ED :: Volume #36

#3592: treasure at present

At this time, all cultivator powerhouse covetously looks at Li Qiye in mountain valley, at this moment, in their eyes, Li Qiye was just a lamb, whatever they organized. 在这个时候,山谷之中的所有修士强者都虎视眈眈地看着李七夜,此时此刻,在他们所有人眼中,李七夜只不过是一头羔羊而已,任由他们摆布。 Before entering mountain valley, many cultivator powerhouses, many the big sects and countries, gave Li Qiye to promise, even also had Large Sect Old Ancestor also once to pledge to protect the Li Qiye's security. 在进入山谷之前,多少修士强者,多少大教疆国,都曾经给李七夜许诺过,甚至也有大教老祖也曾承诺保护李七夜的安全。 But, the gold god egg at present, the looks at close gold god egg, does not have any cultivator powerhouse will not palpitate with excitement, under such huge seduction, all cultivator powerhouses had been hoodwinked the eyes, they have been Nina Li Chi clouded the mind, after already the brain of promise throwing, promised a moment ago. 但,黄金神卵就在眼前,看着近在咫尺的黄金神卵,没有任何一个修士强者不会为之怦然心动的,在这样巨大的诱惑之下,所有的修士强者早就已经是被蒙蔽了双眼了,他们早就已经是利智薰心了,早就把刚才所许下的诺言抛之脑后了。 In this moment, in all cultivator powerhouse minds, only then the thought that that snatches the gold god egg by the hand, spares nothing. 在这一刻,所有修士强者心目中,只有有一个念头,那就是把黄金神卵抢以手,不惜一切代价。 At this time, regarding present all cultivator powerhouses, so long as can obtain the gold god egg, even if conducts torture that to Li Qiye is also there's nothing not, as for had said before then commitment, so-called protects the Li Qiye's security, they do not remember. 在这个时候,对于眼前的所有修士强者来说,只要能得到黄金神卵,就算是李七夜进行酷刑那也是没有什么不可以的,至于在此之前所说过的承诺,所谓保护李七夜的安全,他们都已经不记得了。 Sometimes Young Master Li, does not need your-- to see Li Qiye not to reply for a very long time, some cultivator powerhouses are impatient, the sinking sound urged Li Qiye. 李公子,时不待你——”见李七夜久久不回答,有些修士强者已经迫不及待了,沉声催促李七夜 Li Qiye looked at all cultivator powerhouses on the scene, in all cultivator powerhouse their both eyes on the scene fills greedy that flaminged hotly, without exception. 李七夜看了看在场的所有修士强者,在场的所有修士强者他们的双目中都充满了热炽的贪婪,无一例外。 Saw such a, Li Qiye showed the smile, he shrugged, said: gold god egg, is the extremely ominous thing, very bloodthirsty......” 看到这样的一幕,李七夜不由就露出了笑容了,他摊了摊手,说道:“黄金神卵,乃是极凶之物,十分嗜血……” This matter we had known, does not need Young Master Li to remind again, asking Young Master Li also to open Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King a bit faster.” At this time, present all cultivator powerhouses, where also has the patience to listen to Li Qiye such words, they wish one could to take the gold god egg now, Li Qiye such bullshit, listened in them, grumble extremely, they absolutely did not have the patience to listen. “这事情我们已经都知道了,不需要李公子再一次提醒,请李公子还快点支开山河螭王。”在这个时候,眼前的所有修士强者,哪里还有耐心去听李七夜这样的话,他们恨不得现在就把黄金神卵抢到手,李七夜这样的屁话,在他们听来,磨叽万分,他们根本就没有耐心听下去。 But, Li Qiye still pays no attention to them , to continue saying: gold god egg, it is selects the person to bite, if your anybody had/left the accident/surprise, encountered what danger, that does not close my matter, do not say that I have not reminded you. You now turn head also with enough time, otherwise, only feared that is life difficult insurance.” 但,李七夜依然不理他们,继续说道:“黄金神卵,它是择人而噬,如果你们任何人出了意外,遇到了什么危险,那可不关我的事,也不要说我没有提醒你们。你们现在回头还来得及,否则,只怕是性命难保。” Now turns head?” Some powerhouses said loudly: gold god egg at present, us must result to, your syllabic final grumble.” “现在回头?”有强者就不由大声地说道:“黄金神卵就在眼前,我们非得到不可,你就收声别磨叽了。” obediently opens Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, otherwise, what happened, this king may be unable to guarantee.” Wei still Sir palm is pressing the Li Qiye's shoulder mostly, said desolate, at this time, in his both eyes has revealed killing intent. 