ED :: Volume #37

#3691: Fighting of trapped/sleepy beast

Regarding Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi anger, Li Qiye is who regarded not sees, smiled one, at will, said: Does not want so many plays, I said three moves of three moves.” 对于李相权张云之的愤怒,李七夜是孰视无睹,笑了一下而已,随意,说道:“不要那么多戏,我说三招就三招。” Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi are at a loss for words all of a sudden, although in the heart wants to hate to the marrow of the bones, but, where has that condition at this time, only strove for going on living. 李相权张云之一下子语塞,心里面虽然想恨之入骨,但是,此时哪里有那个条件,只求活下去。 Brother Li, draws back step wide sea and sky.” Li Xiangquan deeply shouted inspires, suppresses the own mood, incomparably said sincerely: This mistake lies in I, but, my Li Family is glad to interact Brother Li this friend. Among your me, does not need to get so far as non- refuses stubbornly the situation of being possible, many enemy, is inferior to many friend.” 李兄,退一步海阔天空。”李相权深深地呼吸了一口气,压住自己的情绪,真诚无比地说道:“此次错在于我,但,我李家乐意交结李兄这个朋友。你我之间,没有必要弄到非死不可的地步,多一个敌人,不如多一个朋友。” In Buddhist Holy Land, if Brother Li can result in our Li Family and Zhang Family helps one another, believes Brother Li surely even more powerful.” Zhang Yunzhi is also busy then said. “在佛陀圣地,若是李兄能得我们李家张家相助,相信李兄必定如虎添翼。”张云之也是忙接着说道。 At this time, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi attitude is soft not to be soft, in order to maintains a livelihood, they have put the own stance are lowest. 在这个时候,李相权张云之的态度已经是软到不能再软了,为了能活命,他们已经把自己的姿态放到最低了。 Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi such words, made many people look at each other, although said, many people would rather die than to beg for mercy, but, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi begged for mercy to Li Qiye, that there's nothing was also good to spurn. 李相权张云之这样的话,也让不少人相视了一眼,虽然说,不少人宁死也不求饶,但,李相权张云之李七夜求饶,那也没有什么好唾弃的。 I do not need the friend.” Li Qiye spoke such a few words superficially. “我不需要朋友。”李七夜轻描淡写地说了这么一句话。 These words saying, let many blankly look at each other, this saying sounded like such not near favor, that rampant arrogant, that extremely arrogant arbitrary. 这句话一说出来,让很多人都面面相觑,这话听起来是那么的不近人情,是那么的嚣张自大,是那么的狂妄独断。 However, now Li Qiye says such words, no one spoke. 但是,现在李七夜说出这样的话,也没有人去吭声了。 Was mediated by Li Qiye again directly rejects, this lets Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi immediately their complexion becomes flushed, their two people one and beg for mercy to Li Qiye again, they are face countenance lose completely, Li Qiye has not given the slight face unexpectedly, this also embarrassed them too. 再一次被李七夜直接了断地拒绝,这顿时让李相权张云之他们两个人脸色涨红,他们两个人一而再而三地向李七夜求饶,他们已经是颜脸丢尽了,李七夜竟然还不给丝毫的情面,这也让他们太难堪了。 Li Qiye, is not too rampant.” Zhang Yunzhi also presses not to live again, shouted coldly: Even if you kill me today, only feared that in the future Buddhist Holy Land will not have your burial ground, that feared that you escape to Heaven's Edge ocean corner, our Zhang Family will also certainly chase down you, offers a sacrifice to me with your head, revenges for me.” 李七夜,莫太嚣张。”张云之再也按奈不住,冷喝道:“就算你今日杀了我,只怕未来佛陀圣地也没你葬身之地,那怕你逃到天涯海角,我们张家也一定会追杀你,拿你人头来祭我,为我报仇。” Saw to beg for mercy not to have the effect, in the Zhang Yunzhi heart also to get angry, tore to pieces the facial skin, drank severely, threatens Li Qiye. 见求饶没效,张云之心里面也怒了,也撕破了脸皮,厉喝,威胁李七夜 Who said that I do want to escape?” Li Qiye smiled, said: Spoke this saying, unrequited love.” “谁说我要逃了?”李七夜笑了一下,说道:“说这话,太自作多情了。” If I died, only feared how long you could not live.” The Li Xiangquan also sinking sound said: My Li Family 1 million armies, the juniors, tear you to shreds, will kill you dead without the burial ground ten million/countless surely! My Li Family, does what has said that absolutely lightly!” “若我死了,只怕你也活不了多久。”