EDSG :: Volume #16

#1520: Blue luan Saint bow

Junior, you were very good, have thought this means defeated the tertiary mirror image!” “小辈,你真的很不错,想到了这个办法击败三重镜像!” When Ye Chenfeng strikes finally, crushes the tertiary mirror image head, in the tertiary Saint light boundary presented the massive light, collected the stature to be tall and straight, the double pupil seemed containing the man of heavenly bodies. 叶晨风最后一击,击碎三重镜像脑袋时,三重圣光境中出现了大量的光影,汇集成了身材挺拔,双眸仿佛蕴含着日月星辰的男子。 Senior, you are the father of spirit fish!” “前辈,你就是灵鱼的父亲吧!” Although the present man is only the image, when Ye Chenfeng sees him, actually felt that psychological shivering, has guessed correctly his status. 虽然眼前的男子只是影像,但叶晨风看到他时,却感觉到心理上的颤抖,猜到了他的身份。 Good, I am north the father of spirit fish the deep Lord!” Northern deep principal point the nod said: Junior, many thanks your attendance to the spirit fish, this Blue Luan Saint bow gave to you.” “不错,我是灵鱼的父亲北冥之主!”北冥之主点了点头道:“小辈,多谢你对灵鱼的照顾,这青鸾圣弓就送给你了。” Saying, a handle is mounting two Blue Luan , the surface marking the massive ancient traces, passed vigorous aura ancient bow to reappear in the tertiary Saint light boundary, fluttered to Ye Chenfeng. 说着,一柄镶嵌着两只青鸾,表面刻画着大量古老纹路,透着浑厚气息的古弓在三重圣光境中浮现了出来,飘向了叶晨风 Good fearful aura, senior, this Blue Luan Saint bow is the True Spirit Saint treasure!” “好可怕的气息,前辈,这青鸾圣弓是真灵圣宝吧!” Ye Chenfeng is grasping the instance of Blue Luan Saint bow, felt clearly the fearfulness of Blue Luan Saint bow, he does not doubt, the rank of this Blue Luan Saint bow has surpassed the Top Grade Saint treasure absolutely, has reached the True Spirit Saint rank. 叶晨风握着青鸾圣弓的瞬间,清晰地感觉到青鸾圣弓的可怕,他毫不怀疑,这青鸾圣弓的等级绝对超过了极品圣宝,达到了真灵圣器等级。 Good, this Blue Luan Saint bow is a treasure that the old man likes , the rank has reached the Middle Grade True Spirit Saint rank, if you can play its might, jumps the ranks by your strength sufficiently with ease the murder!” Northern deep principal point the nod, the detailed introduction said. “不错,这青鸾圣弓是老夫十分喜欢的一件宝物,等级达到了中品真灵圣器等级,如果你能发挥它的威力,以你的实力足以轻松越级杀人!”北冥之主点了点头,详细的介绍道。 Thanked the senior to bestow the treasure!” “谢前辈赐宝!” Knows the rank and might of Blue Luan Saint bow, in the Ye Chenfeng heart the great happiness, grateful saying. 得知青鸾圣弓的等级和威力,叶晨风心中大喜,感激的说道。 No, must say thanks should be I, if not you, a day that our father and daughter have not perhaps met!” Northern deep Lord shook the head saying: Right junior, my also matters must say to you that I prepare after a period of time, the spirit fish, the hot Qilin also ten sides delivers to the Heaven Territory Outer Territory battlefield, where making them go informed and experienced, they are unable to follow again side you.” “不,要说感谢的应该是我,如果不是你,我们父女二人恐怕没有见面的一天!”北冥之主摇了摇头道:“对了小辈,我还有一件事要给你说,我准备过段时间,将灵鱼,火麒麟还有十方送到天域域外战场,让她们去哪里历练,她们无法再跟在你身边。” „Is senior, you also living?” “前辈,你还活着?” The Ye Chenfeng brow raised, has revealed a pleasantly surprised color. 叶晨风眉头一掀,露出了一丝惊喜之色。 Can tear to pieces the space contact surface, the spirit fish, the hot Qilin they delivers to Heaven Territory directly, north the proof the deep Lord is also living sufficiently, otherwise after these many years, is only the subsequent party who he leaves behind, is unable so to go against heaven's will. 能撕破空间界面,将灵鱼,火麒麟他们直接送到天域,足以证明北冥之主还活着,不然经过这么多岁月,单凭他留下的后手,是无法如此逆天的。 Un, I have not died, but also is living!” Northern deep principal point the nod said: „The bureau of past years must die the bureau, but my luck is good, ran into the senior person of high skill to save me.” “嗯,我没有死,还活着!”北冥之主点了点头道:“当年之局本是必死之局,但我运气不错,遇到了前辈高人救了我。” „Is senior, rescues the Supreme One senior!” “前辈,救你的是不是太一前辈!” Ye Chenfeng has thought of the Devouring God Brain master suddenly, asking of probe. 叶晨风突然想到了噬神脑的主人,试探的问道。 Junior, who are you?” “小辈,你到底是什么人?” Heard Ye Chenfeng tastes to leave Supreme One, on the face of northern deep Lord ancient well without ripples has revealed the color of accident, the profound double pupil such as ten thousand formed the mapping, jumped projects the endless ray, has locked Ye Chenfeng, as if wanted to see through him. 