EDSG :: Volume #16

#1519: Finally strikes

You thought, must challenge the tertiary mirror image, if were defeated, you will be killed by the mirror image, all your will come to naught!” “你真的想好了,要挑战三重镜像,如果失败,你会被镜像杀死,你所有的一切都将化为泡影!” When Ye Chenfeng enters the tertiary Saint light boundary, the old sound resounds in the Ye Chenfeng ear bank, the serious reminder said. 叶晨风走进三重圣光境时,苍老的声音在叶晨风耳畔响起,严肃的提醒道。 Younger generation had decided that will not flinch!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, categorical saying. “晚辈已经决定,不会退缩!”叶晨风深吸一口气,斩钉截铁的说道。 Good, hopes that you can succeed!” “好吧,希望你能成功!” Then, the old sound vanished, in the Saint light boundary space presented the light of spreading across, is bringing the golden mask, the figure is slim, grasps two Big Dipper long swords, in the body sends out the intense sword intent man to appear in Ye Chenfeng at present. 说完,苍老声音消失了,圣光境空间中出现了纵横交错的光影,一名带着金色面具,身材瘦小,手持两把七星长剑,身体中散发着强烈剑意的男子出现在叶晨风眼前。 Good fearful sword intent, this person's comprehension to the Sword Dao has perhaps surpassed me!” “好可怕的剑意,此人对剑道的领悟恐怕超过了我!” On the Ye Chenfeng face reveals the dignified color, he discovered that the tertiary mirror image solely is not the 3-Star [say / way] Venerable limit expert, is Sword Dao expert. 叶晨风脸上流露出凝重之色,他发现三重镜像不单单是三星道尊极限高手,还是一名剑道高手 Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” Suddenly, two sharp such as the pupil light of sword penetrates the golden mask to jump to shoot, the broad face man grasps two handle quality uncommon Big Dipper long swords, interwove formidable sword intent, the attack has been approaching Ye Chenfeng. 突然,两道锋利如剑的眸光透过金色面具迸射出来,金面男子手持两柄品质不凡的七星长剑,交织着强大的剑意,攻击向了叶晨风 Good quick speed!” “好快的速度!” Saw that the broad face man appears in front of oneself suddenly, the foot pedal sword step of Ye Chenfeng instinct fends. 看到金面男子眨眼间出现在自己面前,叶晨风本能的脚踏剑步进行闪避。 But the attack speed of broad face man was too fast, cuts the space sword glow to block the Ye Chenfeng fending space directly, making him dodge nowhere, can only firmly resist his attack. 但金面男子的攻击速度太快,切割着空间的剑芒直接封死了叶晨风的闪避空间,让他无处闪躲,只能硬憾他的攻击。 „!” “嗤嗤!” Two grating tearing sounds get up. 两道刺耳的撕裂声响起。 Ye Chenfeng was divided to fly by the broad face man two swords, endured has left behind two deeply sword marks compared with the body of Middle Grade Saint treasure on, revealed the woods white bone, the massive blood have flowed uncontrolled. 叶晨风被金面男子两剑劈飞了出去,堪比中品圣宝的身体上留下了两道深深地剑痕,露出森白的骨头,大量鲜血不受控制的流淌了出来。 Divides to injure Ye Chenfeng, the broad face man curls up the endless sword wind , to continue launches the fierce attack to Ye Chenfeng, does not give him any respite the opportunity. 劈伤叶晨风,金面男子卷起无尽的剑风,继续向叶晨风发动凶猛的攻击,不给他任何喘息的机会。 „The Primordial Chaos Bloodline combustion, the ceremonial fire tertiary changes!” 鸿蒙血脉燃烧,圣火三重变!” The experience to the fearfulness of broad face man, Ye Chenfeng has burnt immediately the bloodlines, taking advantage of the tertiary ceremonial fire, promoted the 2-Star [say / way] Venerable the peak own strength, the full power firmly resist broad face man. 见识到金面男子的可怕,叶晨风立即燃烧了血脉,借三重圣火,将自身的实力提升到了二星道尊巅峰,全力硬憾金面男子。 Bang bang bang!” “嘭嘭嘭!” A series of crowded swords snap to resound, Ye Chenfeng with the strength that rises suddenly rapidly, resisted the attack of broad face man, but he was still shaken by astonishing sword glow draws back. 一系列密集的剑爆声响起,叶晨风携急速暴涨的实力,抵御住了金面男子的攻击,但他依然被一道道惊人的剑芒震退。 Fierce, the strength of this tertiary mirror image is really fearful!” “厉害,这三重镜像的战力果然可怕!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, represses the vitality in within the body tumbling, both hands ties seal fast, prepares the Heaven and Earth star seal that displayed him just to comprehend, firmly resist broad face man. 叶晨风深吸一口气,按捺住体内翻滚的气血,双手快速的结印,准备施展他刚刚领悟的天地星印,硬憾金面男子。 