EDSG :: Volume #16

#1518: Profound body boundary

Good, through 2-layer mirror image test, rewards the Middle Grade True Spirit Saint technique boundless three chi (0.33 m) sword, Top Grade Saint pill!” “不错,通过二重镜像考验,奖励中品真灵圣技苍茫三尺剑,极品圣丹一颗!” The old sound resounds once more, a seal jade slip of formidable ban, was winding nine pill Saint pill of mark to float in front of Ye Chenfeng. 苍老的声音再次响起,一枚封印着强大禁制的玉简,一颗蜿蜒着九条丹纹的圣丹漂浮到了叶晨风面前。 When Ye Chenfeng takes away own reward, he had also been transmitted by the tertiary Saint light boundary. 叶晨风收走自己的奖励时,他也被三重圣光境传送了出去。 Middle Grade True Spirit Saint technique, the reward of this 2nd-Layer test imagines with me is the same.” 中品真灵圣技,这第二重考验的奖励与我想象的一样。” The reward of Ye Chenfeng to 2-layer mirror image test is very satisfied, particularly the boundless three chi (0.33 m) sword, such as for general that he is tailor, once the comprehension absolutely is his first Assassin's mace, wants to comprehend impatiently. 叶晨风二重镜像考验的奖励十分满意,尤其是苍茫三尺剑,就如为他量身打造的一般,一旦领悟绝对是他第一杀手锏,迫不及待想要领悟。 But the boundary request of practice boundless three chi (0.33 m) sword is too high, the lowest boundary is the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable, keeping him from cultivating, can only give up. 但修炼苍茫三尺剑的境界要求太高,最低境界为一星道尊,让他根本无法修炼,只能放弃。 How can through the 3rd-Layer test?” “要怎样通过第三重考验呢?” Ye Chenfeng received boundless three chi (0.33 m) sword cultivator to refine jade slip, took a life fruit, restored in 5000 of combustion consumption the life, sat on the ground, thought through the means of 3rd-Layer test 叶晨风收好了苍茫三尺剑修玉简,服下了一颗生命果实,恢复了燃烧消耗的5000年寿元,一屁股坐在了地上,思索通过第三重考验的办法 The experience to difficulty of 2-layer mirror image test, he felt that the test of tertiary mirror image is perhaps more difficult, the challenge is very likely to make him lose the life arbitrarily, but if can pass, the reward will also surpass itself to imagine. 见识到二重镜像考验的难度,他感觉三重镜像的考验恐怕更难,擅自挑战极有可能让他丢掉性命,但如果可以通过,奖励也将超出自己想象。 Thought deeply about a meeting, Ye Chenfeng has made a decision, that here attacked the human body boundary, promoted own boundary to the 6-Star Saint pinnacle again. 思索了一会,叶晨风做出了一个决定,那就是在这里冲击肉体境界,再将自身境界提升到六星道圣极致。 If can make the human body transform to the profound body boundary, making own strength achieve the 6-Star Saint pinnacle, Ye Chenfeng felt one through the probability of tertiary mirror image test absolutely over 80%, can protect oneself badly. 如果能让肉体蜕变到玄体境,让自身实力达到六星道圣极致,叶晨风感觉自己通过三重镜像考验的几率绝对超过八成,最不济也能自保。 First attacks the human body boundary!” “先冲击肉体境界吧!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, not with hemorrhage voxel stone, but has put out grade extremely high quenching body magical things, swallowed in the stomach, fast refine, strengthened the human body strength, to attack the profound body boundary built the solid foundation. 叶晨风深吸一口气,没有拿出血体元石,而是拿出了一株品阶极高的淬体灵物,吞到了肚中,快速的炼化,增强肉体力量,为冲击玄体境打下坚实的基础。 Although the quenching body magical things under Ye Chenfeng clothing/taking value not poor, but his human body is too formidable, quenches the body magical things to quenching to his human body almost does not have many functions. 叶晨风服下的淬体灵物虽然价值不菲,但他肉体太强大,一株淬体灵物对他肉体淬炼几乎没有多少作用。 However he has the massive quenching body magical things, patient refining up, is quenching the human body and five main internal organs (entrails) little. 不过他身怀大量的淬体灵物,耐心的炼化,一点点淬炼着肉体和五脏六腑。 Quick, for half a month the time passed by. 很快,半个月时间过去了。 In these a half moon/month, Ye Chenfeng altogether refine to melt 17 value extremely high quenching body magical things, has completed to preliminary quenching of human body, making astral Zhu in god gate hole have the sign of transformation. 在这半个月中,叶晨风一共炼化了17株价值极高的淬体灵物,完成了对肉体的初步淬炼,让神门穴中的罡珠发生了蜕变的迹象。 