ED :: Volume #36

#3597: Vanishing into thin air

The smell of blood, fills the air in between Heaven and Earth, for a very long time cannot diverge, the stump residual limb breaks the body, everywhere is, the smell of blood is clamping other stinks mixed, making one unable to bear the vomit. 血腥味,弥漫于天地之间,久久散不去,残肢断体,到处都是,血腥味杂夹着其他的臭味,让人都忍不住呕吐。 Under the impacts of numerous Primal Chaos Yuan Beast slaughter, wanted to besiege the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouse a moment ago is dies miserably, some cultivator powerhouses were ripped the fragment livingly, some cultivator powerhouses were cranked up the meat sauce by Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, there is a cultivator powerhouse to be accepted uncritically by Primal Chaos Yuan Beast...... 在众多的混沌元兽的冲击杀戮之下,刚才欲围攻李七夜的修士强者可谓是死得太惨了,有的修士强者被活生生地撕成了碎片,有的修士强者被混沌元兽拍成了肉酱,也有修士强者被混沌元兽生吞活剥了…… Tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouses, they want to revenge for dead Sect fellow apprentices, want the exhausted Li Qiye's skin, has the Li Qiye's muscle, drinks the Li Qiye's blood. 成千上万的修士强者,他们本是想为死去的宗门师兄弟报仇,欲剥李七夜的皮,抽李七夜的筋,喝李七夜的血。 What has not thought that their Li Qiye's lower hem corner has not traced, finally died a tragic death completely under the sharp claws of Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, moreover dies very frigidly. 没有想到的是,他们连李七夜的衣角都没有摸到,最后全部都惨死在了混沌元兽的利爪之下,而且死得十分惨烈。 looks at such, does not know that many people are absolutely terrified, cannot bear shiver. 看着这样的一幕,不知道有多少人毛骨悚然,都忍不住打冷颤。 Remaining few has not besieged the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouse, looks at by the soil that the blood plasma dyes thoroughly, their cold sweat streaming, the palm breaks into sweat, in their hearts absolutely terrified, even is the both legs does not make every effort to succeed hits to tremble. 剩下为数不多没有围攻李七夜的修士强者,看着被血浆染透的泥土,他们都不由冷汗涔涔,手掌心直冒冷汗,他们心里面不由毛骨悚然,甚至是双腿不争气地直打哆嗦。 They are frightened complexion deathly white by this at present, at this time, they rejoiced, had not looked for Li Qiye's to be troublesome a moment ago luckily, could not have passed with Li Qiye luckily a moment ago, otherwise, at this moment, lies down on the ground is own, even the fate will be more miserable, dies without the burial ground, is buried in the beast abdomen. 他们都被眼前这一幕吓得脸色煞白,在这个时候,他们都不由庆幸,刚才幸好没有找李七夜的麻烦,幸好刚才没有与李七夜过不去,不然,此时此刻,躺在地上的就是自己,甚至下场会更惨,死无葬身之地,葬身于兽腹。 If the Lingnan merit marquis, shouted the close call in the heart secretly, he was few has not gone to besiege the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouse, was from beginning to end, his Lingnan aristocratic family has not lost one of the soldier influences. 如岭南勋侯,在心里面都不由暗呼好险,他也是为数不多并没有去围攻李七夜的修士强者,也是从始至终,他岭南世家是没有损失一兵一卒的势力之一。 Although said that mostly Wei still Sir tragic death in mountain valley, the meaning that but, the Lingnan merit marquis to Wei they not have revenged mostly, after all, they also merely are with toward are the officers, he does not need to Wei still Sir mix this turbid water mostly. 虽然说,大都尉尚大人惨死在了山谷之中,但是,岭南勋侯根本就没为大都尉他们报仇的意思,毕竟,他们也仅仅是同朝为官而已,他没有必要为了大都尉尚大人混这一趟浑水。 Also, even if Golden Pestle Dynasty blamed, Ministry of War Minister/Venerable pursues the responsibility to get down, that pursues the responsibility not to arrive at his body, after all he is the merit marquis, not by this jurisdiction. 再说了,就算是金杵王朝责怪下来,兵部尚书追责下来,那追责不到他的身上,毕竟他是勋侯,并不受这种管辖。 Has not lost the soldier besides the Lingnan merit marquis, Cloud and Mud School has not been involved in this disturbance, from beginning to end, Cloud and Mud School holds the mentality of watching the fun only, Cloud and Mud School Teacher is not wanting to pass to seize to struggle the gold god egg, they are also student are also opening mind merely. 