EDSG :: Volume #3

#203: The weak ones do not match to know that who I am

Supreme Elder!” 太上长老!” Looks at the sudden nebula, Ancient array that as well as in the main hall starts, Xing Wudao , Star Sea long breathed a sigh of relief. 看着突然出现的星云,以及大殿中启动的古阵,星无道,星海长舒了一口气。 Is disrespectful? Since old times the law of the jungle was the Heaven and Earth custom, your three big business pledges defended such big buried treasure unable to go, might as well give to me him.” “失礼吗?自古弱肉强食乃是天地规矩,你们三大商盟守着这么大一座宝藏无法进去,不如将他送给我。” The sword spirit puppet under Ye Chenfeng thought control, sends out vigorously, sound of withering, overbearing saying. 剑灵傀儡在叶晨风意念控制下,发出浑厚,肃杀的声音,霸道的说道。 Key in old man hand, if you want, takes.” “钥匙就在老夫手上,如果你们想要,就来拿吧。” Grasps a Heavenly Star Business Alliance Ancient array thousand years of nebula, already and Ancient array merged into one organic whole, so long as placed Ancient array, he can seek the strength from Ancient array continuously, controlled the Ancient array attack. 掌握天星商盟古阵千余年的星云,早已和古阵融为一体,只要身处古阵,他就能源源不断从古阵中猎取力量,控制古阵攻击。 But the fusion Ancient array strength, nebula can erupt to endure compared with the Level 6 Profound Beast Ancestor Realm strength, this is also he dares the frontage resistance sword spirit puppet takes advantage most greatly. 而融合古阵的力量,星云可以爆发堪比六级玄兽宗境界实力,这也是他敢正面对抗剑灵傀儡的最大依仗。 Ye Chenfeng, I already said that do not think that repels the sword demon, your priest and disciple can not pay attention to my Heavenly Star Business Alliance , do not say you, even if black demon, do not dare to excel at rushing to my Heavenly Star Business Alliance .” 叶晨风,我早就说了,不要以为击退剑魔,你们师徒二人就可以不将我天星商盟放在眼里,不要说你们,就算黑魔自己,都不敢擅闯我天星商盟。” „The hope next generation you can sharpen vigilance to cultivate the behavior, some people are not you can offend.” In the Xing Wudao eye jumps projects the mean sinister color, saying of letting success go to the head. “希望下辈子你们可以擦亮眼睛做人,有些人不是你们能得罪的起的。”星无道眼睛中迸射出阴狠毒辣之色,得意忘形的说道。 You were too naive.” “你们太天真了。” The sword spirit puppet ice-cold pupil looks to fuse Ancient array, whole body white light nebula recklessly, unhappy not sad saying. 剑灵傀儡冰冷的眸子看着融合古阵,全身白光肆意的星云,不喜不悲的说道。 Saying, the sword spirit puppet was walking step by step. 说着,剑灵傀儡一步步走了过去。 But he every step takes, ground slight shivers, formidable sword momentum also step by step takes along with him, increases unceasingly, fearful sword prestige oppression nebula and the others of could not gasp for breath. 而他每一步迈出,地面都轻微的颤抖一下,强大的剑势也随着他一步步迈出,不断地攀升,可怕的剑威压迫的星云等人喘不上气来。 „The strength of Ancient array, destruction!” 古阵之力,毁灭!” The nebula felt that the footsteps of sword spirit puppet have Demon Power beyond description, as if his each step, treads in own heart place, uncomfortable, hastily controlled the Ancient array strength, the bang kills to the sword spirit puppet. 星云感觉,剑灵傀儡的脚步有一种难以形容的魔力,仿佛他每一步,都踏在自己心脏处,难受不已,连忙控制古阵的力量,轰杀向了剑灵傀儡。 