Blood voxel stone, refining up!” “血体元石,炼化!” The quenching body magical things that has refine completely, Ye Chenfeng took the blood red blood voxel stone, raised head to swallow in the stomach, controlled nine transformed gods changes refining up to melt. 身怀的淬体灵物全部炼化,叶晨风将血红色的血体元石拿了出来,一仰头吞到了肚中,控制九转化神变炼化了起来。 In nine transformed gods change times refine , the blood voxel stone releases the pure scarlet elementary force, was built up in the god gate hole by Ye Chenfeng forcefully, is accelerating the transformation of astral bead. 在九转化神变一次次炼化下,血体元石释放出精纯的血色元力,被叶晨风强行炼化进了神门穴中,加速着罡珠的蜕变。 The blood voxel stone in Heaven Territory, is extremely precious quenching voxel stone, many Heaven Territory walk refining up the body route can greatly to buy a blood voxel stone, is willing to pay any price. 血体元石在天域,都是极其珍贵的淬体元石,很多天域走炼体路线的大能为了买下一颗血体元石,甘愿付出任何代价。 Good strength big, this three days of free time, in astral Zhu in god gate hole presented the profound strength, it is estimated that most seven days, I should be able to practice the profound body boundary the human body!” “好强大,这才三天工夫,神门穴中的罡珠中就出现了玄力,估计最多七天,我应该就能将肉体修炼到玄体境了!” Felt that the mortal body and in god gate hole the change of astral bead, Ye Chenfeng has revealed the pleasantly surprised color, eliminated all distracting thoughts in mind , to continue to revolve nine transformed gods changes full power refining up the blood voxel stone, is transforming the human body, is strengthening the human body strength. 感觉到肉身和神门穴中罡珠的变化,叶晨风露出了惊喜之色,摒除了脑海中的一切杂念,继续运转九转化神变全力炼化血体元石,蜕变着肉体,增强着肉体力量。 Meanwhile, fused the spirit fish of massive pure energy, the hot Qilin broke through the boundary one after another. 与此同时,融合了大量精纯能量的灵鱼,火麒麟接连突破了境界。 But Tianwaitian that the northern deep Lord leaves behind, imitates the Heaven Territory space rule completely, therefore the spirit fish and hot Qilin fast breakthrough boundary, has not brought in the test of strength of Battle Soul Continent world. 而北冥之主留下的天外天,完全模仿天域空间规则,所以灵鱼和火麒麟快速的突破境界,没有引来斗魂大陆世界之力的考验。 Shouted, finally the breakthrough [say / way] Venerable the boundary!” “呼,终于突破道尊境界了!” The continuous fusion pure energy, the spirit fish has broken through the boundary shackles in one vigorous effort, has achieved the boundary of 1-Star [say / way] Venerable, within the body Divine Ape bloodlines, the True God bloodlines pure. 源源不断的融合精纯的能量,灵鱼一鼓作气冲破了境界的枷锁,达到了一星道尊之境,体内神猿血脉,真神血脉更加的精纯。 But the hot Qilin, already broke through to the profound level Saint beast rank, is equal Venerable to the 2-Star monster. 而火麒麟,早就突破到玄级圣兽等级,相当于二星妖尊。 However the Outer Territory battlefield is too dangerous, [say / way] Venerable, the monster Venerable to enter the hope that has almost not returned alive to inside, said that the emperor can also probably be careful in greatly, therefore the northern deep Lord continues to their two human bodies pours into the energy , to promote their strengths. 不过域外战场太危险,道尊,妖尊进入到里面几乎没有生还的希望,道帝大能在里面也要小心谨慎,所以北冥之主继续向他们二人体内灌入能量,提升他们的实力。 But so crazy breakthrough boundary, is extremely easy to cause the boundary not to be unstable, but the northern deep Lord believes that making the spirit fish they whet some time in the Outer Territory battlefield, the unstable boundary can consolidate. 而如此疯狂的突破境界,极容易导致境界不稳定,不过北冥之主相信,让灵鱼他们在域外战场磨砺一段时间,再不稳定的境界都能巩固。 The spirit fish, the hot Qilin was promoting the boundary, Ye Chenfeng to refine to melt the blood voxel stone crazily, made the astral bead exuviae in god gate hole turn into the profound bead successfully, cultivated the profound body boundary the human body at one fell swoop. 灵鱼,火麒麟正在疯狂的提升境界,叶晨风炼化了血体元石,成功让神门穴中的罡珠蜕变成了玄珠,一举将肉体修炼到玄体境。 The human body strength has achieved 450 million directly, the pure human body defense has reached the Middle Grade Saint rank, but combustion Primordial Chaos Blood, his human body defense may achieve high-grade Saint, is more formidable than the common higher authority Saint beast. 肉体力量直接达到了450000000,单纯的肉体防御达到了中品圣器等级,而燃烧鸿蒙之血,他肉体防御可达到上品圣器,比一般的上级圣兽还要强大。 