EDSG :: Volume #16

#1512: Three big vortex

Un, the spirit fish, the hot Qilin disappears!” “嗯,灵鱼,火麒麟不见了!” When dazzling white light vanishes, Ye Chenfeng discovered that the spirit fish and hot Qilin disappear in pairs, guessed correctly that they should be transmitted Tianwaitian most core by the black emperor puppet, north inherits the inheritance of deep Lord most core. 刺目的白光消失时,叶晨风发现,灵鱼和火麒麟双双不见了,猜到他们应该被黑帝傀儡传送到了天外天最核心,去继承北冥之主最核心的传承去了。 Primitive Dao Embryo that although Ye Chenfeng leaves behind to northern deep Lord is interested, but he knows that is north the deep Lord leaves the spirit fish, does not have to be excessively greedy, such as the starry sky general space distant place flies to this piece, seeks for the chance in this space. 虽然叶晨风对北冥之主留下的原始道胎充满兴趣,但他知道那是北冥之主留给灵鱼的,没有过多贪婪,向这片如星空一般的空间远处飞去,寻找这个空间中的机缘。 Flies to fly, the Ye Chenfeng facial expression is startled, on the face has shown the light smiling face. 飞着飞着,叶晨风神情一怔,脸上露出了淡淡的笑容。 Built up to melt monster pill of high-grade Saint beast six snakes, Primordial Chaos Divine Beast, gold/metal Qinglong the blood lion all broke through the higher authority Saint beast rank, but Devouring Void Insect has swallowed the essence and blood of six snakes , the success evolved the middle-level Saint beast, bit the strength of emptying formidable. 炼化了上品圣兽六头蛇的妖丹,混沌神兽,金晴龙血狮全部突破到了上级圣兽等级,而噬空虫吞噬了六头蛇的精血,也成功进化成了中级圣兽,噬空之力更加的强大。 Hope can harvest in Tianwaitian are more, is to fly upwards Heaven Territory builds the foundation!” “希望能在天外天收获更多,为飞升天域打下基础!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, the fast fanning sword wing, curls up the intermittent strong winds, speeds along in the starry sky space rapidly, is seeking for the chance. 叶晨风深吸一口气,快速的扇动剑翅,卷起阵阵狂风,在星空空间中急速飞驰,寻找着机缘。 About after more than half double-hour, Ye Chenfeng saw the front to present three color different space eddy currents from afar, the strength of distortion made the person be afraid of releases in the vortex, was fluctuating the entire space fierce was shivering. 大约半个多时辰后,叶晨风远远看到前方出现了三个颜色不同的空间漩涡,一股股让人不寒而栗的扭曲之力在漩涡中释放出来,波动着整个空间剧烈的颤抖着。 White, grey, black......” “白色,灰色,黑色……” Approaches three big eddy currents, Ye Chenfeng saw that three big eddy currents the colors are different, the energy of release is not same. 靠近三大漩涡,叶晨风看到三大漩涡的颜色不同,释放的能量也不相同。 And the energy of white vortex release is relatively weak, the grey next best, the energy of black vortex release is most terrorist, as if anything was involved by it, will be twisted broken. 其中白色漩涡释放的能量相对较弱,灰色次之,黑色漩涡释放的能量最为恐怖,仿佛任何东西被它卷入,都将被绞碎。 Ye Chenfeng took a fast look around a three big vortex, took a deep breath, has chosen without hesitation terroristly, is most bad risk black vortex. 叶晨风扫视了一眼三大漩涡,深吸一口气,毫不犹豫选择了最为恐怖,也是最为凶险的黑色漩涡。 In the riches and honor danger asked that most dangerous place exceed might hide the big chance. 富贵险中求,最危险的地方越有可能隐藏着大机缘。 But he to his strength and inside story is self-confident, he believes that he has the strength to obtain the big chance in black vortex. 而他对自己的实力和底蕴充满自信,他相信自己有实力得到黑色漩涡中的大机缘。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The sword wing fierce leaf, leads the Ye Chenfeng extremely fast to fly, such as a handle Divine sword with irresistible force, is tearing into shreds strength of the fearful distortion, broke into the black vortex. 剑翅剧烈一扇,带动着叶晨风极速飞行,如一柄势如破竹的神剑,撕碎着一道道可怕的扭曲之力,破入到了黑色漩涡中。 The next quarter, Ye Chenfeng felt that the strength that surpasses him to imagine from extrudes to come, to want his body squash in all directions. 下一刻,叶晨风感觉一股超出他想象的力量从四面八方挤压而来,想要将他的身体压碎。 Primordial Chaos Bloodline, combustion!” 