Raids just like the sea tide Ancient array strength, the sword spirit puppet has not fended, in his body blooms the ray that soars to the heavens, dazzling incomparable, at this moment, he is similar to the Divine sword of sheath, is without a peer. 宛如海潮般的古阵力量袭来,剑灵傀儡没有闪避,他身体中绽放出冲天的光芒,刺目无比,这一刻,他就如同出鞘的神剑,不可匹敌。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The sword spirit puppet is a sword, cuts baseless, the dazzling sword glow erupts the astonishing striking power, not only resists the nebula to transfer the thunder that Ancient array starts to strike, but also divided a slit the strength of Ancient array, broke striking of Ancient array. 剑灵傀儡以身为剑,凭空一斩,刺目的剑芒爆发出惊人的攻击力,不但抵御住星云调动古阵发动的雷霆一击,还将古阵之力劈出了一道缝隙,破掉了古阵之击。 When sword spirit puppet make a move, the Devouring God Brain strength erupted in the Ye Chenfeng mind, has spilled into Ancient array, is explaining Ancient array. 在剑灵傀儡出手之际,噬神脑的力量在叶晨风脑海中爆发了,涌进了古阵之中,破解着古阵 Worthily is the person who repels the sword demon, the striking power of this person feared that has met the Level 6 Profound Beast Ancestor standard.” “不愧是击退剑魔的人,此人的攻击力怕达到了六级玄兽宗水准。” Witnesses the sword spirit puppet is sword, the sword glow that chops tears one of the Ancient array attack, Star Sea, Xing Wudao inspired but actually. 目睹剑灵傀儡以身为剑,劈出的剑芒撕裂古阵攻击的一幕,星海,星无道倒吸了一口气。 I must have a look at you to be able but actually to resist the attacks of many Ancient array.” “我倒要看看你能抵挡多少次古阵的攻击。” The star fuel-air drank one, soul power of whole body melts in Ancient array completely, the maximum degree mobilized the Ancient array strength, turned into just like the meteor shower light beam, the intensive attack has approached the sword spirit puppet. 星云爆喝一声,全身的魂力完全融进了古阵之中,最大程度调动古阵的力量,化成了一道道宛如流星雨般的光柱,密集的攻击向了剑灵傀儡。 Sword spirit puppet, the full power defense, do not make Ancient array attack me.” “剑灵傀儡,全力防御,不要让古阵攻击到我。” Looks the strength of Ancient array lowers crowded, Ye Chenfeng gives the sword spirit puppet to issue the defense order immediately. 看着密集降下的古阵之力,叶晨风立即给剑灵傀儡下达了防御命令。 Received the Ye Chenfeng order, sword spirit puppet gave up the attack, kept off before the Ye Chenfeng body rapidly, with own body, resisted the attack of Ancient array. 接到叶晨风命令,剑灵傀儡放弃了攻击,迅速挡在了叶晨风身前,用自己的身躯,抵挡古阵的攻击。 Courts death!” “找死!” Xing Wudao sees sword spirit puppet action, has revealed the fierce color, why although he cannot think through the sword spirit puppet to make the so preliminary mistake, but he believes that the sword spirit puppet must die without doubt. 星无道看到剑灵傀儡这个举动,露出了狰狞之色,他虽然想不通剑灵傀儡为什么犯如此低级的错误,但他相信剑灵傀儡必死无疑。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Deafening demolition sounds get up, the nebula maximum degree transfers Ancient array, thunder attack intensive bombardment that starts in sword spirit puppet body. 一道道震耳欲聋的爆破声响起,星云最大程度调动古阵,发动的雷霆攻击密集的轰击在剑灵傀儡的身躯上。 The person who dazzling ray that in Great Array erupts, reflects cannot open the eye, the energy of drastic fluctuation such as Stormy Sea(dangerous situation) was ordinary, has swept across entire Great Array. 