不久,龙人少年也在水绳的帮助下,来到了蛇女号上。 Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!” Sea Snake Woman hurries to order. “撤!快撤!”海蛇女慌忙下令。 When Rou Cang hurries back to Bathtub, Draconian youngster and the others have spread out enough. 肉藏赶回到澡盆号的时候,龙人少年等人已经拉开了足够的距离。 cold snort/hum, Rou Cang plunges the bathtub of attic disgruntledly again, gave up chasing down. 不悦地冷哼一声,肉藏再次浸入顶楼的澡盆,放弃了追杀。
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