EDSG :: Volume #3

#202: Were you too extremely arrogant

Yeah, the strength of this sword demon was too fearful, by the strength of sword spirit puppet, has not cut to kill him unexpectedly.” Looks helplessly sword demon displayed the blood to escape to escape, experiences personally severely wounded Ye Chenfeng to be incapable of chasing down, has revealed the color of regret. “哎,这剑魔的实力太可怕了,以剑灵傀儡的实力,竟然没有斩杀他。”眼睁睁看着剑魔施展血遁逃跑,身受重伤的叶晨风无力追杀,露出了遗憾之色。 With a sword demon war, the sword spirit puppet has consumed enough 60,000 Middle Grade Soul Crystal, Ye Chenfeng also by heavily the wound, this makes him deeply realize that own strength is too weak. 与剑魔一战,剑灵傀儡消耗了足足60000颗中品魂晶,叶晨风也受到不轻的创伤,这让他深深体会到自己的实力还太弱。 Must go to the seabed cave mansion as soon as possible, perhaps will otherwise have the accident to occur.” Ye Chenfeng muttered, took out three Spirit Level soul Dantun to arrive in the stomach from universe pouch rapidly, revolution Soul Devouring Secret Art refine, cured the body injury. “必须要尽快前往海底洞府了,否则恐怕会有意外发生。”叶晨风喃喃自语道,迅速从乾坤袋中取出了三颗灵级魂丹吞到了肚中,运转噬魂诀炼化,治愈身体伤势。 After more than one double-hour, eliminated pill toxin Ye Chenfeng, with the aid of three Spirit Level soul pill, has cured the body severe wound. 大约一个多时辰过后,清除了丹毒叶晨风,借助三颗灵级魂丹,治愈了身体重伤。 The injury restores, Ye Chenfeng has not returned to Ancient Mo Business Alliance immediately, but puts out the pass on message bead, to Yue Nishang of hot and bothered, after the Mo Yuyan pass on message lets go at that bringing the sword spirit puppet to go to 3-Star island overall strength strongest Heavenly Star Business Alliance , wants to rob their seabed cave mansion key forcefully. 伤势恢复,叶晨风没有立即返回古墨商盟,而是拿出传讯珠,给焦虑不安的月霓裳,墨玉颜传讯保平安后,带着剑灵傀儡前往了三星岛整体实力最强的天星商盟,想要强行抢夺他们的海底洞府钥匙。 At this time, Heavenly Star Business Alliance , Lone Cloud Business Alliance places through oneself in the Ancient Mo Business Alliance informer, first had known the sword demon appears in Ancient Mo Business Alliance, with matter that Ye Chenfeng fights. 此时,天星商盟,孤云商盟通过自己安插在古墨商盟的眼线,第一时间得知了剑魔出现在古墨商盟,与叶晨风交手的事情。 Level 4 Heavenly Beast Immortal Realm, releases sword momentum and sword demon resistance does not fall leeward.” 四级天兽仙境界,释放剑势与剑魔对抗不落入下风。” This is any monstrous talent talent, really has this and other fearful innate skill and skills.” “这到底是什么妖孽天才,竟然有这等可怕的天赋和本事。” Heavenly Star Business Alliance Alliance Chief Xing Wudao knew that Ye Chenfeng releases sword momentum, the frontage resistance sword demon matter, has revealed the thick panic-stricken color, is startled. 天星商盟盟主星无道得知叶晨风释放剑势,正面对抗剑魔的事情,露出了浓浓的惊骇之色,吃惊不已。 That person of innate skill is truly fearful, but innate skill does not represent all, stared at him dead by the sword demon, but once he were killed, Mo Yuyan did not have taking advantage, at the appointed time Ancient Mo Business Alliance must cloud over, my Heavenly Star Business Alliance may seize this opportunity, waits for an opportunity to annex the sphere of influence of Heavenly Star Business Alliance control, expands our influences.” “那人的天赋确实可怕,但天赋并不代表一切,被剑魔盯上他死定了,而他一旦被杀,墨玉颜就没了依仗,到时古墨商盟又要变天,我天星商盟可抓住这个机会,伺机吞并天星商盟控制的势力范围,壮大我们的势力。” Wears the perse long gown, hair was gray, keeps wisp of long fine beard, the eye profound such as the old man of sea has been drinking tea, said slowly. 一名身穿深灰色长袍,头发花白,留着一缕长髯,眼睛深邃如海的老者喝了一口茶水,缓缓地说道。 But this grey clothes old man is the Xing Wudao father, Heavenly Star Business Alliance old Alliance Chief , just broke through to Star Sea that Level 3 Profound Beast Ancestor Realm goes out. 