EDSG :: Volume #3

#201: The defense is invincible

Buzz!” “嗡!” The sword glow that shocks everybody together raises in luxuriant shrubberies, has crushed the trim shrubbery instantaneously, cut to the sword demon of complexion big change. 一道惊世骇俗的剑芒在一片茂盛的灌木丛中升起,瞬间粉碎了整片灌木丛,斩向了脸色大变的剑魔。 Demon kills the sword!” “魔杀剑!” The sword demon has not thought that in the wooded mountain is hiding peerless expert, in the hand the long sword void stroke, the jet black sword glow cuts the space together, shells with the sword glow that the sword spirit puppet chops together. 剑魔没有想到山林中隐藏着一个绝世高手,手中长剑虚空一划,一道漆黑剑芒划破空间,与剑灵傀儡劈出的剑芒轰击在一起。 Level 5 Profound Beast Ancestor.” 五级玄兽宗。” A firmly resist sword spirit puppet sword, the sword demon complexion changes, he is unable to imagine, by own soul sensation strength, suddenly has not realized in the wooded mountain to have expert to exist. 硬憾剑灵傀儡一剑,剑魔脸色微变,他无法想象,以自己灵魂感知力,竟然没有察觉到山林中有高手存在。 Master, this person gave you.” “师傅,此人交给你了。” When two people fight, Ye Chenfeng treadons Form Displacement Phantom, appears in the sword spirit puppet behind, shouts loudly. 二人交手之际,叶晨风脚踏移形幻影,出现在剑灵傀儡身后,大声喊道。 You dodge one side, I cope with him, cuts his life.” In sword spirit puppet eye jumps projects also wants the dazzling ray compared with the stars, overbearing saying. “你闪到一边,我来对付他,斩他性命。”剑灵傀儡眼睛中迸射出比星辰还要刺目的光芒,霸道的说道。 Big tone, I must have a look but actually, how you kill me.” “好大的口气,我倒要看看,你怎么杀我。” The sword demon complexion sinks, giant machairdus phantom appears in him behind, face upwards to cry loud and long along with the machairdus, soul power in sword demon body erupts instantaneously, rapid such as the lightning sword burr has approached the sword spirit puppet chest together. 剑魔脸色一沉,一只巨大的剑齿虎虚影浮现在他身后,随着剑齿虎仰天长啸一声,剑魔身体中的魂力瞬间爆发,一道迅如闪电的剑芒刺向了剑灵傀儡的胸口。 Facing a sword demon thunderclap sword, the sword spirit puppet does not fend, welcomes the fearful sword glow to rush. 面对剑魔这迅雷一剑,剑灵傀儡根本不闪避,迎着可怕的剑芒冲了上去。 Courts death!” “找死!” The sword demon has not thought that the sword spirit puppet does not fend own attack unexpectedly, wants to resist with oneself body, has shown the fierce smiling face. 剑魔没想到,剑灵傀儡竟然不闪避自己的攻击,想用自己身躯进行抵挡,露出了狰狞的笑容。 But the next quarter, on his face the fierce smiling face coagulated, the opacitas eye stares perfectly round, has revealed fantasy touching type. 但下一刻,他脸上狰狞的笑容凝固了,浑浊的眼睛瞪得滚圆,露出了活见鬼的摸样。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Divided the sword spirit puppet chest like thunderclap sword glow sharply, just like dividing above profound iron, surged a spark, has not actually injured to the sword spirit puppet is tiny bit. 锋利如迅雷般的剑芒劈中了剑灵傀儡的胸口,宛如劈在玄铁之上,激荡起道道火花,却没有伤到剑灵傀儡一分一毫。 In sword demon reveals the thick panic-stricken color, the sword spirit puppet is rapid the sword, the endless sword shade swept across to the sword demon, forcing him to fend distressedly. 就在剑魔露出浓浓的惊骇之色时,剑灵傀儡迅速出剑,无尽的剑影席卷向了剑魔,逼迫他狼狈闪避。 The opportunity that a sword seizes, the sword spirit puppet offensive kept, chops a sword another sword, suddenly, dozens sword glow have cut the expansive sky, has blocked sword demon all fending spaces. 