ED :: Volume #36

#3596: Brought death

Under glare of the public eye, Li Qiye went out of the mountain valley. 在众目睽睽之下,李七夜走出了山谷。 After Li Qiye goes out of the mountain valley, does not know that many eyes are staring at him, these remain behind the Large Sect disciple outside mountain valley, at this moment, is staring at Li Qiye bitterly. 李七夜走出山谷之后,不知道有多少双眼睛盯着他,那些留守在山谷外的大教弟子,此时此刻,都恨恨地盯着李七夜 A both eye spouted the anger, their elders, their disciples, died a tragic death completely in the mountain valley, although was not Li Qiye killed them personally, but, they because of Li Qiye. 一双双眼睛都喷出了怒火了,他们的长辈,他们的弟子,全部都惨死在山谷之中,虽然不是李七夜亲手杀了他们,但是,他们都是因为李七夜而起。 At this time, but also no one starts talking, but, many the big sects and countries powerhouses have passed to Li Qiye surrounding slowly. 在这个时候,还没有人开口说话,但,已经有很多大教疆国的强者缓缓地向李七夜包围过去了。 The looks at the big sects and countries powerhouse surrounds, the Li Qiye god idle air/Qi decides stands there, smiles, looked at their one eyes lightly. 看着大教疆国的强者包围过来,李七夜神闲气定地站在那里,笑了笑,淡淡地看了他们一眼。 „Do you want to do?” Li Qiye smiles, looks at they, do not worry, is not flustered. “你们想干什么?”李七夜笑笑,看着他们,一点都不着急,也一点都不慌张。 This boy, is really weird.” Has Cloud and Mud School Teacher looks at at present such, whispered said. “这小子,真的是邪门透顶。”有云泥学院老师看着眼前这样的一幕,也不由嘀咕地说道。 Some people bring about own destruction.” Teacher Du actually does not worry at this time, was not Li Qiye was worried, showed the smile rarely. “是有人自寻死路。”杜老师在这个时候竟然也不着急了,也不为李七夜担心,难得露出笑容了。 Murderer, pays for a murder with one's life-- this time Zhui Xueyun anger sound to shout. “杀人凶手,杀人偿命——”此时追血云怒声地喝道。 Zhui Xueyun has not followed to enter the mountain valley, he was kept the country to aid beside the mountain valley by the Sect elder, but, his Sect over a thousand powerhouses died a tragic death now in the mountain valley, included his Master also dead a tragic death in the mountain valley, how this did not make him hate to the marrow of the bones about Li Qiye, at this time, he leads the Sect powerhouse, has surrounded to Li Qiye. 追血云没有跟着进入山谷,他被宗门的长辈留国在了山谷之外接应,但是,现在他宗门上千强者都惨死在山谷之中,包括了他的师父也惨死在了山谷之中,这怎么不让他对李七夜恨之入骨呢,此时,他带着宗门的强者,已经向李七夜包围过来了。 What matter closes my?” Li Qiye shrugged, the manner is free, smiles, said: Before entering mountain valley, I have reminded everyone over and over, the gold god egg is the extremely ominous thing, is you brings about own destruction.” “关我什么事呢?”李七夜摊了摊手,神态自若,笑了笑,说道:“在进入山谷之前,我已经再三提醒大家了,黄金神卵乃是极凶之物,是你们自寻死路而已。” Ha, right, this saying I approve.” Stands also laughs in Teacher Du of distant place, claps hands said: Advantage wants to cloud the mind, brings about own destruction, this no wonder Young Master Li.” “哈,没错,这话我赞同。”站在远处的杜老师也不由大笑,抚掌地说道:“利欲薰心,自寻死路,这怪不得李公子。” Although this saying to be the truth, but, this tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouses, do not listen to such truth at this time at present, they had been hated submerged mental. 虽然这话是道理,但是,此时眼前这成千上万的修士强者,根本就听不进这样的道理,他们已经被仇恨淹没了心智。 Although was not you killed them personally, but, you actually saw somebody in danger and did nothing, this already heinous crime.” Has the Large Sect powerhouse to shout severely: Is you enters the mountain valley their pit, you must be responsible for their deaths.” “虽然不是你亲手杀害了他们,但是,你却见死不救,这就已罪该万死。”有大教的强者厉喝道:“是你把他们坑入山谷的,你必须对他们的死负责。” Right?” Li Qiye smiles, said easely: How should I shoulder this responsibility?” “是吗?”李七夜笑了笑,悠然地说道:“那我该怎么负起这个责任呢?” Peels your skin, has your muscle, drinks your blood.” Old Ancestor sharp roar of aristocratic families said: Must with your head the disciple who came the sacrificial offering my Sect dead.” “剥你的皮,抽你的筋,喝你的血。”