EDSG :: Volume #3

#204: The danger approaches slowly

Anything, Ancient array cracked!” “什么,古阵裂了!” The defense of sword spirit puppet has made nebula and the others fearful and apprehensive, now sword spirit puppet another sword struck to crack Ancient array, came from the fear in soul most deep place occupied their bodies. 剑灵傀儡的防御已经让星云等人胆战心惊,如今剑灵傀儡又一剑击裂了古阵,一股来自于灵魂最深处的恐惧占据了他们身体。 After a sword, sword spirit puppet launches the attack continuously, first successive divided 6636 swords, the sword sword has torn to pieces the strength of Ancient array, attacked in the Ancient array weak point. 一剑之后,剑灵傀儡连续发动攻击,一连劈出了6636剑,剑剑撕破古阵之力,攻击在古阵薄弱点上。 Dazzling sword glow penetrated Ancient array with irresistible force, is tearing Array Talisman(s), the Ancient array might that significantly weakens, and shakes everything may become vulnerable the main hall unceasingly, the ground is cracked. 璀璨夺目的剑芒势如破竹般击穿了古阵,撕裂着阵纹,大大削弱的古阵的威力,并将大殿震得地动山摇,地面不断地龟裂。 gu, Supreme Elder, what to do we should!” “咕,太上长老,我们该怎么办!” Ancient array by sword spirit puppet tearing, the Xing Wudao throat cannot help but rolled, looks at the complexion extremely ugly nebula, asking of being at a loss. 古阵被剑灵傀儡撕裂,星无道喉咙不由得滚动了一下,看着脸色极其难看的星云,六神无主的问道。 By strength that sword spirit puppet displays, has gone beyond the category of Heavenly Star Business Alliance resistance, Xing Wudao has not doubted, the sword spirit puppet wants to slaughter Heavenly Star Business Alliance , they cannot resist. 以剑灵傀儡表现出的战力,已经超出了天星商盟抵抗的范畴,星无道毫不怀疑,剑灵傀儡想要屠戮天星商盟,他们根本抵挡不住。 Stop, we have the words to say.” The nebula clenched teeth, has borne in heart the humiliation feeling, shouted loudly. “住手,我们有话好说。”星云一咬牙,忍住了心中屈辱的感,大声喊道。 What's wrong, was afraid? Didn't you think now late?” The sword spirit puppet does not bring saying of sentiment. “怎么,害怕了?你们不觉得现在晚了吗?”剑灵傀儡不带一丝感情的说道。 We acknowledged that had underestimated your excellency strength, we are willing to hand over the seabed cave mansion key, and donates your excellency 300,000 Middle Grade Soul Crystal.” In without a peer weak front, nebula low noble head, took a deep breath, weak saying. “我们承认低估了阁下的实力,我们愿意交出海底洞府钥匙,并赠予阁下300000颗中品魂晶。”在不可匹敌的无力面前,星云低下了高贵的头颅,深吸一口气,无力的说道。 Supreme Elder!” 太上长老!” Hears the nebula to comply seabed cave mansion key donation Ye Chenfeng, Xing Wudao , the Star Sea complexion changes, they really do not want to become the Heavenly Star Business Alliance people condemned for all time. 听到星云答应将海底洞府钥匙赠予叶晨风,星无道,星海脸色微变,他们实在不想成为天星商盟的千古罪人。 Do not say, my regard has decided.” The complexion ugly nebula show beckoned with the hand, saying that does not allow to resist. “不要说了,我心意已决。”脸色难看的星云展摆了摆手,不容抗拒的说道。 Attains 30 ten thousand Middle Grade Soul Crystal, the seabed cave mansion key, our master two people leave immediately.” Sword spirit puppet indifferent saying. “拿到30万中品魂晶,海底洞府钥匙,我们师傅二人立即离开。”剑灵傀儡冷漠的说道。 Wicked, takes 30 Middle Grade Soul Crystal to come.” The order that the nebula does not allow to resist said. “无道,去取30颗中品魂晶来。”星云不容抗拒的命令道。 Yes!” “是!” Although is unwilling, but Xing Wudao knows that he has not chosen, obediently went to Hidden treasure house to take Middle Grade Soul Crystal. 虽然心有不甘,但星无道知道,自己没有选择,乖乖地去藏宝库中品魂晶去了。 This is the seabed cave mansion key!” “这把就是海底洞府钥匙!” When Xing Wudao takes the seabed cave mansion key, the nebula along took out dark golden color from universe pouch, the interior is reserved the strange ray key, has given the sword spirit puppet. 星无道取海底洞府钥匙之际,星云从随身的乾坤袋中取出了一把暗金色,内部内敛着奇异光芒的钥匙,交给了剑灵傀儡。 