一剑抢的先机,剑灵傀儡攻势不停,劈出了一剑又一剑,眨眼之间,数十道剑芒划破了长空,封死了剑魔所有的闪避空间。 Demon kills the sword!” “魔杀剑!” Evades not to be possible to evade, six heavy sword momentum spurt in the sword demon body comes out thinly, he grasps the high-grade Earth Weapon long sword, punctured one just like the black flood dragon sword glow, wanted to tear the attack of sword spirit puppet forcefully. 避无可避,六重剑势在剑魔身体中喷薄出来,他手持上品地器长剑,刺出了一道宛如黑蛟般的剑芒,想要强行撕裂剑灵傀儡的攻击。 The demon that the sword demon displays kills the sword might, although is strong, each sword that but the sword spirit puppet chops, the might is very terrifying, dozens sword glow sweep across recklessly in the same place, the striking power that creates rumbles sufficiently the broken mountain top. 剑魔施展的魔杀剑威力虽强,但剑灵傀儡劈出的每一剑,威力都十分恐怖,数十道剑芒肆意席卷在一起,造成的攻击力足以轰碎一座山头。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The demon kills the sword glow that the sword chops wreaks havoc to sweep across to come, immediately shivers, resisted two breath merely, the demon has killed the sword to be broken to pieces by the sword glow bang that the sword spirit puppet interwove. 魔杀剑劈中肆虐席卷而来的剑芒,立即颤抖起来,仅仅抵御了两个呼吸,魔杀剑就被剑灵傀儡交织的剑芒轰碎了。 The sword glow that the remaining prestige does not reduce divided the body of sword demon full power defense continuously, the high-grade Earth Weapon armor that he wore, the flaws of piercing, the massive blood uncontrolled flowed. 余威不减的剑芒连续劈中了剑魔全力防御的身体,将他身穿的上品地器护甲,洞穿的千疮百孔,大量的鲜血不受控制的流淌出来。 Interweaves dozens sword glow to wound the sword demon, the sword spirit puppet body dodges, suddenly approached the whole body is the sword demon of blood, near body launched the attack to him. 交织出数十道剑芒击伤剑魔,剑灵傀儡身子一闪,突然逼近了满身是血的剑魔,近身向他发动攻击。 The sword demon is proud, may be called in same level boundary the top attack and speed, facing the defense invincible sword spirit puppet, is actually at a loss, the superiority was restrained completely, falls into to passive in quickly, can only put forth the skills, melts the sword spirit puppet fierce attack. 剑魔引以为豪,在同等境界中堪称顶尖的攻击和速度,面对防御无敌的剑灵傀儡,却束手无策,优势被完全克制,很快陷入到被动之中,只能使出浑身解数,化解剑灵傀儡凶猛的攻击。 Slowly, the defensive power of sword demon is getting more and more weak, the counter-attack speed also starts becomes slow, he knows that develops according to this type, own defense will be broken by the sword spirit puppet sooner or later, at the appointed time, oneself will be more dangerous. 慢慢的,剑魔的防御力越来越弱,反击速度也开始变得缓慢,他知道,照这个样发展下去,自己的防御早晚会被剑灵傀儡破掉,到时,自己将更危险。 Hateful, what freak this person is, why defends fearfully so? could it be does he wear the Heavenly Artifact armor?” “可恶,此人到底是什么怪胎,为什么防御如此的可怕?难道他身穿天器护甲?” The sword demon felt that he most little has more than 1000 swords to divide on the sword spirit puppet body, but he has not actually flowed out a drop of blood, receives an injury, this makes him suspect that the sword spirit puppet has worn the armor of Heavenly Artifact rank, has not doubted his identity. 