除了岭南勋侯没有损失一兵一卒之外,云泥学院也是没有卷入这一场风波之中,从始至终,云泥学院是唯一抱着看热闹的心态,云泥学院老师根本就没有想过去夺争黄金神卵,他们也仅仅是还着学生来开开眼界而已。 Pitifully, does not listen to the Old Man word, suffers a loss at present.” The soil of Li Qiye looks at blood plasma percolation, the stump residual limb in looks at ground breaks the body, smiled lightly, said: I said that knowing the limitation rolled the distant point, actually did not listen to my words.” “可惜,不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。”李七夜看着血浆浸透的泥土,看着地面上的残肢断体,淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“我都说了,识相的就滚远点了,却偏偏不听我的话。” What a pity, at this time these people had died, could not have heard Li Qiye such words. 可惜,此时那些人已经死去了,已经听不到李七夜这样的话了。 As for the cultivator powerhouse who few good fortunes become, at this time hides by far, does not dare to approach Li Qiye, in their eyes, this time Li Qiye is devils, anybody looked kept at a respectful distance. 至于为数不多幸成下来的修士强者,此时都不由躲得远远的,根本就不敢靠近李七夜了,在他们眼中,此时的李七夜就是凶神恶煞,任何人看了都不由敬而远之。 Especially sees side Li Qiye these Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, is the both legs hits to tremble, the powerful cultivator powerhouse, sees Li Qiye Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, the metropolis/can both legs becomes tender, they do not dare to provoke such powerful Primal Chaos Yuan Beast. 特别是看到李七夜身边的那些混沌元兽,更是双腿都不由直打哆嗦,再强大的修士强者,看到李七夜身旁的山河螭王,都会双腿发软,他们根本就是不敢去招惹这么强大的混沌元兽 This time, to rob this only gold god egg, gathered on the cultivator powerhouse of numerous of 100,000 nearby this, these 100,000 many cultivator powerhouses, came from sends border country various Buddhist Holy Land Large Sect, moreover many from strength powerful Buddha original five, the cultivator powerhouse who what a pity, fortunately survives finally is few, ten one or two do not have. 这一次,为了抢夺这只黄金神卵,在这附近可是聚集了上十万之众的修士强者,这几十万之多的修士强者,来自于佛陀圣地大教疆国,而且不少是来自于实力强盛的佛原五部,可惜,最终幸存下来的修士强者是寥寥无几,十之一二都没有。 Finally without the tragic death cultivator powerhouse here, only feared that is also several thousand people, therefore, these cultivator powerhouses, stand at this time by far, in distant place, pale looks at Li Qiye. 最后没有惨死在这里的修士强者,只怕也就是几千人而已,所以,此时这些修士强者,都站得远远的,在远处,脸色发白地看着李七夜 Buzz-- a resonate sound, Divine Light shoots up to the sky, in an instant, illuminated sky. “嗡——”的一声响起,神光冲天而起,刹那之间,照亮了天空 Divine Light that this shoots up to the sky instantaneously, is spews out from the mountain valley, moreover sends out the gold god egg of this Divine Light, at this time, the gold god egg had cracks, in each crack bloomed strong incomparable Divine Light. 这瞬间冲天而起的神光,乃是从山谷中喷涌而出的,而且散发出这神光的正是黄金神卵,此时,黄金神卵出现了一道道的裂缝,每一道裂缝之中绽放出了强劲无比的神光 As these light gods bloom, hears bang, bang and bang the sound of vibration, when Divine Light shoots up to the sky , the impact fearful incomparable strength, outside so fearful incomparable strength towards the mountain valley proliferated to go, has to urge the potential of dry decaying, very overbearing, very verve, as if no thing to keep off to be the same. 随着这一道道的光神绽放,听到“轰、轰、轰”的震动之声,当神光冲天而起之时,同时也冲击强了可怕无匹的力量,如此可怕无匹的力量向山谷之外扩散而去,有着催枯拉朽之势,十分的霸道,十分的刚猛,似乎无物可挡一样。 Actually is this what thing, could it be that is Divine Beast?” Sees such strong incomparable impulse crazy bang, that feared that such strong incomparable strength had been blocked by the defense of mountain valley, but, the complementary waves impact comes, still just like difficult situation, therefore, anybody feels so terrifying strength, is absolutely terrified. “这究竟是什么东西,难道神兽?”