有一位世家的老祖厉叫道:“要拿你的头颅来祭祀我宗门死去的弟子。” Li Qiye smiled, said: „It is ideally rich, what a pity, now very bone feeling, if you know the limitation now, rolls, leaves Myriad Beasts Mountain, is overcautious in dealing with people, otherwise, I deliver you to accompany your same side to start off together.” 李七夜不由笑了起来,说道:“理想很丰富,可惜,现在很骨感,如果你们现在识相,就滚吧,离开万兽山,夹着尾巴做人,否则,我送你们下去陪你们的同门一起上路。” little bastard, I first butchered your-- Zhui Xueyun to drink one severely, heard clang a resonate sound, in this electrical spark light, Zhui Xueyun drew out Divine Sword, sword light flashed, cut to Li Qiye. 小畜生,我先宰了你——追血云不由厉喝一声,听到“铛”的一声响起,在这石火电光之间,追血云拔出了神剑,剑光一闪,就向李七夜斩去。 However, his Divine Sword has not cut on Li Qiye, then stiff there, a furry great hand held the arm of Zhui Xueyun. 但是,他的神剑还未斩到李七夜身上,便僵在了那里,一个毛茸茸的巨手抓住了追血云的手臂。 At this time, a huge incomparable body stood in Li Qiye behind, the thrown down shadow covered Zhui Xueyun all of a sudden. 在这个时候,一个巨大无比的身躯站在了李七夜身后,投下的阴影一下子笼罩住了追血云 Zhui Xueyun is surprised, raise one's head looked, giant incomparable bear shape Primal Chaos Yuan Beast stands in Li Qiye's behind, the giant bear's paws firmly held his arm. 追血云不由为之一惊,抬头一看,一头巨大无比的熊形混沌元兽站在李七夜的身后,巨大的熊掌牢牢地抓住了他的手臂。 Hiss-- a sound of tearing resounds, the blood sputtering, the entire arm of Zhui Xueyun was only ripped all of a sudden, dripping with blood. “嘶——”的一声撕裂的声音响起,鲜血溅射,追血云的整只手臂一下子被撕了下来,鲜血淋漓。 Ah!-- Zhui Xueyun called out pitifully, was painful sweat directing current of his soybean size. ——追血云不由惨叫一声,痛得他黄豆大小的汗水直流。 In this electrical spark light, hears bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, the land shivers, Primal Chaos Yuan Beast of leader drops from the clouds, Lion King, Divine Hawk and giant snake...... leader Heaven Rank Primal Chaos Yuan Beast wrapped surround tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouses instantaneously . Moreover, this leader Heaven Rank Primal Chaos Yuan Beast is following tens of thousands of Primal Chaos Yuan Beast behind. 就在这石火电光之间,听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,大地颤抖起来,一头头的混沌元兽从天而降,狮王、神鹰巨蛇……一头头天阶混沌元兽瞬间把成千上万的修士强者包围住了,而且,这一头头天阶混沌元兽身后更是跟随着成千上万的混沌元兽 At this time, was surrounded Li Qiye's Large Sect cultivator and aristocratic family powerhouses instead to be surrounded watertight by massive Primal Chaos Yuan Beast. 在这个时候,本是包围李七夜的大教修士、世家强者反而被大量的混沌元兽包围得水泄不通。 Sees behind dense piece of Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, immediately lets many cultivator powerhouse complexion deathly white, before then, everyone also thinks that all Primal Chaos Yuan Beast have walked away , braved suddenly. 看到身后黑压压的一片混沌元兽,顿时让许多的修士强者脸色煞白,在此之前,大家都还以为所有的混沌元兽已经走远了,没有想到,又突然冒了出来。 -- Primal Chaos Yuan Beast furiously roared, other Primal Chaos Yuan Beast also angry roar, at once, the sound of beast roar resounded through 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, like the difficult situation same impact comes, to frighten the person both legs to hit to tremble. “呜——”一头混沌元兽狂吼一声,其他的混沌元兽也紧接着怒吼一声,一时之间,兽吼之声响彻了九天十地,如同惊涛骇浪一样冲击而来,吓得人双腿直打哆嗦。 Escaped-- all cultivator powerhouses on the scene to be daunted, does not know that which cultivator big shout, their where could also attend to looking for Li Qiye to revenge at this time, first escaped said again. “逃呀——”在场的所有修士强者都被吓住了,不知道哪位修士大叫一声,此时他们哪里还顾得上找李七夜报仇,先逃了再说。 This cultivator scream, just leapt the body, wants to flee here time, hears bang a resonate sound, sees only a big palm to pat, a giant Primal Chaos Yuan Beast palm pats, caught the meat sauce him instantaneously. 这位修士一声尖叫,刚跃身而起,欲逃离这里的时候,听到“砰”的一声响起,只见一只大掌拍下,一头巨大的混沌元兽一掌拍下,瞬间把他抓成了肉酱。 Also there is a cultivator powerhouse body like lightning, to/clashes instantaneously by extremely fast, wants to pass through the beast group at the maximum speed, but, cold light flashes, sharp claws of Primal Chaos Yuan Beast are quicker than lightning, pierced his chest all of a sudden. 