剑魔感觉,自己最少有1000多剑劈在剑灵傀儡身体上,但他却没有流出一滴鲜血,受到一丝伤害,这让他怀疑剑灵傀儡身穿了天器等级的护甲,并未怀疑他的身份。 After all, refines this grade of puppet, has far exceeded the sword demon cognition category, making him not go to think. 毕竟,炼制这等傀儡,远远超出了剑魔的认知范畴,让他没有去想。 Thunder Shajian!” “雷杀剑!” The sword demon that is repulsed again and again explodes drinks one, billowing soul power interlocks with six heavy sword momentum in the same place, chops him currently to grasp a strongest sword. 连连败退的剑魔爆喝一声,滚滚魂力与六重剑势交错在一起,劈出了他目前掌握最强的一剑。 A sword chops, Heaven and Earth altogether shakes, six heavy sword momentum transformed just like the lightning sword glow, the bang has broken to pieces the heavily air, divided to the sword spirit puppet frailest head. 一剑劈出,天地共震,六重剑势幻化出一道道宛如闪电的剑芒,轰碎了重重空气,劈向了剑灵傀儡最为脆弱的脑袋。 Thunder intent! Really, this sword demon, although is inferior to me to the comprehension of sword momentum, but he understanding to sword momentum is actually not I can compare, just I had not compelled his strongest strength, will therefore have achieved nothing.” “雷意!果然,这剑魔虽然对剑势的领悟不如我,但他对剑势的理解却不是我能比的,刚刚我没有逼出他的最强实力,所以才会一无所获。” Looks to strangle to death the air, is similar to the heavenly thunders sword glow, Ye Chenfeng knows, oneself understanding to sword momentum also by far insufficient, if oneself want to go a step further, the road that comprehension in-depth sword intent, must take is very long. 看着绞杀着空气,如同一道道天雷的剑芒,叶晨风知道,自己对剑势的理解还远远不够,自己要想更进一步,领悟更深层的剑意,要走的路还很长。 Strongest Soul Skill that the sword demon displays, the sword spirit puppet has still not fended, his body is similar to a handle peerless treasured sword, is congealing ruinous sword momentum, chops to Thunder Shajian who the sword glow has displayed, has torn Thunder Shajian stiffly. 剑魔施展的最强魂技袭来,剑灵傀儡依然没有闪避,他身体如同一柄绝世宝剑,凝结着毁灭性的剑势,劈向了剑芒施展的雷杀剑,硬生生撕裂了雷杀剑。 Anything, his could it be is not a person.” “什么,他难道不是人。” Witnesses the sword spirit puppet head by crowded the thunder light remaining prestige attack, by an injury, the sword demon innermost feelings had not been trembled, finally suspects the sword spirit puppet the status. 目睹剑灵傀儡脑袋遭到密集的雷光余威攻击,没受一丝伤害,剑魔内心一颤,终于怀疑起剑灵傀儡的身份来。 But at this time, speed extremely quick sword spirit puppet near body, with the hand sword, launched the attack to the sword demon once more continuously, forcing him to be repulsed again and again, sprouts has drawn back intent. 但这时,速度极快的剑灵傀儡再次近身,以手化剑,连续向剑魔发动攻击,逼迫他连连败退,萌生了退意。 soul power combustion!” 魂力燃烧!” Being surrounded by perils sword demon took a deep breath, did not hesitate the combustion of price own soul power, the maximum degree has promoted the strength, displayed Thunder Shajian once more, wanted to compel to draw back the sword spirit puppet, left rapidly. 险象环生的剑魔深吸一口气,不惜代价的燃烧了自身的魂力,最大程度提升了实力,再次施展雷杀剑,想要将剑灵傀儡逼退,迅速离开。 But he stimulates the potential most strikes the bombardment when the sword spirit puppet body, is still unable to cause any damage to the sword spirit puppet. 可是他激发潜力的最强一击轰击在剑灵傀儡身体上时,依然无法对剑灵傀儡造成任何的伤害。 When his mind vacillates, continuously waiting opportunity Ye Chenfeng make a move. 