ED :: Volume #36

#3595: Mahoraga egg

Ah!-- sad and shrill pitiful yell sound is lingering on faintly, with passing of life, does not know that many cultivator screamed. ——”凄厉的惨叫声不绝于耳,随着生命的流逝,不知道有多少修士尖叫起来。 Not-- looks at ghost all trades are getting more and more near to own, there is a cultivator powerhouse to angrily roar, they were unwilling died like this, they when are roaring, not being able to bear want to struggle, wants to escape from here, but, golden light punctured on their bodies, they could not make an effort, can only be whatever butchered. “不——看着鬼门门离自己越来越近,也有修士强者怒吼着,他们不甘心这样死去,他们在怒吼着的时候,忍不住想挣扎,想逃脱这里,但是,金光刺在他们的身上,他们根本就使不上劲来,只能是任由宰割。 As the gold god egg absorbed more and more skill blood, the entire gold god egg becomes bright, in stage, blood scoop channel soaking completely, what is more fearful, dao marks of stage in circulation not own, on keeping rotating, it in building up to be melting the blood that absorbs from the cultivator powerhouse, was built up blood pure. 随着黄金神卵吸收了越来越多的功力鲜血,整个黄金神卵变得更加的明亮,在高台之中,鲜血已经把凹槽给浸满了,更为可怕的是,高台的道纹在流转不自己,在不停上转动着,它是在炼化着从修士强者身上所吸收过来的鲜血,被炼化出来的鲜血更加的精纯。 In Tzzzzzzzzz in the sound, the gold god egg is absorbing the blood and skill, as it absorbs to result in the blood to be getting more and more with the essence, the golden ray that the gold god egg sends out is bright, but egg shell also bright, the gold god egg seems like polished now is the same, moreover appears moistening. 在“滋、滋、滋”的声音中,黄金神卵在吸收着鲜血和功力,随着它吸收得鲜血和精气越来越多,黄金神卵所散发出来的金色光芒就越是明亮,而蛋壳也更加的明亮,黄金神卵现在看起来就像是被抛光过一样,而且显得十分的滋润。 If, at this time, compared with the gold god egg is a living creature, then, this time gold god egg seemed like full of energy, seemed like a person to make up the later condition to be the same greatly, a vivid appearance. 如果说,在这个时候,把黄金神卵比作是一个活物的话,那么,此时的黄金神卵看起来是精神抖擞,就好像是一个人大补之后的状态一样,给人一种生龙活虎的模样。 surnamed Li, I made trouble will not let off your-- at this time, Wei still Sir exclaimed to the Li Qiye anger mostly. 姓李的,我做鬼都不会放过你——”在这个时候,大都尉尚大人不由对李七夜怒吼道。 At this time, Wei still Sir knows in mostly own the Li Qiye's idea, from beginning to end, Li Qiye was deceiving them, Li Qiye intends to trick into the mountain valley them. 在这个时候,大都尉尚大人才知道自己中了李七夜的计了,从始至终,李七夜都是在骗他们,李七夜是有意把他们忽悠入山谷之中而已。 They return have no self-awareness, but also thinks all in grasping of own, but also thinks the general situation self-confidently in the palm of own. 他们还不自知,还自以为一切都在自己的掌握之中,还自信满满地认为大局都在自己的手掌之中。 Now, Wei Cai realized mostly, from the beginning, they are just the fat that Li Qiye stares, only feared that from the beginning Li Qiye has to deceive to feed the plan of gold god egg them. 现在,大都尉才意识到,从一开始,他们只不过是李七夜盯上的肥肉而已,只怕一开始李七夜就已经有把他们骗进来喂养黄金神卵的打算了。 What a pity, when they discover now, that is late, they have become the dishes of gold god egg. 可惜,当现在他们发现的时候,那已经迟了,他们已经成为了黄金神卵的盘中餐了。 Pitifully, world does not have have ghost/has plot, even if have ghost/has plot, you want to ask me to revenge, that must line up several ten million years even is hundreds of millions years.” Regarding angry roaring of Wei still Sir, Li Qiye smiled mostly lightly. “可惜,世间没有鬼,就算有鬼,那你想找我报仇,那也得排队好几千万年甚至是几亿年吧。”对于大都尉尚大人的怒吼,李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 Realized that own by pit, is not only mostly Wei, these Large Sect Old Ancestor also responded, had Large Sect Old Ancestor with amazement, said: Is you, you are the back murderer, you come the sacrificial offering gold god egg with us!” 