李相权也沉声地说道:“我李家百万大军,千万子弟,必定会把你碎尸万段,杀得你死无葬身之地!我李家,言出必行,绝对轻恕!” Begs for mercy invalid, Li Xiangquan also same carries out the reputation of own aristocratic family, threatens Li Qiye. 求饶无效,李相权也一样搬出自己世家的名头来,威胁李七夜 Regarding most people, such threat, that indeed has the effect, after all, Zhang Family or Li Family, in Buddhist Holy Land, have powerful background. 对于多数人来说,这样的威胁,那的确是有效果,毕竟,不论是张家还是李家,在佛陀圣地,都是拥有着很强大的底蕴 Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan such threat words, let many manners dignified. 张云之李相权这样威胁的话,也让不少人神态凝重了一下。 Although said, Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan said such threat words under the desperation, but, this saying not only threatens, only feared that also indeed is so. 虽然说,张云之李相权是在情急之下说出了这样威胁的话,但,这话不仅仅是威胁,只怕也的的确确是如此。 If Li Qiye really killed Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan, Zhang Family or Li Family, they will not give up surely, two respected families, will certainly revenge for them. 如果李七夜真的杀了张云之李相权,不论是张家还是李家,他们必定不会善罢甘休,两大家族,一定会为他们报仇。 By Zhang Family and Li Family in the Buddhist Holy Land strength, if they really must or some Sect revenge to someone, that is a very astonishing matter, anybody, any Large Sect, must weigh the consequence, cannot do well, will teach to extinguish the person to perish. 张家李家佛陀圣地的实力,如果他们真的要向某一个人或某一个门派报仇的话,那都是一件十分惊人的事情,任何人、任何大教,都必须衡量一下后果,搞不好,会教灭人亡。 Also at once, many person looks at Li Qiye, after all, regarding such threat, most cultivator powerhouses have scruples in the heart, therefore, everyone also wants to know that Li Qi does to be daunted. 一时之间,也有不少人看着李七夜,毕竟,对于这样的威胁,多数的修士强者在心里面都是有所顾忌,所以,大家也都想知道李七作会不会被吓住。 Useless.” Also there are understood slowly after the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouse hears such threat the words, shakes the head, said: If even threatens effective, he was not Li Qiye, he was not the person who that dares to bury alive the 100,000 army.” “没用。”也有慢慢了解李七夜的修士强者听到这样威胁的话之后,不由摇了摇头,说道:“如果连威胁都管用的话,他就不是李七夜了,他就不是那个敢坑杀十万大军的人了。” Under glare of the public eye, Li Qiye beckons with the hand merely, said: I knew, take this, in that grumble.” 在众目睽睽之下,李七夜仅仅是摆了摆手,说道:“我知道了,接招吧,不要在那磨叽。” Movement that Li Qiye that beckons with the hand, seems like in the action of driving away fly is the same, does not seem to cared, or does not spare a glance. 李七夜那摆了摆手的动作,就好像是在驱赶苍蝇一样,似乎根本就是没放在心上,或者又是不屑一顾。 Such manner, lets Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi looks trembles. 这样的神态,让李相权张云之看得不由为之哆嗦。 Li Qiye is Li Qiye, is really this.” Saw that Li Qiye has not placed in the threat the heart, there is a powerhouse to whisper. 李七夜就是李七夜,果然是这样。”见到李七夜根本就没有把威胁放在心中,有强者不由嘀咕了一声。 surnamed Li, you, if flaunts again ominously, dies without the burial ground surely, will be torn to shreds...... Zhang Yunzhi to get angry by my juniors surely ten million/countless exclaims. 姓李的,你若是再逞凶,必定死无葬身之地,必定会被我千万子弟碎尸万段……”张云之不由怒吼道。 When he angrily roars the sound, does not know that is stems from angrily, is heart inside fear. 当他怒吼出声音的时候,不知道是出于愤怒,还是心里面的恐惧。 I am waiting.” Li Qiye smiled, does not care completely, raised the cutting hatchet in hand slowly, the blade referred to Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi. “我等着。”李七夜笑了一下,完全不在乎,缓缓提起手中的砍柴刀,刀指李相权张云之 Originally was the angry roaring Zhang Yunzhi words has not said, has stopped, because at this moment, Li Qiye held up to cut the hatchet slowly, cut the hatchet to lock them. 本是怒吼的张云之话还没有说完,就已经嘎然而止,因为此时此刻,李七夜缓缓举起砍柴刀,砍柴刀已经锁定了他们了。 