ED :: Volume #36

#3573: Buddhist Treasure reveals itself

Divine Light shot up to the sky together, illuminated Myriad Beasts Mountain, alarmed Myriad Beasts Mountain all cultivator powerhouses all of a sudden, in this in an instant, does not know that many the big sects and countries cultivator powerhouse one after another rushes over to the place that Divine Light flushed. 一道神光冲天而起,照亮了万兽山,一下子惊动了万兽山的所有修士强者,在这刹那之间,不知道有多少大教疆国修士强者纷纷神光冲起的地方冲了过去。 This many cultivator powerhouses enter Myriad Beasts Mountain, comes to this Divine Light together, but, after many cultivator powerhouses entered Myriad Beasts Mountain, without finding to send out this Divine Light all places, now this Divine Light shoots up to the sky together again, regarding coming from the cultivator powerhouses in all corners of the country, how they will miss this opportunity. 这一次多少修士强者进入万兽山,就是冲着这一道神光而来的,但是,很多修士强者进入了万兽山之后,都没有找到发出这道神光的所有之地,现在这一道神光再一次冲天而起,对于来自于五湖四海的修士强者来说,他们又怎么会错过这个机会呢。 Suddenly, many cultivator powerhouses have swarmed to go, wells up toward the place that Divine Light to/clashes. 眨眼之间,许多的修士强者已经蜂涌而去,往神光冲起的地方涌去。 Cloud and Mud School student was also attracted by this Divine Light immediately together, Cloud and Mud School student that this not only then Teacher Du leads was attracted by this Divine Light together, was attracted by this Divine Light in various Myriad Beasts Mountain place informed and experienced student all of a sudden. 云泥学院学生也顿时被这一道神光所吸引了,这不仅仅只有杜老师所带领的云泥学院学生被这一道神光所吸引,在万兽山各处历练的学生都一下子被这道神光所吸引。 Is that place.” looks at this Divine Light shoots up to the sky, was not only Cloud and Mud School student, the even if Teacher Du also vision focused on that all of a sudden. “就是那个地方。”看着这道神光冲天而起,不仅仅是云泥学院学生,就算是杜老师也一下子目光锁定了那个方向。 In Teacher Du they look at the direction that Divine Light is shooting up to the sky, at this time, does not know that had many cultivator powerhouses to fly to the place that Divine Light flushed, at once, on sky was one piece howls, cultivator that flushed the direction that goes to Divine Light to well up like the tide equally crazily. 就在杜老师他们望着神光冲天而起的方向之时,在这个时候,已经不知道有多少修士强者向神光冲起的地方飞了过去,一时之间,天空上是一片呼啸,向神光冲起的方向而去的修士如潮水一样狂涌了过去。 What Fellow Daoist, does the front have what discovery?” When many cultivator powerhouses plunder from the top of the head, Teacher Du saw has the acquaintance to graze from the top of the head, said a hello. “何道友,前方是有何发现?”当许多修士强者从头顶上一掠而过的时候,杜老师看到了有熟人从头顶上飞掠而过,就打了一声招呼。 Du Fellow Daoist-- this powerhouse stopped a body, said hurriedly: Front has treasure born, is Buddhist Treasure, I not really am clear, but receives Senior Brother to pass on the news, first walks one step.” Saying, cross is then emptying to go. “杜道友——”这位强者只是停了一下身躯,急匆匆地说道:“前方有宝物出世,乃是佛宝,我也不甚清楚,只是接到师兄传讯而已,先走一步。”说着,便跨空而去。 Divine Light shoots up to the sky, Myriad Beasts Mountain has Supreme Buddhist Treasure born, does not know all of a sudden alarmed many people, in this in an instant, all cultivator powerhouses in Myriad Beasts Mountain to the place of Buddhist Treasure birth welled up, everyone is afraid others to act swiftly to get there first, thinks that ancestors one step, seizes to obtain Supreme Buddhist Treasure. 