ED :: Volume #37

#3692: One under sword heaven frightening

The smell of blood, greets the nostrils to come, making everyone on the scene absolutely terrified, in the looks at ground two become the ice-cold corpse slowly, making one have a shiver. 血腥味,扑鼻而来,让在场的所有人都不由为之毛骨悚然,看着地面上两具慢慢变得冰冷的尸体,让人不由打了一个冷颤。 In a moment ago, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi also jumped for joy, suddenly, then becomes two corpses. 在刚才,李相权张云之还活蹦乱跳,眨眼之间,便成为了两具尸体了。 looks at such, everyone was silent, at once, does not know many thought passed over gently and swiftly all of a sudden the mind of many cultivator powerhouses. 看着这样的一幕,大家都不由沉默了,一时之间,不知道多少的念头一下子掠过了许多修士强者的脑海。 Cloud and Mud Five Heroes, suddenly then except two, what awfully is, they are now the Golden Pestle Dynasty high-ranking official's sons, is Successor of aristocratic family. 云泥五杰,眨眼之间便被除去了两杰,更要命的是,他们都是当今金杵王朝的大员之子,都是世家的传人 One is the child of Grand Marshal, one is the child of Grand Governor, any thinks person who this point, the feeling is the wind and rain wants all of a sudden, the storm must approach. 一个是太尉之子,一个是太宰之子,任何会想到这一点的人,都一下子感觉是风雨欲来,暴风雨要来临了。 Feared that is Golden Pestle Dynasty is furious?” Crossed some little time, has the cultivator powerhouse to recover, muttered said. “怕是金杵王朝震怒吗?”过了好一会儿,有修士强者回过神来,不由喃喃地说道。 Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi were cut to kill facing the street . Moreover, their status no small matter, moreover under the broad daylight, under glare of the public eye, cuts to kill the Golden Pestle Dynasty high-ranking official's son, this only feared that is provoking the Golden Pestle Dynasty authority, this only feared that despises Golden Pestle Dynasty. 李相权张云之被当街斩杀,而且,他们身份非同小可,而且在光天化日之下,在众目睽睽之下,斩杀金杵王朝的大员之子,这只怕是在挑衅金杵王朝的权威,这只怕是蔑视金杵王朝呀。 If Golden Pestle Dynasty is angry, will transfer the mighty force surely, to exterminate Li Qiye. 若是金杵王朝大怒,必定会调动千军万马,以剿灭李七夜 even if Golden Pestle Dynasty does not get angry, only feared that Zhang Family and Li Family two respected family good Ba will not be willing to give up.” After having cultivator to recover, shakes the head. 就算是金杵王朝不怒,只怕张家李家两大家族都不会善罢某甘休的。”有修士回过神来之后,不由摇了摇头。 Zhang Family and Li Family, are ancient the aristocratic families of Buddha Saint, the big aristocratic family, takes root of Buddhist Holy Land billion years, it may be said that is deep-rooted, strength powerful, deep of background, that is the no small matter, today, their Successor tragic deaths in the Li Qiye's hand, only fear that two big aristocratic families will not give up absolutely, even spares nothing to cut to kill Li Qiye, revenges for the disciple who they died. 张家李家,乃是佛陀圣家的古世家,大世家,扎根于佛陀圣地千百万年之久,可谓是根深蒂固,实力之强大、底蕴之深厚,那是非同小可,今日,他们的传人惨死在了李七夜的手中,只怕两大世家绝对不会善罢甘休,甚至不惜一切代价斩杀李七夜,为他们死去的弟子报仇。 Storm must come.” Also some powerhouses look to Li Qiye, said: This tribulation, only feared that is sad.” “暴风雨要来了。”也有强者不由望向李七夜,说道:“这一劫,只怕是难过吧。” Although said, everyone can look, Li Qiye's one move Sword Pointing to the East and West is really very powerful, that is also very mysterious, but, Zhang Family, is Li Family, is the background deep incomparable big aristocratic families, they have among powerful Old Ancestor also survival in the world. 