ED :: Volume #36

#3593: Walking into a trap

We also helped Sect Master-- at this time, does not know that which Large Sect disciple yelled, rushes. “我们也去帮助掌门——”在这个时候,不知道哪个大教的弟子大叫了一声,冲了上去。 This Large Sect all disciple powerhouses also rush over, immediately big hand arrived in conducting the back of own Sect Master, incessant blood energy, skill and primal chaos True Qi filled to inject into own Sect Master within the body completely. 这个大教的所有弟子强者也都随之冲了过去,立即大手抵在了自己掌门的背上,滔滔不绝的血气、功力、混沌真气都全部灌注入了自己掌门的体内。 Large Sect high and low, unites, immediately powerful blood energy strength injected into Sect Master within the body. 大教上下,团结一心,顿时强大的血气力量注入了掌门的体内。 We help Patriarch helping hand.” All cultivator powerhouses on the scene yelled, at this time, all cultivator powerhouse one after another on the scene rushes, rushed to own Patriarch behind, all disciples collaborate, injected their Patriarch within the body own blood energy, skill and primal chaos True Qi without any reservation. “我们助家主一臂之力。”在场的所有修士强者都不由大叫了一声,在这个时候,在场的所有修士强者都纷纷冲了上去,冲到了自己家主的身后,所有弟子联手,把自己血气、功力、混沌真气都毫不保留地注入了他们的家主的体内。 Within the short time, all cultivator powerhouses collaborate, injected within the body of own elder own blood energy, skill and primal chaos True Qi without any reservation. 在短短的时间之内,所有的修士强者都联手,把自己血气、功力、混沌真气毫不保留地注入了自己长辈的体内。 All cultivator powerhouses without any reservation blood energy, skill and primal chaos True Qi pours into instantaneously, hears bang loud sound, the entire mountain valley vibrated, the powerful incomparable strength impact, as if must shake the entire mountain valley, as if must be attacked and sunk to be the same the entire mountain valley. 所有的修士强者都毫不保留地把血气、功力、混沌真气瞬间注入的时候,听到“轰”的一声巨响,整个山谷震动了一下,强大无匹的力量冲击而出,似乎要撼动整个山谷,似乎要把整个山谷要被击沉一样。 In this electrical spark light, under loud sound, saw only the stage to clash Divine Light, but Divine Light also vanished to disappear. 就在这石火电光之间,在巨响之下,只见高台冲起了一道神光,而神光又随之消失不见了。 Mentioned also strangely, all cultivator powerhouses injected in own blood energy and skill the stage, but, the stage still did not damage, in tens of thousands and even was above 100,000 under the skill irrigation of numerous, the stage vibrated unexpectedly merely, in addition, did not have the slight sound again. 说来也奇怪,所有的修士强者把自己血气、功力都注入了高台之中了,但是,高台依然丝毫不损,在成千上万乃至是十万以上之众的功力灌注之下,高台竟然仅仅是震动了一下,除此之外,再也没有丝毫的动静了。 As if powerful incomparable strength leans to pour into the stage again, will not have the slight influence on the stage, as if, such a Kokodaka stage can all rivers run into sea be common. 似乎再强大无匹的力量倾注入高台之中,都对高台不会造成丝毫的影响,似乎,这样的一个小小高台能海纳百川一般。 When all cultivator powerhouses clash, their blood energy and skills pour into to own elder within the body outspokenly in an instant, their instantaneous complexion becomes flushed, as if, their all withstood powerful incomparable strength to attack to be the same, but, the fact was not such. 当所有修士强者都冲进去,他们的血气、功力都毫无保留地注入到自己长辈体内的刹那之间,他们都瞬间脸色涨红,似乎,他们所有都承受到了强大无比的力量冲击一样,但,事实并非如此。 Was not wonderful, has not the wonderful matter to happen.” Beside the mountain valley, saw such strange one, the Cloud and Mud School Teacher vision beat, felt that had not the wonderful matter to happen. “不妙,有不妙的事情发生了。”在山谷之外,看到这样诡异的一幕,云泥学院老师不由目光跳动了一下,感觉有不妙的事情要发生了。 In this in an instant, in mountain valley framed probably was the same, all cultivator powerhouse complexions became flushed, but, no one had throat one. 