EDSG :: Volume #16

#1510: In runs into the space

Receives!” “收!” The demon Venerable after exploding the strength vanishes, Ye Chenfeng left Universe Realm, took in their relics Universe Realm. 魔尊自爆力量消失后,叶晨风离开了乾坤境,将他们的遗物收进了乾坤境中。 Struck to kill the demon Venerable, monster Venerable, Ye Chenfeng has harvested two big Top Grade Saint as well as the talented death demon puppets. 击杀了魔尊、妖尊,叶晨风又收获了两大极品圣器以及实力不俗的死魔傀儡。 Although the death of dead demon puppet within the body tied seal to be stave, but Ye Chenfeng had the spirit of bead dying this the first Tiansheng treasure, may congeal to tie seal, controlled the dead demon puppet. 虽然死魔傀儡体内的死亡结印破碎,但叶晨风拥有死之灵珠这等先天圣宝,可重新凝结结印,掌控死魔傀儡。 Shouted, was the time enters in Tianwaitian the space!” “呼,是时候进入天外天内空间了!” Ye Chenfeng has controlled one's breathing simply a meeting, resumed the bodily injury and consumption taking advantage of the spirit of bead living, took back the antiquity to obstruct the day chart, prepared taking advantage of ancient Pan who the deep ten sides gave the spirit fish, entered to Tianwaitian in the space. 叶晨风简单调息了一会,借生之灵珠恢复了身体伤害和消耗,收回了上古遮天图,准备借冥十方交给灵鱼的古盘,进入到天外天内空间中。 Any person!” “什么人!” Ye Chenfeng received the antiquity to obstruct day chart the instance, his keen sensation strength realized suddenly the danger, the pupil shrank looks to the distant place, saw that wore emperor Profound Heaven of purple long gown to tread to walk void step by step toward him. 叶晨风收起上古遮天图的瞬间,他敏锐的感知力突然察觉到了危险,瞳孔一缩望向了远处,看到身穿紫色长袍的帝玄天尊踏着虚空一步步向他走来。 But side emperor Profound Heaven, wears the old man of ash-gray long gown with one, but brings the intense dangerous feeling to Ye Chenfeng, is this old man. 而在帝玄天尊身边,跟着一名身穿灰色长袍的老者,而给叶晨风带来强烈危险感觉的,正是这名老者。 What boundary big energy is this person?” “此人是什么境界大能?” When Ye Chenfeng stares the black ink feather day Venerable, discovered one cannot completely understand him unexpectedly, Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction, is unable to catch his real boundary, this lets the Ye Chenfeng instinct the vigilance. 叶晨风凝视墨羽天尊时,发现自己竟然看不透他,就连极速推演的噬神脑,都无法捕捉到他的真实境界,这让叶晨风本能的警觉起来。 „The Human Race junior, I looked down on you, has not thought that you really had the skill to kill the monster Venerable with the demon revere!” 人族小辈,我真是小瞧你了,没想到你竟然有本事杀死了妖尊和魔尊!” Emperor Profound Heaven ice-cold looks at Ye Chenfeng, although he is startled the Ye Chenfeng terror strength, but there is a black ink feather day Venerable to support, Ye Chenfeng has the exceedingly high penetrating place to be also useless. 玄天尊冰冷的看着叶晨风,虽然他吃惊叶晨风恐怖的战力,但有墨羽天尊撑腰,叶晨风就是有通天彻地之能也没用。 I said how you have not pursued, originally was moves the reinforcement!” Ye Chenfeng was calmed down diligently by oneself, looks that the look cold proud black ink feather day Venerable saying: If I had not guessed that your excellency is the Heaven Territory Lower Realm big energy.” “我说你怎么没有追来,原来是搬救兵去了!”叶晨风努力让自己冷静下来,看着神色冷傲的墨羽天尊道:“如果我没有猜测,阁下是天域下界大能吧。” You are very intelligent, the main body came from azure Heaven Clan!” The black ink feather day Venerable sound vigorous saying, but he puts out a character every time, such as the startling thunderclap crack, shakes the Ye Chenfeng eardrum to be painful. “你很聪明,本尊来自于青天族!”墨羽天尊声音浑厚的说道,而他每吐出一个字,都如惊雷炸响,震得叶晨风耳膜生疼。 Main body!” “本尊!” Hears words that black ink feather day Venerable, Ye Chenfeng relaxed slightly, the strength that although the black ink feather day Venerable far exceeds his imagination, but he grasps the God to project this to kill greatly, completely has the opportunity to strike to kill the black ink feather day Venerable with emperor Profound Heaven. 