ED :: Volume #36

#3571: Kneeling down

All Primal Chaos Yuan Beast surround, the beast breath is billowing, presses person unable to breathe, such, making all cultivator powerhouses look is absolutely terrified, frightens one after another to withdraw, far away from these Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, in order to avoid own was brought disaster to bystander. 所有的混沌元兽包围过来,兽息滚滚,压得人喘不过气来,这样的一幕,让所有的修士强者看得都不由为之毛骨悚然,都不由吓得纷纷后撤,远离这些混沌元兽,以免得自己被殃及池鱼 At this time, the Night Walk Clan powerhouse elders want to retreat, wants to flee from here immediately, but, is late at this time, they had been surrounded by leader powerful Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, especially Black and White Vajra, blocked their way, lets opportunity that they have not run away. 在这个时候,夜行族的强者长老都想撤退,想立即逃离这里,但是,在这个时候已经迟了,他们已经被一头头强大的混沌元兽所包围了,特别是黑白金刚,更是堵住了他们的去路,让他们根本就没有逃走的机会。 „To do-- at this time, an elder frightens loudly shouts, hears clang a resonate sound, he is Divine Sword comes out of the sheath, the turnover cold light. “想干什么——”在这个时候,一位长老吓得不由大喝一声,听到“铛”的一声响起,他乃是神剑出鞘,吞吐着寒光 In this in an instant, Night Walk Clan all disciple also one after another weapons come out of the sheath, wants to fight the Primal Chaos Yuan Beast life and death. 在这刹那之间,夜行族的所有弟子也都纷纷兵器出鞘,欲与混沌元兽生死搏斗。 -- in this moment, Black and White Vajra roared, treadonned, heard bang loud sound, the land cracked, the fearful incomparable strength instantaneous impact, moved mountains, same washed away all like the difficult situation, letting the person is unable to resist. “呜——”就在这一刻,黑白金刚一声咆哮,一脚踏出,听到“轰”的一声巨响,大地崩裂,可怕无比的力量瞬间冲击而出,排山倒海,如同惊涛骇浪一样冲毁一切,让人无法抵挡。 Under so fearful impulse, the even if Night Walk Clan elder, is hard withstands, was attacked continually thump, thump and thump drew back several steps, as for other disciples, was attacked thump thump the retreat, the chest like struck layer on layer/heavily, and what is more was frightened sits falls down. 在如此可怕的冲击力之下,就算是夜行族的长老,都是难于承受,被冲击得“咚、咚、咚”连退了好几步,至于其他的弟子,被冲击得咚咚后退,胸膛如同受了重重一击,更有甚者被吓得一屁股坐倒在地上。 Saw that the Night Walk Clan disciple powerhouses were surrounded by Black and White Vajra these Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses frighten are pale, do not dare to approach, let alone was take action rescues. 看到夜行一族的弟子强者都被黑白金刚这些混沌元兽困住了,不知道多少修士强者吓得脸色发白,都不敢靠近,更别说是出手施救了。 Sees?” After Black and White Vajra they stopped up the Night Walk Clan disciple, Li Qiye smiled lightly, said easely: Even my neighbor could not tolerate, their is must hug not to hit for me evenly.” “看到没有?”在黑白金刚它们堵住了夜行族的弟子之后,李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,悠然地说道:“连我的邻居都看不过去了,它们这是要为我抱打不平呀。” „If there is not knelt down to kowtow now, only feared, in less than many times, you will be stepped on the meat sauce, when the time comes, no wonder I have not reminded you.” Li Qiye said leisurely: After all, my neighbors are the hot tempered temper, once their violent walks, the scene cannot control.” “如果现在还不下跪磕头的话,只怕,用不了多少时候,你们会被踩成肉酱,到时候,莫怪我没有提醒你们。”李七夜悠悠地说道:“毕竟,我邻居们都是暴躁的性子,一旦它们暴走起来,场面就不能控制了。” By the Night Walk Clan disciple who Primal Chaos Yuan Beast stop up, they are pale, they looked to Zhui Xueyun. 混沌元兽们所堵住的夜行族弟子,他们都脸色发白,他们都不由望向了追血云 cultivator powerhouse also one after another on the scene looked to Zhui Xueyun, before then, everyone thinks, if Zhui Xueyun really repudiated a debt does not acknowledge, only feared that Li Qiye could not do to Zhui Xueyun, could not do to Night Walk Clan. 