看到这样强劲无匹的冲击力狂轰而出,那怕这样强劲无匹的力量已经被山谷的防御挡住了,但是,余波冲击而来,依然如同惊涛骇浪一样,所以,任何人感受到如此恐怖力量,都不由为之毛骨悚然。 No one knows that actually this gold god egg is what thing, but, after feeling that fearful impulse, hit one to tremble. 没有人知道这黄金神卵究竟是什么东西,但是,感受到那可怕冲击力之后,都不由打了一个哆嗦。 Bang, bang and bang one thundered intermittently the lingering on faintly, split gold god egg blooms crazily Divine Light, powerful incomparable strength attacked crazily, wave, surged wave upon wave. “轰、轰、轰”一阵阵轰鸣不绝于耳,裂开的黄金神卵疯狂地绽放出了神光,强大无匹的力量疯狂地冲击而出,一浪紧接着一浪,一浪高过一浪。 In this such as under the strength impact of difficult situation, the entire mountain valley sways, at this time, that statue in mountain valley shone, appeared innumerable Buddhist runes, resounded the Buddhist Zen to sing. 在这如惊涛骇浪的力量冲击之下,整个山谷都摇晃起来,在这个时候,山谷中的那一尊尊雕像亮了起来,浮现了无数的佛家符文,响起了佛家禅唱。 At this time, Buddhist Statue in mountain valley lived probably came to be the same, just like Saint Buddha to stand erect there, these Buddhist Statue both hands together, in the mouth are chanting in a low voice Supreme Buddhist Law, time that as intermittent Zen sang, gathered in sky at one. 在这个时候,山谷之中的一尊尊佛像好像是活了过来一样,犹如一尊尊圣佛屹立在那里,这一尊尊的佛像双手合什,口中低吟着无上佛法,随着一阵阵禅唱响起的时候,在天空中聚集在了一起。 Hears bang, bang and bang loud sound is lingering on faintly, sees only the connection the sound of instantaneous suppression day Buddha , the bang to the gold god egg, wanted to suppress the gold god egg. 听到“轰、轰、轰”的巨响不绝于耳,只见交汇的天佛之音瞬间镇压而下,轰向了黄金神卵,欲压制住黄金神卵。 Shells to come facing the sound of day Buddha, the split gold god egg is also fearless, hears bang loud sound, gold god egg Divine Light wreaks havoc, like a Divine Sword bang day, but, sweeps 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, by dauntless potential pioneer/monarch Zhan to suppression, but below the sound of day Buddha. 面对天佛之音轰击而来,裂开的黄金神卵也无所畏惧,听到“轰”的一声巨响,黄金神卵神光肆虐,如同一把神剑轰天而起一样,荡扫九天十地,以大无畏之势辟斩向了镇压而下的天佛之音。 At this time, gold god egg soared to the heavens Divine Light to hit with the sound of day Buddha actually in one, in an intermittent bellow, attacked the entire mountain valley to sway, stone Luoni collapsed, the probably entire world wanted to collapse to be the same. 在这个时候,黄金神卵的冲天神光与天佛之音硬是撞击在了一起,在一阵阵的轰鸣声中,冲击得整个山谷都摇晃起来,石落泥崩,好像整个天地都要崩塌一样。 These two attacked in together strength that is extremely was really powerful, heard the "crack, crack, crack" sound to resound, in the mountain valley had crack one after another, under these two powerful strength tore, the entire mountain valley will as if crush to be the same momentarily. 这两股冲击在一起的力量那实在是太过于强大了,听到“喀嚓、喀嚓、喀嚓”的声音响起,山谷之中出现了一道又一道的裂缝,在这两股强大的力量撕扯之下,整个山谷似乎随时都会粉碎一样。 This gold god egg, actually must hatch what ominous thing, day after day the strength of Buddha suppresses, but under.” Sees one that so shocks, these cultivator powerhouses are absolutely terrified, at this time, they then realized, fierce of gold god egg far exceeds their imagination. “这黄金神卵,究竟是要孵化出什么凶物呀,连天佛之力都镇压而下了。”看到如此震撼的一幕,那些修士强者不由毛骨悚然,在这个时候,他们这才意识到,黄金神卵的凶猛那是远远超出他们的想象的。 „The seal of mountain valley, to not protect gold god egg, to suppress gold god egg.” Has Cloud and Mud School Teacher to mutter said. “山谷的封印,不是为了保护黄金神卵的,是为了镇压黄金神卵的。”有云泥学院老师不由喃喃地说道。 In, everyone thinks from the beginning, the defense in mountain valley, to prevent the bystander enters the mountain valley, takes the gold god egg. 在一开始的时候,所有人都以为,山谷之中的防御,是为了阻挡外人进入山谷,取走黄金神卵。 Now everyone learns, that is not what is all about, all defense seals in mountain valley, to suppress gold god egg, but exist(ence). 