就在他心神动摇之际,一直等待机会的叶晨风出手了。 The soaring Dragon's Roar sound resounds in the Ye Chenfeng body together, great perfection sword momentum, 300,000 jin (0.5 kg) strength poured into Ju Que Heavenly Sword completely, the fearful strength vibrated the air to present the crowded water ripple. 一道高昂的龙吟声在叶晨风身体中响起,圆满剑势,300000斤之力全部灌入到了巨阙天剑中,可怕的力量震动着空气出现了密集的水波纹。 Ruling seven swords, Extreme Cold !” 裁决七剑,寒极!” Own striking power reached limit, Ye Chenfeng has controlled great perfection sword momentum, deduced the strength of Grand Dao forcefully, displays him currently to grasp most struck. 自身的攻击力达到了极限,叶晨风控制圆满剑势,强行推演大道之力,施展了他目前掌握的最强一击。 Is flooding the sword glow of extreme cold air just like together the meteor, is freezing the air, shelled to the sword demon body, wanted to coordinate the sword spirit puppet to strike to kill him. 充斥着极度寒气的剑芒宛如一道流星,冻结着空气,轰击向了剑魔的身体,想要配合剑灵傀儡将他击杀。 Thunder Shajian, kills tribulation!” “雷杀剑,杀劫!” The critical time, burnt the soul power sword demon to spout several blood continuously, took giving blood as the intermediary, took the body as to direct, divided just like the everywhere crazy thunder struck. 危急时刻,燃烧着魂力的剑魔连续喷出了数口鲜血,以献血为媒,以身体为引,劈出了宛如漫天狂雷的一击。 Two formidable shells in together, eruption strength heaven-shaking moves, the surrounding area vegetation within one li (0.5km) burns to extinguish instantaneously, the earth has also covered entirely the fissure of spreading across. 两股强大的轰击在一起,爆发的力量惊天动地,方圆一里内的植被瞬间焚灭,大地也布满了纵横交错的裂痕。 !” “噗!” Killing tribulation that the firmly resist sword demon displays, the Extreme Cold sword glow crushes instantaneously, Ye Chenfeng also fearful overawed to fly, in the mouth sprayed the massive blood. 硬憾剑魔施展的杀劫,寒极剑芒瞬间粉碎,叶晨风也被可怕的余威震飞了出去,嘴巴中喷洒出大量的鲜血。 When sword demon dependence absolute strength, heavy injury Ye Chenfeng, the sword spirit puppet has crashed in the destruction storm suddenly, bursts out several sharp sword glow, attacked to the body consumption serious sword demon. 剑魔依靠绝对的实力,重创叶晨风之际,剑灵傀儡突然冲进了毁灭风暴中,迸发出数道锋利的剑芒,攻击向了身体消耗严重的剑魔。 Under a round fly upon, the sword demon body encounters heavy injury, fierce bloodstains, have covered entirely his body. 一轮猛烈攻击下,剑魔身体遭到重创,一道道狰狞的血痕,布满了他的身体。 Sword demon strength is fearful, by formidable soul power, weakened sword spirit puppet round fly upon forcefully, his body was already twisted the hashed meat by the fearful sword glow. 要不是剑魔实力可怕,凭借强大的魂力,强行削弱了剑灵傀儡这轮猛烈攻击,他身体早就被可怕的剑芒绞成了碎肉。 Blood escapes!” “血遁!” The body by sword spirit puppet heavy injury, the sword demon is not dared to stop over again, has detonated a white crystal stone rapidly, erupts the massive dense fog, after having covered up own body, does not hesitate the price displayed escaped to the body damage blood enormously, changes to together the blood light, escaped to the wooded mountain, suddenly vanished does not see. 身体被剑灵傀儡重创,剑魔不敢再逗留下去,迅速引爆了一颗白色晶石,爆发出大量的迷雾,遮掩了自己的身体后,不惜代价的施展了对身体损伤极大地血遁,化作一道血光,向山林外逃去,眨眼之间消失不见。
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