Li Xiangquan and in the Zhang Yunzhi heart in great surprise, retroceded simultaneously several steps. 李相权张云之不由心里面大惊,都同时后退了好几步。 At this time, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi panic-stricken, they look at to the cutting hatchet in Li Qiye hand time, the eye pupil contracted, at this time the cutting hatchet in Li Qiye hand, is more fearful than the Death God harvesting sickle. 在这个时候,李相权张云之都不由惊恐,他们看向李七夜手中的砍柴刀的时候,眼瞳不由收缩了一下,此时李七夜手中的砍柴刀,比死神的收割镰刀还要可怕。 If can choose, at this moment, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi are not certainly willing to go all out with Li Qiye, but, they do not have to choose. 如果可以选择,此时此刻,李相权张云之当然不愿意与李七夜拼命了,但是,他们已经没得选择了。 take this.” Li Qiye cut the hatchet to hold up, said slowly. 接招吧。”李七夜砍柴刀已经举起了,徐徐地说道。 At this time, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi did not have to choose, draw back do not have to draw back, panic-stricken they looked at each other. 在这个时候,李相权张云之没得选择,退无可退,惊恐的他们都不由相视了一眼。 Put together-- Zhang Yunzhi furiously roared, under not having choice, they only then went all out. “拼了——张云之狂吼了一声,在没得选择之下,他们只有拼命了。 Hears bang loud sound, sees only Zhang Yunzhi all blood energy is released, under loud sound, his True Blood combustion, the sound of thundering shakes the world, in this electrical spark light, his whole person bloomed fearful silver light. 听到“轰”的一声巨响,只见张云之所有血气外放,在巨响之下,他的真血燃烧,轰鸣之声撼动天地,在这石火电光之间,他整个人都绽放出了可怕的银光 Hears „” giant dragon roared, sees only Zhang Yunzhi in this in an instant the spear/gun person sword one, his bellowed: Dragon governing Nine Heavens!” 听到“呜”的一声巨龙咆哮,只见张云之在这刹那之间枪人剑一,他一声大吼:“龙御九天!” At bang Zhang Yunzhi that under loud sound, the person the spear/gun unites under great roar, changed to the one giant silver dragon, occupies above sky, makes threatening gestures, fierce extremely. 在“轰”的一声巨响之下,人枪合一的张云之在巨吼之下,化作了一条巨大的银龙,盘踞在天空之上,张牙舞爪,凶猛万分。 Hears Dragon Roar, the giant silver dragon pounces upon suddenly, tearing is void, when this huge silver dragon killing, but next, brought high blood light, the might was peerless. 听到一声龙吟,巨大的银龙猛扑而下,撕裂虚空,在这头巨大的银龙扑杀而下之时,带起了高高的血光,威力绝伦。 Without a doubt, in this in an instant, Zhang Yunzhi not only executed own to be most powerful the most certain kill move, but also did not hesitate to burn own life True Blood, played the limit own this move of might, wanted one move to change the course of events. 毫无疑问,在这刹那之间,张云之不仅仅施出了自己最强大最绝杀的一招,而且不惜燃烧着自己的生命真血,把自己这一招的威力发挥到极限,欲一招扭转乾坤。 Kills-- at the same time , without Li Xiangquan also one of the choice to angrily roar, hears clang sword cry, Sword Finger Nine Heavens, one appears the electricity sword, displays on sky densely, just like forms the fearful incomparable sword sea to be the same. “杀——”与此同时,没得选择的李相权也不由一声怒吼,听到“铛”的一声剑鸣,剑指九天,一把把电剑浮现,在天空上森然罗列,犹如形成了可怕无比的剑海一般。 At bang under loud sound, in this moment, Li Xiangquan is also blood energy burning down, True Blood such as the roaring flame general bang day, very fierce, very overbearing. 在“轰”的一声巨响之下,在这一刻,李相权也是血气焚烧,真血如烈焰一般轰天而起,十分的凶猛,十分的霸道。 Hears clang, clang and clang the sound of sword cry is lingering on faintly, fused the electricity sword ten million/countless instantaneously, changed to a giant incomparable blood sword. 听到“铛、铛、铛”的剑鸣之声不绝于耳,千万把电剑瞬间融合,化作了一把巨大无比的血剑。 At clang under sword cry, this blood sword cuts to kill, breaks all lands, cracks river and sea, a sword extinguishes the soul. 在“铛”的一声剑鸣之下,这一把血剑斩杀而下,断万域,裂江海,一剑灭魂。 The silver dragon tears sky, the blood sword cuts off bluish green heaven, at this time Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan strike fatally, is what kind of fearfulness, it may be said that is extinguishes the soul, unequalled, certain kill ten sides. 