听到叶晨风一口道出了太一,北冥之主古井无波的脸上露出了意外之色,深邃的双眸如万道形成映射,迸射出无尽的光芒,锁定了叶晨风,仿佛想要将他看穿。 I am only a junior, but obtained the treasure of Supreme One senior under the chance coincidence!” “我只是一介小辈,只是在机缘巧合下得到了太一前辈的一件宝物!” North sees the deep Lord rude touching type, Ye Chenfeng had guessed correctly saves his person is Supreme One, but this Supreme One should also be in his father mouth said hides in Battle Soul Continent exists fearfully. 看到北冥之主失态的摸样,叶晨风猜到了救他之人就是太一,而这太一应该也是他父亲口中所说隐藏在斗魂大陆的最可怕存在。 I know that who you were, I listened to the Supreme One senior to mention you!” Northern deep Lord has shown the smiling face suddenly: Good, looks in the share of Supreme One senior, I deliver you again a chance.” “我知道你是谁了,我听太一前辈提及过你!”北冥之主突然露出了笑容道:“好吧,看在太一前辈的份上,我再送你一份机缘吧。” Saying, northern deep Lord broke the tertiary Saint light boundary suddenly, displays big divine ability, refine to melt the tertiary Saint light boundary, turned into three pure energy light groups, float in midair. 说着,北冥之主突然震碎了三重圣光境,施展大神通,将三重圣光境炼化了,化成了三颗精纯的能量光团,悬浮在半空中。 Junior, north these three deep spirit gives to you, refine to melt them, your strength may continue to be increased, this also calculates that I repaid the benevolence of Supreme One senior.” “小辈,这三颗北冥之灵就送给你,炼化了它们,你的实力可继续提升,这也算我报答太一前辈的恩情吧。” Built up to melt the tertiary Saint light boundary forcefully, the northern deep main soul shadow became weak incomparable, said slowly. 强行炼化了三重圣光境,北冥之主的灵魂影子变得虚弱无比,缓缓地说道。 Senior, before the spirit fish they fly upwards Heaven Territory, whether the younger generation could say goodbye one side them?” Ye Chenfeng requested. “前辈,灵鱼她们飞升天域前,晚辈能否再见她们一面?”叶晨风请求道。 „The banquet of world powder, met all does not need!” Northern deep Lord shook the head saying: You some day fly upwards Heaven Territory, I think a day that you have saying goodbye finally.” “天下无不散之宴席,见面就不必了!”北冥之主摇了摇头道:“等你有朝一日飞升天域,我想你们终有再见的一天。” Good junior, you here well practice, when you refine to melt north these three deep spirit, can leave!” Northern deep main road. “好了小辈,你就在这里好好修炼吧,等你炼化了这三颗北冥之灵,就可以离开了!”北冥之主道。 Good!” “好吧!” Ye Chenfeng has not demanded, adopts the northern deep main manner, he guessed that the spirit fish should inherit his inheritance. 叶晨风没有强求,通过北冥之主的态度,他猜测灵鱼应该在继承他的传承。 But he does not have please north deep Lord solution outside trouble, because north he is afraid deep advocation make a move, making Heaven Clan catch about the northern deep main information, creates a bigger trouble. 而他也没有请北冥之主解决外面的麻烦,因为他害怕北冥之主出手,让天族捕捉到一些关于北冥之主的信息,造成更大的麻烦。 Junior, said goodbye, I think that we have one day of meeting!” “小辈,再见了,我想我们也有见面的一日!” Saying, the northern deep main soul shadow changed into the nihility, vanishes in Ye Chenfeng at present. 说着,北冥之主的灵魂影子化为了虚无,在叶晨风眼前消失了。 Shouted!” “呼!” After northern deep Lord disappears, Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, adjusts the condition silently, when he fully restores the body injury, adjusts best own condition, has opened the mouth, swallowed in northern deep spirit of one group of dragon eye sizes the stomach, revolution Soul Devouring Secret Art fast building up melted. 北冥之主消失后,叶晨风深吸一口气,默默地调整状态,当他完全恢复身体伤势,将自身的状态调整到最佳,张开了嘴巴,将一团龙眼大小的北冥之灵吞到了肚中,运转噬魂诀快速的炼化起来。 Bang!” “轰!” The northern deep spirit melting, releases the boundless energy immediately, the tide that such as bursts a dike, has opened the Ye Chenfeng body, scurries about in the meridians that he spreads across. 北冥之灵融化,立即释放出磅礴的能量,如决堤的潮水,撑开了叶晨风身体,在他纵横交错的经脉中乱窜。 Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, suppression!” 混沌神木,镇压!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, the pain that endures in the body to transmit, controlled the Primordial Chaos Divine Wood suppression to spurt the thin energy to this, building up of extremely fast melted. 