也有修士强者身如闪电,以极速瞬间冲出去,欲以最快的速度穿过兽群,但是,寒光一闪,一头混沌元兽的利爪比闪电还要快,一下子刺穿了他的胸膛。 Kills, collaborates the killer to encircle tightly.” Sees Primal Chaos Yuan Beast so powerful, Large Sect Old Ancestor loudly shouts, the words exit|to speak, then offered a sacrifice to the Supreme blood hammer, heard bang loud sound, blood hammer like violent storm, bombardment under. “杀,联手杀手重围。”看到混沌元兽如此的强大,一位大教老祖大喝一声,话出口,便祭出了无上的血锤,听到“轰”的巨响,血锤如狂风暴雨,轰击而下。 Kills-- other cultivator powerhouses to angrily roar, one after another offered a sacrifice to own powerful treasure, executed most powerful Cultivation Technique, killed to behind all Primal Chaos Yuan Beast bang. “杀呀——”其他的修士强者怒吼着,都纷纷祭出了自己强大的宝物,施出了最强大的功法,向身后的所有混沌元兽轰杀出去。 „, And Leader Primal Chaos Yuan Beast is roaring, killed the cultivator powerhouse impact that came to all bang in the past. “呜、呜、呜”一头头混沌元兽怒吼着,向所有轰杀而来的修士强者冲击过去。 At once, Primal Chaos Yuan Beast and tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouses slaughter in the same place, the blood sputtering, hears Ah!, Ah! and Ah!” pitiful yell resonate sound. 一时之间,混沌元兽与成千上万的修士强者厮杀在一起,鲜血溅射,听到“啊”的惨叫声响起 Although said, remains behind the cultivator powerhouse beside mountain valley to be many, but , compared with Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, then too extremely hung on strength, Primal Chaos Yuan Beast is slaughtering all cultivator powerhouses by the overwhelming advantage, at once, pitiful yell sound fluctuating continues, the blood sputtering, corpses crash, the stump residual limb breaks the arm to sprinkle, the rich incomparable smell of blood fills the air in between Heaven and Earth immediately. 虽然说,留守在山谷之外的修士强者不少,但是,与混沌元兽相比起来,那就力量太殊悬了,混沌元兽以压倒性的优势屠杀着所有的修士强者,一时之间,惨叫声起伏不止,鲜血溅射,一具具尸体坠落,残肢断臂洒落,浓郁无比的血腥味顿时弥漫于天地之间 At this time, the entire scene was one slaughters the field, tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouse one after another poured under the sharp claws of Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, some powerhouses tore in half, some powerhouses 35 were swallowed into the belly, some powerhouses were stamped the meat sauce livingly...... 在这个时候,整个场面就是一个杀戮场,成千上万的修士强者纷纷倒在了混沌元兽的利爪之下,有的强者被撕成了两半,有的强者被三五下吞食入肚子里,也有的强者被活生生地跺成了肉酱…… Held surnamed Li-- at this time, aristocratic family Senior Elder recovered, but actually vertical, went to Li Qiye killing. “抓住姓李——”在这个时候,有一位世家元老回过神来,一个倒纵,向李七夜扑杀而去。 At this time, he wants to capture alive Li Qiye, here, Li Qiye is Ling send/hair person, so long as can capture alive Li Qiye, can order these Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, own to escape the birth day. 在这个时候,他想活捉李七夜,在这里,李七夜才是施令发号的人,只要能活捉李七夜,就能命令这些混沌元兽,自己就能逃出生天。 Bang-- loud sound, this aristocratic family Senior Elder idea, although is good, but, he pours vertical departs, has not bumped into the Li Qiye's lower hem corner, was patted falls down, was patted into the meat sauce all of a sudden. “砰——”的一声巨响,这个世家元老想法虽然好,但是,他倒纵飞出的时候,还未碰到李七夜的衣角,便被拍倒在地上了,一下子被拍成了肉酱。 This aristocratic family Senior Elder, but enters the Saint important people, but, a move does not beat, was patted into the meat sauce instantaneously, this is how dreadful matter. 这位世家元老,可是入圣的大人物,但是,一招不敌,瞬间被拍成了肉酱,这是多么可怕的事情。 Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King-- at this time, some talents saw, military might incomparable Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King stood in Li Qiye behind, cranked up the meat sauce this killing to Li Qiye's aristocratic family Senior Elder instantaneously. 山河螭王——”在这个时候,有人才看到,威武无比的山河螭王就站在了李七夜身后,瞬间把这位扑杀向李七夜的世家元老拍成了肉酱。 