而这名灰衣老者乃是星无道的父亲,天星商盟的老盟主,刚刚突破到三级玄兽宗境界出关的星海 Un, when we have nibbled Ancient Mo Business Alliance little, wins seabed cave mansion key that Mo Yuyan grasped, we can full power cope with Lone Cloud Business Alliance , when we seize the Lone Cloud Business Alliance key again, the seabed cave mansion is my Heavenly Star Business Alliance is in sole possession.” “嗯,等我们一点点蚕食了古墨商盟,夺走了墨玉颜掌握的海底洞府钥匙,我们就能全力对付孤云商盟,等我们再夺孤云商盟的钥匙,海底洞府就是我天星商盟独有的了。” In the Xing Wudao flat eye jumps projects the thick ambition, falls into to the happy fantasy during. 星无道扁平的眼睛中迸射出浓浓的野心,陷入到美好的幻想之中。 Old Alliance Chief , Alliance Chief , is not good, that evil star ran up to my Heavenly Star Business Alliance !” “老盟主,盟主,不好了,那个煞星跑到我天星商盟了!” Suddenly, the sound that is panic-stricken together conveys from afar, pulled back from the happy fantasy Xing Wudao . 突然,一道惊慌失措的声音远远传来,将星无道从美好的幻想中拉了回来。 How, to have had an accident, who came.” Xing Wudao looks runs in the subordinate in main hall in a hurry, complexion bad saying. “怎么了,出什么事了,谁来了。”星无道看着匆匆跑进大殿的手下,脸色不善的说道。 Is that Ye Chenfeng!” The Heavenly Star Business Alliance disciple reported. “就是那个叶晨风!”天星商盟弟子禀告道。 Ye Chenfeng!” Xing Wudao muttered one, has stood on the chair fiercely, the complexion drastic change said: You said that Ye Chenfeng ran our Heavenly Star Business Alliance , his hadn't could it be been killed by the sword demon?” 叶晨风!”星无道喃喃一声,猛地在椅子上站了起来,脸色剧变道:“你说那个叶晨风跑我们天星商盟了,他难道没有被剑魔杀死?” Xing Wudao already through placing in the Ancient Mo Business Alliance informer, has learned the Ye Chenfeng name, when he knew, Ye Chenfeng not only had not been killed by the sword demon, but also appears when Heavenly Star Business Alliance outside, in the heart has raised the dreadful rough seas. 星无道早就通过安插在古墨商盟的眼线,获知了叶晨风的名字,当他得知,叶晨风不但没有被剑魔杀死,还出现在天星商盟外面时,心中掀起了滔天大浪。 could it be has he concealed real strength? Has expelled sword demon?” 难道他隐瞒了真实实力?打跑了剑魔?” Thinks of here, in the Xing Wudao eye has shown color of the scruples. 想到这里,星无道眼睛中透出了浓浓的顾忌之色。 What's wrong, star Alliance Chief thinks that I was killed by the sword demon?” “怎么,星盟主这么想我被剑魔杀死吗?” Has not waited for the Heavenly Star Business Alliance disciple to answer that the unruly sound such as stuffy Thunder Ban resounds in the main hall together. 还未等天星商盟弟子回话,一道桀骜不驯的声音如闷雷般在大殿中响起。 Wears the white long gown, the body is tall and straight, is sending out swift and fierce aura Ye Chenfeng and look from top to bottom is indifferent, the sword spirit puppet of unemotionally deters the Heavenly Star Business Alliance disciple, walks slowly to the central main hall. 身穿白色长袍,身子挺拔,浑身上下散发着凌厉气息的叶晨风与神色冷漠,面无表情的剑灵傀儡震慑住天星商盟弟子,缓缓向中心大殿走来。 Good swift and fierce aura!” “好凌厉的气息!” Felt that Ye Chenfeng sending out the aura, in the Star Sea profound pupil jumps shoots to make a debut a none remaining, when he discovered when Ye Chenfeng sword spirit puppet, in the heart had the thick danger to feel that guessed their purposes in coming in the heart unceasingly, did not have blind make a move. 感觉到叶晨风散发的气息,星海深邃的眸子里迸射出道道精光,不过当他发现叶晨风身边的剑灵傀儡时,心中产生了浓浓的危险感觉,不断在心中揣测他们的来意,没有盲目出手 Ye Chenfeng, what wants to cope with your Ancient Mo Business Alliance is the black demon, is not my Heavenly Star Business Alliance , what do you come my Heavenly Star Business Alliance to make?” Xing Wudao very good has concealed the shock of innermost feelings, looks that stroll enters the Ye Chenfeng two people of main hall, sound low and deep asking. 叶晨风,想要对付你古墨商盟的是黑魔,不是我天星商盟,你来我天星商盟做什么?”星无道很好的掩饰了内心的震惊,看着闲庭信步般走进大殿的叶晨风二人,声音低沉的问道。 Our priest and disciple are unsolicited really have matter, we want to ask a thing to star Alliance Chief , the thing attains, we leave immediately.” Ye Chenfeng light saying. “我们师徒二人不请自来确实有事,我们想向星盟主求一件东西,东西拿到,我们立即离开。”