鸿蒙血脉,燃烧!” Ye Chenfeng deflagrates the bloodlines human body strength promotion to the pinnacle, escapes into to the space trajectory , the extremely fast in the fearful spatial warping strength shuttles back and forth. 叶晨风迅速燃烧血脉将肉体力量提升至极致,遁入到空间轨迹中,在可怕的空间扭曲力量中极速穿梭。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” Suddenly, the space of distortion shivered, tows the star light meteor to fly to shoot at the extremely quick speed to come, the attack has approached Ye Chenfeng. 突然,扭曲的空间颤抖了一下,一颗拖曳着星光的流星以极快的速度飞射而来,攻击向了叶晨风 Places the space pressure to twist in space enormously, Ye Chenfeng cannot dodge this sudden meteor attack, can only full power meet the approaching enemy. 身处空间压力极大地扭曲空间中,叶晨风根本闪躲不开这颗突然出现的流星攻击,只能全力迎击。 Silver Sword Soul, broken!” “白银剑魂,破!” The Ye Chenfeng thought moves, silver Sword Soul has spent his soul sea, turned into one zhang (3.33 m) sword glow of being a worthy opponent, a sword chops in the meteor that Dao Intent evolved, broke out it. 叶晨风意念一动,白银剑魂破出了他的魂海,化成了一道匹敌的一丈剑芒,一剑劈在了道意演化的流星,将其劈开了。 In a while, twisted in the space to present the Dao Intent meteor, was attacking Ye Chenfeng. 没过多久,扭曲空间中又出现了道意流星,攻击着叶晨风 As Ye Chenfeng approaches distortion space end more and more, attacks his Dao Intent meteor to be getting more and more, making him bear the huge pressure. 随着叶晨风越来越靠近扭曲空间尽头,攻击他的道意流星越来越多,让他承受着巨大的压力。 Is good is formidable because of silver Sword Soul enough, the Heavenly Sword embryo is also first indestructible. 好在白银剑魂足够强大,先天剑胎又坚不可摧。 In addition the Ye Chenfeng human body strength has exceeded 1 billion jin (0.5 kg), the Dao Intent meteor that startled fast raid is unable to constitute the injury to him, by his easily accomplished smashing, was approached the space entrance slowly. 再加上叶晨风肉体力量超过了1000000000斤,一颗颗惊速袭来的道意流星无法对他构成伤害,被他摧枯拉朽般粉碎,慢慢接近了空间入口。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng felt that the entire space vibrated, a diameter exceeds one li (0.5km), the surface flow the giant Dao Intent meteor of Heavenly Law mark has been spending the space entrance first, brought not to have the thing not broken impact, the bombardment has approached Ye Chenfeng. 突然,叶晨风感觉整个空间震动了起来,一颗直径超过一里,表面流动着先天道纹的巨型道意流星破出了空间入口,带着无物不破的撞击力,轰击向了叶晨风 True Dragon Change!” 真龙变!” Facing the space final test, Ye Chenfeng changed the length of body to exceed the kilometer immediately, the whole body was covering Blood Dragon of scarlet scale, opened the big mouth, released formidable dragon prestige, with giant Dao Intent meteor shock. 面对空间最后的考验,叶晨风立即变化成了体长超过千米,全身覆盖着血色鳞片的血龙,张开血盆大口,释放出让人生畏的龙威,与巨型道意流星撞击到了一起。 Recited!” “吟吟吟!” The deafening Dragon's Roar sound resounds through the space. 震耳欲聋的龙吟声响彻空间。 Changed Blood Dragon, Ye Chenfeng the human body strength, the strength of Dao Intent displays the pinnacle, cracked Dao Intent that unceasingly in the meteor was containing, was concussioning burst a fissure it. 变化成血龙,叶晨风将肉体力量,道意之力发挥到了极致,不断地崩裂着流星中蕴含的道意,将其撞裂着道道裂痕。 Broken!” “破!” Dragon 1-Star to reprimanding more than ten breath, being scarred Blood Dragon roared, erupts the strength of heaven-shaking, penetrated the giant meteor stiffly, departed has been sending out the misty white light space entrance, arrived at piece of ancient tree to be towering, in virgin forest of blocking the sky. 一龙一星对斥了大约十多个呼吸,伤痕累累的血龙咆哮一声,爆发出惊天之力,硬生生穿透了巨型流星,飞出了散发着蒙蒙白光的空间入口,来到了一片古木参天,遮天蔽日的原始森林中。 Whistling, came out finally!” “呼呼,终于出来了!” Although the powerful flushed, but just experience made Ye Chenfeng have a lingering fear. 虽然强势冲了出来,但刚刚的经历还是让叶晨风心有余悸。 If not Ye Chenfeng breaks through to a 6-Star Saint, the strength drastically is increased, he wants so smoothly to clash not to be perhaps easy. 