A broad face man sword punctures, void presented one also to want dazzling sword light compared with Sun, cut the space, a sword thorn to the Ye Chenfeng chest. 金面男子一剑刺来,虚空中出现了一道比太阳还要刺目的剑光,切割开了空间,一剑刺向了叶晨风胸口。 Heaven and Earth star seal!” 天地星印!” Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction catches the attacking track of this sword, three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, over 1.3 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength fast collections, turned into a side to contain the big hand imprint of Heaven and Earth livelihood, the bang have broken to pieces the startled fast sword glow, compelled to draw back the broad face man. 极速推演的噬神脑捕捉到这一剑的攻击轨迹,三大灵级道图,超过1300000000斤的力量快速的汇集,化成了一方蕴含天地日月的大手印,轰碎了惊速剑芒,将金面男子逼退了回去。 „The Heaven and Earth star seal, has not thought that you so are about to grasp this move!” 天地星印,没想到你这么快掌握了这招!” Looks by the space of Heaven and Earth star seal collapse, eats the broad face man who the invisible losses received the minor wound to send out the surprised color. 看着被天地星印塌陷的空间,吃了暗亏受到轻伤的金面男子发出了惊疑之色。 Under, was one's turn me to attack!” “下面,轮到我攻击了!” Ye Chenfeng blind displaying Life Soul Technique, the combustion life has not continued to promote the strength, but summons silver Sword Soul, the attack has approached the broad face man. 叶晨风没有盲目的施展命魂术,燃烧生命继续提升实力,而是召唤出白银剑魂,攻击向了金面男子。 Silver Sword Soul, although is strong, but threatens for me limitedly!” “白银剑魂虽强,但对我来说威胁有限!” Broad face man cold snort|hum, grasps two handle Big Dipper swords to move forward to meet somebody, divided the sword glow that cut to swing silver Sword Soul continuously. 金面男子冷哼一声,手持两柄七星剑迎了上去,连续劈斩的剑芒荡开了白银剑魂 Time acceleration!” “时间加速!” At this time, Ye Chenfeng has promoted two times of time speeds of flow suddenly, in the wink of an eye appeared before the broad face man, erupted over 1.3 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, the bombardment has approached his chest. 这时,叶晨风突然提升了两倍时间流速,瞬息之间出现在金面男子面前,爆发出超过1300000000斤的力量,轰击向了他的胸口。 In a Ye Chenfeng boxing the broad face man when the front Big Dipper sword, the fearful strength such as the volcanic eruption of eruption, shells horizontally maliciously on his body, shook him stiffly has drawn back three steps. 叶晨风一拳击中金面男子横在胸前的七星剑时,可怕的力量如爆发的火山喷发出来,狠狠地轰击在他身体上,硬生生将他震退了三步。 My strength is inferior to you, but my strength actually by far in you!” “我的战力不如你,但我的力量却远胜于你!” A fist shakes draws back the broad face man, Ye Chenfeng follows up a victory with hot pursuit, displays the time to accelerate, while the eruption surpasses 1.3 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, is shaking the broad face man continuously, wants by own strength, suppresses the offensive of broad face man. 一拳震退金面男子,叶晨风乘胜追击,一边施展时间加速,一边爆发超过1300000000斤的力量,连续撼动着金面男子,想要凭借自身的力量,压制金面男子的攻势。 But the strength of broad face man was too terrorist, he evolves the pinnacle Sword Dao, sword glow split his body, such as a sword lotus of being in full bloom, is tearing the space, does not give the opportunity of Ye Chenfeng near body. 但金面男子的实力太恐怖了,他将剑道演化到极致,一道道剑芒分裂出他的身体,如一朵盛开的剑莲,撕裂着空间,不给叶晨风近身的机会。 Heaven and Earth star seal!” 天地星印!” It is not able near body, the Ye Chenfeng right foot to catch up slightly, the entire body grazes in the midair, controls three big Spirit Level Dao Chart and over 1.3 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength collects before the body, turned into the fearful big hand imprint, is caving in a large area of space, crashed to the broad face man. 无法近身,叶晨风右脚微微发力,整个身子飞掠到半空中,控制三大灵级道图和超过1300000000斤的力量汇集在身前,化成了可怕的大手印,塌陷着大面积的空间,坠落向了金面男子。 Bang!” “轰!” Under the Heaven and Earth star seal easily accomplished attack destruction, the sword lotus of broad face man incarnation broke. 天地星印摧枯拉朽般的攻击破坏下,金面男子化身的剑莲破碎了。 The next quarter, Ye Chenfeng splits mirror image clone, one on the left and other on the right attacked to approach him. 