ED :: Volume #36

#3574: gold god egg

At this time, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses' in institutes by mountain valley was attracted, especially mountain valley central that thing, captured firmly all attention. 在这个时候,不知道多少修士强者被山谷中的一幕所吸引,特别是山谷中央的那件东西,更是把所有的目光牢牢吸引住了。 This mountain valley is very broad, but actually only then an entrance, other places were blocked by powerful seal strength, but this entrance, is on the mountain peak that broken gap. 这个山谷十分宽广,但却只有一个入口,其他各处都被强大的封印力量所封锁,而这个入口,就是山峰上那个被打破的缺口。 In this gap place, has the one stair be continuous, goes straight to into the mountain valley, but about the stair both sides, has Buddhist Statue, these Buddhist Statue do not know that here stood erect many years, above Buddhist Statue had grown many mosses. 在这缺口处,有一条台阶绵延而下,直抵入山谷之中,而台阶左右两旁,有着一尊尊的佛像,这些佛像已经不知道在这里竖立了多少岁月了,佛像之上已经生长了不少的青苔。 In the mountain valley, Buddhist temple Ancient Temple to collapse, most Buddhist temple Ancient Temple have turned into the remnant wall to break the wall, only has 35 to fortunately survive. 在山谷之内,一座座佛寺古庙崩塌,绝大多数的佛寺古庙都已经变成了残墙断垣,只有三五座能幸存。 In the mountain valley center, has a biggest Buddhist temple, this Buddhist temple also has collapsed the inadequate appearance, but, at least its nave can also preserve. 就在山谷中央,有着一座最为高大的佛寺,这一座佛寺也已经倒塌得不成模样,但,至少它的中殿还能保存下来。 Because this Buddhist temple Ancient Temple collapses, letting everyone outside mountain valley to see in the nave situation. 正是因为这一座佛寺古庙倒塌,让山谷之外的所有人都能看到中殿里面的情况。 In the four walls of nave, suspends has rows of racks, these rows of wooden frames, are by, on the rack of ancient sandal wood the precious ancient sandal wood makes, unexpectedly is placing Buddhist Treasure and ancient scripture of each article. 在中殿的四墙,摆着有着一排排的架子,这一排排的木架,乃是以珍贵的古佛檀木所制成的,在古佛檀木的架子上,竟然摆放着一件件的佛宝古经 That feared billion years in the past, this each article placed Buddhist Treasure and ancient scripture here still to be perfect, is still flashing the ray. 那怕千百万年过去,这一件件摆放在这里的佛宝古经都依然完好无损,依然闪动着光芒。 Especially that notebook ancient Buddhist Scripture , is mysterious incomparable, when there are the wind has blown, sways the Buddhist Scripture page, there is to fluctuate, just like to open an immensity of Buddha's teaching to be the same, occasionally, will resound the Buddhist to fear the sound of singing. 特别是那一本本古老的佛经,更是玄妙无比,当有风吹过的时候,吹拂起佛经的页面之时,有佛文在浮动,犹如翻开了一个佛海一样,偶尔之间,会响起佛家惮唱之声。 Sees Buddhist Scripture to present such phenomenon, as we all know, Buddhist Scripture of this notebook, that was the Supreme precious book of Buddhist, even if Heavenly Dragon Temple High Monk looked absolutely, will be attracted all of a sudden. 看到佛经出现这样的异象,大家都知道,这一本本的佛经,那绝对是佛家的无上宝典,就算是天龙寺高僧看了,都会一下子被吸引住。 As for placing Buddhist Treasure on ancient sandal wood rack, is the turnover Buddhist Light, each wisp of Buddhist Light opens opened Buddhist Gate probably, as if can universal restoration be the same. 至于摆放在古佛檀木架子上的佛宝,更是吞吐着佛光,每一缕佛光撑开的时候就好像是打开了一个佛门,似乎可以普渡众生一样。 However, the most appealing vision, is not ancient scripture Buddhist Treasure on ancient sandal wood rack, but is that stone platform of nave. 但是,最吸引人目光的,还不是古佛檀木架子上的古经佛宝,而是中殿的那个石台。 In the central location of nave, is equipped with a stone platform, this stone platform is the flax color, stone platform builds by the rough rock, but, the one piece of block marvelous granite penetrating becomes such stone platform, seeming like not crude, instead to a feeling of quite the same as as if made by Heaven. 在中殿的中央位置,设有一个石台,这个石台乃是呈亚麻色,石台以粗糙的岩石所筑成,但是,一块块奇妙的麻石彻成这样的石台,看起来却一点都不简陋,反而给一种浑然天成的感觉。 Above this stone platform, suspends bit by bit a valuable egg, this valuable egg is big, about the large bowl size, the entire only valuable egg is the gold shell, as if probably the casting becomes with gold is the same. 