银龙撕裂天空,血剑斩断碧天,此时张云之李相权致命一击,是何等的可怕,可谓是灭魂也,无与伦比,绝杀十方。 Sees such a , made the cultivator powerhouse on the scene pull out an cold air/Qi, was not only great strength that because Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi their fatal struck, was startled in goes all out to burn down own True Blood in this time Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan. 看到这样的一幕,也让在场的修士强者抽了一口冷气,不仅仅是因为李相权张云之他们这致命一击的强大,也是惊于在这个时候张云之李相权拼命焚烧着自己真血 However, everyone also understands, at this time Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi had been ready for any sacrifice, they do not have to choose, only had to go all out, if at this time they did not burn down True Blood, gave it all, only feared that even the life did not have. 但是,大家也明白,此时李相权张云之已经是豁出去了,他们没得选择,唯有拼命了,此时如果他们不焚烧真血,放手一搏,只怕连性命都没有了。 However, facing Zhang Yunzhi and a Li Xiangquan so fearful move, Li Qiye has not cared, looked at one merely, the cutting hatchet in hand pushes out. 然而,面对张云之李相权如此可怕的一招,李七夜根本就没有放在心上,仅仅是看了一眼而已,手中的砍柴刀推了出去。 Sword Pointing to the East and West, is Sword Pointing to the East and West.” Saw that a Li Qiye blade is released, all cultivator powerhouses on the scene were familiar with this move, even everyone closed the eye to feel this move of change. 剑指东西,还是剑指东西。”看到李七夜一刀推出,在场的所有修士强者对于这一招再熟悉不过了,甚至大家闭上眼睛都能感受到这一招的变化了。 A sword is released, Sword Pointing to the East and West, in an instant, just like the bracelet that this sword is released Space-Time, jumped in the universe, although seemingly ordinary to cannot an ordinary sword. 一剑推出,剑指东西,在这一剑推出的刹那之间,犹如跳脱了时空,跳跃于天宇,虽然看起来普通到不能再普通的一剑。 But, in this moment, this sword in anybody opinion, that is panic at the news, everyone will fear in this sword, had a shiver. 但,在这一刻,这一剑在任何人看来,那都是闻风丧胆,所有人都会恐惧于这一剑,都不由打了一个冷颤。 After a sword is released, all stop, silver dragon the sound of roaring, the sound of sword blood Zheng calling, stopped all of a sudden, Space-Time in this in an instant, just like framed was the same. 一剑推出之后,一切都嘎然而止,不论是银龙的咆哮之声,还是剑血铮鸣之声,一下子都停止了,时空在这刹那之间,犹如是定格了一样。 In this electrical spark light, all seemed to be sealed to model, cannot move. 在这石火电光之间,一切都似乎被封塑了,再也不能动弹了。 When Space-Time passes again, hears bang and bang two falling to the ground sounds get up, is the instantaneous, fierce silver dragon and fearful blood sword, dissipates all of a sudden, two corpses fell fall on the ground. 时空再一次流转的时候,听到“砰、砰”的两声落地之音响起,就是瞬间,凶猛的银龙、可怕的血剑,都一下子消逝,两具尸体摔落在了地上。 Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan were killed violently by a sword, their between the eyebrows were pierced by a sword, the blood flows, the blood hole is alarmed. 张云之李相权都被一剑毙命,他们的眉心被一剑刺穿,鲜血汩汩而流,血洞触目惊心。 That fears the last minute, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi True Fate wants to escape to go, without can succeed, in this in an instant, a Li Qiye's sword has ground extinguished their True Fate, absolutely would have no opportunity of escaping. 那怕最后一刻,李相权张云之真命想逃逸而去,都没能成功,在这刹那之间,李七夜的一剑已经碾灭了他们的真命,根本就没有逃脱的机会。 At once, the entire world arrives silent fearfully, everyone pulled out an cold air/Qi, is absolutely terrified, the both legs hit trembling. 一时之间,整个天地寂静到可怕,所有人都不由抽了一口冷气,不由毛骨悚然,双腿不由打起了哆嗦。 Still is a sword, Sword Pointing to the East and West, is killed violently Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi. 依然是一剑,剑指东西,毙命李相权张云之 Three moves, Li Qiye has said that three moves must take their lives, before then, many people do not spare a glance, but , looks at this ice-cold corpse, everyone was at this moment silent. 三招,李七夜说过,三招必取他们的性命,在此之前,多少人不屑一顾,但是,此时此刻,看着这冰冷的尸体,所有人都不由沉默了。 Today one. 今天一更。
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