ED :: Volume #37

#3690: Scared out of one's wits

At this time, looks at Li Qiye, Zhang Yunzhi was also good, Li Xiangquan, they absolutely terrified, complexion deathly white. 在这个时候,看着李七夜,张云之也好,李相权也罢,他们都不由毛骨悚然,脸色煞白 At this moment, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi felt that own hits the ghost, such weird matter, came across by them unexpectedly, but also there is any ratio this weirdly stranger matter. 此时此刻,李相权张云之感觉自己是撞鬼了,这么邪门的事情,竟然都被他们遇到了,还有什么比这更邪门更诡异的事情呢。 Li Qiye's cultivation, does not know that differs far with them, before then, they once believe, even Li Qiye is weird, even Li Qiye's method again heaven defying, but, is not their opponents. 李七夜的道行,不知道与他们相差得多远,在此之前,他们曾认为,就算李七夜再邪门,就算李七夜的手段再逆天,但,都不是他们的对手。 After all, their strengths were far in excess of Li Qiye not to know that many big boundary, let alone, they were from the big aristocratic family, has powerful incomparable treasure and weapon. 毕竟,他们的实力远远超越了李七夜不知道多少个大境界,更何况,他们出身于大世家,拥有着强大无匹的宝物与兵器。 Therefore, how facing the Li Qiye weird method, they to think that can deal with comes, even believes, cuts to kill Li Qiye, that is the middle finger picks the viviparus ninety percent sure matter, however, what making them have a dream has not thought that two moves, have made them collapse. 所以,不论是面对李七夜怎么样邪门的手段,他们都自认为能应付得来,甚至认为,斩杀李七夜,那是三指捡田螺十拿九稳的事情,然而,让他们做梦都没有想到的是,两招而已,就已经让他们崩溃了。 No matter how they are powerful attacking, no matter they how powerful defense, is unable to block Li Qiye one move Sword Pointing to the East and West. 不管他们是怎么样强大的攻伐,不管他们怎么强大的防御,都无法挡得住李七夜一招“剑指东西”。 At this time, complexion deathly white Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan they did not make every effort to succeed the both legs to hit one to tremble, in their hearts has the fear, in their hearts has been afraid. 在这个时候,脸色煞白张云之李相权他们都不争气地双腿打了一个哆嗦,他们心里面已经有了恐惧,他们心里面已经不由害怕起来。 Last move.” When Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi their complexion deathly white, Li Qiye smiled, at will incomparably, the Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi of cutting hatchet in hand to referred. “最后一招。”在李相权张云之他们两个人脸色煞白之时,李七夜笑了一下,随意无比,手中的砍柴刀向李相权张云之指了一下。 Before then, many people regarding the Li Qiye such optional stance are disaffection, but, present time, Li Qiye this optional movement, the thought otherwise smile, in anybody opinion, that was urgently presses Little Ghost to be the same, making one have a shiver, making people absolutely terrified. 在此之前,多少人对于李七夜这样随意的姿态是十分的不满,但是,现在的时候,李七夜这随意的动作,不以为然的笑容,在任何人看来,那都是催命小鬼一般,让人不由打了一个冷颤,让人不由为之毛骨悚然。 Therefore, when Li Qiye this saying said that on the scene does not know that had many cultivator powerhouse both legs to hit one to tremble. 所以,当李七夜这话说出来的时候,在场不知道有多少修士强者双腿都不由打了一个哆嗦。 Especially cutting hatchet casual finger/refers in Li Qiye hand , many cultivator powerhouses felt immediately a Li Qiye this conveniently finger/refers, is the knife point punctures own between the eyebrows, lets in the will of the people one for it cold, probably this common cutting hatchet, can puncture a hole own momentarily. 特别是李七夜手中的砍柴刀随便一指的时候,也有不少修士强者顿时感觉李七夜这随手一指,便已经是刀尖刺到了自己眉心,让人心里面为之一寒,好像这把不起眼的砍柴刀,随时都能把自己刺出一个窟窿来。 What awfully is, this conveniently finger/refers of cutting hatchet, making them be able to feel that own could not avoid completely, probably the own life completely grasped in the Li Qiye's hand general, Seizing Life and Death. 更要命的是,这随手一指的砍柴刀,让他们都感觉得到自己完全躲避不了,好像自己的性命完全掌握在李七夜的手中一般,生死夺予 „The third move, last move.” Does not know that many cultivator powerhouses, heart inside absolutely terrified, hit to tremble. “第三招,最后一招。”