在这石台之上,摆着着一个宝蛋,这只宝蛋不小,大约有一个海碗大小,整只宝蛋是黄金壳,似乎好像是用黄金所铸造而成的一样。 However, a valuable egg of such gold shell, its egg shell is not smooth smooth, the entire gold egg is uneven, seems like the time of living after many tribulations is the same. 但是,这么一只黄金壳的宝蛋,它的蛋壳并不是平整光滑,整个黄金蛋乃是凹凸不平,似乎是生下来的时候经过很多磨难一样。 Not is only so, this only gold egg covered entirely the strange incomparable pattern, no matter what this pattern no one can see is what thing, in brief, it very strange, under looks, is chaotic, carefully looked again, seems like quite the same as as if made by Heaven, as if, such pattern is the main tuning of entire only gold shell, as for the gold shell, that is just embellishes. 不仅是如此,这只黄金蛋布满了诡异无比的花纹,这种花纹任谁都看不出是什么东西,总之,它十分的诡异,一看之下,是杂乱无章,再仔细看,又似乎是浑然天成,似乎,这样的花纹才是整只黄金壳的主调,至于黄金壳,那只不过是点缀而已。 More fearful this gold egg it is only absorbing Buddhist Light unexpectedly, Buddhist Light that on ancient sandal wood frame these ancient scripture Buddhist Treasure send out, stone platform has flashed occasionally Buddhist Light, was only attracted by this gold egg all of a sudden. 更为可怕的这只黄金蛋它竟然吸收着佛光,不论是多古佛檀木架上那些古经佛宝所散发出来的佛光,还是石台偶尔之间闪动过的佛光,都被这只黄金蛋一下子吸引了。 As if, all Buddhist Light cannot escape the capture of this only gold egg, so long as there is Buddhist Light to flash past, will only be absorbed the past by this gold egg. 似乎,所有的佛光都逃不过这只黄金蛋的捕捉,只要有佛光一闪而过,都会被这只黄金蛋所吸收过去。 After the gold egg absorbed Buddhist Light, occasionally, the pattern above egg shell will flash, seeming like same in the movement, at this time, in the gold egg really had Buddhist Light to boil up, and resounded the sound of low and deep buddhist chant, seeming like had Saint Buddha ten million/countless when ancient is this only gold egg praises after is the same. 黄金蛋吸收了佛光之后,偶尔之间,蛋壳之上的花纹会闪动一下,似乎是在移动一样,在这个时候,黄金蛋之内竟然有佛光迸出,并且响起了低沉的佛号之声,似乎是在亘古之时有千万圣佛为这只黄金蛋所颂经一样。 Such a gold egg, anybody saw, will be attracted by it, the person who even if cannot judge the quality of goods, sees this gold egg, knows that this is the heaven frightening valuable egg. 这样的一只黄金蛋,任何人看到,都会被它所吸引住,就算是再不识货的人,看到这颗黄金蛋,都知道这是惊天的宝蛋。 Therefore, at this time, tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouses was the vision falls above this only gold egg, that feared that does not know this was what treasure egg, so long as saw it, will let person saliva directing current. 所以,在这个时候,成千上万的修士强者都是目光落在了这只黄金蛋之上,那怕不知道这颗是什么宝蛋,只要看到它,都会让人口水直流。 what is this egg?” Sees this only gold egg, no matter after first comes , the cultivator powerhouse who arrives, had such a question in the heart, that feared that is experienced Large Sect Old Ancestor, has not seen such gold egg, even listens not to have heard. 这是什么蛋?”看到这只黄金蛋,不管是先来还是后到的修士强者,在心里面都不由有了这么一个疑问,那怕是见多识广的大教老祖,都从来没有见过这样的黄金蛋,甚至连听都没有听说过。 Teacher, what is this egg?” Has Cloud and Mud School student to see this gold egg, exclaims in surprise to continue, is busy at being held responsible Cloud and Mud School Teacher on the scene. 老师,这是什么蛋呢?”有云泥学院学生一看到这颗黄金蛋,都不由惊叹不止,忙是问在场的云泥学院老师 At this time, was not only Teacher Du, other Cloud and Mud School Teacher looked at each other, finally this Teacher shakes the head gently, said: This type of gold egg, I have not seen, has not listened to have about its record.” 在这个时候,不仅仅是杜老师,其他的云泥学院老师都不由相视了一眼,最后这位老师轻轻摇了摇头,说道:“这种黄金蛋,我也未曾见过,也未听过有关于它的记载。” What plate in stone platform is what beast?” Little Ling that female fellow students this time, by looks at stone platform Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, is asking curiously. “盘在石台上的是什么兽呢?”小玲的那位女同学在这个时候,看着石台旁的一头混沌元兽,好奇地问道。 