乖乖支开山河螭王,否则,发生什么事情,本座可就不敢保证了。”大都尉尚大人手掌按着李七夜的肩膀,冷森森地说道,在这个时候,他双目中已经露出了杀机了。 If Li Qiye does not comply at this time, he only feared that can be first person who unloads the Li Qiye shoulder, to obtain the gold god egg, he can not hesitate all means that that feared that suffers Li Qiye in the most brutal method, that is also there's nothing not. 如果此时李七夜不答应的话,他只怕会是第一个卸下李七夜肩膀的人,为了得到黄金神卵,他可以不惜一切手段,那怕是以最残酷的手段去折磨李七夜,那也是没有什么不可以的。 Good, since you made the decision, that does not close my matter.” Li Qiye shrugged, showed the smile, later, he walks toward Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King. “好吧,既然你们作出了决定,那就不关我的事情。”李七夜摊了摊手,露出了浓浓的笑容,随后,他往山河螭王走去。 When Li Qiye moves toward Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, the cultivator powerhouses on the scene were very anxious, many Large Sect Old Ancestor one after another revealed the weapon, there is a powerhouse closely to grip the sword hilt, prepared to attack at any time. 李七夜走向山河螭王的时候,在场的修士强者都是十分紧张,不少大教老祖纷纷亮出了兵器,也有强者紧紧地握住了剑柄,随时准备好攻击。 At this time, all cultivator powerhouses were also afraid Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King to launch an attack suddenly, attack them. 在这个时候,所有的修士强者也都害怕山河螭王突然发难,攻击他们所有人。 What luckily is, when Li Qiye goes forward to greet with Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, after communicating several, Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King does not have attack everyone on the scene, it was coldly looked at everyone one eyes merely. 幸好的是,当李七夜上前与山河螭王打了招呼,沟通几句之后,山河螭王没有攻击在场的所有人,它仅仅是冷冷地看了所有人一眼。 That feared that Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King is one sweeps merely, this also lets in all cultivator powerhouse hearts on the scene immediately absolutely terrified, making people feel that like falling into the icehouse is the same, the vision sweeps, probably the steel knife blows from the face of own is the same. 那怕山河螭王仅仅是一眼扫过来,这也顿时让在场的所有修士强者心里面毛骨悚然,让人感觉如同掉进冰窖里一样,目光一扫过来,好像是钢刀从自己的脸上刮过一样。 After mountains and rivers glass king coldly swept everyone one eyes, fell back on, leaving the stage is distant, Li Qiye also fell back on with the mountains and rivers glass king while. 山河璃王冷冷地扫了所有人一眼之后,退到了一边,离开高台远远的,李七夜也与山河璃王退到了一边。 Ok, my matter completed, now the gold god egg in your at present, is your own matter.” Stood in the distant place, Li Qiye with a smile looks at all cultivator powerhouses. “好了,我的事完成了,现在黄金神卵就在你们的眼前了,接下来就是你们自己的事情了。”站在了远处,李七夜笑吟吟地看着所有修士强者。 Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King fell back on the one side, all threats disappeared all of a sudden, the gold god egg at present, the huge incomparable seduction is exposing before everyone all of a sudden nakedly, this makes all cultivator powerhouse both eyes immediately blazing incomparable. 山河螭王退到了一旁,所有的威胁都一下子消失了,黄金神卵就在眼前,巨大无比的诱惑一下子赤裸裸地暴露在所有人面前,这顿时让所有的修士强者双目变得炽热无比。 At this time, in all cultivator powerhouse hearts, only then thought-- snatches the gold god egg. 在这个时候,所有修士强者心里面只有一个念头——抢到黄金神卵。 In addition, they did not have other ideas again, the present seduction had fulled floaded operation their heads all of a sudden, will not go to think other thing again. 除此之外,他们再也没有其他的想法了,眼前的诱惑已经一下子灌满了他们的脑袋了,根本就不会再去想其他的东西了。 ------ in this in an instant, Wei, Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder...... wait/etc all most powerful powerhouse blood energy soars to the heavens mostly all of a sudden, primal chaos True Qi is equally billowing like the raging tide. ——————”在这刹那之间,大都尉、大教老祖、世家元老……等等所有最强大的强者都一下子血气冲天,混沌真气如狂潮一样滚滚而起。 