虽然说,大家都能看得出来,李七夜的一招“剑指东西”实在是很强大,那也是很奥妙,但是,不论是张家,还是李家,都是底蕴深厚无比的大世家,他们有着强大的老祖还幸存于世间。 If Zhang Family and Li Family do not hesitate to revenge for their juniors, only feared that an only Li Qiye person, is unable to resist with Zhang Family and Li Family big aristocratic family like this. 如果张家李家不惜一切为他们的子弟报仇的话,只怕单凭李七夜一个人,无法与张家李家这样的大世家对抗。 In Buddhist Holy Land, do not say is individual, even if the big sects and countries, does not dare easily to resist with Zhang Family and Li Family big aristocratic family like this. 佛陀圣地,不要说是个人,就算是大教疆国,也不敢轻易与张家李家这样的大世家对抗。 But a Li Qiye's move Sword Pointing to the East and West again powerful, only feared that is unable more powerful than Zhang Family and Li Family that far long Old Ancestor, once Zhang Family and Li Family that far long Old Ancestor reveals itself, only feared that Li Qiye is not an opponent, only feared that must die without doubt. 李七夜的一招“剑指东西”再强大,只怕也是无法比张家李家那远久的老祖强大,一旦张家李家那远久的老祖出世,只怕李七夜也不是对手,只怕是必死无疑。 Therefore, after Li Qiye killed Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi, many people attracted an cold air/Qi, everyone thought that the Li Qiye danger, only feared he can die a tragic death sooner or later in the hand of Zhang Family and Li Family. 所以,李七夜杀死了李相权张云之之后,不少人都吸了一口冷气,大家都觉得李七夜危矣,只怕他迟早会惨死在张家李家的手中。 Sword Pointing to the East and West-- also has Sword Dao expert not to care about these, they only cared that Li Qiye this move Sword Pointing to the East and West, to them, a Li Qiye such move Sword Pointing to the East and West they brought too many shocked, they wished one could to be able immediately [comprehend/comprehension] this move Sword Pointing to the East and West. 剑指东西——”也有剑道高手不关心这些,他们只关心李七夜这一招“剑指东西”,对于他们来说,李七夜这么一招“剑指东西”给他们带来太多的震撼了,他们恨不得立即就能参悟这一招“剑指东西”。 Practices this move, must be invincible.” Cloud and Mud School student is the heart is itchier, although said, Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan tragic death in the Li Qiye hand, brings very big shock to them, but, those who make them somewhat not live according, they wish one could to return to Cloud and Mud School now immediately, mounts Dao Comprehension Peak, goes to diligently [comprehend/comprehension] this move again Sword Pointing to the East and West. “修练成此招,必是无敌呀。”云泥学院学生更是心痒痒的,虽然说,张云之李相权惨死在李七夜手中,给他们带来很大的震撼,但是,更让他们有些按奈不住的是,他们恨不得现在就立即回到云泥学院,登上悟道峰,再一次去努力参悟这一招“剑指东西”。 It looks like in Cloud and Mud School student, they compare outside anybody to have the opportunity to go to [comprehend/comprehension] this move Sword Pointing to the East and West, has the chance to practice this move Sword Pointing to the East and West, after all, comes compared with the bystander, Cloud and Mud School student has the exceptional superiority in Dao Comprehension Peak. 云泥学院学生看来,他们比外面的任何人都有机会去参悟这一招“剑指东西”,也更有机缘修练成这一招“剑指东西”,毕竟,比起外人来,云泥学院学生悟道峰有着得天独厚的优势。 