在这刹那之间,山谷之中的这一幕好像是定格了一样,所有修士强者都脸色涨红,但是,谁都没有吭一声。 No, removed-- after obtaining own all disciple strongest strength is the support, Large Sect Old Ancestor had gasped for breath finally, his complexion became flushed, but, this also merely was in an instant , he was pale, he yelled: It suction all strength-- “不,撤——”在得到了自己所有弟子最强大的力是支撑之后,有一位大教老祖终于喘过气来了,他脸色涨红,但是,这也仅仅是刹那之间而已,紧接着,他脸色发白,他大叫道:“它在吸走所有力量—— But, the next quarter, he was unable to say the words to come, because the strong incomparable suction held him firmly, might probably suction their soul is the same, lets him with amazement. 但,下一刻,他已经无法说出话来了,因为强大无匹的吸力牢牢地把他吸住了,好像要把他们的魂魄都要吸走一样,让他骇然。 What happened-- in this in an instant, all powerhouse stare blankly outside mountain valley, in everyone do not know that this was must what happened. “发生什么事了——”在这刹那之间,山谷之外的所有强者都呆了一下,在大家都不知道这是要发生什么事情。 In a moment ago, everyone also thinks this is just Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder disputes extremely in the intensity, no one can lose concentration the speech to be the same. 在刚才,所有人都还以为这只不过是各位大教老祖、世家元老较量得太过于激烈,谁都不能分神说话一样。 In this moment, hears buzz, buzz and buzz resonate sound of shivering, sees only the stage to vibrate gently , saw only the stage to reappear one dao marks, this one dao marks one after another shone, after spreading across dao marks shone, the entire stage seemingly mysterious curtain measures, as if entire stage is holding some unknown ceremony to be the same. 就在这一刻,听到“嗡、嗡、嗡”的颤抖之声响起,只见高台轻轻地震动起来,紧接着,只见高台浮现了一条条道纹,这一条条道纹纷纷地亮了起来,纵横交错道纹亮起之后,整个高台看起来神秘幕测,似乎整个高台是在举行某一个不为人知的仪式一样。 This, this, is this sacrificial altar?” When sees such a, the Cloud and Mud School oldest Teacher vision beat. “这,这,这是一个祭台吗?”看到这样的一幕之时,云泥学院最年长的老师不由目光跳动了一下。 At this time, heard Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, sees only dao marks that above Dao Pillar that one spread across to get down unexpectedly hollowly the one slot, each one slot was very tiny, but, the art of ten points, moreover very complex, as if probably a Supreme chapter was inscribed above the rock is the same. 就在这个时候,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,只见道台之上那一条条纵横交错的道纹竟然凹陷下去了一条条的槽沟,每一条槽沟都很细小,但是,十分的讲究,而且也是十分的复杂,似乎像是一篇无上的篇章被铭刻在岩石之上一样。 In Tzzzzzzzzz in the sound, sees only to have the blood to flow into this one tiny slot, when the blood flows in the slot, sent out blood light all of a sudden, this made the entire stage change the color to be the same probably, becomes the blood light red sacrificial altar all of a sudden. 在“滋、滋、滋”的声音之中,只见有鲜血流淌入这一条条细小的槽沟,当鲜血在槽沟之中流淌的时候,一下子散发出了血光,这使得整座高台都好像是变了颜色一样,一下子成为了血光通红的祭台。 But this in the slot is flowing the blood, on them attracts from Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder, is not only their blood, is they behind the blood of all disciple powerhouses through them as the medium, by the inspiration of silk threads in stage. 而这在槽沟之中流淌着的鲜血,正是从一位位大教老祖、世家元老他们身上吸过来的,不仅仅是他们的鲜血,就是他们身后所有弟子强者的鲜血都通过他们作为媒介,被丝丝缕缕的吸入了高台之中。 „It is not good, they are not disputing.” After seeing such a, beside the mountain valley powerhouse big shout, said: They suction all skills and blood energy.” “不好,他们不是在较量。”看到这样的一幕之后,山谷之外一位强者不由大叫一声,说道:“他们是被吸走了所有功力、血气。” Yes, they were blotted all blood energy and skills by the stage, everyone is no exception.” At this time, Teacher Du they also saw all clue, complexion big change. “是的,他们被高台吸去了所有的血气、功力,所有人都不例外。”