神光冲天而起,万兽山无上佛宝出世,一下子已经不知道惊动了多少人了,在这刹那之间,万兽山内的所有修士强者都向佛宝出世之地涌了过去,所有人都害怕别人捷足先登,想先人一步,夺得到无上佛宝 Supreme Buddhist Treasure-- heard this saying, the Teacher Du also vision beat, can call it Supreme Buddhist Treasure, that absolutely was the extraordinary thing, especially Buddhist Holy Land such place, Buddhist Treasure were innumerable, can call it Supreme Buddhist Treasure thing, that was what kind of heaven frightening. 无上佛宝——”听到这话,杜老师也都不由目光跳动了一下,能被称之为无上佛宝,那绝对是非凡之物,特别是佛陀圣地这样的地方,佛宝无数,能被人称之为无上佛宝东西,那是何等的惊天 Supreme Buddhist Treasure-- hears this saying, Teacher Du does not know behind has many student to change countenance, many student revealed all of a sudden yearned for the look. 无上佛宝——”听到这话,杜老师身后不知道有多少学生动容,不少学生都一下子露出了向往神色。 Buddhist Holy Land, is Buddhism inheritance, everywhere is Buddhist Law, can say Supreme Buddhist Treasure, regarding the cultivator powerhouse of Buddhist Holy Land family background, significance, was the no small matter. 佛陀圣地,乃是佛教传承,处处是佛法,可以说一件无上佛宝,对于佛陀圣地出身的修士强者来说,所具有的意义,更是非同小可了。 Teacher, do we want to take a look?” At this time, all student could not repress, is eager to try, in the heart wants to have a look at so-called Supreme Buddhist Treasure, naturally, if can obtain such Supreme Buddhist Treasure, that more perfect matter. 老师,我们要不要去看看呢?”在这个时候,所有的学生都按捺不住了,跃跃欲试,心里面都想去看看所谓的无上佛宝,当然,若是能得到这样的无上佛宝,那就更完美的事情了。 Buddhist Holy Land, Cloud and Mud School is quite special exist(ence), Cloud and Mud School does not forbid student to practice Buddhist Cultivation Technique, but, ugly great Buddhist Cultivation Technique, can only say, Cloud and Mud School is rubs the technique of Hundred Families, to accept the merit of Myriad Dao. 佛陀圣地而言,云泥学院是比较特殊的存在,云泥学院既不是禁止学生修练佛家功法,但,也不扬弘佛家功法,只能说,云泥学院乃是揉百家之术、纳万道之功。 Regarding Cloud and Mud School student, is not special earnestly seeks to practice Buddhist Cultivation Technique or has Buddhist treasure, naturally, regarding many student, if can have Supreme Buddhist Treasure, that definitely is the matter of wishing for earnestly. 对于云泥学院学生来说,并不是特别的渴求修练佛家功法或者拥有佛家宝物,当然,对于许多学生来说,若能拥有无上佛宝,那肯定是求之不得的事情。 Now hears to have Supreme Buddhist Treasure born, Cloud and Mud School can student not palpitate with excitement? 现在一听到有无上佛宝出世,云泥学院学生能不怦然心动吗? could it be that do you want to snatch inadequately?” Teacher Du looked at extremely anxious student, said lightly: don't said that from powerhouse expert in all corners of the country, other Senior Brother Senior Sister of even if school you cannot be victorious.” 难道你们想抢不成?”杜老师看了一眼急不可待的学生,淡淡地说道:“莫说是来自于五湖四海的强者高人,就算是学院的其他师兄师姐你们都打不过。” Teacher Du such words, were make extremely anxious, wish one could to want immediately to obtain Supreme Buddhist Treasure student to smile awkwardly, does not know that should say what good. 杜老师这样的话,顿时是让急不可待、恨不得想得到无上佛宝学生不由尴尬地笑了一下,不知道该说什么好。 Because Little Ling their batch of student are Cloud and Mud School is smallest at present a number of student, is Cloud and Mud School weakest a number of student, they naturally did not have the means to practice several years in the school with these and more than ten years even are compared with longer Senior Brother and Senior Sister. 