Old Ancestor regarded the own most powerful weapon, had Old Ancestor to hang the god mirror, had the length expert to hold the pagoda, there is a important people back to set up the god flag...... at once, all powerhouses erupted the own strongest strength. 一个个老祖都视出了自己最强大的兵器,有老祖头悬神镜,有长老手托宝塔,也有大人物背插神旗……一时之间,所有强者都爆发出了自己最强大的实力。 Hears bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, Wei, Large Sect Old Ancestor and world end Senior Elder their these most powerful important people one step to step mostly go, stood in the forefront all of a sudden, in gold god egg to stage, close. 听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,大都尉、大教老祖、世完元老他们这些最强大的大人物都一步踏上前去,一下子站在了最前面,离高台上的黄金神卵,近在咫尺。 As for other disciple powerhouses, although the strength is not very by far powerful, they cannot push forefront, but, they have revealed the weapon, blood energy soars to the heavens, they also adopted the stance of attack, the preparation is a Sect war. 至于其他的弟子强者,虽然实力远远不够强大,他们不能挤到最前面,但,他们都已经亮出了兵器,血气冲天,他们也都摆出了攻击的姿态,准备为宗门一战。 At once, fearful incomparable fighting intent fills the air in the entire mountain valley, all cultivator powerhouses are staring stubbornly each other, anyone will become the potential enemy of opposite party. 一时之间,可怕无比的战意弥漫于整个山谷,所有的修士强者都死死地盯着彼此,任何一个人都会成为对方的潜在敌人。 That feared that was a moment ago or the ally, at this time, may become the enemy. 那怕是刚才还是盟友,在这个时候,都已经有可能成为敌人了。 Especially stands in forefront Wei, Large Sect Old Ancestor mostly they, the atmosphere became withered, gold god eyes at present, extremely easy to obtain, in them in any both eyes revealed killing intent, is staring at other enemies stubbornly, they are grasping the weapon firmly, can begin momentarily immediately. 特别是站在最前面的大都尉、大教老祖他们,气氛就变得更加肃杀了,黄金神眼就在眼前,唾手可得,他们中的任何一个双目中都露出了杀机,死死盯着其他敌人,他们都牢牢地握着兵器,随时都可以立即动手。 In this moment, mostly Wei, is Large Sect Old Ancestor, they are the vision circulations, their vision one sweep from each other body. 在这一刻,不论是大都尉,还是大教老祖,他们都是目光流转,他们的目光都从彼此的身上一扫而过。 They are deliberately considering in the heart, who the enemy of own first attack is, whose attack own will receive. 他们在心里面寻思着,自己第一个攻击的敌人将是谁,自己又将会受到谁的袭击。 Under this subtle circumstance, making Wei who not take the lead mostly take action, no one has taken the lead to put out a hand to snatch the gold god egg, because they know, who first puts out a hand to snatch the gold god egg, will come under everyone's attack immediately. 在这微妙的情势之下,使得大都尉谁都没有率先出手,谁都没有率先伸手去抢黄金神卵,因为他们知道,谁先伸手去抢黄金神卵,将立即受到所有人的攻击。 As for their behind disciple powerhouses, is waiting for the order, so long as the elder orders, they can the earliest possible time attack the own enemy. 至于他们身后的弟子强者,也都等待着命令,只要长辈一声令下,他们都会第一时间去攻击自己的敌人。 At once, the tense atmosphere to the extreme, looked like tightens to cannot a tight string, the so tight string, could to collapse to break momentarily. 一时之间,气氛紧张到极点,就像是绷紧到不能再紧的一张弦了,如此绷紧的弦,随时都会崩断 Bloody battle must start.” Sees fighting intent dreadful one, the cultivator powerhouse outside mountain valley also understands that what kind of matter will then soon have. “血战要开始了。”看到战意滔天的一幕,山谷之外的修士强者也明白接下来即将发生怎么样的事情。 We were not slightly are young.” Finally, an old elder opens the mouth, said: Several of us, put the hand, hands over the vigor mutually, who removes the hand, who lost, who can insist finally, the gold god egg turns over to anyone, what kind of?” “我们也不是小年轻了。”最后,一位年长的长老开口,说道:“我们几个,把手放上去,相互交劲,谁撤手,谁就输了,谁能坚持到最后,黄金神卵就归谁,怎么样?” This old long proverb falls, Wei their these important people and Old Ancestor looked at one mostly mutually, finally Wei Lvxian nod, said mostly: Good, I approve.” 