听到墨羽天尊的话,叶晨风稍稍松了一口气,虽然墨羽天尊的实力远远超出他的想象,但他掌握着天帝投影这个大杀器,完全有机会击杀墨羽天尊和帝玄天尊。 However he does not want to use the God projection prematurely, but is thinking means that other withdraw. 不过他并不想过早的动用天帝投影,而是想着其他脱身的办法。 Junior, who you are, why begins to my Heaven Clan?” The black ink feather day Venerable in the opacitas double pupil to jump projects thick cold intent, is locking Ye Chenfeng, low and deep asking. “小辈,你到底是何人,为何对我天族动手?”墨羽天尊浑浊的双眸中迸射出浓浓的冷意,锁定着叶晨风,低沉的问道。 „The Battle Soul Continent book is my Human Race world, do I drive away your alien race could it be not to be right?” Ye Chenfeng fearless asked. 斗魂大陆本就是我人族的世界,我驱赶你们这些异族难道不对吗?”叶晨风无所畏惧的反问道。 Boy, your courage is not really small, dares speaks with this tone and main body.” The black ink feather day Venerable saying of face darken: Waits a while to seize you, does main body need a look at you to be obstinate argumentative but actually?” “小子,你胆子真的不小,竟敢用这种口气和本尊说话。”墨羽天尊脸色阴沉的说道:“等一会擒住你,本尊倒要看看你还嘴硬吗?” Saying, the black ink feather day was revering to find out the right hand, congealed to turn into a fearful obstructing day big hand, was evolving mysterious Dao Intent, grasped to Ye Chenfeng. 说着,墨羽天尊探出了右手,凝化成了一只可怕的遮天大手,演化着玄奥的道意,抓向了叶晨风 Felt that the space Venerable congealed under the big hand attack to cave in black ink feather day, Ye Chenfeng fused in together, the space entrance with the sword wing without hesitation flies forcefully inward. 感觉空间都在墨羽天尊凝化的大手攻击下塌陷了,叶晨风毫不犹豫与剑翅融合在一起,强行向内空间入口飞去。 But black ink feather day Venerable the big hand to be too fearful, the space was extruded, making the Ye Chenfeng speed be affected enormously, cannot he only be able to hide in Universe Realm. 但墨羽天尊大手太可怕,空间遭到挤压,让叶晨风的速度受到了极大地影响,不得以他只能躲进乾坤境中。 Bang!” “轰!” Obstructed the huge hand imprint to fall on Universe Realm, the fearful strength shook Universe Realm fierce shivering. 遮天大手印落在了乾坤境上,可怕的力量震得乾坤境剧烈的颤抖。 However opened the Universe Realm 2-layer space, the defense of Universe Realm has upgraded several levels, Venerable the 6-Star day Venerable the peak strength at the black ink feather day, suddenly is unable to break. 不过开启了乾坤境二重空间,乾坤境的防御提升了数个层次,以墨羽天尊六星天尊巅峰实力,一时间也无法破开。 When holds black ink feather day Venerable to be surprised, Ye Chenfeng rapidly left Universe Realm, the fanning sword wing of extremely fast, is tearing to pieces the torn to pieces space, has crashed in the space channel at the extremely quick speed. 抓住墨羽天尊惊疑之际,叶晨风迅速离开了乾坤境,极速的扇动剑翅,撕破着支离破碎的空间,以极快的速度冲进了内空间通道中。 Where runs!” “哪里跑!” The black ink feather day Venerable one step to step forward, surmounted several kilometers instantaneously, followed closely Ye Chenfeng to enter in the space channel. 墨羽天尊一步跨出,瞬间跨越了数千米,紧随叶晨风进入到了内空间通道。 At this time, Ye Chenfeng has put out ancient Pan, injected the skill in Daoist cultivation to the ancient plate continuously, started the strength of ancient plate, opened in the space entrance forcefully, the first black ink feather day Venerable to enter in the space. 这时,叶晨风拿出了古盘,源源不断向古盘中注入道力,启动了古盘之力,强行打开了内空间入口,抢先墨羽天尊进入到了内空间中。 Closure!” “关闭!” Crashes in Tianwaitian the space, Ye Chenfeng controls ancient Pan to close the entrance, at this time, a miniature hill appeared in space entrance of fast cicatrization, in wanted to open the space entrance forcefully, did not let its closure. 冲进天外天内空间,叶晨风控制古盘就要关闭入口,这时,一座迷你小山出现在快速愈合的内空间入口,想要强行撑开内空间入口,不让其关闭。 But in the space entrance ban might is too big, the miniature hill of Top Grade Saint treasure rank is unable to open the space entrance that heals unceasingly, was crushed by the strength of fearful distortion little. 但内空间入口禁制威力太大,极品圣宝等级的迷你小山根本无法撑开不断愈合的空间入口,被可怕的扭曲之力一点点压碎了。 