在场的修士强者也都纷纷地望向了追血云,在此之前,所有人都以为,如果追血云真的是赖帐不承认的话,只怕李七夜根本就奈何不了追血云,更是奈何不了夜行族 However, who thinks that Black and White Vajra these Primal Chaos Yuan Beast will hug not to hit unexpectedly for Li Qiye evenly, such, exceeded everyone's imagination completely. 但是,又有谁会想到黑白金刚这些混沌元兽竟然会为李七夜抱打不平呢,这样的一幕,完全是超出了所有人的想象了。 This was too mysterious.” Having powerhouse looks at Primal Chaos Yuan Beast is Li Qiye hugs not to hit evenly, unexpectedly for Li Qiye over, mutters said: This boy, but also is really the mysterious boy.” “这太神奇了。”有强者看着混沌元兽李七夜抱打不平,竟然会为李七夜强出头,都不由喃喃地说道:“这小子,还真的是神奇的小子。” could it be that said, this boy grows up from Myriad Beasts Mountain at a young age, has become the son of mountain, has the deep affection with the Myriad Beasts Mountain ten thousand beasts?” The even if Large Sect elder, sees such a , finds it hard to believe. 难道说,这小子自小从万兽山长大,已经成为了大山的儿子了,已经与万兽山的万兽有了深厚的感情了?”就算是大教长老,看到这样的一幕,也都觉得不可思议。 Primal Chaos Yuan Beast is also good, Ominous Beast fierce bird, is the thing of vicious, is always hard with cultivator lives in peace together, do not discuss that can have what sentiment with the cultivator powerhouse, only if were this person powerful to the extreme, this had possibility command Primal Chaos Yuan Beast. 混沌元兽也好,凶兽猛禽也罢,都是凶狠之物,一直以来都难于与修士和平相处,更别谈能与修士强者有什么感情了,除非是这个人强大到极点了,这才有可能号令混沌元兽了。 However , like Black and White Vajra such powerful Heaven Rank high-grade Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, even such as Heaven Venerable so powerful, not possible command it. 但是,要知道,如同黑白金刚这样强大的天阶上品的混沌元兽,就算如天尊这般的强大,也不可能号令它。 However, inconceivable, appears before everyone, powerful incomparable Black and White Vajra, it for a Li Qiye such woodcutter over, will hug not to hit unexpectedly unexpectedly for Li Qiye such average performing nameless junior evenly. 然而,不可思议的一幕,却出现在所有人面前,强大无比的黑白金刚,它竟然会为李七夜这么一个樵夫出头,竟然会为李七夜这么一个实力平平的无名小辈抱打不平。 This also makes many cultivator powerhouses think, could it be that is really because Li Qiye from the small growth in Myriad Beasts Mountain, had made into one piece with the Myriad Beasts Mountain ten thousand beasts, has the deep friendship? 这也就让很多修士强者都不由以为,难道真的是因为李七夜自小生长在万兽山,已经与万兽山的万兽打成了一片,已经有了深厚的交情? Kneels, admitting defeat is.” Black and White Vajra these Primal Chaos Yuan Beast of looks at devils, even if Night Walk Clan most powerful elder, was frightened complexion deathly white, if at this time, they want to have the one bloody road forcefully, only feared that is very difficult, even can succeed, only feared that needs to pay the enormous price. “跪吧,认输就是。”看着凶神恶煞的黑白金刚这些混沌元兽,就算是夜行族最强大的长老,也不由被吓得脸色煞白,如果在这个时候,他们想强行杀出一条血路,只怕是十分困难,就算能成功,只怕是需要付出极大的代价。 Keeps the mountain, did not fear that does not have the firewood fever.” Another elder also said to Zhui Xueyun: Hero, put in great inconvenience for a while, there's nothing at the worst. Now lost, later the gravity head comes again is.” “留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。”另一位长老也对追血云说道:“英雄,受一时委屈,没有什么大不了的。现在输了,以后重头再来便是。” The Zhui Xueyun complexion is difficult to see the extreme, lets he is working as the world everyone to a Li Qiye such woodcutter kneel down to kowtow, that was the ratio kills him to be uncomfortable simply. 追血云脸色难看到极点,让他当着天下所有人的面向李七夜这么一个樵夫下跪磕头,那简直就是比杀了他还要难受。 In a moment ago, him can also being proud strength be more powerful than Li Qiye, even if he acts shamelessly does not acknowledge mistakes, Li Qiye cannot do to him, but, he does not have to choose now, not only will be Black and White Vajra these Primal Chaos Yuan Beast can take his life momentarily, even his Sect elder has asked for it him to kneel down. 