ED :: Volume #36

#3591: Benefits the character overhead

Walked into the mountain valley, stands before the stone steps, all cultivator powerhouses turn very quiet. 走入了山谷,站在石阶之前,所有的修士强者都不由屏住呼吸。 Has Golden Cicada Bodhisattva their learning from another's mistakes, all cultivator know that the present stone steps are fearful, many one after another are staring at about the stone steps both sides Buddhist Statue, they are afraid stand erect launch an attack in both sides Buddhist Statue suddenly, if so, only feared that they do not have many people able to resist. 金蝉佛子他们的前车之鉴,所有的修士都知道眼前的石阶可怕,不少人都纷纷盯着石阶左右两旁的佛像,他们都害怕屹立在两旁的佛像突然发难,若真的如此,只怕他们没有多少人能抵挡得住。 „Can we follow?” At this time, had aristocratic family Senior Elder also somewhat to say to Li Qiye fearful and apprehensive. “我们能跟着下去吗?”在这个时候,有世家元老也不由有些心惊肉跳地对李七夜说道。 Li Qiye selected nod, said: All right, follows me on the line, definitely will not have anything.” 李七夜点了点头,说道:“没事,跟着我走就行,绝对不会有任何事情的。” Will really be all right?” Some powerhouses have not believed in the heart very much, to the Li Qiye's words is doubtful, said: If by some chance we arrive in the stone steps, suddenly what to do about both sides Buddhist Statue does launch an attack?”? Relax, such matter, will not happen absolutely.” Li Qiye is very sincere, a six domestic animals harmless appearance, said: I can promise you, this stone steps will definitely not have anything, gets down with me.” Saying, along stone steps under. “真的会没事?”有强者在心里面还不是很相信,对李七夜的话是半信半疑,说道:“万一我们走到石阶上,左右两旁的佛像突然发难怎么办?”?“放心吧,这样的事情,绝对不会发生的。”李七夜十分真诚,一副六畜无害的模样,说道:“我敢向你们保证,这石阶绝对不会有什么事的,跟着我下去吧。”说着,沿着石阶而下。 Li Qiye steps the stone steps, naturally will not have any response, the stone steps are still the stone steps, Buddhist Statue are still Buddhist Statue, to sign that Li Qiye has not attacked. 李七夜踏上石阶,当然是不会有任何的反应了,石阶依然是石阶,佛像依然是佛像,对李七夜没有丝毫攻击的迹象。 That feared that Li Qiye along stone steps, has not had anything, but, stands all cultivator powerhouses above stone steps, in the heart still has the scruples, at once, everyone is look at each other, no one is willing to take the first step. 那怕李七夜沿着石阶而下,没有发生任何事情,但是,站在石阶之上的所有修士强者,心里面依然是有顾忌,一时之间,大家是你看我我看你的,没有谁愿意迈出第一步。 „Do you come in?” Arrived at the halfway of stone steps, still did not have the cultivator powerhouse to be willing to take risk, Li Qiye stopped the footsteps, said: If you do not come, I do not guide.” “你们进不进来?”走到石阶的半腰了,依然没有修士强者愿意去冒这个险,李七夜停下脚步,说道:“如果你们不进来,我就不带路了。” I try.” Finally, a powerhouse will steel one's heart, was ready for any sacrifice, is willing to explore the way for own Sect, stretches out the foot, one step stepped on above the stone steps. “我试一试。”最后,一位强者将心一横,豁出去了,愿意为自己宗门探路,伸出脚去,一步踩在了石阶之上。 This powerhouse takes the foot to step on above the stone steps, all cultivator powerhouses on the scene turn very quiet, closely is staring at his every action and every movement, is not willing to miss any detail. 这个强者迈出脚踩在石阶之上,在场的所有修士强者都不由屏住呼吸,都紧紧地盯着他的一举一动,不愿意错过任何细节。 That feared that this powerhouse has been ready for any sacrifice in the heart, when his taking, is still fearful and apprehensive, he closes the eye, but, in the entire process, what matter has not happened, after he opens the eye, discovered that own stood above the stone steps appropriately, whole body did not damage. 那怕这个强者在心里面已经豁出去了,但,当他一步迈出的时候,依然是心惊肉跳的,他都不由闭上眼睛,但是,在整个过程中,什么事情都没有发生,当他睁开眼睛之后,发现自己妥妥当当地站在了石阶之上,全身上下丝毫不损。 „Is really all right.” This powerhouse is wild with joy, busy is follows Li Qiye along the stone steps under. “真的是没事呀。”这个强者不由狂喜,忙是跟着李七夜沿着石阶而下。 