大阵中爆发出的刺目光芒,映的人根本睁不开眼睛,剧烈波动的能量如惊涛骇浪一般,席卷了整个大阵 Anything, this is how possible!” “什么,这怎么可能!” After one round attacks violently, the nebula, Xing Wudao and the others had been shocked by present one, they discovered panic-stricken that the sword spirit puppet encounters strength of attacks several hundred Ancient array, by an injury, the body had not been flowed out a drop of blood unexpectedly. 一轮猛烈地攻击过后,星云,星无道等人被眼前的一幕惊呆了,他们惊恐的发现,剑灵傀儡遭到数百记古阵之力攻击,竟然未受一丝伤害,身上没有流出一滴鲜血。 This is any body, could it be he wears Heavenly Artifact to fight the clothes.” “这是什么身体,难道他身穿着一件天器战衣。” Nebula and the others and sword demons are the same, suspected that the sword spirit puppet puts on Heavenly Artifact to fight the clothes, otherwise his defensive power is impossible fearfully so. 星云等人与剑魔一样,怀疑剑灵傀儡穿着天器战衣,否则他的防御力不可能如此的可怕。 Your attacks were too weak.” “你们的攻击实在太弱了。” The body rifle tall and straight sword spirit puppet, looks at nebula and the others likely generally several near delay faces, does not bring saying of sentiment. 身子像钢枪一般挺拔的剑灵傀儡,看着星云等人几近呆滞的面孔,不带一丝感情的说道。 You, who you are!” “你,你到底是什么人!” The experience to the defensive power of sword spirit puppet, in the nebula heart has revealed the flustered color for the first time, asked in a low voice. 见识到剑灵傀儡的防御力,星云心中首次露出了慌张之色,低声问道。 „The weak one does not match to know that who I am.” Sword spirit puppet arrogant saying. “弱者不配知道我是谁。”剑灵傀儡孤傲的说道。 We acknowledged that your excellency strength is very strong, so long as your excellency does not want the seabed cave mansion key, we are willing to meet your excellency any request.” Facing defense invincible sword spirit puppet, the nebula felt a dilutedness, sighed in the heart gently, admitted defeat. “我们承认阁下的实力很强,只要阁下不要海底洞府钥匙,我们愿意满足阁下任何的要求。”面对防御无敌的剑灵傀儡,星云感到了一丝无力感,轻轻在心中叹息一声,服软道。 20 ten thousand Middle Grade Soul Crystal!” Sword spirit puppet low and deep saying. “20万中品魂晶!”剑灵傀儡低沉的说道。 Good, we give!” “好,我们给!” Hears the sword spirit puppet to demand Middle Grade Soul Crystal, the nebula wants not to think that readily agreed. 听到剑灵傀儡索要中品魂晶,星云想都没想,一口答应了。 My words have not said that 20 ten thousand Middle Grade Soul Crystal, in addition that key!” “我的话还没说完,20万中品魂晶,外加那把钥匙!” Just resisted the Ancient array attack, the sword spirit puppet has consumed more than 10,000 Middle Grade Soul Crystal, this made Ye Chenfeng annoyed, blackmailed them intentionally. 刚刚抵挡古阵攻击,剑灵傀儡又消耗了10000余颗中品魂晶,这让叶晨风大为恼火,故意讹诈他们。 You, do not go too far!” “你,你不要欺人太甚!” Heard the sword spirit puppet the words, nebula and other popularity the lungs has almost exploded, nearly spat blood, saying of becoming angry out of shame. 听到剑灵傀儡的话,星云等人气的肺差点炸了,险些吐血,恼羞成怒的说道。 I go too far, can you help me be what kind of?” “我就是欺人太甚,你们能帮我怎么样?” The sword spirit puppet disregards the nebula, Xing Wudao and the others the angry look, saying of coldly. 剑灵傀儡无视星云,星无道等人愤怒的眼神,冷冷的说道。 You......” “你……” The face of nebula by sword spirit puppet air/Qi from white to purple, from purple to azure, from azure to the black, the entire body trembled. 