Where Ye Chenfeng once had seen a key of seabed cave mansion in Mo Yuyan, therefore he uses the soul to sweep the key that the nebula has handed over, determines without doubt, the regard order sword spirit puppet received. 叶晨风曾在墨玉颜哪里见过一次海底洞府的钥匙,所以他用灵魂扫了一下星云递来的钥匙,确定无疑,心意命令剑灵傀儡收了起来。 Meets the time, Xing Wudao of face darken walked, was loaded with 300,000 Middle Grade Soul Crystal universe pouch to give Ye Chenfeng one. 一会功夫,脸色阴沉的星无道走了回来,将一个装有300000颗中品魂晶乾坤袋交给了叶晨风 Said goodbye!” “告辞!” Obtained the seabed cave mansion keys and 30 ten thousand Middle Grade Soul Crystal, Ye Chenfeng has not made any stay, bringing energy several recent news sword spirit puppets completely to leave Heavenly Star Business Alliance . 得到了海底洞府钥匙和30万中品魂晶,叶晨风没有做任何的停留,带着能量几近耗尽的剑灵傀儡离开了天星商盟 Supreme Elder, are you resigned to the seabed cave mansion key really to them?” 太上长老,你真的甘心将海底洞府钥匙给他们?” Xing Wudao since governs Heavenly Star Business Alliance , never so aggrieved, was walked in the business pledge by the Ye Chenfeng sword-cane the most precious key, he is unwilling. 星无道自从掌管天星商盟,从未如此的憋屈,被叶晨风二人夺走了商盟中最为珍贵的钥匙,他心有不甘。 You could rest assured that they give the shame that I Heavenly Star Business Alliance brings, I will scrub with their blood.” In the nebula eye flashes through together the color of ruthless burning, cloudy saying. “你们放心,他们给我天星商盟带来的耻辱,我会用他们的血来洗刷。”星云眼睛中闪过一道狠辣之色,阴沉沉的说道。 Supreme Elder, do you have to cope with their means?” The Xing Wudao brow has provoked gently, asked. 太上长老,你有对付他们的办法?”星无道眉头轻轻挑动了一下,问道。 If I expect well, they leave my Heavenly Star Business Alliance , will go to Lone Cloud Business Alliance immediately, wins another key from their hands, in addition the key on Mo Yuyan, they collected turned on all keys of seabed cave mansion.” “如果我所料不错的话,他们离开我天星商盟,会立即前往孤云商盟,从他们手上夺走另一把钥匙,再加上墨玉颜手上的钥匙,他们就凑齐了打开海底洞府的所有钥匙。” They want the monopoly seabed cave mansion, obtains inside chance, I did not make them achieve wishes, I prepared this news, sold to the black demon as well as just returned to the 3-Star island, Black Tortoise King of series several thousand sea areas, I think that they were certainly interested in cooperating with us, at the appointed time we can rely on their two big influences the strengths, struck to kill them.” Nebula sinister saying. “他们想要独占海底洞府,获得里面的机缘,我偏不让他们如愿,我准备将这个消息,卖给黑魔以及刚刚回归三星岛,一统数万海域的玄龟王,我想他们一定有兴趣与我们合作,到时我们就能凭借他们两大势力的力量,将他们二人击杀。”星云阴险的说道。 Supreme Elder, this idea, although is good, but if lets the black demon or a Sea Monster clan knows existence of seabed cave mansion, by their greedy, perhaps then we again does not have the possibility of reclamation the key.” Saying that Xing Wudao worries about. 太上长老,这个主意虽然不错,但如果让黑魔或者海妖一族知道海底洞府的存在,以他们的贪婪,那把钥匙我们恐怕再无收回的可能。”星无道担忧的说道。 Wicked, you may know us to enter the seabed cave mansion more than ten times from all sides, besides harvesting several demon crystal bones, is harvestless, but if this time can gather massive expert to enter, perhaps some opportunities break the seabed cave mansion to ban by the strength of people that enters.” “无道,你可知我们前前后后进入海底洞府十余次,除了收获几颗魔晶骨外,再无收获,而这次如果可以集合大量的高手进入到里面,也许有机会凭借众人之力打破海底洞府内部禁制,进入到里面。” To say the least, we lost the seabed cave mansion key now, even if this time enters the seabed cave mansion still to have achieved nothing, at least we can sell Black Tortoise King, a black demon favour, so long as eliminates that two people, we can draw support from their two big influences, annexes Ancient Mo Business Alliance directly, at the appointed time, our Heavenly Star Business Alliance is the overlord who the 3-Star island deserves.” Nebula experienced and careful saying. “退一步说,我们如今已经失去了海底洞府钥匙,就算这次进入海底洞府依然一无所获,至少我们可以卖玄龟王,黑魔一个人情,而只要消灭那两个人,我们就能借助他们两大势力,直接吞并古墨商盟,到时,我们天星商盟就是三星岛当之无愧的霸主。”