From the beginning, everyone's attention was captured by this gold egg, had not seen that above stone platform also has one Primal Chaos Yuan Beast to occupy there. 一开始,所有人的目光都被这黄金蛋所吸引了,并没有看到石台之上还有一条混沌元兽盘踞在那里。 This Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, seems like Hornless Dragon, but, unlike Hornless Dragon, its scale exuded the azure gloss, moreover on this Primal Chaos Yuan Beast also covered entirely the mysterious design, seemed like an ancient landscape painting to be the same. 这头混沌元兽,看起来像是螭龙,但,又与螭龙不一样,它身上的鳞片泛起了青色的光泽,而且这头混沌元兽身上也布满了神秘的图案,似乎是一幅古老的山水画一样。 This Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, in the top of the head wears a royal crown, this royal crown is more like the female royal crown, making one look then knows that this Primal Chaos Yuan Beast is the female. 这一头混沌元兽,头顶上戴着一只王冠,这王冠更像是女性的王冠,让人一看便知道这头混沌元兽乃是雌性。 This Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, its plate above stone platform, the opens the mouth, the turnover Primal Chaos Qi, as if its proper own Primal Chaos Qi nourishing this gold egg is once for a while same. 这头混沌元兽,它盘在石台之上,时不时张口,吞吐着混沌之气,似乎它正经自己混沌之气蕴养着这颗黄金蛋一样。 That is Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King in legend.” Sees this Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, the Teacher Du manner is dignified, said slowly: Its strength, comes compared with Black and White Vajra, but also is strong.” “那是传说中的山河螭王。”看到这条混沌元兽,杜老师神态凝重,徐徐地说道:“它的实力,比起黑白金刚来,还要强。” Comes to be strong compared with Black and White Vajra?” Little Ling called out in alarm one, said: „Is Black and White Vajra Heaven Rank high-grade Primal Chaos Yuan Beast......”? It is the King of Heaven Rank high-grade, Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King!” Another Teacher said: „The Heaven Rank high-grade are not strongest Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, King, Emperor, god......”? Is more powerful than Black and White Vajra.” Heard such words, Little Ling their these Cloud and Mud School student pulled out an cold air/Qi, blankly look at each other. “比起黑白金刚来还要强?”小玲都不由惊呼了一声,说道:“黑白金刚已经是天阶上品的混沌元兽了……”?“它是天阶上品的王者,山河螭王!”另一位老师说道:“天阶上品不是最强的混沌元兽,还有王者、帝者、神者……”?“比黑白金刚还要强大呀。”听到这样的话,小玲他们这些云泥学院学生都不由抽了一口冷气,面面相觑 Black and White Vajra is powerful in their hearts enough, this Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King is unexpectedly more powerful than Black and White Vajra, is the King of Heaven Rank high-grade, conceivable this Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King was fearful. 黑白金刚在他们心里面已经足够强大了,这头山河螭王竟然比黑白金刚还要强大,乃是天阶上品的王者,可以想象这头山河螭王是多么的可怕了。 „Is that gold egg, the egg of mountains and rivers glass king?” Another female fellow students looks at gold egg, said curiously. “那颗黄金蛋,是不是山河璃王的蛋呢?”另一个女同学看着黄金蛋,好奇地说道。 Old Teacher is staring at that gold egg, shakes the head gently, said: „It is not, when I am young, has seen an egg of mountains and rivers glass king fortunately, its egg is not this.” 还有一位年纪大的老师盯着那颗黄金蛋,轻轻摇头,说道:“不是,我年少之时,有幸见过一次山河璃王的蛋,它的蛋并不是这样的。” This gold egg, the origin is astonishing, can make Mountains and Rivers Hornless Dragon King be willing unexpectedly to hatch it, only feared that it is the egg of Heaven Rank high-grade Emperor rank.” Another Teacher hesitates said: Cannot do well, may be the egg of god.” “这颗黄金蛋,来历惊人呀,竟然能让山河螭王心甘情愿去孵化它,只怕它是天阶上品帝者级别的蛋吧。”另一位老师沉吟地说道:“搞不好,有可能是神者的蛋。” „If god, that was heaven frightening.” The old Teacher manner is also dignified, said slowly: My this whole life, has not seen the egg of Heaven Rank high-grade god, since this has been can with Primal Chaos Yuan Beast of Dao Monarch showdown, Eternal, does not have the multi- discounts.” “如果是神者的,那就是惊天了。”