不知道多少修士强者,心里面毛骨悚然,打了个哆嗦。 At this time, Li Qiye smiled one, said: „The third move, takes your life.” 此时,李七夜笑了一下而已,说道:“第三招,取你们性命。” Li Qiye these words saying, that superficial, was such serene, in this case, said that deterrent force that seemed to have no completely, lethality that also had no. 李七夜这句话说出来,是那么的轻描淡写,是那么的风轻云淡,这样的话,说出来,似乎完全没有任何的威慑力,也没有任何的杀伤力。 However, lets the person hears in the ear time, thought that is chilly, probably a sword had pricked the chest of own. 但是,让人听到耳中的时候,却不由觉得是冷嗖嗖的,好像已经一剑刺入了自己的胸膛了。 This saying falls, everyone on the scene suffocates, the entire scene all of a sudden was peaceful. 这话一落下,在场的所有人都不由为之一窒息,整个场面都一下子安静下来了。 At this time, no one will suspect that the Li Qiye's words, before then, many people think Li Qiye overreaches oneself. 在这个时候,没有任何人会怀疑李七夜的话了,在此之前,有多少人认为李七夜是不自量力。 However, at this moment, when Li Qiye said such words, everyone in one for it heart cold, firmly believed to the Li Qiye's words. 然而,在此时此刻,当李七夜说出这样的话之时,所有人都为之心里面一寒,都不由对李七夜的话是坚信不移了。 At this moment, Li Qiye said life that a move takes Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi, everyone tacitly approves Li Qiye certainly to be able to achieve, even everyone believes that under this last sword, no matter how Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi their two people struggle, that does not help matters, they are just the fish meat on block. 此时此刻,李七夜说一招取李相权张云之的性命,所有人都默认李七夜一定能做得到,甚至大家都认为,在这最后一剑之下,不管李相权张云之他们两个人怎么样挣扎,那都无济于事,他们都只不过是砧板上的鱼肉而已。 No wonder is this.” Some little time, has the cultivator powerhouse to recover, muttered said. “难怪是这样。”好一会儿,有修士强者回过神来,不由喃喃地说道。 In, Li Qiye looked a moment ago Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi like looking at dead person are the same, many people regarding such words, that are in of Bi scoffing, now everyone understands, all that Li Qiye said that that is just the truth. 在刚才的时候,李七夜李相权张云之如同看死人一样,多少人对于这样的话,那是嗤之于鼻,现在大家都明白,李七夜所说的一切,那只不过是实话而已。 Li Qiye words, Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan also suffocate, they are pale, grasped both hands of fist also to shiver. 李七夜话一出,张云之李相权也不由为之一窒息,他们脸色苍白,握着拳头的双手也不由颤抖了一下。 If before then, Li Qiye dares to say so despises, they certainly angry incomparable, certainly will wish one could to tear to shreds Li Qiye, like this, Li Qiye says now despises, in their hearts has a shiver, in the heart was afraid. 若是在此之前,李七夜敢说出如此蔑视的话,他们一定会愤怒无比,一定会恨不得把李七夜碎尸万段,但是,现在李七夜说出这样蔑视的话之时,他们心里面不由打了一个冷颤,心里面不由害怕起来。 In this in an instant, they cut the hatchet to look subconsciously to Li Qiye, they felt that a own heart pain, Li Qiye's cut the hatchet to pierce their hearts to be the same probably. 在这刹那之间,他们下意识地向李七夜砍柴刀望去,他们感觉自己心脏一痛,好像李七夜的砍柴刀已经刺穿了他们的心脏一样。 In this electrical spark light, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi can feel, Death God to them was such near, the shadow of death has been covering them firmly. 在这石火电光之间,李相权张云之都能感受得到,死神离他们是如此之近,死亡的阴影已经牢牢地笼罩着他们了。 In this electrical spark light, looks at each other Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi is whiz, the body raises, turns around to escape, grazes to go to the horizon. 就在这石火电光之间,相视一眼的李相权张云之是“嗖”的一声,身体扬起,转身而逃,向天边飞掠而去。 Last move, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi do not dare to accept a challenge unexpectedly again, instead is turns around to escape, they by the scared out of one's wits, are not dared to meet the Li Qiye's third move. 最后一招,李相权张云之竟然不敢再应战,反而是转身而逃,他们是被吓破胆了,不敢去接李七夜的第三招了。 Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi suddenly, turn around to escape, this lets many people for it stare blankly, but, there are many cultivator powerhouses to think that is also the expected matter, 李相权张云之突然之间,转身而逃,这让不少人为之呆了一下,但,也有不少的修士强者觉得也是意料之中的事情, The ants must live on dishonorably, let alone Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi this well-born person. 蝼蚁都要苟且偷生,更何况李相权张云之此般出身高贵的人呢。 Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi, as the aristocratic family disciple, turn around to escape, indeed has the deficiency. After all, regarding many big aristocratic family disciples, they rather died in battle, will not fight to escape, because this not only makes own unable to raise the head again, will make the own aristocratic family be shamed, let alone, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi they are family's Successor, representative the own family's honor. 李相权张云之,作为世家弟子,转身而逃,的确有不妥之处。毕竟,对于很多大世家弟子而言,他们宁愿战死,也不会不战而逃,因为这不仅仅让自己再也抬不起头来,也会让自己世家蒙羞,更何况,李相权张云之他们都是家族的传人,代表自己家族的荣誉。 However, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi run away, everyone is silent, no one made noise to accuse, after all, trading to do is own, ran into the Li Qiye such weird person, only feared just as bad, perhaps after a move, then had been scared, had turned around to escape. 但是,李相权张云之逃走,大家都沉默,没有人出声去指责了,毕竟,换作是自己,遇到李七夜这么邪门的人,只怕也好不到哪里去,说不定一招之后,便已经被吓破了胆了,早就转身而逃了。 Since came, but also wants to walk?” Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi their two people have not run away far, a long sound resounds, a person has kept off in their front. “既然来了,还想走吗?”李相权张云之他们两个人还没有逃多远,一个悠悠的声音响起,一个人已经挡在了他们的前面了。 Everyone decides the eye to look, this is Li Qiye, everyone has not seen clearly, when Li Qiye blocked Zhang Yunzhi their way. 大家定眼一看,这正是李七夜,大家都没有看清楚,李七夜是什么时候挡住了张云之他们的去路。 Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi stopped the body immediately, sees to keep off in front Li Qiye, retroceded several steps. 李相权张云之立即刹住了身子,看到挡在前面的李七夜,不由后退了好几步。 Before, when they had feared Li Qiye, the root must not treat as a matter Li Qiye, now is actually frightened does not dare to approach. 以前,他们什么时候怕过李七夜了,根要就不把李七夜当作一回事,现在却被吓得都不敢靠近。 I have said that three moves take your life, must take your life.” The cutting hatchet optional finger/refers in Li Qiye hand, said with a smile. “我说过,三招取你们性命,必取你们性命。”李七夜手中的砍柴刀随意一指,含笑地说道。 Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi complexion deathly white, retroceded several steps, their complexion deathly white. 李相权张云之脸色煞白,不由后退了好几步,他们脸色煞白 Brother Li, we lose full of admiration, was sincerely convinced.” Zhang Yunzhi recovers, holds the fist in the other hand, said: Brother Li Sir has massive, does not count the fault of villain.” 李兄,我们输得五体投地,心服口服。”张云之回过神来,抱拳,说道:“李兄大人有大量,不计小人之过。” Li Xiangquan also holds the fist in the other hand, said: We lost, the technique is inferior to Brother Li. Brother Li is hero great Tao, but also asked Brother Li not to lower oneself to the same level with us.” 李相权也抱拳,说道:“我们输了,技不如李兄李兄乃是雄才伟韬,还请李兄不与我们一般见识。” When Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi said such words, let those present also blankly look at each other, everyone also knows, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi said the words that like this admitted defeat, that was begs for mercy to Li Qiye, but has not said the forgiving words. 李相权张云之说出这样的话之时,让在场的人也都面面相觑,大家也都知道,李相权张云之说出这样服软的话,那是向李七夜求饶,只不过没把饶命的话说出口而已。 Regarding their such status, is in front of everyone, so begs for mercy to admit defeat to Li Qiye, that is is not very easy. 对于他们这样的身份来说,当着所有人的面,向李七夜这般求饶认输,那都已经是很不容易了。 Right?” Li Qiye smiled, said: I do what has said.” “是吗?”