EDSG :: Volume #2

#200: Sword potential showdown

You really comprehend great perfection realm sword momentum.” “你果然将剑势领悟到圆满境界。” In the eye of sword demon pollution jumps projects like the knife sharp vision, looks to shoulder both hands, sword momentum dreadful Ye Chenfeng, fighting intent soaring saying. 剑魔浑浊的眼睛中迸射出如刀子般锋利的目光,看着背负双手,剑势滔天的叶晨风,战意高昂的说道。 „Is your excellency?” “阁下是?” The Ye Chenfeng pupil contracts the most dangerous pinhole shape, looks at the sword demon skinny face, asked in a low voice. 叶晨风瞳孔收缩成最危险的针孔状,看着剑魔枯瘦的面孔,低声问道。 Although comprehension of sword demon to sword momentum is well below him, but comprehends six heavy day of boundaries sword momentum, but the sword demon actually gives him the extremely dangerous feeling, he does not doubt, the sword demon has to strike to kill own strength. 虽然剑魔对剑势的领悟远远不及他,只是将剑势领悟到六重天境界,但剑魔却给他极度危险的感觉,他毫不怀疑,剑魔拥有击杀自己的实力。 I called the sword demon, was the black demon second in command, today I come am kill your.” Sword demon sound cloudy and cold saying. “我叫剑魔,是黑魔的二当家,今天我来是来杀你的。”剑魔声音阴冷的说道。 But when he spoke, within the body sword momentum condensed instantaneously, turns into a handle to cut the day of crack place the great sword, was carrying the formidable destructive power, a sword cut to Ye Chenfeng. 而他说话之际,体内剑势瞬间凝聚,化成了一柄斩天裂地的巨剑,携带着强大的破坏力,一剑斩向了叶晨风 great perfection sword momentum!” 圆满剑势!” The sword demon condenses sword momentum to cut, Ye Chenfeng within the body great perfection sword momentum gushes out, the direct impact vault of heaven, the fearful sword prestige is mixing the air, a sword broke the sword momentum attack of sword demon release. 剑魔凝聚剑势斩来,叶晨风体内圆满剑势喷薄而出,直冲苍穹,可怕的剑威搅动着空气,一剑破掉了剑魔释放的剑势攻击。 Level 5 Profound Beast Ancestor peak!” 五级玄兽宗巅峰!” When fights, Ye Chenfeng with the aid of the Devouring God Brain ability, finds out by secret inquiry the sword demon the real strength, felt the huge pressure. 交手之际,叶晨风借助噬神脑的能力,探知出剑魔的真实实力,感到了巨大的压力。 „The great perfection sword momentum might is really fearful.” 圆满剑势果然威力可怕。” The experience to the great perfection sword momentum might, the eye of sword demon pollution becomes bright. 见识到圆满剑势的威力,剑魔浑浊的眼睛变得更加的明亮。 Is stranded in the sword momentum six heavy days ten years of he, had been vainly hoping for fights with the top swordsman, through fighting to deepen to the comprehension of sword momentum, thus makes itself break through to the sword momentum sevenfold days and even eight heavy days. 困在剑势六重天十余年的他,一直梦想着与顶级剑客交手,通过交手加深对剑势的领悟,从而让自己突破到剑势七重天乃至八重天。 But the strength was inferior that own Ye Chenfeng best fighting object, lets him as if one had found a treasure. 而实力远不如自己的叶晨风正是最佳的交手对象,让他如获至宝。 As for striking to kill Ye Chenfeng, he does not worry, in his opinion, by the Ye Chenfeng Level 4 Heavenly Beast Immortal Realm strength, oneself wants to kill him, the minutes and seconds sufficed. 至于击杀叶晨风,他并不着急,在他看来,以叶晨风四级天兽仙境界实力,自己想要杀他,分分秒秒就够了。 sword momentum six heavy days, hundred heavy swords.” 剑势六重天,百重剑。” The sword demon explodes drinks one, six heavy sword momentum spurt to be thin his body, the straight thrust vault of heaven, making the vault of heaven change color. 