ED :: Volume #37

#3689: One the sword breaks it

At this time, everyone stared at Li Qiye, how looks at Li Qiye can take action. 在这个时候,所有人都不由盯着李七夜,看着李七夜将会怎么样出手 But above sky, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi launched the own most powerful defense, one is the storm arrives, wreaks havoc 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, one is vast sea is boundless, isolates ten sides. 而在天空之上,李相权张云之都展开了自己最强大的防御,一个乃是风暴降临,肆虐九天十地,一个乃是浩海无边,隔绝十方。 That eats a sword.” Facing Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi they to the unequalled defense, Li Qiye have not looked at one powerful, smiled at will, flung started the cutting hatchet. “那就吃一剑吧。”面对李相权张云之他们强大到无与伦比的防御,李七夜也没有多看一眼,随意地笑了一下,甩了一下手中的砍柴刀而已。 At once, everyone on the scene turns very quiet, firmly looks at Li Qiye's every action and every movement. 一时之间,在场的所有人都不由屏住呼吸,牢牢地看着李七夜的一举一动。 Especially these Sword Dao expert, are an eye opens the eyes in a big way, is not willing to miss any detail, that feared that is the slight detail, is not willing to have any negligence. 特别是那些剑道高手,更是一双眼睛睁得大大的,不愿意错过任何的细节,那怕是丝毫的细节,都不愿意有任何疏忽的。 Under glare of the public eye, Li Qiye holds up to cut the hatchet, a blade is released slowly. 在众目睽睽之下,李七夜举起砍柴刀,一刀缓缓地推出。 Sword Pointing to the East and West, is Sword Pointing to the East and West.” Saw that Li Qiye's cuts the hatchet is released slowly, many people call out in alarm one, made everyone boil all of a sudden, everyone saw this sword again, Sword Emperor technique of Sword Pointing to the East and West Wushuang/matchless! 剑指东西,又是剑指东西。”看到李七夜的砍柴刀缓缓推出的时候,不少人惊呼一声,一下子让所有人都不由沸腾了,大家再次见到了这一剑,剑帝无双之术剑指东西 Really is, Sword Pointing to the East and West!” Sword Dao expert powerhouse , the mind shakes, an eye opens the eyes to be bigger than the pigeon egg, they wish one could each detail firmly bearing in mind scope. “真的是,剑指东西!”剑道高手强者,也都心神一震,一双眼睛睁得比鸽蛋还要大,他们恨不得把每一个细节都牢牢地记在心里面。 Regarding Sword Dao expert, they think [comprehend/comprehension] this move of Sword Pointing to the East and West, wants to see this move Sword Pointing to the East and West mystery where. 对于剑道高手而言,他们都想参悟这一招剑指东西,都想看出这一招“剑指东西”的奥妙在哪里。 In Buddhist Holy Land, and even is entire Southwest Sovereign, regarding many cultivator, has listened to Sword Pointing to the East and West this move, even many people's to this move of rack and stance are clear. 佛陀圣地,乃至是整个南西皇,对于许多修士而言,都听过“剑指东西”这一招,甚至很多人对这一招的架子、姿态都一清二楚。 Sword Dao expert was needless saying that most Sword Dao expert went to [comprehend/comprehension] Sword Emperor the move Sword Pointing to the East and West, they regarding this move were skillfully, the detail of this move of movement even can know by heart. 剑道高手就不用说了,绝大多数的剑道高手都去参悟剑帝的这一招“剑指东西”,他们对于这一招可谓是滚瓜烂熟了,这一招动作的细节甚至是可以倒背如流。 However, no one can the true [comprehend/comprehension] this move of Sword Pointing to the East and West mystery, now, Li Qiye be able to execute this move Sword Pointing to the East and West might, regarding any Sword Dao expert, is ten thousand years the opportunity that is difficult to meet, how are they willing to miss? 但是,没有谁能真正参悟这一招剑指东西的奥妙,现在,李七夜能施出这一招“剑指东西”的威力,对于任何一个剑道高手而言,都是万载难逢的机会,他们又怎么愿意错过呢? Therefore, at this time, does not know many Sword Dao expert, want while Li Qiye displays this move Sword Pointing to the East and West the time, [comprehend/comprehension] this move, wants to completely understand that well perhaps this move of mystery, own can practice Sword Emperor the move Sword Pointing to the East and West. 所以,在这个时候,不知道多少剑道高手,想趁着李七夜施展出这一招“剑指东西”的时候,好好参悟这一招,想看透这一招的奥妙,说不定自己能修练成剑帝的这一招“剑指东西”呢。 A sword is released slowly, at this time, everyone eyes eye big, looks was clear that not to be clear again, but, in this in an instant, everyone just like suddenly is the same. 