I come.” Other cultivator powerhouses saw after this cultivator attempts, has not had anything, one after another stepped on the stone steps, as soon as they step on the stone steps time, a little trembling with fear in heart, when steps on above the stone steps, discovered that is anything has not really happened, their thorough reassurances. “我来。”其他的修士强者见到这位修士尝试之后,没有发生任何事情,也都纷纷踩上了石阶,他们一踩上石阶的时候,在心里面还是有点战战兢兢的,但,当踩在石阶之上,发现真的是什么事情都没有发生,他们彻底的放心了。 We walk quickly.” They see safe and sound, the one after another half step followed. “我们快走吧。”他们一见安然无恙,都纷纷快步跟上了。 At once, the cultivator powerhouses in stone steps step on the stair competitively, they feared that falls behind, is busy is proceeds to push, with tightening Li Qiye. 一时之间,石阶的修士强者都争先恐后地踩上台阶,他们都怕落后于人,都忙是往前挤,跟紧了李七夜了。 Like mostly important people of Wei still Sir their these older generations, instead was discrete a point, they feared that Li Qiye caused to cheat, therefore, remained to step on the stone steps finally, when stepping on stone steps, they made the defense, revealed the weapon, guarded against mishap, but, after they walked many stone steps, what matter has not happened, they then felt relieved thoroughly, they also with, followed at the maximum speed in Li Qiye's behind. 像大都尉尚大人他们这些老一辈的大人物,反而是谨慎了一点,他们怕李七夜使诈,所以,留到最后踩上石阶,在踩上石阶之时,他们都做出了防御,亮出了兵器,以防不测,但是,他们走了很多石阶之后,什么事情都没有发生,他们这才彻底放心了,他们也都以最快的速度跟了上去,跟在了李七夜的身后。 I said that led you to enter the mountain valley, will could it be that deceive you to be inadequate?” Li Qiye looked at careful Wei still Sir mostly their eyes, said lightly. “我都说带你们进入山谷了,难道会骗你们不成?”李七夜看了小心谨慎的大都尉尚大人他们一眼,淡淡地说道。 This let mostly Wei still Sir immediately their hollow laugh, the manner was somewhat awkward, they do not speak. 这顿时让大都尉尚大人他们不由干笑一声,神态有些尴尬,他们都不吭声了。 They went.” Keeps the cultivator powerhouse outside mountain valley to see that all soldiers and horses smoothly entered the mountain valley with Li Qiye, they relax, some people are the own Sect elder cheer one. “他们都进去了。”留在山谷之外的修士强者看到各方兵马都随着李七夜顺利地进入了山谷,他们都不由松了一口气,也有人不由为自己宗门的长辈欢呼一声。 Really is weird, this is not fully correct completely.” Teacher Du sees such a, he shakes the head, mutters said. “真是邪门,这完全是猜不透。”杜老师看到这样的一幕,他不由摇了摇头,喃喃地说道。 In fact, far more than is Teacher Du does not think clearly, other Teacher same do not think clearly. 事实上,何止是杜老师是想不明白,其他的老师也一样想不明白。 If, Li Qiye can communicate with Myriad Beasts Mountain Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, this can also understand, after all, Li Qiye is locally born in Myriad Beasts Mountain, he grows up here, can friendly be together with Myriad Beasts Mountain Primal Chaos Yuan Beast. 如果说,李七夜能与万兽山混沌元兽沟通,这还能理解,毕竟,李七夜是在万兽山土生土长,他是在这里长大的,能与万兽山混沌元兽友好相处。 However, no matter what who can look, mountain valley inside defense, especially is the Buddhist Statue defense in stone steps, is by powerful incomparable exist(ence) arrange, such defense, must depend upon powerful incomparable strength to break through, or needs to decode the mystery of this defense, that can safe go in well. 但是,任谁都看得出来,山谷里面的防御,特别是是石阶上的佛像防御,乃是由强大无比的存在布下的,这样的防御,必须要依靠强大无匹的力量才能攻破,或者是需要破解这防御的奥妙,那才能安全无恙进去。 But, which aspect from looks like, Li Qiye is not these two situations, if thinks powerful attack to go, only feared that needs the Heaven Venerable rank the strength, to decode the entire mountain valley the mystery, perhaps needs Dao Monarch such strength, because only then achieves such realm exist(ence), that can grasp the Grand Dao mystery truly. 但,不论是从哪方面看来,李七夜都不属于这两种情况,如果想强攻进去,只怕需要天尊级别的实力,如果想破解整个山谷的奥妙,或许需要道君这样的实力,因为只有达到这样境界存在,那才能真正掌握大道的奥妙。 Li Qiye is not Supreme Heaven Venerable, is not invincible Dao Monarch, he is just the trivial Purple Marquis Wild Physique strength, but, he not only can a person go in safely, but can also bring tens of thousands of person is well to enter the mountain valley, such matter, regarding anybody, that was really extremely in Wufa understands. 