在这个时候,杜老师他们也看出了所有的端倪了,不由脸色大变 However, at this moment, even if everyone understands that is late, because the stage has absorbed firmly them, they could not have gotten rid of the stage, under stage strong incomparable suction, no matter their skill has how powerful, what kind of no matter their blood energy are dreadful infinite, but, still does not help matters. 但是,此时此刻,就算所有人都明白过来,那都已经迟了,因为高台已经是把他们牢牢的吸附住了,他们已经摆脱不了高台,在高台强大无匹的吸力之下,不管他们功力是有多么的强大,不管他们的血气是如何的滔天无穷,但是,都依然无济于事。 The stage looks like the bottomless pit same, is absorbing their blood energy, skill and primal chaos True Qi crazily, under the stage most terrifying suction, they do not have the opportunity of opens the mouth speech, they felt that the own whole person was controlled by the stage, is unable to move, is unable to start talking. 高台就像是无底洞一样,疯狂地吸收着他们的血气、功力、混沌真气,在高台最为恐怖的吸力之下,他们连张口说话的机会都没有,他们感觉自己整个人都被高台控制住了,根本就是无法动弹,也无法开口说话。 At this time, the stage is not only absorbing strength and blood energy of all cultivator powerhouses crazily, starts to absorb their blood, as if till must press out all cultivator powerhouses does, to pressing out dry corpse. 在这个时候,高台不仅仅是在疯狂地吸收着所有修士强者的力量血气,同时也开始吸收着他们的鲜血,似乎要把所有的修士强者榨干为止,一直到榨成干尸为止。 Feeling is own blood energy and skill is not only draining crazily, even the blood is draining, at this moment, does not know many cultivator powerhouses incomparably with amazement, were frightened soul destroyed/terror-stricken. 感受到不仅仅是自己血气、功力在疯狂流失,连鲜血都在流失,此时此刻,不知道有多少修士强者无比骇然,被吓得魂飞魄散 However, at this time, how they can? Under fearful incomparable absorption strength, their gearing cannot move, let alone ran away. 但是,在这个时候,他们又能怎么样?在可怕无比的吸附力量之下,他们连动都不能动一下,更别说是逃走了。 Why can like this?” Saw such a, all cultivator powerhouses outside mountain valley is unable to understand, had the older generation powerhouse to mutter said: Why Li Qiye bumps is all right, now will actually have such situation.” “为什么会这样?”看到这样的一幕,山谷之外的所有修士强者都无法理解了,有老一辈强者不由喃喃说道:“为什么李七夜去碰的时候没事,现在竟然会发生这样的情况。” Facing such a, all cultivator powerhouse blankly look at each other, everyone could not say the reason why to come, before then, Li Qiye has also touched the stage, but, his matter did not have, now tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouses are adsorbed firmly above the stage, was actually this what reason? 面对这样的一幕,所有修士强者也都不由面面相觑,所有人都说不出所以然来,在此之前,李七夜也是触及过高台,但是,他一点事情都没有,现在成千上万的修士强者被牢牢地吸附在高台之上,这究竟是什么原因? „The 100,000 powerhouse, can this be attracted the dry corpse?” Saw that all cultivator powerhouse gearing cannot move, has the powerhouse to mutter said. 十万强者,这都要被吸成干尸吗?”看到所有的修士强者连动都不能动一下,有强者不由喃喃地说道。 Saw that in the mountain valley the cultivator powerhouse of numerous of 100,000 was framed there, moves cannot move, their blood energy and skills drain crazily, this makes anybody look absolutely terrifiedly. 看到山谷之中十万之众的修士强者被定格在那里,一动都不能动,他们的血气、功力都疯狂流失,这让任何人都看得毛骨悚然。 , square......” at this time, placed the stage central gold god egg to sway unexpectedly, probably the gold god egg must be hatched general, in this in an instant, made one have the misconception, as if in the gold god egg had the life broken shell, but general. “格、格、格……”就在这个时候,放在高台中央的黄金神卵竟然是摇晃了一下,好像黄金神卵要被孵化出来一般,在这刹那之间,都让人产生了错觉,似乎黄金神卵之中有生命破壳而出一般。 