因为小玲他们这批学生是目前云泥学院最小届的一批学生,也算是云泥学院最弱的一批学生,他们当然是没办法与那些已经在学院中修练了好几年、十几年甚至是更久的师兄师姐相比了。 We are only open mind, does not dare to have what idea.” Manner somewhat awkward student supplemented such a busily. “我们只是去开开眼界,不敢有什么想法。”神态有些尴尬的学生忙是补充了这么一句。 Naturally, in these student hearts was also many have self-knowledge, this they came Myriad Beasts Mountain mainly to open mind time, rise the rising experience, by their strengths, do not say that came from various the big sects and countries powerhouses, was Cloud and Mud School these Senior Brother Senior Sister, they were not the opponents. 当然,这些学生心里面也是多少有自知之明,这一次他们来万兽山主要是开开眼界,涨涨见识而言,以他们的实力,不要说是来自于各大教疆国的强者,就是云泥学院的那些师兄师姐,他们不是对手。 With tightening me, do not cause trouble.” Teacher Du said lightly: Myriad Beasts Mountain, is not only Ominous Beast fierce bird appears and disappears, has Ominous Person, lost the life, but I have not reminded no wonder.” “跟紧我,不要惹是生非。”杜老师淡淡地说道:“万兽山,不仅仅是凶兽猛禽出没,更是有凶人,丢了性命,可莫怪我没有提醒。” But Teacher Du old Jiang Hu, knew Jiang Hu to be dangerous, but these student small fledglings, where know dangerously some. 杜老师可是老江湖了,知道江湖险恶,而这些学生还是小雏鸟,哪里知道一些险恶呢。 Good-- heard Teacher Du to comply, Cloud and Mud School student cheered one. “好咧——”听到杜老师答应了,云泥学院学生都不由欢呼一声。 Teacher Du deeply shouted the one breath, spunked up, bringing student to go in the direction that Divine Light soared to the heavens. 杜老师深呼一口气,打起精神,带着学生神光冲天的方向而去。 In Cloud and Mud School student rushes to Divine Light to soar to the heavens on the road in place, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses howl from their top of the head, the imposing manner is astonishing, moreover does not have slight concealing, they powerful incomparable aura fills the air in between Heaven and Earth in an instant, just like the difficult situation the same as sweep away all, overbearing 100%. 云泥学院学生赶往神光冲天地方的路上,不知道有多少修士强者从他们头顶上呼啸而过,气势惊人,而且没有丝毫的掩饰,他们强大无比的气息刹那之间弥漫于天地之间,犹如惊涛骇浪一样横扫一切,霸道十足 Naturally, cultivator powerhouse who these not mince, is the strength is very powerful, moreover came from the big sects and countries or is the family/home of meritorious service, this makes them sweep away, stops at nothing. 当然,这些毫不掩饰的修士强者,乃是实力十分强大,而且都是出身于大教疆国或者是功勋之家,这才使得他们横扫而过,无所顾忌。 On this road, even can hear bang, bang and bang the sound of thundering is lingering on faintly, has the cavalry to thunder, such as the steel mighty current same impact comes, is ferocious, that cold and severe the aura of killing intent and blood and iron, making some student look for it scalp tingles. 在这路上,甚至能听到“轰、轰、轰”的轰鸣之声不绝于耳,有铁骑轰鸣,如钢铁洪流一样冲击而来,来势汹涌,那种冷厉杀意、铁血的气息,让一些学生看得都不由为之头皮发麻。 „The guarding armies in border region came.” Saw that the so powerful cavalry cross empties, many student are startled, said secretly: How did the guarding armies in border region come? could it be that is the Your Majesty reassignment soldiers and horses, comes to rob Supreme Buddhist Treasure?” “边陲的镇守大军都来了。”看到如此强大的铁骑跨空而过,有不少学生吃惊,暗暗地说道:“怎么边陲的镇守大军都来了?