现在大家才看明白,那根本就不是这么一回事,山谷中的所有防御封印,都是为了镇压黄金神卵而存在 When the gold god egg and sound of day Buddha disputes, Li Qiye also stands there merely, looks at this, without take action helps either one with a smile. 黄金神卵与天佛之音较量的时候,李七夜也仅仅是站在那里,含笑地看着这一幕,没有出手去帮助任何一方。 Under these two strong incomparable strength contest impacts, finally, hears crack a resonate sound, sees only the gold god egg thoroughly split, in buzz, split gold god egg instantaneously to ejecting astonishing incomparable Divine Light, Divine Light is radiant, illuminates pair of eyes losing sleep everyone all of a sudden. 在这两股强劲无比的力量较量冲击之下,最终,听到“喀嚓”的一声响起,只见黄金神卵彻底的裂开了,在“嗡”的一声之下,裂开的黄金神卵瞬间冲击出了惊人无比的神光,神光璀璨,一下子把所有人都照得双眼失眠。 In this in an instant, invincible strength bombardment, easily accomplished, hears bang loud sound, heaven falls and earth rends, under the fearful strength impact, entire mountain valley all of a sudden to collapse, soil Fei Yang(to rise). 在这刹那之间,无敌的力量轰击而出,摧枯拉朽,听到“轰”的一声巨响,天崩地裂,在可怕的力量冲击之下,整个山谷一下子崩塌,泥土飞扬 When everyone both eyes can see clearly at present this, saw only that giant mountain valley to vanish to disappear a moment ago, entire mountain valley to collapse, only has a giant hole at present, the entire hole was too deep to see the bottom, in the mountain valley all also vanished to disappear a moment ago, Buddhist Statue, the gold god egg that Divine Light soared to the heavens, vanished to disappear by this giant incomparable hole completely. 当所有人双目都能看清眼前这一幕的时候,只见刚才那个巨大的山谷已经消失不见了,整个山谷崩塌,眼前只剩下了一个巨大的窟窿,整个窟窿深不见底,刚才山谷中一切也消失不见了,不论是一尊尊佛像,还是神光冲天的黄金神卵,都全部被这个巨大无比的窟窿消失不见了。 The giant hole is too deep to see the bottom, seems like giant beast big mouth to be the same, creature that can devour(ing) all approach momentarily. 巨大的窟窿深不见底,就好像是巨兽大嘴一样,随时都可以吞噬着一切靠近的生灵 Mountain valley to collapse, only has a giant hole, the gold god egg also disappears, this lets cultivator powerhouse dull looks at on the scene at present this. 山谷崩塌,只剩下一个巨大的窟窿,黄金神卵也不见了,这让在场的修士强者都不由呆呆地看着眼前这一幕。 Before then, many people for the gold god egg, that are spare nothing, they wish one could to kill to take the gold god egg. 在此之前,多少人为了黄金神卵,那是不惜一切代价,他们都恨不得杀进去把黄金神卵抢到手。 What a pity, now no one has obtained the gold god egg, everyone rejoices without reason. 可惜,现在谁都没有得到黄金神卵,所有人都空欢喜一场。 Wasted effort.” Cloud and Mud School Teacher laughs, shakes the head, said with a smile: This is best result / to bear fruit, no one want to obtain.” “竹篮打水一场空。”云泥学院老师大笑起来,摇了摇头,笑着说道:“这是最好的结果,谁都别想得到。” Walks.” Finally, old Teacher also told, bringing Cloud and Mud School student to leave. “走吧。”最后,年长的老师也吩咐了一声,带着云泥学院学生离开了。 Young Master Li, we walked, Cloud and Mud School.” In, Yang Ling waves to Li Qiye just before leaving, said goodbye to Li Qiye by far. 李公子,我们走了,有空来云泥学院。”在临走的时候,杨玲还是向李七夜挥了挥手,远远向李七夜道别。 Li Qiye also smiled one merely. 李七夜也仅仅是笑了一下而已。 After Cloud and Mud School evacuation, few survival cultivator powerhouse also one after another evacuated, the Lingnan merit marquis was also the earliest possible time brings direct disciple to leave 云泥学院撤离之后,为数不多的幸存修士强者也都纷纷撤离了,岭南勋侯也是第一时间带着门下弟子离开了 At this time, no matter who, does not dare to provoke Li Qiye, even if their same side fellow apprentices tragic death in the Li Qiye hand, they also can only give up, does not dare to look for Li Qiye to revenge. 在这个时候,不管是谁,都不敢去招惹李七夜,就算是他们的同门师兄弟惨死在李七夜手中了,他们也只能作罢,不敢去找李七夜报仇。 Suddenly, the cultivator powerhouse on the scene walks cleanly, only has Li Qiye one to stand there solitarily. 眨眼之间,在场的修士强者走得一干二净,只剩下李七夜一个孤伶伶地站在那里。 Li Qiye smiles, at this time, the person's shadow flashed, a person appeared instantaneously, stands side Li Qiye. 李七夜笑了笑而已,就在这个时候,人影一闪,一个人瞬间出现,站在了李七夜身边。 Today one. 今天一更。
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