意识到自己被坑的,不仅仅是大都尉,那些大教老祖也反应过来了,有大教老祖不由骇然,说道:“是你,你才是背后的凶手,你拿我们来祭祀黄金神卵!” This cannot blame me.” After Li Qiye shrugs, smiles lightly, said: This is you brings about own destruction, the advantage wants to cloud the mind, I warned you over and over.” “这不能怪我。”李七夜耸了耸肩之后,淡淡地笑了笑,说道:“这是你们自寻死路,利欲薰心,我可是再三警告你们了。” At this time, all cultivator powerhouses on the scene despaired, they have a dream have not thought, finally own died in a woodcutter hand unexpectedly. 在这个时候,在场的所有修士强者都不由绝望了,他们做梦都没有想到,最后自己竟然是死在了一个樵夫手中。 My unwilling-- has Large Sect Old Ancestor before the point of death, cannot bear one bellow. “我不甘心——”有大教老祖在临死之前,忍不住一声大吼。 Stopping is he is unwilling, in fact, the 100,000 powerhouses are unwilling, their vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered eight sides, are powerful exist(ence), especially these Old Ancestor, are stamps stamps the feet, the ground will shake side tyrant that three shake, dominates a side. 休止是他不甘心,事实上,十万强者都不甘心,他们纵横八方,都是实力强大的存在,特别是那些老祖,更是跺一跺脚,地面都会抖三抖的一方雄主,乃是称霸一方。 However, today actually ruins in a woodcutter hand, this is only one has the Purple Marquis Wild Physique realm woodcutter merely. Before then, who will they care such a woodcutter in the heart? They even believe, the Li Qiye's poor life pinches momentarily in their hands, they only need to make an effort slightly, can claim the Li Qiye's life. 但是,今日却是葬送在了一个樵夫手中,这只是一个仅仅拥有紫侯狂体境界的樵夫而已。在此之前,他们在心里面有谁会把这么一个樵夫放在心上呢?他们甚至是一致认为,李七夜的小命随时都捏在他们的手中,他们只需要稍稍地用力,就可以夺走李七夜的性命。 However, now their 100,000 powerhouse, included being insufferably arrogant Large Sect Old Ancestor, included once cut to kill Wei still Sir of mostly hundred ten thousand enemies army, they died a tragic death finally in the Li Qiye's hand. 然而,现在他们十万强者,包括了不可一世的大教老祖,包括了曾经斩杀百万敌军的大都尉尚大人,他们最终都惨死在了李七夜的手中。 Only feared, they have a dream have not thought that the own life, died a tragic death vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered finally unexpectedly by their regarding for the person hand of ants, such result, how does this let them to be resigned? 只怕,他们做梦都没有想到,自己纵横一生,最终竟然惨死在了被他们视之为蝼蚁的人手中,这样的结局,这让他们怎么能甘心呢? Not-- finally, in the life at the last minute, does not know that many cultivator powerhouse unwilling hearts are roaring, but, they can only then receive such result, they can only wait for arrival of death, their angry roaring, that also is just the desperate call. “不——”最终,在生命最后一刻,不知道有多少修士强者不甘心地怒吼着,但是,他们只能接着受这样的结局,他们只能是等待着死亡的降临,他们的怒吼,那也只不过是绝望的呐喊而已。 In the "no!" pitiful yell sound, this powerhouse both eyes open the eyes finally in a big way, they unwilling, were dying in the despair. “不”的惨叫声中,最后这一个个强者一双双眼睛睁得大大的,他们都在不甘心中、在绝望之中死去。 Hears bang, bang, bang......” the sound resounds, as after powerhouses were attracted the dry corpse, pierced also vanished in their golden light, their corpse one after another fell. 听到“啪、啪、啪……”的声音响起,随着一个个强者被吸成了干尸之后,刺穿在他们身上的金光也随之消失了,他们的尸体纷纷掉落下来。 At this time, sky got down the corpse inch to be the same probably, such, making one look absolutely terrifiedly, the 100,000 dry corpse, one after another fell, as if probably on sky opened a corpse world, all corpses fell to fall. 在这个时候,天空好像是下起了尸寸一样,这样的一幕,让人看得都不由毛骨悚然,十万干尸,纷纷掉落,似乎像是天空上打开了一个尸体的世界,所有的尸体都摔落下来。 Finally, these are not willingly roaring Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder, Wei still Sir they also came to the life end mostly, they were also attracted the dry corpse, before they at the point of death, is the eye opens the eyes in a big way, filling despaired and unwilling, but, the corpse falls in the corpse mountain, they also passed away finally. 