这位年长的长老话一落下,大都尉他们这些大人物老祖都相互看了一眼,最后大都尉率先点头,说道:“好,我赞同。” I also first with.” Other Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder one after another nod approval, can say, this idea slaughtered compared with the tangled warfare. “我也先同。”其他的大教老祖、世家元老纷纷点头赞同,可以说,这个主意比混战厮杀强多了。 Recently, Wei their these important people reached the agreement mostly consistently, their one after another built both hands above the stage, everyone gathered the vigor to strike. 最近,大都尉他们这些大人物一致达成了协议,他们都纷纷把双手搭在了高台之上,所有人都蓄劲一击。 Turns very quiet to breathe the looks at stage in their behind disciple powerhouses, they also know, if who first removes the hand, loses obtains the qualifications of gold god egg. 在他们身后的弟子强者都不由屏住呼吸看着高台,他们也知道,谁若先撤手,就失去得到黄金神卵的资格。 Starts-- in this instantaneous, Wei they unanimously agreed mostly, they yelled with one voice, hears bang loud sound, saw only blood energy that Wei they shot up to the sky mostly to rumble instantaneously into the stage. “开始——”在这瞬间,大都尉他们都一致同意,他们都齐声大叫了一下,听到“轰”的一声巨响,只见大都尉他们冲天而起的血气瞬间轰入了高台之中。 Hears bang, bang and bang loud sound, the sound of thundering is lingering on faintly, such as the difficult situation is still common, the entire mountain valley also swayed. 听到“轰、轰、轰”的一声声巨响,轰鸣之声不绝于耳,如犹惊涛骇浪一般,整个山谷都随之摇晃了一下。 Mostly Wei they are side important people, the strength very powerful, in this electrical spark light, all of them poured into own blood energy the stage completely, this is how fearful might. 大都尉他们都是一方大人物,实力十分的强大,在这石火电光之间,他们所有人都把自己血气全部灌入了高台之中,这是多么可怕威力。 At bang, bang and bang under loud sound, the entire mountain valley swayed, the mountain swung shakes, has a scare many cultivator powerhouses. 在“轰、轰、轰”的巨响之下,整个山谷摇晃了一下,山摇地晃,把不少修士强者吓了一跳。 However, such everything may become vulnerable, that also merely is all of a sudden , the entire mountain valley returned to normal. 但是,这样的地动山摇,那也仅仅是一下子而已,紧接着,整个山谷又恢复了平静。 All disciples look, sees only mostly Wei, Large Sect elder their both hands firmly according to above the stage, their complexion becomes flushed, as if at this time, their strength did not know one's place, disputed in the stage, who anti- why not who was the same. 所有弟子望去,只见大都尉、大教长老他们都双手牢牢地按在高台之上,他们脸色涨红,似乎在这个时候,他们所有人的力量都不分上下,在高台中较量时,谁都耐何不了谁一样。 Sees this, all cultivator powerhouses turn very quiet, waits for the own elder to win. 看到这一幕,所有修士强者都不由屏住呼吸,等待着自己的长辈胜出。 However, not long, sees only mostly Wei their complexion by becoming flushed to transfer white, their bodies swayed, they as if disputed mutually too for a long time, blood energy started to lose. 但是,没有多久,只见大都尉他们脸色由涨红转白,他们的身体不由摇晃了一下,他们似乎相互较量得太久了,血气开始损耗。 We encourage old helping hand.” Some disciples noticed that own Sect Master blood energy does not continue, big shout. “我们助长老一臂之力。”有弟子看到自己宗主血气不续,不由大叫一声 Good-- this Sect all disciples drink one together, they composed a person of chain all of a sudden, one after another, arrives at the back by the palm, the most powerful disciple stands in their Sect Master behind, a palm arrives in Sect Master behind, hears bang loud sound, blood energy, skills and Primal Chaos Qi their all disciples injected into own Sect Master within the body instantaneously. “好——”这个宗门的所有弟子都齐喝一声,他们一下子组成了人链,一个接着一个,以掌心抵背,最强大的弟子站在他们宗主身后,一掌抵在宗主的身后,听到“轰”的一声巨响,他们所有弟子的血气、功力、混沌之气都瞬间注入了自己宗主的体内。 Cheats-- to see that this Sect all disciples pour into their Sect Master within the body own blood energy, some people are not convinced big shout. “作弊——”看到这个宗门的所有弟子都把自己血气注入他们宗主的体内,有人不服气地大叫一声 Today one. 今天一更。
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