EDSG :: Volume #16

#1511: Black emperor puppet

„The Heaven Clan method is really fearful, really has the means to enable Heaven Territory greatly Lower Realm.” 天族的手段果然可怕,竟然有办法让天域大能下界。” Although in running into the space avoids a tribulation, but outside situation still makes Ye Chenfeng somewhat thorny. 虽然逃进内空间躲过一劫,但外面的情况依然让叶晨风有些棘手。 He has not thought that Heaven Territory Heaven Clan can be able Lower Realm, this to disrupt his plan greatly unexpectedly completely. 他万万没有想到,天域天族大能竟然可以下界,这完全打乱了他的计划。 Is good also has the God to project this because of him to kill greatly, the fearfulness that but Venerable the experience to the black ink feather day, he did not determine that the black ink feather day Venerable whether also has the card in a hand that goes against heaven's will. 好在他还有天帝投影这个大杀器,但见识到墨羽天尊的可怕,他并不确定墨羽天尊身上是否还有更逆天的底牌。 Ok, walks one step is, perhaps the father of spirit fish, leaves she more fearful chance, perhaps taking advantage of the chance of Tianwaitian, has the opportunity to get rid of the threat that Heaven Clan can bring greatly.” “算了,走一步算一步吧,也许灵鱼的父亲,留给她更可怕的机缘,借天外天的机缘,说不定有机会摆脱天族大能带来的威胁。” Ye Chenfeng muttered, controlled one's breathing to restore fast, to very spacious, flew without the space distant place of any scenery. 叶晨风喃喃自语道,快速调息恢复了一下,向十分空旷,没有任何景物的空间远处飞去。 Also does not know how long to fly, Ye Chenfeng saw the front to present a sunspot from afar, along with pulling closer of distance, he saw this sunspot is space black hole, left the exit / to speak of this space doubtful. 也不知飞行了多久,叶晨风远远看到前方出现了一个黑点,随着距离的拉近,他看到这黑点是一个空间黑洞,疑似离开这空间的出口。 However under this space black hole, is standing and waiting for a long time one more than two meters high, the whole body is covering the black rock, grasps a sculpture of handle Black Dragon long gun|spear. 不过在这空间黑洞下,伫立着一座两米多高,全身覆盖着黑色岩石,手持一柄黑龙长枪的雕塑。 Although this sculpture seems like is dying thing, when Ye Chenfeng looks to the sculpture, actually instinct smelled the dangerous aura. 虽然这雕塑看似是死物,但叶晨风望向雕塑时,却本能的嗅到了危险的气息。 This sculpture has the issue!” “这雕塑有问题!” Ye Chenfeng does not dare to be negligent, offers a sacrifice to a pair of day to cut to grasp in the hand, approached the black sculpture cautiously. 叶晨风不敢大意,祭出了双天斩握在了手中,小心翼翼靠近了黑色雕塑。 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” When Ye Chenfeng approaches slowly, in black sculpture has suddenly resounded a cracking, the thick black rock burst suddenly, revealed one to wear the black to fight armor, grasped the Black Dragon long gun|spear, the aura was terrorist the several fold compared with Ye Chenfeng the man. 叶晨风慢慢靠近时,黑色雕塑中突然响起了道道破裂声,厚厚的黑色岩石突然破裂了,露出了一名身穿黑色战甲,手持黑龙长枪,气息比叶晨风恐怖数倍的男子。 Defeats me, can enter the next space!” “击败我,才能进入下一个空间!” The black armor man opened the double pupil suddenly, the mouth has spat the criticism not to bring saying of sentiment. 黑甲男子突然睁开了双眸,口吐人言不带一丝感情的说道。 Good!” “好!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, treadons the sword step, interwove sharp incomparable sword glow, the attack has been approaching the black armor man. 叶晨风深吸一口气,脚踏剑步,交织着一道道锐利无比的剑芒,攻击向了黑甲男子。 Ye Chenfeng raids with ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow, the black armor man has not dodged, sees only him to grasp the Black Dragon long gun|spear, Ping Bai not wonderful thorn a spear|gun, immediately twisted the entire space strength, breaks [say / way] sword glow that has cut, a bayonet has approached the throat of Ye Chenfeng. 叶晨风携万丈剑芒袭来,黑甲男子没有闪躲,只见他手持黑龙长枪,平白无奇的刺出了一枪,立即绞动了整个空间的力量,破开了斩来的道道剑芒,一枪刺向了叶晨风的喉咙。