在刚才,他还能自负实力比李七夜强大,就算他耍赖不认帐,李七夜也奈何不了他,但是,现在他没得选择,不仅仅是黑白金刚这些混沌元兽会随时能取他的性命,连他的宗门长老都已经开口要求他下跪了。 If at this time, he did not kneel down to kowtow, once their Sect disciple elders died a tragic death here, he only feared that will become the own Sect criminal. 如果在这个时候,他不下跪磕头的话,一旦他们宗门的弟子长老都惨死在这里,他只怕会成为自己宗门的罪人。 Finally, under glare of the public eye, Zhui Xueyun has the knees to fall to the ground, kneels in front of Li Qiye. 最后,在众目睽睽之下,追血云只好双膝落地,跪在了李七夜面前。 Everyone on the scene turns very quiet to breathe looks at this, when Zhui Xueyun must act shamelessly a moment ago does not acknowledge mistakes, everyone thinks that Li Qiye could not do to Zhui Xueyun, but, Zhui Xueyun also different was obediently kneels in front of Li Qiye now. 在场的所有人都屏住呼吸看着这一幕,在刚才追血云要耍赖不认帐的时候,所有人都认为李七夜奈何不了追血云了,但是,现在追血云还不一样是乖乖地跪在了李七夜面前。 Zhui Xueyun does not have to choose, has to be bang, bang and bang knocked three knocks continually, such experience, to him, is the great shame, making him remember with eternal gratitude for a lifetime, he hated to the marrow of the bones Li Qiye. 追血云没得选择,只好是“砰、砰、砰”连磕了三个响头,这样的经历,对于他来说,乃是奇耻大辱,让他一辈子都刻骨铭心,他可谓是把李七夜恨之入骨了。 Zhui Xueyun knocks three knocks hurriedly, wanting is standing, but, Li Qiye actually steps in his body, making him unable to move all of a sudden. 追血云急匆匆磕完三个响头,正欲站起来,但,李七夜却一脚踩在他的身上,让他一下子动弹不得。 Trades to do usually, Zhui Xueyun will certainly go crazy to kill people, must tear to shreds Li Qiye may not, but, he was stepped on by Li Qiye at this time in the under foot, even is wild with rage, still can only swallow toward the belly in all anger. 换作平时,追血云一定会发狂到要杀人,非要把李七夜碎尸万段不可,但是,此时他被李七夜踩在脚下,就算狂怒,也只能把所有的怒气往肚子里咽。 You, you want to do-- Zhui Xueyun to clench jaws. “你,你想干什么——追血云不由咬牙切齿。 You have not admitted defeat.” Li Qiye superficially, smiled lightly, said: Since lost, does agily.” “你还没有认输呢。”李七夜轻描淡写,淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“既然输了,就做得利索一点。” Everyone calmly looks at this, although Li Qiye such approach, looks like in many people, that is very rampant, but, is the natural matter, who made Zhui Xueyun lose the gambling house. 大家都静静地看着这一幕,虽然李七夜这样的做法,在很多人看来,那是十分嚣张,但是,也是理所当然的事情,谁让追血云输了赌局呢。 Old was overbearing.” Sees such a, had Cloud and Mud School student to whisper. “老霸道了。”看到这样的一幕,有云泥学院学生不由嘀咕了一声。 Also there is Cloud and Mud School student lightly snort/hum, coldly said: Does not know the sky is high the earth is deep, flaunts the temporary rapidness, draws on the fatal disaster to own.” 也有云泥学院学生不由轻哼了一声,冷冷地说道:“是不知天高地厚,逞一时之快,给自己招来杀身之祸。” Many Cloud and Mud School student looked at each other, naturally , many people approve this saying, after all, so shames Zhui Xueyun, only feared , is not only Zhui Xueyun, even Night Walk Clan might look for Li Qiye to revenge, they will not easily let off Li Qiye's on this absolutely. 不少云泥学院学生相视了一眼,当然,也有不少人认同这话,毕竟,如此羞辱追血云,只怕不仅是追血云,连夜行族都有可能会找李七夜报仇,他们绝对不会就这样轻易放过李七夜的 Was stepped on by Li Qiye in the under foot, the Zhui Xueyun complexion rose the liver colored, said some ugly/difficult to look at ugly/difficult to look at, but, at this time, he did not have to choose, Night Walk Clan all disciple elder also looks at he. 李七夜踩在了脚下,追血云脸色涨成了猪肝色,说有多难看就有多难看,但是,在这个时候,他没得选择,夜行族的所有弟子长老也都看着他。 I lost, loses is sincerely convinced.” Although Zhui Xueyun this saying said hypocritically, but, actually has to concede defeat, he can only endure humiliation at this time. “我输了,输得心服口服。”虽然追血云这话说得口是心非,但是,却不得不低头认输,在这个时候他只能忍辱负重。 This also almost.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: Later, opened the dog eye, will not have such opportunity next time.” “这还差不多。