难道陛下调动兵马,前来抢夺无上佛宝吗?” In Buddhist Holy Land, all influence is intriguing, although said, the Golden Pestle Dynasty palm holds the world, but , many the big sects and countries did not have jurisdiction over by Golden Pestle Dynasty, because of so, the Golden Pestle Dynasty cavalry soldiers and horses arrange/cloth defends eight sides, has a big deterrent force. 佛陀圣地,各方势力错综复杂,虽然说,金杵王朝掌执天下,但是,也有许多大教疆国不受金杵王朝管辖,也正是因为如此,金杵王朝的铁骑兵马布守八方,有着不小的威慑力。 Suddenly, the guarding army in border region appears in Myriad Beasts Mountain unexpectedly, how this does not make Cloud and Mud School student be startled. 突然之间,边陲的镇守大军竟然在万兽山出现,这怎么不让云泥学院学生大吃一惊呢。 Dynasty authority, intriguing, is you can understand that talked too much not is.” Teacher Du not salty did not tell one pale. “王朝权柄,错综复杂,又焉是你们所能理解的,莫去多嘴便是。”杜老师只是不咸不淡地吩咐了一声。 Although this saying to be not the warning, but, makes Cloud and Mud School student one after another shut up, does not go to discuss. 这话虽然不是警告,但,也让云泥学院学生纷纷闭嘴,不去多谈。 Although said, Cloud and Mud School is one of the entire Buddhist Holy Land strongest influences, is one of the Buddhist Emperor Plain five, Cloud and Mud School student may not be slavishly dependent on others'pleasure and moods in Golden Pestle Dynasty. 虽然说,云泥学院乃是整个佛陀圣地最强大的势力之一,也是佛帝原五部之一,云泥学院学生不一定需要仰息于金杵王朝 However, Cloud and Mud School many student from abandon the section, came from Lord's family/home and aristocratic family, their elders and ancestors once gave loyalty to under Golden Pestle Dynasty, therefore, they do not dare to go to the broken mouth, they come from such family, understand dynastic power struggles. 但是,云泥学院的很多学生都是来自于都舍部,来自于勋爵之家、贵族世家,他们的长辈、祖先都曾在金杵王朝下效忠,所以,他们也不敢多去碎嘴,他们出身于这样的家庭,也知道王朝的权斗 When the leadership of Teacher Du, Cloud and Mud School student rushed to the place of Divine Light soaring to the heavens, but they rush, Divine Light already breath. 杜老师的带领之下,云泥学院学生赶到了神光冲天之地,只不过他们赶到之时,神光已息了。 But, this did not affect them to find this place, because too many people have flooded into here , from afar, that was the sea of people, various mountain peaks and various giant tree some people occupied there, had the team to monopolize a peak, there is a mighty force to gather in in the air, above some people of sitting alone crowns...... 但,这并不影响他们找到这个地方,因为太多人已经涌入这里了,远远看去,那是人山人海,各山峰、各巨树都有人盘踞在那里,有队伍独占一峰,也有千军万马聚于空中,也有人独坐树冠之上…… In this place, takes a broad view to look at this time, everywhere is the person, a piece clamored, probably the bustling streets were the same, gathered tens of thousands even more cultivator powerhouses. 在这个地方,此时放眼望去,到处都是人,一片喧哗,好像闹市一样,聚集了几万甚至更多的修士强者。 When Cloud and Mud School student has not seen the front situation, has smelled smell of blood to head on, this rich incomparable smell of blood heads on, lets person of impulsion that has the vomit. 云泥学院学生还没看到前面的情况之时,已经闻到了一股血腥味扑面而来,这浓郁无比的血腥味扑面而来的时候,让人有呕吐的冲动。 When sees murmur the small stream, before the mountain stream no longer is, that transparent incomparable mountain stream, but is the bloody water flows along the small stream, in mountain stream, but also floats the hashed meat internal organs, making one look is absolutely terrified. 当看到有潺潺小溪的时候,溪水已经不再是以前那清彻无比的溪水了,而是血水沿着小溪而流淌,在溪水之中,还浮有碎肉内脏,让人看得都不由为之毛骨悚然。 