剑魔爆喝一声,六重剑势喷薄出他的身体,直刺苍穹,让苍穹都为之变色。 Suddenly, the sword momentum six heavy days of sword demon release transform over a hundred heavy sword shades, just like the great waves of tumbling, the bombardment of single layer then single layer to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to twist broken him. 眨眼之间,剑魔释放的剑势六重天幻化成百重剑影,宛如翻滚的浪涛,一重接着一重的轰击向了叶晨风,想要将他绞碎。 „To practice the sword with me!” “想拿我练剑!” The sword momentum attack that the sword demon launches although is swift and fierce, but is actually only the pure sword momentum strength, has not doped soul power, cannot threaten the Ye Chenfeng life. 剑魔发动的剑势攻击虽然凌厉,但却只是单纯的剑势力量,没有掺杂一丝魂力,根本威胁不到叶晨风的性命。 This makes him realize that sword demon the intention, the corners of the mouth go up slightly, releases great perfection sword momentum to move forward to meet somebody without hesitation. 这让他察觉出剑魔的意图,嘴角微微上翘,毫不犹豫释放圆满剑势迎了上去。 Two formidable sword momentum clash the same place, clashes the same place just like two rivers and streams, has raised the endless great waves, flaws of air tearing. 两股强大的剑势对撞到一起,宛如两条江河对撞到一起,掀起了无尽的浪涛,将空气撕裂的千疮百孔。 This sword demon to sword momentum comprehension, although is inferior to me, but he understanding to sword momentum actually above me, perhaps through with his fighting, can make me deepen the understanding to sword momentum.” “这剑魔对剑势的领悟虽然不如我,但他对剑势的理解却在我之上,也许通过与他的交手,可以让我加深对剑势的理解。” Of Ye Chenfeng in the heart discussed that stimulates to movement the great perfection sword momentum resistance sword demon the offensive, while controls the understanding of Devouring God Brain sensibility sword demon to sword momentum. 叶晨风在心中默念道,一边催动圆满剑势抵御剑魔的攻势,一边控制噬神脑感悟剑魔对剑势的理解。 sword momentum that as two people release is getting more and more violent, intense collision of two fearful sword momentum in midair, surges the endless spark. 随着二人释放的剑势越来越猛烈,两股可怕的剑势在半空中激烈碰撞,激荡起无尽的火花。 Because they fight destructive power that creates to be too big, the Ancient Mo Business Alliance construction collapsed, the earth was also shaken has covered entirely the sword mark, fierce shivering. 由于他们二人交手造成的破坏力太大,大片大片的古墨商盟建筑倒塌了,大地也被震得布满了剑痕,剧烈的颤抖。 Elder Mei, had the enemy to come.” 梅长老,是不是有敌人来了。” Outside hears the huge vibration sound, tired Mo Yuyan in the room, looks at Elder Mei that catches up with hurriedly immediately, asked loudly. 听到外面巨大的震动声,一脸疲惫的墨玉颜立即在屋中走了出来,看着急匆匆赶来的梅长老,大声问道。 „It is not good the young lady, the black demon No. 2 character sword demon is near suddenly my Ancient Mo Business Alliance, now Young Master Ye is fighting with him.” Elder Mei anxious reporting. “不好了小姐,黑魔二号人物剑魔突临我古墨商盟,如今叶公子正与他交手。”梅长老焦急的禀告道。 Anything, the black demon sends the sword demon to cope with us unexpectedly, Elder Mei, Chenfeng has the danger.” The Mo Yuyan complexion big change, can not help call out in alarm. “什么,黑魔竟然派剑魔对付我们,梅长老,晨风是不是有危险。”墨玉颜脸色大变,情不自禁惊呼起来。 Mo Yuyan fully realizes the sword demon the fearfulness, even if the 3-Star island first person, Heavenly Star Business Alliance Supreme Elder is not the sword demon match, this makes him worry for Ye Chenfeng. 