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Ye Chenfeng has not thought that the strength such terror of black armor man, a simple spear|gun broke own attack unceasingly, but also directly threatens own life, immediately summoned the sword wing, displayed two times of time speeds of flow to dodge. 叶晨风没想到黑甲男子的实力如此的恐怖,简单的一枪不断破掉了自己的攻击,还直接威胁到自己的性命,立即召唤出剑翅,施展两倍时间流速进行闪躲。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Deeply the spear|gun mark presented in the sword wing surface together, Ye Chenfeng is shaken to fly several kilometers far by the fearful spear|gun glow, falling of heavily on the ground, received the severe wound. 一道深深地枪痕出现在剑翅表面,叶晨风更是被可怕的枪芒震飞了出数千米远,重重的摔在了地上,受到了重伤。 Good strength!” “好强!” Ye Chenfeng cleans the clean corners of the mouth overflow blood, difficult crawls on ground, on the face the dignified color was stronger. 叶晨风擦拭干净嘴角溢出的鲜血,艰难的在地上爬起来,脸上凝重之色更浓了。 The experience to the terror of black armor man, Ye Chenfeng felt that he must kill itself, perhaps with hands down. 见识到黑甲男子的恐怖,叶晨风感觉他要杀自己,恐怕不费吹灰之力。 You were too weak, not having the qualifications to enter the next space!” “你太弱了,没有资格进入下一个空间!” The black armor man looks indifferently by Ye Chenfeng that a oneself spear|gun wounds, said heartlessly. 黑甲男子冷漠的看着被自己一枪击伤的叶晨风,无情地说道。 Spirit fish, the hot Qilin, comes out!” “灵鱼,火麒麟,出来!” Ye Chenfeng has pondered, has not continued to take risk to attack, but summoned the spirit fish and hot Qilin, wants through their soldiers do not see the blood since space. 叶晨风沉思了一下,没有继续冒险攻击,而是将灵鱼和火麒麟召唤了出来,想要通过他们兵不见血的进入内空间中。 You are the black emperor puppet that the master refines!” “你是主人炼制的黑帝傀儡!” The hot Qilin is staring the copper bell big eye, looks at the black armor man, identified his origin. 火麒麟瞪着铜铃大眼,看着黑甲男子,辨认出了他的来历。 Hot Qilin, how did you come?” “火麒麟,你怎么来了?” The black emperor puppet has certain spirit wisdom, north recognized getting angry Qilin in the past to follow one of the deep main Saint beasts. 黑帝傀儡拥有一定的灵智,认出火麒麟正是当年跟随北冥之主的圣兽之一。 I looked for the young master!” The hot Qilin changed the human form, was pointing at spirit fishway. “我将小主人找来了!”火麒麟变化成了人形,指着身边的灵鱼道。 Young master, you found the young master!” “小主人,你找到小主人了!” On the face of black emperor puppet ancient well without ripples reveals the mood to fluctuate immediately, he is staring at the spirit fish stubbornly, as to see through her. 黑帝傀儡古井无波的脸上立即流露出情绪波动,他死死地盯着灵鱼,仿佛想要将她看穿。 „Is my father he also living?” “我父亲他还活着吗?” Looks to protect in Tianwaitian the space not to know that many years the black emperor puppets, spirit fish somewhat anxious saying, for fear that hears not the good news slightly. 看着守护天外天内空间不知道多少年的黑帝傀儡,灵鱼微微有些紧张的说道,生怕听到不好的消息。 I do not know that I had the innumerable years not to see the old master!” The black emperor puppet shook the head saying: „The old master was injured in the past, although serious, but by the strength of old master, could very come.” “我也不知道,我已经有无数岁月没有见过老主人了!”黑帝傀儡摇了摇头道:“不过老主人当年受伤虽然严重,但以老主人的实力,也许可以挺过来。” How can I see father?” Spirit fish urgent asking. “那我怎样才能见到父亲?”灵鱼急迫的问道。 Old master in this space end, I delivers you to go in!” “老主人就在这空间尽头,我送你们进去吧!” Felt the True God bloodlines and Divine Ape bloodlines that in the spirit fish body flows, the black emperor puppet had not suspected her status, opens the mouth to say. 感觉到灵鱼身体中流淌的真神血脉和神猿血脉,黑帝傀儡没有怀疑她的身份,开口说道。 Black emperor puppet, I can live today, had been lucky the Chenfeng elder brother, does not know you can make the Chenfeng elder brother go in?” The spirit fish asked in a soft voice. “黑帝傀儡,我能活到今天,多亏了晨风哥,不知你能让晨风哥进去吗?”灵鱼轻声问道。 Makes him go in, but he must meet my spear|gun directly!” The black emperor puppet said heartlessly. “让他进去也可以,不过他必须正面接我一枪!”黑帝傀儡无情地说道。 