星云老谋深算的说道。 Supreme Elder, understanding that you think, with Black Tortoise King, the black demon discussed that the matter of cooperation was exhausted you.” Xing Wudao and Star Sea have looked at each other one, revealed the faint trace happy expression to say. 太上长老,还是你想的明白,与玄龟王,黑魔谈合作的事就劳烦您老人家了。”星无道星海对视了一眼,露出了丝丝喜色说道。 They win key from Lone Cloud Business Alliance , I instantly leave to look for Black Tortoise King as well as the black demon discuss the cooperation.” Xing Wudao nodded, said. “等他们从孤云商盟夺走钥匙,我立即动身去找玄龟王以及黑魔谈合作。”星无道点了点头,说道。 Really with nebula guess, Ye Chenfeng leaves Heavenly Star Business Alliance , has not returned to Ancient Mo Business Alliance immediately, but brought the sword spirit puppet to go to Lone Cloud Business Alliance . 果然与星云猜测的一样,叶晨风离开天星商盟,没有立即返回古墨商盟,而是带着剑灵傀儡前往了孤云商盟 At a Heavenly Star Business Alliance war, the energy several recent news of sword spirit puppet within the body completely, but where blackmails 300,000 Middle Grade Soul Crystal from Heavenly Star Business Alliance , has made up for the damage of consumption completely. 天星商盟一战,剑灵傀儡体内的能量几近耗尽,不过从天星商盟哪里讹诈来300000颗中品魂晶,完全弥补了消耗的损伤。 The sword spirit puppet fused 30 Middle Grade Soul Crystal all of a sudden, the support attacked sufficiently for a long time. 剑灵傀儡一下子融合了30颗中品魂晶,足以支撑长时间攻击了。 Ye Chenfeng brings the sword spirit puppet to appear when Lone Cloud Business Alliance , explained the purpose in coming, similarly has enraged Lone Cloud Business Alliance , has drawn out Lone Cloud Business Alliance two big Supreme Elder, the joint attack sword spirit puppet. 叶晨风带着剑灵傀儡出现在孤云商盟,说明来意时,同样激怒了孤云商盟,引出了孤云商盟两大太上长老,合力围攻剑灵傀儡。 Three big business pledge strength strongest Heavenly Star Business Alliance , facing the sword spirit puppet invincible defense, have chosen submitting, do not say Lone Cloud Business Alliance that the strength is not as good as. 三大商盟实力最强的天星商盟,面对剑灵傀儡无敌的防御,都选择了屈服,更不要说实力稍逊的孤云商盟 As sword spirit puppet starts rounds to attack violently, flow backwards just like the giant waterfall to the Heavenly Sword glow, suppressed Lone Cloud Business Alliance two big Supreme Elder completely. 随着剑灵傀儡发动一轮轮猛烈地攻击,一道道冲天剑芒宛如巨大的瀑布倒流,完全压制住了孤云商盟两大太上长老 The boundless imposing manner, invincible form makes Heaven and Earth startled change, making the earth shake, heavy injury Lone Cloud Business Alliance two big Supreme Elder, have frightened entire Lone Cloud Business Alliance maliciously. 磅礴的气势,无敌的身影让天地为之惊变,让大地为之撼动,狠狠地重创孤云商盟两大太上长老,震慑了整个孤云商盟 Finally, in the sword spirit puppet formidable strength frightened one after next, Lone Cloud Business Alliance two big Supreme Elder to choose submitting similarly, unwilling the seabed cave mansion key, as well as 300,000 Middle Grade Soul Crystal has given Ye Chenfeng. 最终,在剑灵傀儡强大的实力震慑下下,孤云商盟两大太上长老同样选择了屈服,不甘的将海底洞府钥匙,以及300000颗中品魂晶送给了叶晨风 Obtained Heavenly Star Business Alliance , the Lone Cloud Business Alliance two keys, Ye Chenfeng had not lost the time again, left fell into chaotic Lone Cloud Business Alliance , returned to Ancient Mo Business Alliance, begged the last key to Mo Yuyan, to enter the seabed cave mansion prepared. 得到了天星商盟,孤云商盟两把钥匙,叶晨风没有再耽误时间,离开了陷入混乱的孤云商盟,返回到了古墨商盟,向墨玉颜讨要最后一把钥匙,为进入海底洞府做准备。 But Ye Chenfeng actually does not know that danger is approaching to him slowly. 叶晨风却不知道,危险正慢慢向他靠近。
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