ED :: Volume #36

#3572: About Dao Heart

In the Teacher Du heart is very strange, this is not only because Li Qiye can live in peace together with Myriad Beasts Mountain Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, in the meantime, because of Li Qiye's that mentality. 杜老师心里面很奇怪,这不仅仅是因为李七夜能与万兽山混沌元兽和平相处,同时,也是因为李七夜的那种心态。 Like Li Qiye is facing this seduction time, only feared that most cultivator will make the entirely different choice, the choice that but, Li Qiye makes, actually surpassed everyone's anticipation. 李七夜面对着这种诱惑的时候,只怕绝大多数的修士都会做出截然不同的选择吧,但是,李七夜所做出的选择,却偏偏超出了所有人的意料。 A woodcutter like Li Qiye, cultivation is average, but, as is Purple Marquis Wild Physique cultivator, he must understand to practice on powerful Cultivation Technique, or is to join Large Sect is how important matter, let alone, can become protecting of Large Sect to teach Head Disciple, was the matter that the flying teng huang reached. 李七夜这样的一个樵夫,道行平平,但是,作为是一个紫侯狂体修士,他应当明白能修练上强大的功法、或者是拜入一个大教是多么重要的事情,更何况,能成为一个大教的护教首席弟子,更可谓是飞腾黄达的事情了。 When is facing such seduction, only feared that cultivator of any small cultivator or grassroots family background, is willing to take Wonderful Jade Treasure Fruit to receive in exchange for such chance. 面对着这样的诱惑之时,只怕任何一个小修士或者一个草根出身的修士,都愿意去拿奇琅宝果来换取这样的机缘。 After all, once can become protecting of Large Sect to teach Head Disciple, this will certainly meet the flying teng huang to reach, the life has boundless prospects, compared with keeping Myriad Beasts Mountain is a woodcutter not to know many 100,000 times. 毕竟,一旦能成为一个大教的护教首席大弟子,这必将会飞腾黄达,一生是前途无量,比留在万兽山做一个樵夫不知道强多少十万倍。 However, Li Qiye has not actually made such choice, rejected such seduction, such matter, puts to be able with Primal Chaos Yuan Beast to live in peace together Li Qi is more impressive, but must make people feel that the miracle is right. 然而,李七夜却偏偏没有作出这样的选择,拒绝了这样的诱惑,这样的事情,比李七放能与混沌元兽和平相处还要让人惊叹,还要让人感到奇迹才对。 It looks like from such performance, the Li Qiye's personal character, that is really makes one exclaim in surprise, this is similar to the Saint general personal character simply, so-called honorable gentleman, is mediocre. 从这样的表现看来,李七夜的品德,那实在是让人不由为之惊叹,这简直就是如同圣人一般的品德,所谓的正人君子,也不过如此而已。 Therefore, during the Li Qiye's performance, making Teacher Du fall into thought deeply, this made in the Teacher Du heart move loved heart, in the heart had the idea of gathering Li Qiye to join Cloud and Mud School. 所以,李七夜的表现,让杜老师陷入了深思之中,这让杜老师心里面都不由动了爱才之心,心里面不由有了招揽李七夜拜入云泥学院的想法。 Naturally, Teacher Du wants to gather into Cloud and Mud School Li Qiye, is not because Li Qiye can pick Wonderful Jade Treasure Fruit, is not because Li Qiye can live in peace together with Myriad Beasts Mountain Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, he wants to gather into Cloud and Mud School Li Qiye, completely not from perspective of utility, but completely because of regarding the approval of Li Qiye happy personal character. 当然,杜老师想把李七夜招揽入云泥学院,并非是因为李七夜能采摘到奇琅宝果,也不是因为李七夜能与万兽山混沌元兽和平相处,他想把李七夜招揽入云泥学院,完全不是从功利的角度出发,而完全是因为对于李七夜美好品德的认同。 No matter what who knows, in the cultivator world, is the law of the jungle, this is a very brutal world, in such world, can still have such happy personal character, indeed is a matter that makes one be worth engendering respect. 任谁都知道,在修士的世界,乃是弱肉强食,这是一个十分残酷的世界,在这样的世界里,依然能拥有这样美好的品德,的确是一件让人值得起敬的事情。 Young Master Li also is really strange, really can become the neighbor with Myriad Beasts Mountain birds and beasts, this was too marvelous.” Sighed in together female fellow students with Little Ling. 李公子还真的是奇怪,真的是能与万兽山的飞禽走兽成为邻居,这太奇妙了。”