星云的脸被剑灵傀儡气的从白到紫,从紫到青,从青到黑,整个身子哆嗦了起来。 „If not give, 30 ten thousand Middle Grade Soul Crystal in addition that keys!” “如果不给,30万中品魂晶外加那把钥匙!” The sword spirit puppet looks at air/Qi soon spitting blood nebula and the others, the lion opens the mouth to say greatly. 剑灵傀儡看着气的快要吐血星云等人,狮子大开口道。 You give me dead!” “你给我去死吧!” The anger in nebula heart had been exploded by the complete point, soars to the heavens the anger to erupt in his body, roared loudly. 星云心中的怒火被完全点爆了,一股冲天怒气在他身体中爆发出来,大声咆哮道。 Vitality combustion, inspires Ancient array, full power extinguishes kills.” “气血燃烧,引动古阵,全力灭杀。” Has been wild with rage the nebula, did not hesitate the combustion of price the vitality of whole body, was stimulating the Ancient array strength, the full power Sword of Annihilation spirit puppet. 气疯了的星云,不惜代价的燃烧了全身的气血,激发着古阵的力量,全力灭杀剑灵傀儡。 Strength of the fearful Ancient array, just like the meteor swarm of crash this world, are having the strength of huge destruction, continual bombardment sword spirit puppet. 一道道可怕的古阵之力,宛如坠落凡尘的流星群,带着巨大的毁灭之力,连续的轰击剑灵傀儡。 Facing the nebula combustion vitality, stimulating the strongest attack of Ancient array, the sword spirit puppet both feet as if to take root in the underground, the entire body is entirely still, resisted the attack of Ancient array with ease. 面对星云燃烧气血,激发古阵的最强攻击,剑灵傀儡双脚仿佛扎根于地下,整个身子纹丝不动,轻松抵御住了古阵的攻击。 You are also gawking doing, fast controls Great Array to attack him with me together!” “你们还愣着干什么,速速与我一起控制大阵攻击他!” The defensive power of sword spirit puppet has gone beyond the cognition category of nebula, visits him not to have the body of scar, the nebula only thinks that own heart shivered, to looking at scared Star Sea, Xing Wudao shouts loudly. 剑灵傀儡的防御力超出了星云的认知范畴,看着他毫无伤痕的身体,星云只觉自己的心都颤抖了起来,冲着看傻眼的星海,星无道大声喊道。 Yes!” “是!” Star Sea, the Xing Wudao nod said that does not hesitate the price emerges soul power to Ancient array. 星海,星无道点头道,不惜代价的向古阵中涌入魂力 How however whatever three people stimulate the Ancient array strength, is still unable to shake the sword spirit puppet, their hearts fell into the trough gradually, on the forehead have emitted the massive cold sweat. 不过任由三人如何激发古阵的力量,依然无法撼动剑灵傀儡,渐渐地,他们三个人的心跌入到了低谷,额头上冒出了大量的冷汗。 When their mind vacillation, in the Ye Chenfeng eye jumps projects the strength of massive Array Talisman(s), with the aid of Devouring God Brain, he had discovered this Great Array weak point, the thought has informed the sword spirit puppet. 就在他们三人心神动摇时,叶晨风眼睛中迸射出大量的阵纹之力,借助噬神脑,他发现了这座大阵的薄弱点,意念告知了剑灵傀儡。 The next quarter, in the sword spirit puppet body erupts great perfection sword momentum, the person who reflects together could not open the sword glow in eye to cut the strength of Ancient array, a sword divided the Ancient array weak point. 下一刻,剑灵傀儡身体中爆发出圆满剑势,一道映的人睁不开眼睛中的剑芒划破了古阵之力,一剑劈中了古阵的薄弱点。 Immediately, the massive spider web fissures appear, spreads to all around at the extremely quick speed...... 顿时,大量的蜘蛛网般的裂痕出现,以极快的速度向四周蔓延……
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