如果不是叶晨风突破到六星道圣,实力大幅提升,他想要如此顺利冲出来恐怕不容易。 Ye Chenfeng took a Saint pill rapidly, taking advantage of spirit of bead fast restoration body injury living. 叶晨风迅速服下了一颗圣丹,借生之灵珠快速的恢复身体伤势。 About after more than one double-hour, Ye Chenfeng restored the injury, adjusts best own condition, stands up slowly, flies in the green and luxuriant wooded mountain. 大约一个多时辰后,叶晨风恢复了伤势,将自身的状态调整到最佳,缓缓地站起身来,在葱葱郁郁的山林中飞行。 Roar roar!” “吼吼!” How long not to have flown, the deafening tiger's roar sound gets up together, a length of body exceeds 30 meters, the whole body covers the garnet tiger wool, the monster tiger that in the eye projects the ominous light is drilling in the wooded mountain, opens the big mouth, roared to Ye Chenfeng loudly. 没飞多久,一道震耳欲聋的虎啸声响起,一只体长超过30米,全身覆盖着暗红色虎毛,眼睛中投射凶光的妖虎在山林中钻出,张开血盆大口,冲着叶晨风大声咆哮。 middle-level Saint beast!” 中级圣兽!” Felt that at present the strength of this garnet monster tiger, the Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, the body of flight transforms together the dazzling remnant shade rapidly, does not wait for the monster tiger to make the secondary reaction, has torn to pieces its huge body directly, strikes to kill it. 感觉到眼前这只暗红色妖虎的实力,叶晨风瞳孔一缩,急速飞行的身体幻化出一道让人眼花缭乱的残影,不等妖虎做出第二反应,直接撕破了它庞大的身躯,将它击杀。 Receives!” “收!” The instant kill monster tiger, Ye Chenfeng immediately its monster pill, the monster hearts as well as all values thing of took in Universe Realm , to continue flies to the wooded mountain deep place, is seeking for the big chance in wooded mountain. 秒杀妖虎,叶晨风立即将它妖丹,妖心以及身上所有价值之物收进了乾坤境中,继续向山林深处飞去,寻找着山林中的大机缘。 This wooded mountain existed did not know many years, the day spiritual energy was abundant, is breeding many fearful Saint beasts. 这座山林存在了不知道多少年,天灵气充裕,孕育着不少可怕的圣兽。 However Ye Chenfeng strength today we are no longer as we have been, even if the higher authority Saint beast is unable to threaten him. 不过叶晨风实力今非昔比,就算上级圣兽都无法威胁到他。 After slaughters, Ye Chenfeng arrived at the wooded mountain deep place, had discovered vast general, cannot see the end the lake. 经过一路厮杀,叶晨风来到了山林深处,发现了一座汪洋一般,看不到尽头的湖泊。 What is that?” “那是什么?” The Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, by fog that flutters slowly, above the lake, has discovered white light of one group of mixtures of truth and deceit, but in white light doubtful seal a treasure. 叶晨风瞳孔一缩,透过缓缓飘动的云雾,在湖泊之上,发现了一团虚虚实实的白光,而白光中疑似封印着一宝。 Good strength big seal, the thing in this white light is not simple!” “好强大的封印,这白光中的东西不简单!” Ye Chenfeng has closed the eye, controls Devouring God Brain as if to induce, discovered that the seal in white light is very formidable, is he always has seen absolutely fearfully. 叶晨风闭上了眼睛,控制噬神脑仿佛感应,发现白光中的封印很强大,绝对是他平生见过最可怕的。 In this seal in what treasure?” “这里面到底封印在什么宝物?” Ye Chenfeng has opened the double pupil, is glittering a none remaining, void and line arrived on the vast lake surface, wants to approach the white, obtains in white light the thing of seal. 叶晨风睁开了双眸,闪烁着道道精光,虚空而行来到了辽阔的湖面上,就想接近白色,得到白光中封印之物。 But he flies instance above lake, he felt suddenly strength of the fearful illusion from rolling wells up in all directions, broke in his soul sea directly, has had the massive illusions, confused him. 但他飞到湖泊之上的瞬间,他突然感觉一股可怕的幻象之力从四面八方滚滚涌来,直接破进了他的魂海中,产生了大量的幻象,迷惑住他。 The next quarter, silent lake surface fluctuated suddenly, wears the red helmet and armor, grasps a handle long gun|spear, in the double pupil glittered the ominous offense the color man to spend the lake surface, a spear|gun startled spatial thorn to by Ye Chenfeng that the illusion confused. 下一刻,寂静的湖面突然波动了起来,一名身穿红色盔甲,手持一柄长枪,双眸中闪烁着凶戾之色的男子破出了湖面,一枪惊空刺向了被幻象迷惑的叶晨风
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