李七夜既不是无上天尊,也不是无敌的道君,他只不过是区区的紫侯狂体实力而已,但是,他不仅仅能一个人平安进去,还能带着成千上万的人平安无事地进入山谷,这样的事情,对于任何人来说,那都实在是太过于无法理解了。 Perhaps, because this boy extremely in the weirdness, this is we are unable to understand.” Old Teacher smiled bitterly, shakes the head. “或许,正是因为这小子太过于邪门,这才是我们无法理解的。”年长的老师苦笑了一下,不由摇了摇头。 They cannot completely understand Li Qiye, in brief , Li Qiye this was really extremely was to them weird, even gave them a strange incomparable feeling. 他们都看不透李七夜,总之,对于他们来说,李七夜这实在是太过于邪门了,甚至给他们一种诡异无比的感觉。 They went.” At this time, student yelled, pulls back Teacher Du their trains of thought. “他们进去了。”在这个时候,一个学生大叫了一声,把杜老师他们的思绪拉了回来。 At this time, saw only under Li Qiye's led, before all the big sects and countries cultivator powerhouses had arrived in that ruined temple . 在这个时候,只见在李七夜的带领之下,所有大教疆国修士强者都已经抵达了那座破庙之前了。 At this moment, that feared that was the gold god egg was close, entered the mountain valley all cultivator trembling with fear, they were critical situation, even was the both legs hits to tremble. 此时此刻,那怕是黄金神卵近在咫尺了,进入山谷的所有修士都不由战战兢兢,他们都如临大敌,甚至是双腿直打哆嗦。 Because Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King occupies before stone platform, Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, this is powerful incomparable Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, this is in Primal Chaos Yuan Beast the King in Heaven Rank high-grade, that is how fearful exist(ence). 因为山河螭王盘踞在石台之前,山河螭王,这可是强大无匹的混沌元兽,这可是混沌元兽天阶上品中的王者,那是多么可怕的存在 Any cultivator powerhouse on the scene, no one dares saying that own is at present this Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King opponent. 在场的任何一个修士强者,没有任何一个人敢说自己是眼前这头山河螭王的对手。 Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King-- has the powerhouse tooth young lady to make a sound, frightens the both legs not to make every effort to succeed hits to tremble. 山河螭王——”有强者不由牙齿都格格响,吓得双腿不争气地直打哆嗦。 When beside the mountain valley, any cultivator powerhouse can feel the great strength of Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, but, at that time, everyone also leaves this Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King to be very far, although Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King is very powerful, has not formed the direct impact on everyone. 在山谷之外的时候,任何一位修士强者都能感受到山河螭王的强大,但是,在那个时候,大家都还离这头山河螭王很远,山河螭王虽然很强大,还没有给大家形成直接的冲击。 But, now everyone leaves Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King to be very near, close, even can clear incomparably feel the Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King aura to blow. 但,现在所有人都离山河螭王很近了,近在咫尺,甚至能清晰无比地感受到山河螭王的气息拂面而来。 A King of Heaven Rank high-grade, its terrifying incomparable beast breath blows to come, that feared that is merely one wisp of aura, that makes people feel that same has blown the skin of own like the steel knife, making people feel that results in the pain to hurt hard to endure. 一头天阶上品的王者,它恐怖无比的兽息拂面而来,那怕是仅仅一缕的气息,那都让人感觉如钢刀一样刮过自己的皮肤,让人感觉得痛疼难忍。 Good terrifying and very powerful Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King.” At this time, many cultivator powerhouses could not withstand the Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King beast breath, was frightened continually drew back several steps. “好恐怖好强大山河螭王。”在这个时候,有不少修士强者都承受不起山河螭王的兽息,被吓得连退了好几步。 Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, what to do should-- facing present Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, even Large Sect Old Ancestor hit one to tremble. 