Was too weird, this, only feared that will raise reign of terror in Buddhist Holy Land.” Has Large Sect Old Ancestor looks at serene Li Qiye, not from this assertion. “太邪门了,此子,只怕会在佛陀圣地掀起腥风血雨。”有大教老祖看着风轻云淡李七夜,不由此般断言。 At this time, that feared that powerful Large Sect Old Ancestor touched an airtight Li Qiye such younger generation, in their opinion, Li Qiye this was weird. 在这个时候,那怕强大的大教老祖都摸不透李七夜这么一个晚辈了,在他们看来,李七夜这是邪门透顶了。 This is not only because Li Qiye was [comprehend/comprehension] Sword Pointing to the East and West , was not only because Li Qiye was the God darling, what good deed made him run upon. 这不仅仅是因为李七夜参悟了“剑指东西”,也不仅仅是因为李七夜是老天爷的宠儿,什么好事都让他撞上了。 Simultaneously makes them feel what is weird is Li Qiye that calm, as if this was incompatible with his age, killed Li Family and Zhang Family Successor, became enemies with Li Family and Zhang Family such colossus, Li Qiye was unhurried, was still calm calm. 同时让他们觉得邪门的是李七夜那种淡定,似乎这与他年纪不符,杀了李家张家传人,与李家张家这样的庞然大物结仇,李七夜却一点都不慌,依然是淡定从容。 Can achieve such a point, in their opinion, does not know the sky is high the earth is deep either, either is energy 100%, this makes Large Sect Old Ancestor touch airtight Li Qiye not to know the sky is high the earth is deep, is energy 100%. 能做到这样一点,在他们看来,要么是不知天高地厚,要么是底气十足,这让大教老祖都摸不透李七夜是不知道天高地厚,还是底气十足呢。 If energy 100%, then, depending on the person who a Li Qiye such woodcutter comes, comes to resist with Li Family and Zhang Family such colossus with anything, let alone, behind Li Family and Zhang Family, powerful incomparable Golden Pestle Dynasty. 如果说是底气十足,那么,凭李七夜这么一个樵夫出身的人,拿什么来与李家张家这样的庞然大物来对抗呢,更何况,在李家张家背后,还有强大无匹的金杵王朝呢。 Ok.” At this time, Li Qiye took back cut the hatchet, patted clapping, had a smile, looked at those present one eyes, the smile specially gently, said slowly: Who does also want to take a look at my treasure? To snatch my treasure?” “好了。”此时,李七夜收回了砍柴刀,拍了拍手,含笑,看了在场的人一眼,笑容特别的温柔,徐徐地说道:“还有谁想要看看我的宝物吗?或者想抢一抢我身上的宝物吗?” This saying falls, all cultivator on the scene are you looks at me, I look at you, the entire long street, does not have any cultivator spoke. 这话落下,在场的所有修士都是你看我,我看你,整条长街,没有任何一个修士吭声了。 Although said, treasure moves the will of the people, but, the poor life is more important, Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi learn from another's mistakes, when anybody wants to snatch Li Qiye treasure, that first thinks over the own strength. 虽然说,宝物十分动人心,但是,小命更要紧,李相权张云之就是前车之鉴,任何人想抢李七夜宝物之时,那都先掂量一下自己的实力。 Some even if Large Sect Old Ancestor, had an idea facing Li Qiye's treasure at heart, but, held troops, because they were also the same have not grasped decode Li Qiye this move Sword Pointing to the East and West, in their opinion, this move Sword Pointing to the East and West was really weird, therefore, before the assurance, they will not act rashly, first held troops. 就算是一些大教老祖,心里面对李七夜的宝物有所想法了,但,都按兵不动,因为他们也一样没有把握破解李七夜这一招“剑指东西”,在他们看来,这一招“剑指东西”实在是太邪门了,所以,在没有把握之前,他们不会轻举妄动,先按兵不动。 That, no one even, what a pity.” Li Qiye shot the dust on body, smiled lightly, turns around to walk. “那也罢,没有人就算了,可惜。”李七夜弹了弹身上的灰尘,淡淡地笑了一下,转身就走。 