一剑缓缓推出,在这个时候,所有人都眼睛眼得大大的,看得清楚到不能再清楚了,但,就是在这刹那之间,所有人都犹如恍然一样。 As this sword is released in an instant, a feeling of another era, time with passes instantaneously, such as the instantaneous reverse, in this electrical spark light, everyone felt that time traces billion years all of a sudden but actually, flickers to pass all of a sudden billion years, under such two unparalleled misconception, disturbed everyone's mind all of a sudden, in this instantaneous, no matter Sword Dao expert, is Large Sect Old Ancestor, their Space-Time confused feelings, do not know where own was in a situation. 随着这一剑推出的刹那之间,给人一种隔世之感,时光同瞬间流逝,又如瞬间倒逆,在这石火电光之间,所有人都感觉时光一下子倒溯千百万年,又一下子瞬逝千百万年,在这样两种绝无伦比的错觉之下,一下子干扰了所有人的心神,在这瞬间,不管是剑道高手,还是大教老祖,他们都有一种时空错乱的感觉,都不知道自己处身于在哪里了。 In an instant, hears two pitiful yells of Ah! and Ah!” that everyone has not recovered to resound, everyone has not seen clearly a this is what matter time, Li Qiye's cut the hatchet to prick the chest of Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi, center right chest. 在所有人还没有回过神来的刹那之间,听到“啊”的两声惨叫响起,所有人都没看清楚这是怎么一回事的时候,李七夜的砍柴刀已经刺入了李相权张云之的胸膛了,正中右胸膛。 Cuts the hatchet pulls out, the wounds on their chest are the blood wind shoot, cut the hatchet to pierce their right chest, left behind a dripping with blood blood hole. 砍柴刀拔出来的时候,他们两个人胸膛上的伤口是鲜血飙射,砍柴刀是洞穿了他们的右胸膛,留下了一个鲜血淋漓的血洞。 With Li Xiangquan and a Zhang Yunzhi their pitiful yell, crashes from sky, fell layer on layer/heavily on the ground, the dripping with blood. Blood that spews out from the chest wound, dyed red their clothes. 随着李相权张云之他们两个人的一声惨叫,都从天空上坠落下来,重重地摔在了地上,鲜血淋漓。从胸膛伤口喷涌而出的鲜血,染红了他们的衣裳。 Such, lets everyone stare blankly, cannot respond all of a sudden, because a Li Qiye this incomparable sword punctures at will, spanned Space-Time completely, penetrated vast Vast Ocean all of a sudden, bridged over the storm of wreaking havoc. 这样的一幕,让所有人都呆了一下,一下子反应不过来,因为李七夜这随意无比的一剑刺出,完全跨越了时空,一下子穿透了浩瀚的汪洋大海,跨过了肆虐的风暴。 No matter vast Vast Ocean has several million li (0.5 km) separation, storm that no matter also wreaks havoc what kind of fierce overbearing, all these do not help matters, in this sword Sword Pointing to the East and West, as if all these defense no longer exist(ence) is the same, perhaps, they in this time, but, in another time, they are completely not exist(ence). 不管是浩瀚的汪洋大海有几千万里之隔,也不管肆虐的风暴如何的凶猛霸道,这一切都无济于事,在这一剑“剑指东西”之下,似乎这一切的防御都不复存在一样,或许,它们是在这个时光之中,但,在另一个时光之中,它们是完全不存在的。 No matter how, most cultivator powerhouses have not seen clearly the mystery of this sword are anything, everyone is noticed merely Li Qiye promotes this sword at will Sword Pointing to the East and West, disregards all defenses instantaneously, pierced the right chest of Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi. 不管如何,绝大多数的修士强者都没有看清楚这一剑的奥妙是什么,大家仅仅是看到李七夜随意地推出这一剑“剑指东西”而已,瞬间无视所有的防御,刺穿了李相权张云之的右胸。 These Sword Dao powerhouses, even is Sword Dao Old Ancestor, saw the clue somewhat, but, was many mysterious such as general. 那些剑道强者,甚至是剑道老祖,多多少少看出端倪了,但是,还是有很多奥妙如云里雾里一般。 This, this, is this time spans?” After having Sword Dao Old Ancestor saw clearly this, the mind shakes, felt that in this in an instant, own just like is catches anything to be the same. “这,这,这是一种时光跨越吗?”有剑道老祖看清楚了这一幕之后,心神一震,感觉在这刹那之间,自己犹如是捕捉到了什么一样。 Good, probably, with, with style not, no matter what to have what to relate, this is a jump of Space-Time.” Another immersed over a thousand years of sword Daoist Elder in Sword Dao, muttered said. “好,好像是,与,与招式本身没有任何关系,这是一种时空的跳跃。”另外一位在剑道之中沉浸了上千年之久的剑道长老,不由喃喃地说道。 Sword Pointing to the East and West looks at such, no matter young one generation, is Large Sect Old Ancestor, for it absent-minded, cannot get back one's composure at once. 剑指东西看着这样的一幕,不管是年轻一辈,还是大教老祖,都不由为之失神,一时之间回不过神来。 „A move invincible?” Has young cultivator to say dull: „Can a move sweep away 9 Heavens 10 Worlds?” “一招无敌吗?”有年轻修士不由呆呆地说道:“一招就可以横扫九天十地吗?” Thinks of such possibility, does not know that makes many people palpitate with excitement, considers, from the beginning, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi they kills Li Qiye by the fiercest style, but Li Qiye Sword Pointing to the East and West breaks it by one move, now Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi they by most firmest defense protection, but, Li Qiye still Sword Pointing to the East and West breaks it by one move. 想到这样的可能性,也不知道让多少人怦然心动,试想一下,在一开始的时候,李相权张云之他们以最凶猛的招式狙杀李七夜,而李七夜以一招“剑指东西”破之,现在李相权张云之他们以最强最坚固的防御守护,但是,李七夜依然是以一招“剑指东西”破之。 From beginning to end, Li Qiye has not employed other Cultivation Technique, without using other styles, had only used one move Sword Pointing to the East and West, defeated Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi easily. 从始至终,李七夜都没有施用过其他的功法,都没有使用过其他的招式,只用了一招“剑指东西”,就轻而易举地打败了李相权张云之了。 This makes many people think, could it be that said that practiced such a move Sword Pointing to the East and West, then can fight all over unmatched in the world? 这就让很多人想到,难道说,修练了这么一招“剑指东西”,便可以打遍天下无敌手? After having such idea, how also not to make one palpitate with excitement, many people want to practice this move Sword Pointing to the East and West. 有了这样的想法之后,又怎么不让人怦然心动呢,多少人想修练成这一招“剑指东西”。 Really is the invincible move, Sword Emperor investigates certainly is shocking incomparable Dao Monarch.” Some people sigh with emotion, shock said: If not for the invincible move, he will not keep Cloud and Mud School this move.” “果然是无敌之招,剑帝绝究是惊艳无匹的道君呀。”有人不由感慨,震撼地说道:“若不是无敌之招,他也不会把这一招留在了云泥学院。” This move of great strength, letting the person is unable to imagine.” Also some powerhouses sigh with emotion, said: „Since no wonder billion years, can become aware this move, is few, indeed is so, so powerful invincible sword, must be mysterious Wushuang/matchless.” “这一招之强大,让人无法想象。”也有强者不由感慨,说道:“难怪千百万年以来,能悟此招者,乃是寥寥无几,的确是如此,如此强大无敌的剑式,应当是奥妙无双了。” At once, many cultivator powerhouses discussed in a low voice, there are many cultivator powerhouses also to envy the envy to hate. 一时之间,不少修士强者都低声议论,也有许多的修士强者也不由羡慕嫉妒恨。 After all, a move then invincible, many people want to obtain, the issue is, does not know that many of [comprehend/comprehension] innumerable day and night, had achieved nothing. 毕竟,一招便无敌,多少人想得到的,问题是,不知道有多少人参悟了无数日夜,都一无所获。 Now Li Qiye [comprehend/comprehension] such a move, how this does not make everyone envy the envy to hate. 现在李七夜参悟了这么一招,这怎么不让大家羡慕嫉妒恨呢。 Why my [comprehend/comprehension] a half year, day and night, each movement, each detail, estimated 1 million times, I actually have achieved nothing, a might does not have. Li Qiye looked at one time merely, he can [comprehend/comprehension] this move Sword Pointing to the East and West, this, this, this, this not be rather unfair, the God was too cruel to me.” After having Cloud and Mud School student sees this, wailed, cannot bear zu scold the God to come, indignant. “为什么我足足参悟了半年,没日没夜,每一个动作,每一个细节,都揣摩了百万次,我却一无所获,一点威力都没有。李七夜仅仅是看了一次而已,他就能参悟这一招‘剑指东西’,这,这,这,这未免太不公平了吧,老天爷对我太残忍了吧。”有云泥学院学生看到这一幕之后,不由哀嚎了一声,忍不住诅骂起老天爷来,愤愤不平。 Your this has anything, my eight annual income Cloud and Mud School, deeply cultivate/repair the 30 year, every morning, must on Dao Comprehension Peak, probably observe this sword Chen, but, does not have achieved nothing.” Cloud and Mud School old student shakes the head to say. “你这有什么的,我八岁入云泥学院,深修三十年,每日早晨,都必上悟道峰,必观此剑一辰,但,不也是一无所获。”有一位云泥学院年长的学生摇头说道。 