Teacher Du brings Cloud and Mud School student not to approach, but watches the front situation on a quite far mountain peak from afar. 杜老师带着云泥学院学生并没有靠近,而是在一个比较远的山峰上远远观看前面的情况。 In fact, when they arrive, many Cloud and Mud School student had first arrived, these compared with Little Ling they bigger student, the strength are also more powerful than them. 事实上,当他们抵达之时,早就有不少云泥学院学生先到了,这些都是比小玲他们更大的学生,实力也比他们强大许多。 Moreover, these student have Cloud and Mud School Teacher to lead. 而且,这些学生也有云泥学院老师带领。 Therefore, when they climb up this mountain peak, has seized this mountain peak student also one after another to greet. 所以,当他们爬上这座山峰的时候,已经占领这座山峰的学生也都纷纷打招呼。 What situation is front?” Just climbed up the mountain peak, had student to ask impatiently. “前面是什么情况?”刚爬上山峰,就有学生迫不及待地问道。 In front of senior student Senior Brother looks at that first comes, shakes the head, said: Until now, no one can kill, kept off beside the Buddha valley.” 先来的学长师兄看着前面,摇了摇头,说道:“到现在为止,没有任何人能杀进去,都被挡在佛谷之外。” student that Little Ling they just came, looks forward following the Senior Brother Senior Sister vision. 小玲他们刚来的学生,都顺着师兄师姐们的目光向前望去。 Has a giant incomparable mountain valley in front, this mountain valley unexpectedly Buddhist temple Ancient Temple, but, Buddhist temple Ancient Temple of inside the valley had been abandoned, no Buddhist temple Ancient Temple is complete, is badly-damaged, many Buddhist temple Ancient Temple only had the remnant wall to break the wall merely. 在前面有一个巨大无比的山谷,这个山谷竟然有一座座的佛寺古庙,只不过,山谷里的一座座佛寺古庙已经被废弃了,没有一座佛寺古庙是完整的,都已残破不堪,不少佛寺古庙仅仅只剩下了残墙断垣。 Is such a giant mountain valley, once was the place of Buddhist, its deeply hidden potassium alum in Myriad Beasts Mountain, before then, actually no one discovered. 就是这么一个巨大的山谷,曾经是佛家之地,它深隐茂于万兽山之中,在此之前,却没有任何人发现。 How to have seen this place before?” Teacher Du as far as eyes can reach, is surprised. “怎么以前没见过这地方?”杜老师一眼望去,也不由为之惊讶。 Is one by the close mountain valley, was sealed by Supreme Buddhist Law.” Teacher that another first arrives at said: But, does not know that was who hits the seal to open a gap, you looked.” Is saying toward front one finger/refers.? Teacher Du follows the direction that refers to look, sees only sky over the mountain valley to have a mountain peak, this mountain peak was broken a gap, the gap place also had runes to fluctuate. “是一个被封闭的山谷,被无上佛法所封。”另一位先到的老师说道:“只不过,不知道是谁打封印打开了一个缺口而已,你看。”说着往前面一指。?杜老师顺着所指的方向望去,只见山谷上空有一座山峰,这座山峰被打破了一个缺口,缺口处还有符文浮动。 Without a doubt, this once was the Buddhist Law seal the mountain valley, was actually broken a gap, exposed the entire mountain valley. 毫无疑问,这曾经是佛法封印了山谷,却被人打破了一个缺口,暴露了整个山谷。 The good news, the Dark Crow son reveals greatly! To know that what the child of Dark Crow does repair now is? To understand where the child of Dark Crow did go to? Attention letter/believes Duke numerous number „the Xiao Residence regiment, examines the history or input „the child of Dark Crow then knows the relevant information! 好消息,阴鸦的儿子大揭秘啦!想知道阴鸦之子现在什么修为吗?想了解阴鸦之子到底去哪里了吗?关注微・信・公・众・号“萧府军团”,查看历史或者输入“阴鸦之子”即可知道相关信息! Today two. 今天两更。
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