No, is not stage-- saw that the gold god egg swayed, Cloud and Mud School Teacher pulled out an cold air/Qi, said: Was not the stage suction their blood energy and skill, but was this only gold god egg. Li Qiye said right, this only gold god egg is the extremely ominous thing, it is extremely the bloodthirsty, it is absorbing blood energy of 100,000 powerhouse, it must all essence suck dries of 100,000 powerhouse!” “不,不是高台——”看到黄金神卵摇晃了一下,云泥学院的一位老师不由抽了一口冷气,说道:“不是高台吸走了他们的血气、功力,而是这只黄金神卵。李七夜说得没错,这只黄金神卵是极凶之物,它是极为嗜血,它是在吸收着十万强者的血气,它要把十万强者的所有精气都吸干为止!” Hears this saying, all cultivator powerhouses outside mountain valley are absolutely terrified, they pulled out an cold air/Qi, blankly look at each other, some people are pale, muttered said: Really is this gold god egg?” 听到这话,山谷之外的所有修士强者都不由为之毛骨悚然,他们都不由抽了一口冷气,不由面面相觑,有人不由脸色发白,喃喃地说道:“真的是这颗黄金神卵吗?” Before then, everyone listened to Li Qiye to say such words, Li Qiye warned everyone more than once, this gold god egg was the extremely ominous thing, extremely bloodthirsty. 在此之前,大家都听李七夜说过这样的话,李七夜不止一次警告所有人,这颗黄金神卵乃是极凶之物,极为嗜血。 However, at that time, who believe the Li Qiye's words? At that time, all cultivator powerhouses have not treated as a matter the Li Qiye's words, everyone also thinks that Li Qiye just frightens the person, at that time, everyone also shut out Li Qiye too grumble. 但是,在那个时候,又有谁会相信李七夜的话呢?在那个时候,所有的修士强者都没把李七夜的话当作一回事,大家都还以为李七夜只不过是吓唬人而已,在那个时候,大家都还嫌弃李七夜太磨叽了。 Li Qiye said right, he has been warning us.” Had the powerhouse to have a shiver, but, at this time, is late. 李七夜说得对,他是一直在警告我们。”有强者打了一个冷颤,但是,在这个时候,一切都已经迟了。 -- loud sound, in this in an instant, by the stage, that oldest, ancient and decayed Large Sect Old Ancestor has struggled to take off/escape finally tiny bit, under loud sound, sees only the 12 Fate Palaces bang day, the 12 Fate Palaces ray is radiant, illuminates ten sides. ——”的一声巨响,就在这刹那之间,在高台旁,那位年纪最老、已经古朽大教老祖终于挣扎脱一丝一毫了,在巨响之下,只见十二个命宫轰天而起,十二个命宫光芒璀璨,照亮十方。 Under 12 Fate Palaces serves as contrast, appeared Supreme Totem, seeming like summoned anything to be the same distantly. 十二命宫相映之下,浮现了无上图腾,似乎是遥遥呼唤着什么一样。 In this instantaneous, hears bang loud sound, above the remote area, Large Sect appeared a giant incomparable blood shadow, big incomparable exist(ence) appears there. 在这瞬间,听到“轰”的巨响,在遥远的疆域之上,有一个大教浮现了一个巨大无比的血影,一个高大无比的存在浮现在那里。 Under loud sound, this big incomparable form flies high to put on to strike, but, as if took possession instantaneously on the body of this Old Ancestor was the same. 巨响之下,这个高大无匹的身影凌空穿击而至,似乎瞬间附身在了这位老祖的身上一样。 Qiao is Heaven Venerable-- saw this, has the Large Sect powerhouse to say surprised. “乔老已经是一位天尊——”看到这一幕,有大教强者不由吃惊地说道。 Treadons into.” The Cloud and Mud School Teacher sinking sound said: Sacred Ancestor that but, their blood teach manifests a spirit, indeed is enough powerful.” “一脚踏入而已。”云泥学院老师沉声地说道:“但是,他们血教的圣祖显灵,的确是足够强大。” Obtained the blood shadow attachment, in this electrical spark light, this Old Ancestor body all of a sudden becomes big incomparable, hears bang loud sound, his body vibrated, the strong impulse rumbled instantaneously. 得到了血影依附,在这石火电光之间,这位老祖身体一下子变得高大无比,听到“轰”的一声巨响,他的身体震动了一下,强大的冲击力瞬间轰了出去。 Hears bang a resonate sound, saw only this Old Ancestor to shake the both arms of own instantaneously. 听到“砰”的一声响起,只见这位老祖瞬间震断了自己的双臂。 Today one. 今天一更。
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