山河螭王,该怎么办——”面对眼前的山河螭王,连大教老祖都不由打了一个哆嗦。 Ok, I led you to come.” At this time, Li Qiye shrugged, said to all cultivator powerhouses. “好了,我带你们进来了。”在这个时候,李七夜摊了摊手,对所有修士强者说道。 „It is not anxious.” At this time, Wei still Sir big hand built mostly on the Li Qiye's shoulder, said lightly: Your advance detachment walks Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King.” “不急。”在这个时候,大都尉尚大人一只大手搭在李七夜的肩膀上,淡淡地说道:“你先支走山河螭王。” Did not say, I lead you to enter the mountain valley to be able?” Li Qiye looks at Wei still Sir, said mostly. “不是说,我带你们进入山谷就可以的吗?”李七夜看着大都尉尚大人,说道。 Young Master Li, your good person achieves the bottom, first opens Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King.” All cultivator powerhouse one after another on the scene are looking at Li Qiye. 李公子,你就好人做到底,先把山河螭王支开。”在场的所有修士强者都纷纷望着李七夜 Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King defended the gold god egg, anybody is unable to obtain this only gold god egg, perhaps they were at cost of the life, not necessarily is the Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King opponent. 山河螭王守住了黄金神卵,任何人都无法取得这只黄金神卵,说不定他们把老命拼了,都不见得是山河螭王的对手。 At this time, all cultivator powerhouses will think of Li Qiye, after all, Li Qiye is only on the scene can with the person who Primal Chaos Yuan Beast communicates. 在这个时候,所有的修士强者都会想到李七夜,毕竟,李七夜是在场中唯一一个可以与混沌元兽沟通的人。 You best open Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King, otherwise, has some matter, did not say.” At this time, the palm of Wei still Sir pressed the Li Qiye's shoulder mostly, both eyes was revealing cold light. “你最好把山河螭王支开,不然,发生一些事情,就不好说了。”此时,大都尉尚大人的手掌压着李七夜的肩膀,双目露出了寒光 gold god egg at present, to him, so long as can attain the gold god egg, he will spare nothing, even rips Li Qiye crushes, he will achieve. 黄金神卵就在眼前,对于他来说,只要能拿到黄金神卵,他会不惜一切代价,甚至是把李七夜撕得粉碎,他都会做到的。 Threatens me?” Li Qiye smiled. “威胁我吗?”李七夜不由笑了一下。 No.” Wei still Sir shakes the head mostly, said slowly: We could assure your security, but, your person is uncertain, for example your family member, your servant, your little girl and so on, their accident sentiment, that did not say.” “不。”大都尉尚大人摇了摇头,徐徐地说道:“我们或许能保证你的安全,但是,你身边的人就不一定了,比如你的家人,你身边的仆人,你身边的小女孩之类的,他们出了什么事情,那就不好说了。” The meaning of Wei still Sir this threat was mostly obvious, even if they will not kill Li Qiye at this time, but, that does not dare saying that will not make anything to the Li Qiye nearby person. 大都尉尚大人这威胁的意思再明显不过了,他们就算在这个时候不会杀了李七夜,但,那可不敢说不会对李七夜身边人做出什么事情来。 Young Master Li, your good person achieves the bottom.” Has Large Sect Old Ancestor to say slowly: If by some chance, really makes this only gold god egg damage the world, only feared that Young Master Li person cannot escape by luck. After all, this gold god egg in this Myriad Beasts Mountain, once it breaks the shell, only feared that the Young Master Li family member bore the brunt, therefore, Young Master Li should assist us, obtains this egg.” 李公子,你就好人做到底。”有大教老祖徐徐地说道:“万一,真的让这只黄金神卵为害人间,只怕李公子身边的人也不能幸免。毕竟,这颗黄金神卵就在这万兽山中,一旦它破壳而出,只怕李公子的家人就首当其冲了,所以,李公子应该协助我们,取得此卵。” At this time, all cultivator powerhouses are staring at Li Qiye, their vision are very bad. 在这个时候,所有的修士强者都盯着李七夜,他们的目光都十分不善。 In a moment ago, these cultivator powerhouses also vowed solemnly said to Li Qiye, they will protect the Li Qiye's security. 在刚才,这些修士强者都还信誓旦旦地对李七夜说,他们会保护李七夜的安全。 However, under the huge seduction, after they already the commitment flings the brain, so long as can obtain the gold god egg, they are willing to collaborate with Wei still Sir mostly. 但是,在巨大的诱惑之下,他们已经把刚才的承诺甩之脑后了,只要能得到黄金神卵,他们都愿意与大都尉尚大人同流合污。 Today one. 今天一更。
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