At this time, all cultivator on long street do not dare to block the Li Qiye's way, no matter the aristocratic family disciple, is Large Sect Old Ancestor, they are silent, one after another is Li Qiye give away the one path. 此时,长街上的所有修士都不敢挡住李七夜的去路,不管是世家弟子,还是大教老祖,他们都沉默着,纷纷李七夜让出一条道路来。 Therefore, Li Qiye passes through, the crowd separates automatically, one smooth Grand Dao appears in front of Li Qiye. 所以,李七夜走过的时候,人群自动分开,一条平坦大道出现在李七夜面前。 When Li Qiye walks away, Yang Ling recovers, pursued busily. 李七夜走远的时候,杨玲回过神来,忙是追了上去。 Li Xiangquan and Zhang Yunzhi were killed, this makes Yang Ling also shock, after all, their two people are one of the Cloud and Mud Five Heroes, let alone, is Successor of two big aristocratic families. 李相权张云之被杀,这让杨玲也是十分震撼,毕竟,他们两个人都是云泥五杰之一,更何况,还是两大世家的传人 Yang Ling in Cloud and Mud School, does not have rare Zhang Yunzhi and Li Xiangquan, regarding formidable of their strength, that is the impression is very profound. 杨玲云泥学院的时候,没少见过张云之李相权,对于他们实力的强悍,那是印象十分深刻的。 However, at this moment, their two people were killed when the Young Master cutting hatchet, what is more important, Li Qiye kills them, that is superficial, effortless, can this not make Yang Ling shock?? Catches up with Li Qiye, after walking away, Yang Ling deeply shouted inspires, still could not bear ask: Young Master, that, Sword Pointing to the East and West......”? At once, Yang Ling does not know how to express, because of before then, Li Qiye had said that passes on her Sword Pointing to the East and West, but, she chose Reverend Cloud and Mud secret skill. 但是,此时此刻,他们两个人都丧命在了少爷的砍柴刀之下,更重要的是,李七夜杀死他们两个人之时,那是轻描淡写,毫不费吹灰之力,这能不让杨玲为之震撼吗??追上李七夜,走远后,杨玲深深地呼吸了一口气,依然忍不住问道:“少爷,那,那个,剑指东西……”?一时之间,杨玲也不知道怎么样措辞好,因为在此之前,李七夜曾经说过,传她“剑指东西”,但是,她选择了云泥上人绝学 Although Yang Ling did not regret that own chose Reverend Cloud and Mud secret skill, but has not practiced Sword Pointing to the East and West, but, Sword Pointing to the East and West displays from the Li Qiye hand, brought too big shock to her. 虽然杨玲并不遗憾自己选择了云泥上人绝学,而没有修练“剑指东西”,但,“剑指东西”从李七夜手中施展出来,给她带来了太大的震撼了。 However, that feared that Li Qiye has displayed three times Sword Pointing to the East and West, Yang Ling still has not understood, where she still has not looked to understand this move of mystery. 但是,那怕李七夜施展过三次“剑指东西”,杨玲依然没有看懂,她依然没有看明白这一招的奥妙在哪里。 Young Master, this, this, this move Sword Pointing to the East and West, it, it, what kind of mystery is it?” Yang Ling thinks to express, finally said: Is, why, why all defenses attack, in the face of this move invalid, probably, probably this move bypassed all attacking to be the same with the defense.” 少爷,这,这,这一招‘剑指东西’,它,它,它是怎么样的奥妙呢?”杨玲想了想措辞,最后说道:“为,为什么,为什么所有的防御攻伐,在这一招面前都无效呢,好像,好像这一招绕过了所有的攻伐和防御一样。” Yang Ling thinks is very long, organized such words and expressions, this is also she feels intuitively, is she Sword Pointing to the East and West most profound the impression to this move. 杨玲是想了很久,才组织了这样的词语的,这也是她最直观的感受,也是她对这一招“剑指东西”最深刻的印象。 You can think of this point, showing is not too stupid, is a little view.” Regarding Yang Ling such words, Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: But, this does not bypass.” “你能想到这一点,说明也不算太笨,也是有点看法。”