年纪大的老师也神态凝重,徐徐地说道:“我这辈子,还没有见过天阶上品神者的蛋,这可是能与道君对决的混沌元兽,万古以来,也没有多少头呀。” Hears this Teacher words, Cloud and Mud School student shakes in the heart, can with Primal Chaos Yuan Beast of Dao Monarch showdown, that be how powerful and how terrifying exist(ence). 听到这位老师的话,云泥学院学生在心里面都不由为之一震,可以与道君对决的混沌元兽,那是多么强大、多么恐怖存在 Not is only so, this egg, only feared that has the profound incomparable origin with the Buddhist.” looks at this gold egg can catch Buddhist Light instantaneously, Teacher Du had also guessed. “不仅是如此,这只蛋,只怕与佛家有着深厚无比的渊源。”看着这颗黄金蛋能瞬间捕捉佛光,杜老师也有所猜测。 „The god egg of Buddhist?” Some student muttered said. “佛家的神卵吗?”有学生不由喃喃地说道。 Did not say, if were really so, only feared that will raise reign of terror.” That old Teacher raise one's head looked at sky, said lightly: Does not know that these old fogies can unable to repress.”? Naturally, Cloud and Mud School many student have not discovered what phenomenon, but, powerful such as this Teacher, actually knows above sky, in the clouds, is hiding powerful Old Ancestor, these powerful Old Ancestor , have not made an appearance for various reasons directly. “不好说,若真的是如此,只怕会掀起腥风血雨。”那个年纪大的老师抬头看了一下天空,淡淡地说道:“就不知道那些老家伙能按捺得住不。”?当然,云泥学院的很多学生都没有发现什么异象,但是,强大如这位老师,却知道在天空之上,在云朵之中,躲藏着一位位强大的老祖,这一位位强大的老祖,因为种种原因,并没有直接露面。 ------ when many attention were captured by the gold god egg, beside mountain valley, several fierce combat, including fierce combat very fierce, this team is also very powerful, they with Primal Chaos Yuan Beast games in the same place, had advanced the mountain valley entrance, but, was blocked by leader powerful Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, both sides fight the day to collapse, the blood sprinkles crazily. ——————”就在很多人目光被黄金神蛋所吸引的时候,在山谷之外,有好几场激战,其中有一场激战十分的凶猛,这支队伍也是十分强大,他们与混沌元兽在一起,已经推到了山谷入口了,但是,还是被一头头强大的混沌元兽所拦住了,双方战得天崩,鲜血狂洒。 Beside the mountain valley, there are Primal Chaos Yuan Beast teams, this Primal Chaos Yuan Beast teams have powerful Heaven Rank Primal Chaos Yuan Beast to lead, even is Heaven Rank high-grade Primal Chaos Yuan Beast. 在山谷之外,有一支又一支的混沌元兽队伍,这一支又一支的混沌元兽队伍都有强大的天阶混沌元兽所率领,甚至是天阶上品的混沌元兽 Such Primal Chaos Yuan Beast teams, gather round the mountain valley to go on patrol, as if they must protect this mountain valley. 这么一支支的混沌元兽队伍,围着山谷巡逻着,似乎它们要守护这个山谷。 Looks at the appearance, this composes teams of Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, does not occupy Primal Chaos Yuan Beast here, they should catch up to protect the mountain valley temporarily. 看模样,这组成一队队的混沌元兽,并非是盘踞在这里的混沌元兽,它们应该是临时赶来守护山谷的。 At this time, advances the mountain valley entrance beforehand cavalry is such as the crazy lion common Primal Chaos Yuan Beast team tangled warfare, fights very frigidly, rivers of blood. 此时,推到山谷入口之前的铁骑正是一头如狂狮一般的混沌元兽队伍混战,战得十分惨烈,血流成河。 That, isn't that the guarding army in border region?” Sees this cavalry, Cloud and Mud School student also calls out in alarm one. “那,那不是边陲的镇守大军吗?”看到这支铁骑,云泥学院学生也不由惊呼一声。 However, at this time, this powerful incomparable cavalry had been killed by the Primal Chaos Yuan Beast team is utterly routed. 但是,在这个时候,这支强大无比的铁骑已经被混沌元兽的队伍杀得溃不成军。 Finally, hears „” angrily roars, sees only that crazy Lion King to angrily roar, the opens the mouth becoming thousand soldiers swallows in the entrance, in bang under loud sound, its giant palm pats, pats the general of this cavalry actually flies, pats his blood crazily to spurt. 最终,听到“嗷呜”的一声怒吼,只见那头狂狮王怒吼一声,张口把成千的士兵吞入口中,在“砰”的一声巨响之下,它的巨掌拍下,硬是把这支铁骑的将军拍飞,拍得他鲜血狂喷。 This general also runs away without enough time, then fell into the Primal Chaos Yuan Beast beast group all of a sudden, suddenly was torn into shreds by Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, the blood splashes to fly. 这位将军还来不及逃走,便一下子陷入了混沌元兽的兽群之中,眨眼之间被混沌元兽撕碎,鲜血溅飞。
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