叶晨风淡淡的说道。 Priests and disciples!” “师徒!” Knew that Ye Chenfeng and relations of sword spirit puppet, Xing Wudao , Star Sea and the others threw the awe look to the sword spirit puppet immediately. 得知叶晨风与剑灵傀儡的关系,星无道,星海等人立即向剑灵傀儡投去了敬畏的眼神。 They guessed, repels sword demon truly is not Ye Chenfeng, but is this mysterious master. 他们猜测,真正击退剑魔的不是叶晨风,而是他这个神秘的师傅。 Does not know that what you do want?” “不知你们想要什么?” Felt that the sword spirit puppet fearfulness, Xing Wudao bears the anger in heart, asked in a low voice. 感觉到剑灵傀儡的可怕,星无道忍住心中的怒火,低声问道。 We want the seabed cave mansion key.” Ye Chenfeng looks at the Xing Wudao serious face, light saying. “我们想要海底洞府钥匙。”叶晨风看着星无道严肃的面孔,淡淡的说道。 This is impossible, you want do not think that the seabed cave mansion key, we will not give you.” Face darken incomparable Xing Wudao wants not to think that the direct veto said. “这不可能,你们想都不要想,海底洞府钥匙,我们绝不会给你们。”脸色阴沉无比的星无道想都没想,直接否决道。 He has a dream has not thought that he just still in hitting other two big business pledge hands the idea of key, some people demanded immediately the key on own hand. 他做梦也没有想到,自己刚刚还在打其他两大商盟手中钥匙的主意,立即就有人索要自己手上的钥匙。 If no scruples sword spirit puppet, angry Xing Wudao already make a move taught lawless Ye Chenfeng. 如果不是顾忌剑灵傀儡,恼怒的星无道早就出手教训无法无天的叶晨风了。 Star Alliance Chief , we come sincerely, you will not make us return empty-handed.” “星盟主,我们诚恳而来,你们不会让我们空手而归吧。” Looks Xing Wudao gloomy several face that wants the drop water leakage to come, Ye Chenfeng shows a faint smile, fearless saying. 看着星无道阴沉的几欲滴出水来的面孔,叶晨风微微一笑,毫无畏惧的说道。 Ye Chenfeng, were you too extremely arrogant, do not think that repelled the sword demon, can not pay attention to my Heavenly Star Business Alliance , tells you, compelled anxiously us, I made you come but not return.” 叶晨风,你们是不是太狂妄了,你们不要以为击退剑魔,就可以不将我天星商盟放在眼里,告诉你们,逼急了我们,我让你有来无回。” Xing Wudao cannot control the anger in heart again, a palm racket has broken to pieces table for eight, as if a enraged lion, the angry glare looks in all directions is staring Ye Chenfeng, the loud warning said. 星无道再也控制不住心中的怒火,一掌拍碎了身边的八仙桌,仿佛一只被激怒的狮子,怒目四顾的瞪着叶晨风,大声警告道。 It seems like star Alliance Chief did not prepare to hand over the seabed cave mansion key.” “看来星盟主是不准备交出海底洞府钥匙了。” Stands starts talking in Ye Chenfeng sword spirit puppet suddenly, the knife sharp vision jumps to shoot in his eyes, the dreadful imposing manner in his body erupting, making Xing Wudao and the others have a feeling of suffocation. 站在叶晨风身边的剑灵傀儡突然开口说话,刀子般锋利的目光在他眼睛中迸射而出,他身体中爆发出的滔天气势,让星无道等人有一种窒息的感觉。 Level 5 Profound Beast Ancestor!” 五级玄兽宗!” Felt that sword spirit puppet sending out swift and fierce aura, Star Sea, Xing Wudao and the others the complexion crazily changes, being critical situation visits him. 感觉到剑灵傀儡散发的凌厉气息,星海,星无道等人脸色狂变,如临大敌的看着他。 Your excellency bluffs and blusters in my Heavenly Star Business Alliance , was disrespectful?” “阁下在我天星商盟耀武扬威,是不是太失礼了?” In the sword spirit puppet erupts the formidable aura, the low and deep sound resounds in the depressing main hall together. 就在剑灵傀儡爆发强大的气息时,一道低沉的声音在压抑的大殿中响起。 Wears the linen long gown, some body rickets, the hair snow white Ancient Mo Business Alliance Supreme Elder nebula is leaning on the shining walking stick slightly, walked slowly. 身穿麻布长袍,身体微微有些佝偻,头发雪白的古墨商盟太上长老星云拄着金灿灿的拐杖,缓缓地走了过来。 But in flash that the nebula presents, innumerable Array Talisman(s) appeared in the main hall, collected might enormous killing array instantaneously, covered Ye Chenfeng and sword spirit puppet in inside. 而在星云出现的一瞬间,无数阵纹出现在了大殿之中,瞬间汇集成了一座威力极大的杀阵,将叶晨风与剑灵傀儡笼罩在了里面。
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