对于杨玲这样的话,李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“不过,这并非是绕过。” That, what is that?” Yang Ling thinks is very long, where actually thinks the airtight this move of mystery. “那,那是什么?”杨玲想了很久,却想不透这一招的奥妙在哪里。 Sword Emperor leaves behind this move, actually gave the world the misunderstanding.” Li Qiye smiled, said: This move should give a straightforwarder name, for example, Sword Dao dislocation, sword wrong Space-Time, perhaps more clue.” 剑帝留下这一招,却给了世人误解。”李七夜不由笑了一下,说道:“这一招应该取一个更直白的名字,比如说,剑道错位,剑错时空,或许给人更多的头绪。” Sword Dao dislocation, sword wrong Space-Time?” Hears Li Qiye such words, the Yang Ling careful taste, recalled again Li Qiye has a move of scene, she recovers, calls out in alarm said: Young Master said, could it be that this sword is dislocation Space-Time?” 剑道错位,剑错时空?”听到李七夜这样的话,杨玲不由细细品味,再回想起李七夜出招的情景,她回过神来的时候,不由惊呼地说道:“少爷所说,难道这一剑是错位时空吗?” Almost such truth.” Li Qiye smiled. “差不多这样的道理吧。”李七夜笑了一下。 Yang Ling thinks is very long, does not want to understand, shakes the head, said: I am not clear, why can this sword dislocation Space-Time? Probably, probably does not have Space-Time strength to fluctuate . Moreover, does not have powerful strength, can, be able, to promote the dislocation of time?” 杨玲想了很久,没想明白,不由摇头,说道:“我还是不明白,为什么这一剑能错位时空?好像,好像没有时空力量在波动,而且,没有强大的力量,能,能,能推动时光的错位吗?” This was the Yang Ling very puzzled place, because Li Qiye used the sword time, absolutely did not have heaven frightening to move the place the might, did not have with amazement incomparable strength, very at will a very simple sword. 这就是杨玲十分困惑的地方了,因为李七夜出剑的时候,根本就没有惊天动地的威力,也没有骇然无比的力量,很随意很简单的一剑而已。 However, can actually dislocation Space-Time, this make Yang Ling find it hard to believe. 但是,却能错位时空,这让杨玲觉得不可思议。 This is the place of Sword Emperor this move of mystery.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said superficially: If this sword is so simple, already by person [comprehend/comprehension]. This is not only only one move Sword Pointing to the East and West, Supreme Sword Dao that in fact, this move representative Sword Emperor Sword Dao, he had been setting the record , he Sword Dao concentration of own above this move, becomes the own Sword Dao compendium.” “这就是剑帝这一招奥妙之处。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,轻描淡写地说道:“如果这一剑有那么简单,早就被人参悟了。这不仅仅只是一招‘剑指东西’,事实上,这一招已经代表剑帝剑道了,他创下的无上剑道,他只是把自己剑道浓缩在这一招之上,成为自己剑道的纲目。” Reveals greatly, Eight Desolate Nine Worlds most Immortal Emperor comes out freshly!! To know in Eight Desolate Nine Worlds, who is most Immortal Emperor? To know that Ming Ren, Immortal Emperor Zhan and other apex Immortal Emperor fight, who can even better?!! Pays attention to WeChat public number „the Xiao Residence regiment, examines the historical news, or input most Immortal Emperor then knows the details!! 大揭秘,八荒九界仙帝新鲜出炉啦!!想知道八荒九界中,谁才是最仙帝么?想知道明仁战仙帝顶尖仙帝争锋,谁能更胜一筹?!!关注微信公众号“萧府军团”,查看历史消息,或输入“最仙帝”即可知道详情!! Today one. 今天一更。
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