与小玲在一起的一个女同学不由感叹。 Before then, they also listened to Li Qiye to speak such words, but, at that time, they have not cared, felt that Li Qiye a little exaggerated, now looks like, was not so, he and Myriad Beasts Mountain Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, indeed such as neighborhood general unfriendliness. 在此之前,她们也听李七夜说过这样的话,但是,在那个时候,她们并没有在意,感觉李七夜有点夸大其辞,现在看来,并非是如此,他与万兽山混沌元兽,的确如邻里一般的友好。 That is also because Young Master Li has the happy personal character, trades to be others, even if grows up in Myriad Beasts Mountain, still not necessarily can become the neighbor with Primal Chaos Yuan Beast.” Little Ling thinks, said earnestly: „It is not willing to receive in exchange for the own advantage like Young Master Li with Primal Chaos Yuan Beast treasure, that is very extraordinary matter.” “那也是因为李公子拥有美好的品德,换作其他人,就算在万兽山里长大,也不见得能与混沌元兽成为邻居。”小玲想了想,认真地说道:“像李公子不愿意拿混沌元兽宝物去换取自己的好处,那已经是十分了不起的事情了。” Although Li Qiye is only a woodcutter, cultivation is also average, but, Li Qiye such approach, makes Little Ling admire in the heart heartfeltly, even if she, cannot achieve this. 虽然李七夜只是一个樵夫,道行也平平而已,但是,李七夜这样的做法,也让小玲在心里面由衷地佩服,就算是她,也做不到这样。 „The what is this personal character, only feared that is a country bumpkin.” Zhang Changyu sees Little Ling to praise Li Qiye, is jealous on the heart, cold snort, said: I look at him, is the head has the issue, sooner or later is blind alley one.” 这是什么品德,只怕是傻冒吧。”张长宇小玲如此赞美李七夜,就心里面吃醋,冷哼一声,说道:“我看他,是脑袋有问题,迟早都是死路一条。” Talked nonsense-- the Little Ling anger, stared Zhang Changyu one, cold voice said: Your own cannot achieve, do not slander others, making others think that you are just a villain.” “胡说八道——小玲不由恼气,瞪了张长宇一眼,冷声地说道:“你自己做不到,就不要去诋毁人家,让别人以为你只不过是一个小人而已。” By a Yang Ling such scold, this was made Zhang Changyu shame the anger immediately extremely, but, does not dare to talk back to Yang Ling, has to close the mouth, in the heart, has hated to the marrow of the bones about Li Qiye. 杨玲这样一声斥骂,这顿时让张长宇羞怒万分,但,又不敢跟杨玲顶嘴,只好闭上嘴巴,在心里面,已经对李七夜是恨之入骨了。 About Wonderful Jade Treasure Fruit this matter, has not said that he has not seized the opportunity, to join Large Sect, this indeed is some foolishness.” The old senior student sinking sound said: This to him, is a heaven-sent opportunity. If he missed such opportunity, in the future wants to turn over/to stand up is difficult. Becoming protecting of Large Sect to teach Head Disciple, compared with being a woodcutter, strong billion times, can make the matter of being beneficial in the future, can become extraordinary exist(ence). But, he actually takes the booth to be big.” “关于奇琅宝果这件事情,还不好说,他没抓住机会,拜入大教,这的确是有些傻气。”有一位年纪比较大的学长沉声地说道:“这对于他来说,乃是天赐良机。若是他错过了这样的机会,未来想翻身就难了。成为一个大教的护教首席弟子,比做一个樵夫,强千百万倍,未来也能做出更多有益之事,更能成为一个了不起的存在。但,他却取小舍大。” This also not necessarily-- Teacher Du shakes the head, said lightly: Misses the to join Large Sect opportunity, not necessarily is a loss, world all sorts of chances, is doomed in the darkness, perhaps, in behind, has a greater chance to wait for him.” “这也未必——杜老师摇了摇头,淡淡地说道:“错过拜入大教的机会,不一定就是一种损失,世间种种机缘,都在冥冥中注定,或许,在后面,有着更了不起的机缘等着他。” Teacher Du such words, lets other student blankly look at each other, has fellow students looking pensive nod, approves of the Teacher Du words , some fellow students think otherwise. 杜老师这样的话,也让其他的学生不由面面相觑,有同学若有所思点头,赞同杜老师的话,也有一些同学不以为然。 It looks like in some fellow students, chance such thing, is indistinct invisible, might as well the present benefit is solid, if can seize the to join Large Sect opportunity, compared with so-called indistinct chance. 