李七夜笑了一下,说道:“我言出必行。” Li Qiye this saying lets Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi complexion big change immediately, they retroceded one step. 李七夜这话顿时让李相权张云之脸色大变,他们不由后退了一步。 Brother Li, kills people not the excessive point place, but also looks at Brother Li to spare and not punish too severely.” Li Xiangquan clenches teeth, said. This is enough clear begged for mercy, sufficed directly. 李兄,杀人不过头点地,还望李兄高抬贵手。”李相权一咬牙,说道。这已经是够明白的求饶了,也够直接了。 Also asked Brother Li to spare and not punish too severely.” Zhang Yunzhi also said busily. “还请李兄高抬贵手。”张云之也忙是说道。 At once, everyone is looking at Li Qiye, looking at Li Qiye is willing to forgive Zhang Yunzhi and a Li Xiangquan life, after all , some people are not willing to do too excessively. 一时之间,大家都望着李七夜,看李七夜愿不愿意饶张云之李相权一命,毕竟,也有一些人不愿意做得太过份。 Trading to do is I lost, did I have the opportunity of begging for mercy?” Li Qiye smiled, said easely. “换作是我输了,我有求饶的机会吗?”李七夜笑了一下,悠然地说道。 This saying let Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi immediately suffocated, cultivator powerhouse on the scene also all of a sudden silent. 这话顿时让李相权张云之不由窒息了一下,在场的修士强者也都一下子沉默。 The answer is but obviously changed/easy lift/move, as we all know. Without a doubt, Li Qiye lost, only feared how, no matter he begs for mercy, only feared that Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan will not be softhearted, forgive him not dead, on the contrary, Li Qiye, if begs for mercy, they will more suffer Li Qiye, making him not seek livehood, asked unable. 答案是显而易举的,大家都知道。毫无疑问,如果李七夜输了,只怕不管他怎么样求饶,只怕张云之李相权都不会心慈手软,饶他不死,相反,李七夜若是求饶,他们会越折磨李七夜,让他求生不得,求死不能。 Brother Li, no, without that a matter.” Zhang Yunzhi haunches the smile, but, smiles the ratio to cry also ugly/difficult to look at, he said: This time, we will not let Brother Li absolutely empty-handed, so long as Brother Li has uncovered this grievances, the condition is put forward by Brother Li.” 李兄,没,没那么回事。”张云之撑起笑容,但是,笑比哭还难看,他说道:“这一次,我们绝对不会让李兄空手,只要李兄揭过这一桩恩怨,条件由李兄提。” So long as Brother Li put forward the condition, we full power coordinated certainly.” Li Xiangquan also echoes busily. “只要李兄提出条件,我们一定全力配合。”李相权也忙是附和。 At this time, Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan their two people admitted defeat thoroughly, to maintain a livelihood, their two people do not want the dignity. 在这个时候,张云之李相权他们两个人彻底服软了,为了活命,他们两个人连尊严都不要了。 After all, to them, the peaceful death non- good and evil lives. 毕竟,对于他们来说,好死不好歹活。 Words that everyone also looks at Li Qiye, Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan spoke, indeed has the seduction, after all, everyone knows that Li Family and Zhang Family are background are deep, absolutely is a fat sheep. 大家也都看着李七夜,张云之李相权所说的话,也的确有诱惑,毕竟,大家都知道李家张家底蕴深厚,绝对是个肥羊。 thing that I want, is very simple, so long as in your head.” Li Qiye remains unmoved, said merely with a smile. “我要的东西,很简单,只要你们项上人头而已。”李七夜不为所动,仅仅是笑着说道。 Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi complexion big change, the complexion becomes flushed immediately. 李相权张云之脸色大变,顿时脸色涨红。 Brother Li, this goes too far not.” At this time, Li Xiangquan became angry out of shame. 李兄,这莫欺人太甚。”在这个时候,李相权不由老羞成怒。 To them, is in front of everyone, begs for mercy to Li Qiye, any Li Qiye butchers, that is the great shame, their all dignity, all glory, that had been stepped on breaks to pieces on the ground. 对于他们来说,当着所有人的面,向李七夜求饶,任何李七夜宰割,那都已经是奇耻大辱了,他们的所有尊严,所有的荣耀,那都已经是被踩碎在地上了。 Now Li Qiye also such duo duo the vice- person, is not willing to forgive their life, can they not become angry out of shame? 现在李七夜还如此的咄咄副人,不愿意饶他们一命,他们能不老羞成怒吗? 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