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“以后,把狗眼睁大一点,下次就没有这样的机会了。” Zhui Xueyun closely grips the fist, although does not utter a word, but, had hated to the marrow of the bones Li Qiye in the heart, wishes one could to tear to shreds Li Qiye. 追血云不由紧紧地握住拳头,虽然一声不吭,但是,在心里面已经把李七夜恨之入骨了,恨不得把李七夜碎尸万段。 Ok, the fruit also ate, the mouth is not thirsty, I must chop firewood.” Li Qiye smiled, patted the palm, carries the shoulder pole, turned around to leave, has not gone to look at other person of one. “好了,果子也吃了,口也不渴了,我要去砍柴了。”李七夜笑了一下,拍了拍手掌,扛着扁担,转身就离开了,没去看其他人一眼。 Young Master Li, where you must go to chop firewood.” Sees Li Qiye to leave, Little Ling cannot bear to his back big shout. 李公子,你要去哪里砍柴。”见李七夜离开,小玲都忍不住对着他背影大叫一声 Has the good firewood place.” The Li Qiye's sound conveys from afar, sang loudly: Grand Dao whose prescience, Eternal do I know......”? Everyone can only looks at Li Qiye carry the shoulder pole to disappear in forest helplessly, when everyone has not recovered, Black and White Vajra their these Primal Chaos Yuan Beast also dispersed, returned to under Wonderful Jade Treasure Tree, eyes closed rests to rest. “有好柴的地方。”李七夜的声音远远传来,一路高歌:“大道谁先觉,万古我自知……”?大家只能是眼睁睁地看着李七夜扛着扁担消失在了森林之中,当大家还没有回过神来的时候,黑白金刚它们这些混沌元兽也散了,都回到了奇琅宝树之下,闭目憩休。 This enmity did not report, vowed not to rest.” After looks at Li Qiye goes far away, Zhui Xueyun closely gripped the fist, the nail inserted the palm, he clenched jaws, to him, does not report today's shame, he cannot be peaceful for a lifetime, he pledged in the heart secretly, must tear to shreds Li Qiye, so long as Li Qiye fell into his hand, he must make Li Qiye live to might as well die! “此仇不报,誓不罢休。”看着李七夜远去之后,追血云不由紧紧地握住拳头,指甲都插入了手掌了,他咬牙切齿,对于他来说,不报今日的耻辱,他一辈子都不得安宁,他在心里面暗暗发誓,一定要把李七夜碎尸万段,只要李七夜落入他的手中,他就要让李七夜生不如死! Walks.” The Night Walk Clan elder told one, leading the disciple to leave. “走吧。”夜行族的长老吩咐一声,带着弟子离开。 Wonderful Jade Treasure Fruit cannot pick, they do not need to continue to stay here, is lost completely face countenance a moment ago , to continue to get down again dull, lost face. 奇琅宝果采摘不到,他们没必要继续在这里停留了,刚才已经是丢尽了颜脸了,再继续呆下去,就更加丢脸了。 Really is a weird boy.” Many cultivator powerhouse looks at Li Qiye goes far away, some powerhouses muttered said. “真是一个邪门的小子。”不少修士强者看着李七夜远去,有强者喃喃地说道。 Some other older generation cultivator also finds it miraculous, said: Perhaps, is a mysterious boy. Myriad Beasts Mountain, but also real outstanding people and magical soil, had/left such a boy unexpectedly, perhaps if comes outside, really can have what miracle is not uncertain.” 另有老一辈修士也觉得神奇,说道:“或许,是一个神奇的小子。万兽山,还真的人杰地灵,竟然出了这么一个小子,若是入世,说不定还真能有什么奇迹都不一定。” This boy, passed weirdly.” Also there is Large Sect Old Ancestor to touch the chin, hesitates said: Can live in peace together with the Myriad Beasts Mountain ten thousand beasts unexpectedly, this is the unprecedented miracle.” “这小子,邪门透了。”也有大教老祖不由摸了摸下巴,沉吟地说道:“竟然能与万兽山的万兽和平相处,这是前所未闻的奇迹。” We walk.” Teacher Du has not said anything, hesitated, finally told Cloud and Mud School student, turned around to leave here. “我们走吧。”杜老师没有说什么,沉吟了一下,最后吩咐了一下云泥学院学生,转身就离开这里了。 Other student do not dare to neglect, kept up with the Teacher Du footsteps busily. 其他学生也不敢怠慢,忙是跟上了杜老师的脚步。 Teacher Du regarding all these, in the heart is also very strange, before then, he kept the body of old servant the attention, now he is clear, is worth him paying attention truly, should be Li Qiye such person. 杜老师对于这一切,在心里面也是十分奇怪,在此之前,他把注意力留在了老奴的身上,现在他才明白,真正值得他注意的,应该是李七夜这样的人。 Today one. 今天一更。
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