在一些同学看来,机缘这样的东西,是飘渺无形,还不如眼前的利益实在,若是能抓住拜入大教的机会,比所谓的飘渺机缘强多了。 even if this, he to the matter that Zhui Xueyun handles, that was also extremely, this only feared that will bring the fatal disaster to him.” Another fellow students is not approves Li Qiye. 就算是这样,他对追血云所做的事情,那也是太过了,这只怕会给他带来杀身之祸。”另外一个同学并不是十分认同李七夜 World, the there's nothing sure card, cultivate, the itself/Ben is the life and death sets at outside the matter, if the time is thinking the complete plan, is an ordinary mortal to be safe.” Teacher Du manner manor positive/correct, said slowly: Instead, such as Young Master Li so, careful in Li, does not fear in strong, this is the conscience that the person of true cultivate should have, this can ask you to leave.” “世间,没有什么万全之策,修道,本就是生死置外之事,若是时刻想着周全之策,还是做一个普普通通的凡人稳妥。”杜老师神态庄正,徐徐地说道:“反而,如李公子这般,不苟于利,不畏于强,这才是真正修道之人所该拥有的本心,这才能让你走得更远。” Teacher Du such words, let many Cloud and Mud School student, blankly look at each other. 杜老师这样的话,让不少云泥学院学生,面面相觑 Teacher Du looked at student on the scene, is meaningful, said slowly: „Since Eternal, how many cultivator has had, Sect such as how many? Invincible Cultivation Technique how many? Peerless talent how many? However, stands in the peak, illuminates the person in this stretch of the world , there is a how much?”? You really think, all to become the Dao Monarch's person, all invincible generations, they can the vertical Heng Tian (Cross Heaven) place, be able Whole World to be invincible, that merely is because they have unparalleled Innate Talent, that merely is because they did practice invincible Cultivation Technique?” Teacher Du manner both eyes is profound. 杜老师看了一眼在场的学生,意味深长,徐徐地说道:“万古以来,修士有多少,宗门又如多少?无敌功法又有多少?绝世天才又有多少?但是,站在巅峰的,照亮这片天地的人,又有几何呢?”?“你们真的以为,所有成为道君的人,所有无敌之辈,他们能纵横天地,能举世无敌,那仅仅是因为他们拥有绝世无双天赋,那仅仅是因为他们修练了无敌的功法吗?”杜老师神态双目不由深邃。 You? You can to join Cloud and Mud School, but Cloud and Mud School, has massive Peerless Cultivation Technique to practice for you? You asked that whether own could surpass the predecessor, could become one generation of Peerless Dao Monarch?” “那你们呢?你们能拜入云泥学院,而云泥学院,又拥有大量的绝世功法供你们修练?你们试问一下,自己能否超越前人,能否成为一代绝世道君呢?” Teacher Du such question, made Cloud and Mud School student immediately silent, they can to join Cloud and Mud School, the itself/Ben be Innate Talent are as good as other cultivator, but Cloud and Mud School, was entire Southwest Sovereign, even was entire Eight Desolate has Cultivation Technique many, one of the secret book most schools. 杜老师这样的反问,顿时让云泥学院学生不由为之沉默了,他们能拜入云泥学院,本就是天赋不亚于其他的修士,而云泥学院,乃是整个南西皇,甚至是整个八荒拥有功法最多、秘笈最多的学院之一。 Then, under such environment, under such situation, they can become Dao Monarch? Can they Whole World be invincible? 那么,在这样的环境之下,在这样的情况之下,他们能成为道君吗?他们能举世无敌吗? Such question, making all student not dare to reply, even some student, they biggest wish that also becomes Heaven Venerable merely, to them, Dao Monarch, Whole World is invincible, that was extremely is really remote. 这样的反问,让所有学生都不敢回答,甚至有些学生,他们最大的心愿那也仅仅是成为天尊而已,对于他们来说,道君,举世无敌,那实在是太过于遥远了。 Often, can become Dao Monarch, can Whole World be invincible, most important is not Peerless Innate Talent, is not invincible Cultivation Technique, but has Dao Heart.” Finally, the Teacher Du manner said seriously. “往往,能成为道君,能举世无敌,最重要的不是绝世天赋,也不是无敌功法,而是拥有一颗道心。”最后,杜老师神态郑重地说道。 Teacher Du such words, let student blankly look at each other on the scene immediately, some student listen to other Teacher saying that also there are elders in student hear of family to speak similar words, but, in their opinion, Dao Heart such thing, seemed like indistinct. 