No, is Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King-- saw that military might incomparable Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King stands in Li Qiye behind, these cultivator powerhouses despaired all of a sudden. “不,是山河螭王——”看到威武无比的山河螭王站在李七夜身后,那些修士强者一下子绝望了。 Was being surrounded by Primal Chaos Yuan Beast of so many Heaven Rank high-grade, that has made them desperate, now Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King such King appears, that forced into the hopeless situation them all of a sudden. 被这么多天阶上品的混沌元兽包围着,那都已经让他们绝望了,现在山河螭王这样的王者出现,那一下子就把他们所有人逼入绝境了。 Was finished thoroughly.” Saw Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King to appear, Cloud and Mud School Teacher shook the head gently, said: No one want to escape.” “彻底完蛋。”看到山河螭王出现了,云泥学院的一位老师轻轻摇头,说道:“谁都别想逃出去了。” This boy, is the Myriad Beasts Mountain king.” Another Teacher also sighs with emotion, said: That feared that he does not need to call the king, he is also an uncrowned king, why this is also from beginning to end, he was calm. In his eyes, others are the true ants. In this Myriad Beasts Mountain, who and he cannot pass, brings about own destruction.” “这小子,就是万兽山的王。”另外一位老师也不由感慨,说道:“那怕他不需要去称王,他也是无冕之王,这也是为什么从始至终,他都是处变不惊了吧。在他眼中,其他的人才是真正的蝼蚁。在这万兽山,谁和他过不去,就是自寻死路。” Yes, Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King such exist(ence) is even protecting him, who dares with him for the enemy, who goes looking for trouble.” Teacher Du is also filled with all sorts of feelings. “是呀,连山河螭王这样的存在都护着他,谁敢与他为敌,谁就是自找麻烦。”杜老师也不由感慨万分。 These Cloud and Mud School student looks at such, the cold sweat streaming. Before then, does not know that many Cloud and Mud School student look down upon Li Qiye, especially looks down upon Li Qiye that rampant arrogant appearance. 身后的那些云泥学院学生看着这样的一幕,不由冷汗涔涔。在此之前,不知道有多少云泥学院学生瞧不起李七夜呢,特别是瞧不起李七夜那嚣张自大的模样。 Even in some student hearts is thinking secretly, looks for opportunity take action to teach Li Qiye well, now they rejoice that own does not have take action, otherwise, present one is their fates, perhaps they had been stepped on the meat sauce by powerful Primal Chaos Yuan Beast. 甚至有学生心里面在暗暗想,是不是找个机会出手好好教训教训李七夜一番,现在他们都不由庆幸自己没有出手,否则,眼前的一幕就是他们的下场,说不定他们早就被强大的混沌元兽踩成了肉酱了。 Such that this such as Cloud and Mud School Teacher said that all besieged the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouses to be finished thoroughly, no one could escape. 这就如云泥学院老师所说的那样,所有围攻李七夜的修士强者都彻底完蛋,谁都逃不掉。 After Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King appears, the pitiful yell sound is lingering on faintly, Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King sweeps away all, it same sweeps away like the violent storm, slaughtered all the cultivator powerhouses of survival. 山河螭王出现之后,惨叫声不绝于耳,山河螭王横扫一切,它如狂风暴雨一样横扫而过,屠杀了所有幸存的修士强者。 Before then, powerful Old Ancestor can also support by strenuous efforts, but, Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King take action, the entire scene completely changes, powerful Old Ancestor was also slaughtered by Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King instantaneously. 在此之前,还有强大的老祖还能苦苦支撑着,但是,山河螭王出手,整个场面彻底改变,再强大的老祖也瞬间被山河螭王屠杀。 At once, the world is silent, except for the corpse of ground above, is that rich the smell of blood cannot melt, all desires besieged the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouses dead a tragic death in the hand of Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, does not have any survivor. 一时之间,天地寂静,除了地上的尸体之上,就是浓郁得化不开的血腥味,所有欲围攻李七夜的修士强者都惨死在了混沌元兽的手中,没有任何一个幸存者。 The dripping with blood, gathers the blood of stream to flow, making one look absolutely terrifiedly. 鲜血淋漓,汇聚成溪的鲜血在流淌着,让人看得不由毛骨悚然。 Vomits-- to have female fellow students to see such a, cannot bear vomit. “呕——”有女同学看到这样的一幕,都忍不住呕吐起来。 Today one. 今天一更。
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