最终,那些不甘心怒吼着的大教老祖、世家元老、大都尉尚大人他们也走到了生命尽头,他们也都被吸成了干尸了,他们临死之前,都是眼睛睁得大大的,充满了绝望与不甘,但,尸体掉落在尸山之中,他们最终也是一命呜呼。 The dry corpse of 100,000 powerhouse, piles up there, such as hill are the same, at this time, the mountain valley seemed like the corpse sea world, making any timid person look is absolutely terrified. 十万强者的干尸,堆积在那里,如一座座山丘一样,在这个时候,山谷就好像是成了尸海的世界,让任何胆小的人看得都不由为之毛骨悚然。 The 100,000 powerhouse, this, is annihilated, everyone became sacrificial offering of gold god egg, everyone became food of gold god egg, besides Li Qiye, no one can live is leaving the mountain valley. 十万强者,就这样,全军覆没,所有人都成了黄金神卵的祭祀品,所有人都成了黄金神卵的食物而已,除了李七夜之外,没有任何一个人能活着离开山谷。 The looks at skeleton such as the mountain valley of mountain, beside the mountain valley does not know that many cultivator look is complexion deathly white, has the cultivator powerhouse both legs to hit to tremble, that is scared, they have not gone in luckily, otherwise, they also suffer the similar destiny. 看着尸骨如山的山谷,山谷之外不知道多少修士看得是脸色煞白,更是有修士强者双腿直打哆嗦,那是被吓破了胆,幸好他们没有进去,否则的话,他们也都遭受同样的命运。 The looks at skeleton such as the scene of mountain, Cloud and Mud School student, does not know that many is frightened is pale, their these student, have not seen such terrifying scene, even there is female fellow students unable to bear vomit. 看着尸骨如山的场面,云泥学院学生,不知道有多少是被吓得脸色发白,他们这些学生,根本就没有见过这样恐怖的场面,甚至有女同学都忍不住呕吐起来了。 At this time, they thought that own how lucky, from the beginning, they have student to follow to enter the mountain valley, what luckily is, their Teacher prevented their such ideas, otherwise, they at this moment, became dry corpses in mountain valley. 在这个时候,他们才觉得自己是多么的幸运,一开始,他们就有学生想跟着进入山谷的,幸好的是,他们的老师阻止了他们这样的想法,否则的话,他们此时此刻,也成了山谷中的一具具干尸。 Likes a moth to the flame.” Some little time, has Teacher to recover, the looks at skeleton such as the mountain valley of mountain, muttered said. “飞蛾扑火。”好一会儿,有老师回过神来,看着尸骨如山的山谷,不由喃喃地说道。 The gold god egg looks like the flame to be the same, attracted all cultivator powerhouses, making all cultivator powerhouses throw boldly, finally, they just become food of gold god egg, making the gold god egg make up greatly makes up especially. 黄金神卵就像是火焰一样,吸引了所有的修士强者,使得所有修士强者奋不顾身地扑过去,最后,他们都只不过是成为了黄金神卵的食物而已,让黄金神卵大补特补。 This does not listen to the consequence of warning.” The looks at dry corpse such as the mountain valley of mountain, the 100,000 powerhouse on such complete destruction, Li Qiye was just also light smiles. “这就是不听警告的后果。”看着干尸如山的山谷,十万强者就这样全部覆灭了,李七夜也只不过是淡淡一笑而已。 At this time, the Li Qiye vision looked at a gold god egg, after the gold god egg absorbed the 100,000 powerful essence and blood, appears excited incomparable, sent out to flaming the bright ray. 在这个时候,李七夜目光看了一下黄金神卵,黄金神卵吸收了十万强大的精血之后,显得兴奋无比,散发出了炽亮的光芒。 However, when the Li Qiye's vision looks in the past, the gold god egg obviously shivered, it obviously is afraid Li Qiye. 但是,当李七夜的目光一看过去的时候,黄金神卵明显是颤抖了一下,它明显害怕李七夜 This seems like a having a greedy appetite child, after stealing food secretly a lot of between-meal snack, very excited, but, was looked by a own severe elder look, restrained the stance immediately, did not dare bold and arrogant. 