杜老师这样的话,顿时也让在场的学生不由面面相觑,有一些学生听过其他老师讲过,也有学生听家族中的长辈说过类似的话,但是,在他们看来,道心这样的东西,似乎是过于飘渺。 Teacher, what is Dao Heart?” Female fellow students asked. 老师,什么是道心呢?”有一位女同学不由发问。 The Teacher Du vision is profound, finally he said slowly: „Everyone, is different regarding the definition of Dao Heart. But, in my opinion, such as Young Master Li so, careful in Li, does not fear in strong, this is also Dao Heart one.” 杜老师不由目光深邃,最终他徐徐地说道:“每一个人,对于道心的定义不一样。但,在我看来,如李公子这般,不苟于利,不畏于强,这也是道心的一种。” At this point, Teacher Du looked at Cloud and Mud School student one, said slowly: Young Master Li the matter of doing, in your opinion, perhaps is very silly, even is stupid, but, you engage in introspection, your can own achieve? Perhaps, your Innate Talent is higher than him, your cultivation is also higher than him, but, the future achievement, not necessarily can compare favorably with this Young Master Li.” 说到这里,杜老师看了云泥学院学生一眼,徐徐地说道:“李公子所做之事,在你们看来,或许是很傻,甚至是愚蠢,但,你们扪心自问一下,你们自己能做到吗?或许,你们天赋比他高,你们道行也比他高,但是,未来的成就,不见得能比得上这位李公子。” Teacher Du such words, making in many student hearts not be convinced, their many student family backgrounds are honored, Innate Talent is very high, practiced Peerless Cultivation Technique, they do not believe that a Li Qiye such woodcutter can exceed them in the future. 杜老师这样的话,让不少学生心里面不服气,他们很多学生出身尊贵,天赋很高,又修练了绝世功法,他们就不相信李七夜这么一个樵夫未来能超越他们。 This Li Qiye, what Peerless Cultivation Technique also without seeing to have practiced, he stays in the Myriad Beasts Mountain woodcutter, in the future can he powerful?” Has student is not convinced said. “这个李七夜,也没见修练过什么绝世功法,他就是呆在万兽山的樵夫而已,未来他能有多强大?”有学生不服气地说道。 Peerless Cultivation Technique, representative anything.” Teacher Du said lightly: Do not forget our Cloud and Mud School First Ancestor, do not forget a few words-- Grand Dao nature!” 绝世功法,代表不了什么。”杜老师淡淡地说道:“不要忘了我们云泥学院始祖,不要忘记了一句话——大道自然!” Teacher Du such words, let in all student hearts immediately for it big change, because of Cloud and Mud School First Ancestor, is Eternal illustrious Reverend Cloud and Mud, he had said a few words-- Grand Dao nature! 杜老师这样的话,顿时让所有学生心里面为之剧震,因为云泥学院始祖,也就是万古赫赫有名的云泥上人,他曾经说过一句话——大道自然! Moreover, regarding Cloud and Mud School student, their many people listened to the Reverend Cloud and Mud story to grow up since childhood, it may be said that is ripe detailed in Er, they also know Reverend Cloud and Mud all sorts of miracles. 而且,对于云泥学院学生来说,他们很多人自幼都听着云泥上人的故事长大的,可谓是熟详于耳,他们也都知道云泥上人的种种奇迹。 Reverend Cloud and Mud, is not Dao Monarch, wins in Dao Monarch. 云泥上人,不是道君,更胜于道君 When Teacher Du raised Reverend Cloud and Mud, any student does not dare to make noise to refute, since Eternal, Reverend Cloud and Mud has the unique position. 杜老师提起云泥上人的时候,任何一位学生都不敢出声去反驳,在万古以来,云泥上人有着独一无二的地位。 don't said that since their such junior, billion years, many invincible generation, many Dao Monarch, have mentioned Reverend Cloud and Mud, makes every effort to keep secret, let alone questions. 莫说他们这样的小辈,千百万年以来,多少无敌之辈,多少道君,提起云泥上人,都是讳莫如深,更别说去质疑了。 -- loud sound, when Cloud and Mud School student follow Teacher Du continues, loud sound breaks silence, under this loud sound, the world swayed , Divine Light shot up to the sky, alarmed entire Myriad Beasts Mountain. ——”的一声巨响,就在云泥学院学生们跟着杜老师继续前行的时候,一声巨响打破了沉寂,在这一声巨响之下,天地摇晃了一下,紧接着,一股神光冲天而起,惊动了整个万兽山 That is what thing-- all Cloud and Mud School student raise one's head looks to that towering divine pillar. “那是什么东西——”所有云泥学院学生都不由抬头向那股冲天神柱望去。 That night isn't that the light beam that we saw?” Some student big shout. “那不是那天晚上我们看到的光柱吗?”有学生不由大叫一声 Tonight one. 今晚一更。
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