This cannot compare with Li Qiye, Li Qiye is the God darling, you had not noticed that God what is favoring him? This is the advantageous man, others have no way compared with him. Only can say, the person, anger people to death, the God is unfair.” Also there is Cloud and Mud School student to see through, smiled bitterly. “这就不能和李七夜相比了,李七夜是老天爷的宠儿,你没看到老天爷什么都是宠着他吗?这是得天独厚的男人,其他人根本就没法和他相比。只能说,人比人,气死人,老天爷太不公平了。”也有云泥学院学生看开了,苦笑了一下。 Many cultivator powerhouse there's nothing felt but actually, regarding Cloud and Mud School student, the impact was too big, does not know that many student run toward Dao Comprehension Peak daily, does not know that many student go to [comprehend/comprehension] Sword Emperor the sword with hardship, but, they have achieved nothing. 不少修士强者倒没有什么感觉,对于云泥学院学生来说,冲击就太大了,不知道有多少学生天天往悟道峰跑,也不知道有多少学生苦苦去参悟剑帝的这一剑,但是,他们都一无所获。 However, Li Qiye strolled one merely, without standing how long, on that day many student saw with one's own eyes, instead, Li Qiye [comprehend/comprehension] this move Sword Pointing to the East and West, how this did not make Cloud and Mud School student indignant disturbed. 然而,李七夜仅仅是逛了一圈而已,都没站多久,那一天多少学生亲眼看到的,反而,李七夜参悟了这一招“剑指东西”,这怎么不让云泥学院学生忿忿不平呢。 At this time, the whole body was the Li Xiangquan and Li Xiangquan liangs person of blood crawls, they sealed up the wound busily, spread spirit medicine, stopped the injury. 在这个时候,浑身是鲜血的李相权个人爬起来,他们忙是封住了伤口,敷上了灵药,止住伤势。 At this time, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi their complexion deathly white, the both legs hit one to tremble. 此时,李相权张云之他们两个人脸色煞白,双腿都不由打了一个哆嗦。 To them, this injury is not serious, but could also not want their life, but, they were actually scared by Li Qiye this sword. 对于他们来说,这伤势不算重,还要不了他们的性命,但是,他们却被李七夜这一剑吓破了胆。 From beginning to end, Li Qiye has not transformed other styles, merely is one move Sword Pointing to the East and West, broke them to attack governing and defense, this to them, was too fearful. 从始至终,李七夜没有变换过其他的招式,仅仅就是一招“剑指东西”,就破了他们两个人的攻御与防守,这对于他们来说,太可怕了。 Is two swords, this had routed their confidence, collapsed also their pride. 仅仅是两剑,这已经是击溃了他们两个人的信心,崩还了他们的骄傲。 Before then, in their will of the people does not treat as a matter Li Qiye, they believe that so long as their take action, must cut Li Qiye, even makes Li Qiye not seek livehood, asked unable. 在此之前,他们两个人心里面多么不把李七夜当作一回事,他们自认为,只要他们出手,必斩李七夜,甚至让李七夜求生不得,求死不能。 However, now a Li Qiye move conveniently Sword Pointing to the East and West, makes them be utterly routed, absolutely does not have the resistance. 然而,现在李七夜随手的一招“剑指东西”,却让他们溃不成军,根本就没有招架之力。 At this time, their two people felt own on the fish meat like block, whatever Li Qiye butchered, what kind of struggling no matter they were, that was useless. 在这个时候,他们两个人感觉自己就像砧板上的鱼肉,任由李七夜宰割,不管他们是怎么样的挣扎,那都毫无用处。 „A sword puts on the right chest.” Also there is cultivator powerhouse looks at Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan dripping with blood chest, muttered said. “一剑穿右胸。”也有修士强者看着张云之李相权鲜血淋漓的胸膛,不由喃喃地说道。 Before then, Li Qiye has said that now he also achieves easily. 在此之前,李七夜说过,现在他也是轻而易举做到了。 Dark Giant rank exposure! To know how Dark Giant divides the strength? To understand that what rank Samsara Wild Ancestor is in Dark Giant? Comes to here!! Pays attention to WeChat public number „the Xiao Residence regiment, examines the historical news, or input „the dark(ness) rank then reads the relevant information!! 黑暗巨头等级曝光了!想知道黑暗巨头到底是如何划分实力的吗?想了解轮回荒祖黑暗巨头中属于什么级别吗?来这里!!关注微信公众号“萧府军团”,查看历史消息,或输入“黑暗等级”即可阅览相关信息!! Today one. 今天一更。 ps: The book friends, I am Yan Bi Xiao Sheng, recommends free app, supports downloading, to listen to storytelling, zero advertisements and many reading patterns. Please pay attention to the book friends to pay attention quickly! ps:书友们,我是厌笔萧生,推荐一款免费app,支持下载、听书、零广告、多种阅读模式。请您关注书友们快关注起来吧!
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