Black emperor puppet, you are the emperor level puppet that the master refines, your spear|gun attacks the 6-Star [say / way] Venerable cannot resist, how the leaf little resists!” The hot Qilin said. “黑帝傀儡,你可是主人炼制的帝级傀儡,你一枪攻击六星道尊都抵挡不住,叶少如何抵挡!”火麒麟说道。 Relax, I will suppress the striking power to the 2-Star [say / way] revere, will give the opportunity that he one time maintains a livelihood! But if his I 1% attacks cannot resist, he does not have the qualifications to obtain the inheritance that the master leaves behind.” Black emperor puppet indifferent saying. “放心,我会将攻击力压制到二星道尊,会给他一次活命的机会!但如果他连我1的攻击都抵挡不住,那他没有资格得到主人留下的传承。”黑帝傀儡冷漠的说道。 Good, that comes!” “好,那就来吧!” Ye Chenfeng to own strength is quite self-confident, completely has the confidence to resist a spear|gun attack that the black emperor puppet 2-Star [say / way] Venerable. 叶晨风对自己的实力还是颇为自信,完全有信心抵挡住黑帝傀儡二星道尊的一枪攻击。 Drinks!” “喝!” The black emperor puppet explodes drinks one, before treads fiercely, one step, has cracked instantaneously surrounding area one li (0.5km) space. 黑帝傀儡爆喝一声,猛地踏前了一步,瞬间崩裂了方圆一里的空间。 Then, a strange strength gushed out his body, he grasps the Black Dragon long gun|spear, punctured black spear|gun glow, has cut the hard incomparable space directly, black perpetual flow that such as raided crazily, thorn to Ye Chenfeng. 接着,一股奇异的力量涌出了他的身体,他手持黑龙长枪,刺出了一道黑色枪芒,直接划破了坚硬无比的空间,如一条狂袭的黑色长河,刺向了叶晨风 Primordial Chaos Bloodline, combustion!” 鸿蒙血脉,燃烧!” The might of black emperor puppet spear|gun, fully achieved the 2-Star [say / way] Venerable the peak, making Ye Chenfeng not dare negligently, to burn decisively Primordial Chaos Bloodline, summoned three big Spirit Level Dao Chart to resist. 黑帝傀儡这一枪的威力,完全达到了二星道尊巅峰,让叶晨风不敢大意,果断的燃烧了鸿蒙血脉,召唤出了三大灵级道图进行抵挡。 Certainly sword Black Dragon!” “绝剑黑龙!” Ye Chenfeng with the body sword, fuses in three big Spirit Level Dao Chart and over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, evolved Black Dragon to hit. 叶晨风以身化剑,融合在三大灵级道图和超过1000000000斤的力量,演化成了黑龙撞了上去。 Sword Black Dragon that certainly but the next quarter, Ye Chenfeng displays broke, the black long gun|spear that the black emperor puppet punctures punctures with irresistible force. 但下一刻,叶晨风施展的绝剑黑龙破碎了,黑帝傀儡刺出的黑色长枪势如破竹般刺来。 Silver Sword Soul, keeps off!” “白银剑魂,挡!” The Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, silver Sword Soul has spent his soul sea, punctured in the power and influence astonishing black spear|gun glow, resisted the attack of this spear|gun. 叶晨风瞳孔一缩,白银剑魂破出了他的魂海,刺在了威势惊人的黑色枪芒上,抵挡住了这一枪的攻击。 Broken!” “破!” Then, Ye Chenfeng trod one step, over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength eruptions, shelled in the black spear|gun glow that shivered fiercely maliciously, broke to pieces the black spear|gun glow bang stiffly. 接着,叶晨风踏出了一步,超过1000000000斤的力量爆发,狠狠地轰击在剧烈颤抖的黑色枪芒上,硬生生将黑色枪芒轰碎了。 Silver Sword Soul, has not thought by your strength, not only has built Sword Soul, but also quenchings the silver rank it!” Black emperor puppet somewhat accidental saying: Was good, since you broke my spear|gun attack, I send you to inside.” “白银剑魂,没想到以你的实力,不但修成了剑魂,还将其淬炼成白银等级!”黑帝傀儡有些意外的说道:“好了,既然你破掉了我一枪攻击,那我就送你们进入里面吧。” You are not the family member of master, therefore wants to obtain the inheritance of master, but also needs to depend on your effort, if the strength is bad, you will not have any harvest in!” “不过你并非主人的亲人,所以想要得到主人的传承,还需要靠你自己的努力,如果实力不济,你在里面不会有任何的收获!” Then, black emperor puppet top of the head appears two transmission, separately Ye Chenfeng, as well as the spirit fish and hot Qilin transmitted in the Tianwaitian core space. 说完,黑帝傀儡头顶浮现出两座传送阵,分别将叶晨风,以及灵鱼、火麒麟传送到了天外天核心空间中。
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