墨玉颜深知剑魔的可怕,就算是三星岛第一人,天星商盟太上长老也不是剑魔的对手,这让他为叶晨风担忧起来。 Yeah, the strength of sword demon is too fearful, cannot add on Young Master Ye anything busy by our strengths, we can only pray that Young Master Ye also has the card in a hand, can repel the sword demon, otherwise he is perhaps difficult the running away sword demon the violent treachery.” Elder Mei sighed gently, heavyhearted saying. “哎,剑魔的实力太可怕,以我们的实力根本帮不上叶公子什么忙,我们只能祈祷叶公子还有底牌,可以击退剑魔,否则他恐怕难逃剑魔的毒手。”梅长老轻轻叹息一声,忧心忡忡的说道。 Card in a hand, what card in a hand can make Chenfeng surmount a big boundary to defeat the sword demon?” Looks at the distant place intensely to reprimanding sword momentum, Mo Yuyan bites the lip tightly, innermost feelings restless is getting more and more intense. “底牌,什么样的底牌能让晨风跨越一个大境界战胜剑魔呢?”看着远处激烈对斥的剑势,墨玉颜紧咬嘴唇,内心的不安越来越强烈。 How, to have had an accident, Chenfeng is fighting with any person!” “怎么了,出什么事了,晨风在与什么人交手!” At this time, heard the huge sound Yue Nishang to stop the practice, arrived at the Ancient Mo Business Alliance front courtyard in a hurry, when she felt in the sky transmitted the suffocating sword momentum strength, anxious asking. 这时,听到巨大动静的月霓裳停止了修炼,匆匆来到了古墨商盟前院,当她感觉到天空中传来让人窒息的剑势力量时,紧张的问道。 Is the black demon second in command, the Level 5 Profound Beast Ancestor Realm sword demon.” Mo Yuyan knows in a soft voice. “是黑魔的二当家,五级玄兽宗境界的剑魔。”墨玉颜轻声告知道。 Anything, Level 5 Profound Beast Ancestor!” “什么,五级玄兽宗!” When Yue Nishang knew when sword demon strength, the complexion great change, wants not to think that immediately flushed, wants to help Ye Chenfeng cope with the sword demon. 月霓裳得知剑魔的实力时,脸色巨变,想都没想,立即冲了出去,想要帮叶晨风对付剑魔。 Níshang, do not come, I can cope with him, does not need to be worried for me.” Felt that the Yue Nishang aura appears, stimulates to movement the sword momentum attack Ye Chenfeng to send greetings unceasingly immediately said that for fear that his make a move attacks the fencing demon, encounters the danger. 霓裳,你不要过来,我能对付他,不用为我担心。”感觉到月霓裳气息出现,不断催动剑势攻击的叶晨风立即传音说道,生怕他出手攻击剑魔,遭遇危险。 sword momentum six heavy days, myriad sword tides!” 剑势六重天,万千剑潮!” When Ye Chenfeng diverts attention, the sword demon maximum degree stimulates to movement the sword momentum might, turned into myriad sword tides, swept across to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to suppress his sword momentum, continued to compel his potential, had been sensed by oneself. 叶晨风分心之际,剑魔最大程度催动剑势的威力,化成了万千剑潮,席卷向了叶晨风,想要压制他的剑势,继续逼出他的潜力,让自己有所感悟。 great perfection sword momentum, melts the strength of Grand Dao, broken!” 圆满剑势,化大道之力,破!” But Ye Chenfeng discovered that he is unable in fighting deepens from sword demon that the understanding to sword momentum, gave up with him the thought that continues to pester, stimulates to movement great perfection sword momentum to evolve the strength of Grand Dao forcefully, easily accomplished crushes myriad sword tides that has raided, shells to the sword demon that the complexion changed. 