The human body transformation, Ye Chenfeng has not rested, takes that Top Grade Saint pill, attempts to practice the pinnacle the strength of 1-Star Saint. 肉体蜕变,叶晨风没有休息,服下了那颗极品圣丹,尝试着将一星道圣的实力修炼到极致。 Top Grade Saint pill melts in the Ye Chenfeng body, immediately releases the vast efficacy, scurries about in the meridians of his whole body, is destroying his human body and five main internal organs (entrails). 极品圣丹在叶晨风身体中融化,立即释放出浩瀚的药力,在他全身的经脉中乱窜,破坏着他的肉体和五脏六腑。 However cultivates the profound body boundary the human body, the Ye Chenfeng mortal body is too formidable, in addition is located in Primordial Chaos Divine Wood of heart lineage/vein place, he suppressed in within the body boundless efficacy with ease, revolution Soul Devouring Secret Art fast refine, was promoting own strength. 不过将肉体修炼到玄体境,叶晨风肉身太强大,再加上位于心脉处的混沌神木,他轻松镇压住了体内磅礴的药力,运转噬魂诀快速的炼化,提升着自身的实力。 The time flies, one month winds through suddenly. 时间飞逝,一个月时间眨眼流过。 Refining up after one month, Ye Chenfeng has recruited Top Grade Saint pill completely, consolidated boundary at the same time, almost promoted the 6-Star Saint limit the strength. 经过一个多月时间炼化,叶晨风完全吸收了极品圣丹,巩固境界的同时,几乎将实力提升到了六星道圣极限。 Top Grade Saint pill is really formidable, medicinal pill made the skill in Daoist cultivation of my within the body almost overflow to fill!” 极品圣丹果然强大,一颗丹药就让我体内的道力几乎溢满了!” Ye Chenfeng puts out foul air, will break sage pill to take, swallowed in the stomach directly, taking advantage of breaking the sage pill's formidable efficacy, continued to promote the strength, was making the preparation for the final test. 叶晨风吐出一口浊气,将破尊圣丹拿了出来,直接吞到了肚中,借破尊圣丹强大的药力,继续提升实力,为最后的考验做着准备。 Breaks the efficacy that sage pill contains to be very special, has the enormous probability to make a 6-Star Saint break through to the boundary of 1-Star [say / way] Venerable directly. 破尊圣丹蕴含的药力十分特殊,有极大几率让六星道圣直接突破到一星道尊之境。 Boundary bottleneck became less crowded!” “境界瓶颈松动了!” Under the Ye Chenfeng clothing/taking breaks sage pill shortly, his accidental discovery, own boundary bottleneck presented becoming less crowded unexpectedly, this makes him be overjoyed, extremely fast revolution Soul Devouring Secret Art, speeds up building up breaks sage pill , to continue to crack the bottleneck, is promoting the strength. 叶晨风服下破尊圣丹没多久,他意外的发现,自己的境界瓶颈竟然出现了松动,这让他喜出望外,极速运转噬魂诀,加快炼化破尊圣丹,继续崩裂着瓶颈,提升着实力。 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” Also about the time, the loose boundary bottleneck will present a fissure in one day, is purer, a more formidable skill in Daoist cultivation seeps little by the fissure, making Ye Chenfeng touch the boundary of 1-Star [say / way] Venerable. 又过了一天左右时间,松动的境界瓶颈出现了道道裂痕,一股更加精纯,更加强大的道力透过裂痕一点点渗透出来,让叶晨风触及到了一星道尊之境。 As the bottleneck fissure are getting more and more, Ye Chenfeng own strength extremely fast promotion, in he felt when he must break through to immediately the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the boundary, he suddenly stopped the practice, breaks other sage pill's efficacies taking advantage of the Primordial Chaos Divine Wood seal forcefully. 随着瓶颈裂痕越来越多,叶晨风自身的实力极速提升,在他感觉自己马上就要突破到一星道尊境界时,他突然停止了修炼,借混沌神木强行封印破尊圣丹余下的药力。 If breaks through to the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable boundary, the strength of tertiary mirror image will achieve the 4-Star [say / way] Venerable, at the appointed time he does not have the opportunity, therefore the present is he challenges the tertiary mirror image the best opportunity. 如果突破到一星道尊境界,三重镜像的实力将达到四星道尊,到时他更没有机会,所以现在是他挑战三重镜像的最佳时机。 Was the time challenge tertiary mirror image tests finally!” “是时候挑战三重镜像最后的考验了!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, broke the tertiary Saint light boundary, challenged the ultimate test. 叶晨风深吸一口气,破进了三重圣光境,挑战终极考验。
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