这就好像是一个贪食的小孩,偷偷吃了大量的零食之后,十分的兴奋,但是,被自己严厉的长辈一个眼神看了过来,就立即收敛起姿态了,不敢放肆 Mahoraga egg.” The looks at gold god egg, Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: Pitifully, the world cannot judge the quality of goods, does not know that its danger, actually goes after like ducks, this does not bring about own destruction, what is that?” 摩侯罗伽蛋。”看着黄金神卵,李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“可惜,世人都不识货,不知道它的危险,却趋之若鹜,这不是自寻死路,那是什么?” The Mahoraga egg, this sends regarding anybody, that is a very strange name, but, it is very dangerous thing, Wei they sees this gold god egg mostly, only knows that it is the god egg, actually does not know this back is hiding many danger. 摩侯罗伽蛋,这对于任何人来说发,那都是一个十分陌生的名字,但是,它是十分危险的东西,大都尉他们看到这颗黄金神卵,只知道它是神卵而已,却不知道这背后藏着多少的危险。 Also because of so, this makes Wei they come here to bring death mostly, becomes the delicacy of Mahoraga egg. 也正是因为如此,这才让大都尉他们来到这里送死,成为了摩侯罗伽蛋的美味。 Li Qiye looked, Buddhist Treasure and Buddhist Scripture on rack, then Buddhist Statue on looks at stair, smiled lightly, said: Here defense, is not used to protect the Mahoraga egg, but prevents the bystander to come, what a pity, the world actually does not understand the ideas of these Old Monk.” 李七夜看了一下,架子上的佛宝佛经,然后看着台阶上的佛像,淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“这里的防御,不是用来守护摩侯罗伽蛋,而是阻止外人进来,可惜,世人却不理解这些老和尚的想法。” What kind of origin this Mahoraga egg is, that has been unknown. Without a doubt, obtains this Mahoraga egg High Monk or the temple, they want to domesticate Mahoraga, therefore met the seal such a place, hatched it by Buddhist Law, prepared hatching Mahoraga trained Supreme Protector God of Buddhist. 这颗摩侯罗伽蛋是怎么样的来历,那已经是不得而知了。毫无疑问,得到这颗摩侯罗伽蛋的高僧或者寺庙,他们是想驯化摩侯罗伽,所以才会封印了这么一个地方,以佛法去孵化它,准备把孵化出来的摩侯罗伽培养成佛家的无上守护神 What a pity, was unable to hatch Mahoraga, this temple has declined, lacks successors, only left behind such a by the mountain valley of seal. 可惜,还没能孵化出摩侯罗伽,这座寺庙已经没落,后继无人,只留下了这么一个被封印的山谷。 But descendants is ignorant, actually does not know that Mahoraga egg origin, this also made the 100,000 powerhouse the sacrificial offering of Mahoraga egg. 后人无知,却不知道摩侯罗伽蛋的来历,这也使得十万强者成为了摩侯罗伽蛋的祭品了。 Hears crack the sound resounds, at this time, saw only the gold god egg to have the crack, this time, the gold god egg is splitting truly. 听到“喀嚓”的声音响起,在这个时候,只见黄金神卵出现了裂缝,在这个时候,黄金神卵是真正的裂开了。 Soon hatched.” Saw that the gold god egg had the crack, Li Qiye smiled lightly. “快要孵化出来了。”看到黄金神卵出现裂缝,李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 Because the temple had declined, Buddhist Law is very weak, therefore, without the outside world helps one another, this Mahoraga egg also requires very long time to hatch, but, the Mahoraga egg obtains the essence and blood of 100,000 powerhouse now, this speed that sped up it to hatch. 因为寺庙已经没落了,佛法已经很微弱了,所以,如果没有外界相助的话,这颗摩侯罗伽蛋还需要很长的时间才能孵化出来,但是,现在摩侯罗伽蛋却得到了十万强者的精血,这就加快了它孵化的速度了。 The Mahoraga itself/Ben is the bloodthirsty ominous thing, although by the Buddhist Law purification, is tame many many. 摩侯罗伽本就是十分嗜血的凶物,虽然被佛法净化之下,已经是温驯了许多许多了。 But, now 100,000 powerhouse own delivers, then regarding it, was the bestowed by heaven good food, was the thing of big making up, it naturally was the crazy suck dry 100,000 powerhouse, this enabled it long time ago to hatch. 但,现在十万强者自己送上门来,那对于它来说,是天赐美食,乃是大补之物,它当然是疯狂吸干十万强者了,这使得它早早就能孵化出来。 The looks at Mahoraga egg had the crack, Li Qiye also smiled one merely, turned around to go out of the mountain valley. 看着摩侯罗伽蛋出现了裂缝,李七夜也仅仅是笑了一下而已,转身就走出山谷。 Today one. 今天一更。
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