叶晨风深吸一口气,忍着身体中传来的痛楚,控制混沌神木镇压向了这股喷薄的能量,极速的炼化起来。 North this deep spirit really strive to excel big, if I refine to melt north these three deep spirit, I should have the opportunity to practice the 2-Star [say / way] Venerable the boundary of peak!” “这北冥之灵真的好强大,如果我炼化了这三颗北冥之灵,我应该有机会修炼到二星道尊巅峰之境!” Ye Chenfeng fully realized that the practice difficulty of boundary of [say / way] Venerable, has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years like emperor Profound Heaven, Venerable the peak according to Junqua in the 1-Star [say / way]. 叶晨风深知,道尊之境的修炼难度,像帝玄天尊修炼了数十万年,依然卡在了一星道尊巅峰。 But north the deep Lord left north his these three deep spirit to be too formidable, the energy of implication has surpassed Top Grade Saint pill absolutely, transformed his body unceasingly, accelerated the promotion of his strength. 但北冥之主留给他的这三颗北冥之灵太强大了,蕴含的能量绝对超过了极品圣丹,不断地蜕变他的身体,加速他实力的提升。 Probably for half a month the time passed by. 大约半个月时间过去了。 Endured severe pain Ye Chenfeng to refine to melt north one finally the deep spirit, will break just through the shortly after boundary, promoting the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the peak. 忍着剧痛的叶晨风终于炼化了一颗北冥之灵,将刚刚突破没多久的境界,提升到了一星道尊巅峰。 Then, he has swallowed north second the deep spirit, attacks the boundary of 2-Star [say / way] Venerable. 接着,他又吞下了第二颗北冥之灵,冲击二星道尊之境。 He has a feeling, if can break through the boundary of 2-Star [say / way] Venerable, perhaps has the opportunity to explain the seal in demon ba body, at the appointed time demon ba will have the boundary of 6-Star demon Venerable, completely has the opportunity to strike to kill the black ink feather day Venerable. 他有一种感觉,如果自己能突破二星道尊之境,说不定有机会破解开魔魃身体中的封印,到时魔魃将拥有六星魔尊之境,完全有机会击杀墨羽天尊。 When Ye Chenfeng full power refining up north the deep spirit, spirit fish and hot Qilin also in the promotion of extremely fast strength. 叶晨风全力炼化北冥之灵时,灵鱼和火麒麟也在极速的提升着实力。 The strength of this matter spirit fish has been increased much, achieved the 2-Star [say / way] Venerable, the hot Qilin also faintly had the evolution is the limit of Heaven Level Saint beast. 此事灵鱼的实力又提升了不少,达到了二星道尊,火麒麟也隐隐有进化为天级圣兽的极限。 If the hot Qilin can evolve is the Heaven Level Saint beast, then it will have the strength that the 6-Star monster Venerable, deals with the Outer Territory battlefield common danger sufficiently. 如果火麒麟能进化为天级圣兽,那它将拥有六星妖尊的实力,足以应付域外战场一般的危险。 The time flies, quick, half a month time. 时间飞逝,很快,又过了半个月时间。 In this moon/month, Ye Chenfeng taking advantage of the northern deep spirit boundless energy, has broken through the boundary bottleneck at one fell swoop, broke through the boundary of 2-Star [say / way] Venerable, the strength rose suddenly more than ten times at the same time, the human body strength once more promotes, to be 600 million jin (0.5 kg). 在这一个月中,叶晨风借北冥之灵磅礴的能量,一举冲破了境界瓶颈,突破到了二星道尊之境,实力暴涨十余倍的同时,肉体力量再次提升,达到了600000000斤。 Finally broke through the 2-Star [say / way] Venerable!” “终于突破二星道尊了!” The boundary breaks through instantaneous, Ye Chenfeng opened the profound double pupil, on the face has revealed the thick pleasantly surprised color. 境界突破到瞬间,叶晨风睁开了深邃的双眸,脸上露出了浓浓的惊喜之色。 Can such quick breakthrough boundary, be he is unexpected, this also flew upwards Heaven Territory to lay the most solid foundation for him. 能这么快突破境界,是他始料未及的,这也为他飞升天域打下了最坚实的根基。 Northern deep spirit, refining up!” “北冥之灵,炼化!” Ye Chenfeng has spent the several days time, has consolidated the boundary of 2-Star [say / way] Venerable, the deep spirit north the third group swallowed in the stomach, continued refine the promotion strength. 叶晨风花了数日时间,巩固了二星道尊之境,将第三团北冥之灵吞到了肚中,继续的炼化提升实力。 Finally, in Ye Chenfeng continuous refining up, he refine to melt north three completely the deep spirit, cultivated the 2-Star [say / way] Venerable the boundary of peak own strength. 终于,在叶晨风持续不断的炼化下,他完全炼化了三颗北冥之灵,将自身的实力修炼到二星道尊巅峰之境。
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