叶晨风发现,自己无法在交手中从剑魔那加深对剑势的理解,放弃了与他继续纠缠的念头,强行催动圆满剑势演化大道之力,摧枯拉朽般粉碎了袭来的万千剑潮,轰击向了脸色微变的剑魔。 What is this attacks?” “这是什么攻击?” Felt the strength of Grand Dao great perfection sword momentum evolves is extremely fearful, the sword demon released formidable soul power without hesitation, the bang has broken to pieces the strength of Grand Dao, the endless storm filled the air in the midair. 感觉到圆满剑势演化的大道之力极其可怕,剑魔毫不犹豫释放强大的魂力,轰碎了大道之力,无尽的风暴弥漫在半空中。 Holds the instance of strength of sword demon firmly resist Grand Dao, Ye Chenfeng treadons Form Displacement Phantom, runs away to the wooded mountain of Ancient Mo Business Alliance Northwest at the extremely quick speed. 抓住剑魔硬憾大道之力的瞬间,叶晨风脚踏移形幻影,以极快的速度向古墨商盟西北方的山林逃去。 Where walks!” “哪里走!” The sword demon saw that Ye Chenfeng must run suddenly, the back long sword comes out of the sheath, the sharp sword glow cuts the air together, pierced at the extremely quick speed to the back of Ye Chenfeng. 剑魔看到叶晨风突然要跑,背后的长剑出鞘,一道锋利的剑芒划破空气,以极快的速度洞穿向了叶晨风的后背。 Ye Chenfeng soul sensation strength what kind keen, in the sword demon make a move instance, his body in a flash, transforms nine speed remnant shades slightly, fends the attack of sword demon , to continue rushes to the wooded mountain direction. 叶晨风灵魂感知力何等的敏锐,在剑魔出手的瞬间,他身子微微一晃,幻化出九道速度残影,闪避开剑魔的攻击,继续向山林方向奔去。 Demon kills the sword!” “魔杀剑!” The sword demon dependence absolute speed, pulls closer among the distance with Ye Chenfeng, the high-grade Earth Weapon long sword in hand delimits has flashed through together the black sword glow, is carrying the formidable demon air/Qi, cut to Ye Chenfeng. 剑魔依靠绝对的速度,拉近与叶晨风之间的距离,手中的上品地器长剑划过闪过一道黑色的剑芒,携带着强大的魔气,斩向了叶晨风 Golden Peng bloodlines, speed amplifying!” 金鹏血脉,速度振幅!” Saw the black sword glow that the sword demon chops must chop the Ye Chenfeng body, at this time, Ye Chenfeng stimulated within the body thin Golden Peng bloodlines, rose dramatically once more speed, treadons Form Displacement Phantom, in a short time leapt the revolutions to transfer, fends the black sword glow, has run into the northwest direction wooded mountain successfully. 眼看剑魔劈出的黑色剑芒就要劈中叶晨风身体,这时,叶晨风激发了体内稀薄的金鹏血脉,再次飙升了速度,脚踏移形幻影,在极短的时间内腾转挪移,闪避开了黑色剑芒,成功逃进了西北方向的山林中。 Sword spirit puppet!” “剑灵傀儡!” When Ye Chenfeng leaps forward luxuriant shrubberies, summoned the sword spirit puppet, facing the without a peer sword demon, Ye Chenfeng can only depend upon the sword spirit puppet to resist him. 叶晨风跃进一片茂盛的灌木丛时,将剑灵傀儡召唤了出来,面对不可匹敌的剑魔,叶晨风只能依靠剑灵傀儡对抗他。 Boy, you were too stupid, here you can only die is quicker.” The diving posture enters sword demon sound ice-cold saying of wooded mountain, “小子,你实在太愚蠢了,在这里你只会死的更快。”飞身进入山林的剑魔声音冰冷的说道, Sharp sword glow have struck off massive ancient tree, collapsed along with several hundred ancient tree bang, delayed the Ye Chenfeng traveling speed. 一道道锋利的剑芒击断了大量的古木,随着数百株古木轰塌,延缓了叶晨风的移动速度。 Who dies is uncertain.” The Ye Chenfeng corners of the mouth go up slightly, suddenly shouts: Master, this goods gave you.” “谁死还不一定。”叶晨风嘴角微微上翘,突然喊道:“师傅,这货交给你了。”
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