下一刻,叶晨风分裂出一个镜像分身,一左一右攻击向了他。 When a broad face man sword breaks out mirror image clone, Ye Chenfeng displays the time to accelerate once more near body, takes itself to endure compared with the body of high-grade Saint for the weapon, hit to approach the chest of broad face man maliciously. 金面男子一剑劈开镜像分身时,叶晨风施展时间加速再次近身,以自己堪比上品圣器的身体为武器,狠狠地撞击向了金面男子的胸口。 Although responded that extremely quick broad face man grasped the Big Dipper double sword in the chest, firmly resist Ye Chenfeng this has hit horizontally fierce, the strength that but in the Ye Chenfeng body erupted, still shook him has drawn back three steps. 虽然反应极快的金面男子手持七星双剑横在了胸口,硬憾叶晨风这凶猛一撞,但叶晨风身体中爆发的力量,依然将他震退了三步。 When the broad face man stands firm the out of control forcefully body, the Ye Chenfeng both legs catch up once more, the mountain that such as cannot be shaken, has hit once more, hit to the broad face man, shook him draws back. 金面男子强行稳住失控的身体时,叶晨风双腿再次发力,如一座不可撼动的山岳,再次撞了上去,撞击向了金面男子,将他震退。 In Ye Chenfeng does not hesitate the price with body makes the weapon, erupts the heaven-shaking strength, when shakes the broad face man continuously, silver Sword Soul under his thought attack, is launching the attack to the broad face man continuously, is diverting his energy, is aggravating his body injury. 叶晨风不惜代价的用身体做武器,爆发惊天力量,连续撼动金面男子时,白银剑魂在他意念攻击下,向金面男子连续发动着攻击,分散着他的精力,加重着他身体伤势。 Dimension cuts!” “次元斩!” The offensive was suppressed, the broad face man has not been thrown into a panic, when body that in his incarnation Sword Dao firmly resist Ye Chenfeng hits, he fuses suddenly in the Big Dipper double sword together, cut dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, tore the space, surmounted the speed of light several fold the sword to cut, a sword cut to fly Ye Chenfeng, almost endured him compared with the mortal body of high-grade Saint rank cuts to break to pieces. 攻势被压制,金面男子并未乱了手脚,在他化身剑道硬憾叶晨风撞来的身躯时,他突然与七星双剑融合在一起,斩出了一道数十丈高,撕裂开空间,超越光速数倍的剑斩,一剑斩飞了叶晨风,差点将他堪比上品圣器等级的肉身斩碎了。 Finished!” “结束了!” Sword heavy injury Ye Chenfeng, broad face man continued to display the dimension to cut the attack to Ye Chenfeng, when wanted while his severe wound, struck to kill him. 一剑重创叶晨风,金面男子继续施展次元斩攻击向了叶晨风,想要趁他重伤之际,将他击杀。 The critical time, Ye Chenfeng has not displayed Life Soul Technique, but has made a bold action, life-and-death wrestles. 危急时刻,叶晨风没有施展命魂术,而是做出了一个大胆的举动,殊死一搏。 „The 1-Star [say / way] Venerable, breakthrough!” 一星道尊,突破!” The skill in Daoist cultivation of Ye Chenfeng whole body rises suddenly, has broken through the bottleneck instantaneously, broke through the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the boundary, own strength rose suddenly more than ten times, the human body strength has been increased, to surpass 1.5 billion once more. 叶晨风全身的道力暴涨,瞬间冲破了瓶颈,突破到了一星道尊境界,自身的实力暴涨了十多倍,肉体力量更是再次提升,超过了1500000000。 The Ye Chenfeng boundary breaks through, the broad face man induced immediately, own boundary also promoted. 叶晨风境界突破,金面男子立即感应到了,自身的境界也随之提升。 But instance of broad face man strength promotion, Ye Chenfeng displayed the Heaven and Earth star seal to rumble near at hand, the strength that the extremely fast rose suddenly broke the dimension that the broad face man has displayed to cut, shelled maliciously on his body, the prestige of True Spirit Saint technique rumbled to approach in the midair him, the entire body was torn to pieces. 但金面男子实力提升的瞬间,叶晨风近在咫尺施展天地星印轰了上去,极速暴涨的力量破掉了金面男子施展的次元斩,狠狠地轰击在他身体上,真灵圣技之威将他轰向了半空中,整个身子支离破碎。 The next quarter, silver Sword Soul flies to shoot on, does not wait for the broad face man boundary promotion, holds him to defend the shatter opportunity, a sword has broken his head, strikes to explode his head. 下一刻,白银剑魂飞射而上,不等金面男子境界提升,抓住他防御破碎的机会,一剑破开了他的脑袋,将他脑袋击爆。
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