This boy anything origin, how he possibly opens in Tianwaitian the space entrance!” “这小子到底什么来历,他怎么可能打开天外天内空间入口!” Looks that vanishes Ye Chenfeng that does not see, emperor Profound Heaven has revealed fantasy the touching type, complexion that the black ink feather day Venerable gloomy. 看着消失不见的叶晨风,帝玄天尊露出了活见鬼的摸样,就连墨羽天尊的脸色都阴沉了下来。 Broken!” “破!” The black ink feather day Venerable the space pressure that disregards extrudes to come unceasingly, selected one finger, fearful finger glow was grinding the space, in space entrance of complete cicatrization. 墨羽天尊无视不断挤压而来的空间压力,点出了一指,可怕的指芒碾碎着空间,点在了完全愈合的内空间入口处。 The black ink feather day Venerable this finger of might to be enormous, the instant kill 5-Star day Venerable sufficiently. But the point the space entrance, actually cannot shake the space entrance slightest. 墨羽天尊这一指威力极大,足以秒杀五星天尊。但点在内空间入口处,却未能撼动空间入口分毫。 Star Point sword!” 点星剑!” The black ink feather day Venerable a brow slightly wrinkle, offered a sacrifice to a handle to mount ten stars crystal stones, the nine chi (0.33 m) long sword of Top Grade Saint rank, a sword thorn to space entrance. 墨羽天尊眉头微微一皱,祭出了一柄镶嵌着十颗星辰般晶石,极品圣器等级的九尺长剑,一剑刺向了内空间入口。 This sword, black ink feather day Venerable almost the striking power to display the pinnacle, prestige of 6-Star day a sword Venerable can strike to kill, when puncturing space entrance, in is still not actually able to open the space forcefully. 这一剑,墨羽天尊几乎将攻击力发挥到了极致,一剑之威六星天尊都能击杀,但刺在内空间入口时,却依然无法强行打开内空间。 Emperor is unreliable, attacks along with me together!” “帝玄,随我一同攻击!” Thinks of Tianwaitian is north deep Lord stays behind, if can obtain inside inheritance, not only can obtain azure Heaven Clan to award, oneself have the opportunity taking advantage of inside inheritance, treads this difficult one step, breaks through to the boundary of God. 想到天外天乃是北冥之主留下,如果能得到里面的传承,不但能得到青天族褒奖,自己更有机会借里面的传承,踏出这艰难的一步,突破到天帝之境。 Yes!” “是!” Emperor Profound Heaven nodded, summons the Top Grade Saint treasured sword plate, Venerable with the black ink feather day is attacking in the space entrance fierce. 玄天尊点了点头,召唤出了极品圣宝刀盘,与墨羽天尊凶猛的攻击着内空间入口。 Two people of attacks are extremely fearful, but in the space entrance ban is north the deep Lord stays behind, at is not they can shake, two people put forth the skills, has attacked more than half double-hour fierce, still is unable to rumble broken the space entrance. 二人的攻击可谓是极其可怕,但内空间入口禁制是北冥之主留下的,根本不是他们二人可以撼动的,二人使出浑身解数,凶猛攻击了半个多时辰,依然无法轰破内空间入口。 But, felt that two people of deep dilutedness can only give up. 无奈之下,感到深深无力感的二人只能放弃。 What to do the black ink feather day Venerable, perhaps in this Tianwaitian the space is unable to break with the brute force!” An emperor Profound Heaven brow closely twisted in one, helpless saying. “怎么办墨羽天尊,这天外天内空间恐怕无法用蛮力破开!”帝玄天尊眉头紧紧地拧在了一起,无奈的说道。 Cannot go in has not related!” The black ink feather day Venerable in the profound double pupil to glitter the color of ominous offense: We defend in this Tianwaitian outside he came out, so long as he dares to leave Tianwaitian, your I collaborate to capture alive him sufficiently, at the appointed time his all chances will be our.” “进不去也没关系!”墨羽天尊深邃的双眸中闪烁着凶戾之色道:“我们守在这天外天外面等他出来,只要他敢离开天外天,你我联手足以生擒他,到时他身上一切机缘都将是我们的。” Good , can only like this!” “好吧,也只能这样了!” Then, in the black ink feather day Venerable two people not to have the good fee strength to continue to attack the space entrance again, left Tianwaitian, waits for gains without pains outside, waited for that Ye Chenfeng comes out. 说完,墨羽天尊二人没有再好费力气继续攻击内空间入口,离开了天外天,在外面守株待兔,等待叶晨风出来。
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