EDSG :: Volume #16

#1509: Cuts the demon Venerable

Under, was one's turn you!” “下面,轮到你了!” The powerful struck to kill the monster Venerable, Ye Chenfeng was dignified to the complexion the vision projection, the germination drew back the demon of intent Venerable, treadons the sword step to fly to raid. 强势击杀了妖尊,叶晨风将目光投射向了脸色凝重,萌生退意的魔尊,脚踏剑步飞袭了过去。 Real demon day shade!” “真魔天影!” The Ye Chenfeng strength by far is above the imagination that demon Venerable, to strike to kill him, the demon clan has displayed the formidable card in a hand, a fearful real demon day shade appears his body, face upwarded to roar, rumbles a heaven-shaking fist. 叶晨风的战力远远超乎了魔尊的想象,为了击杀他,魔族施展了强大的底牌,一名可怕的真魔天影浮现出他的身体,仰天咆哮,轰出了惊天一拳。 Wrath of God Punishment!” 神罚之怒!” Encounters the real demon day shade to attack, Ye Chenfeng has not flinched, his one's old tricks heavy, collects Wrath of God Punishment in the right fist, a fist moved forward to meet somebody. 遭到真魔天影攻击,叶晨风没有退缩,他故技重施,将神罚之怒汇集在右拳中,一拳迎了上去。 Bang!” “轰!” When a Ye Chenfeng firmly resist real demon day shade fist attack, Wrath of God Punishment simultaneously erupted with over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, the fearful strength has crushed the real demon day shade attack stiffly, and broke his entire arm. 叶晨风硬憾真魔天影一拳攻击时,神罚之怒与超过1000000000斤的力量同时爆发了,可怕的力量硬生生粉碎了真魔天影的攻击,并将他整个手臂震碎了。 Death!” “死吧!” Holds the Ye Chenfeng firmly resist real demon day shade opportunity, the demon Venerable to Ye Chenfeng starts fatally strikes, wants while this opportunity his heavy injury. 抓住叶晨风硬憾真魔天影的机会,魔尊向叶晨风发动致命一击,想要趁此机会将他重创 „To kill, next generation!” “想要杀,下辈子吧!” Under the Devouring God Brain deduction, Ye Chenfeng caught the demon Venerable the attacking track ahead of time, the body surrounding time suddenly accelerates, changes to together the remnant shade, fends strikes, appears in void that fatally the demon Venerable. 噬神脑推演下,叶晨风提前捕捉到了魔尊攻击轨迹,身体周围的时间突然加速,化作一道残影,闪避开了魔尊的致命一击,出现在虚空中。 „The Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, explodes to me!” 九天玉玺,给我爆!” Then, Ye Chenfeng controls the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal to increase unceasingly, seal falls fearfully day character ancient Wen, printed maliciously in the real demon day shade, fearful day character ancient Wen crushed it directly. 接着,叶晨风控制九天玉玺不断地变大,印落下可怕的‘天’字古纹,狠狠地印在了真魔天影上,可怕的‘天’字古纹直接将其粉碎了。 Time rule, you actually mastered the time rule!” “时间规则,你竟然掌握了时间规则!” The demon Venerable the make a move instance, he felt clearly the Ye Chenfeng body surrounding time speed of flow sped up, in the heart has raised the dreadful rough seas. 魔尊出手的瞬间,他清晰地感觉到叶晨风身体周围的时间流速加快了,心中掀起了滔天大浪。 The time rule, the space rule is among universes the most mystical two big rules, time rule mysterious, even if Heaven Territory, grasps the person of time rule to be also few. 时间规则,空间规则是宇宙间最神秘的两大规则,其中时间规则更加的玄奥,就算天域,掌握时间规则的人也寥寥无几。 What's wrong, is very surprised? More surprised also in behind!” “怎么,很惊讶吗?更惊讶的还在后面!” Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile, treadons the sword step to fly to raid to him, the fanning sword wing of extremely fast, was attacking his body. 叶晨风微微一笑,脚踏剑步飞袭向了他,极速的扇动剑翅,攻击着他的身体。 Dead demon puppet!” “死魔傀儡!” Facing the Ye Chenfeng more and more fierce attack, the demon Venerable does not dare to hide one's incompetence by remaining silent again, has used his final card in a hand, summoned one to wear the black scales to fight the clothes, grasped the long gun|spear, in the body is filling the puppet of thick dead air/Qi. 面对叶晨风越来越凶猛的攻击,魔尊不敢再藏拙,动用了他最后的底牌,召唤出了一具身穿黑色鳞甲战衣,手持长枪,身体中弥漫着浓浓死气的傀儡。 Bang!” “轰!” Ye Chenfeng wields three big Top Grade Saint soldiers, pounded on the dead demon puppet body, surged the deafening demolition sound. 叶晨风挥动三大极品圣兵,砸在了死魔傀儡身体上,激荡出震耳欲聋的爆破声。 Simultaneously encounters three big Top Grade Saint attacks, even if high-grade Saint can break off, but shells when the dead demon puppet, actually merely shook his body, cannot wound it. 同时遭到三大极品圣器攻击,就算上品圣器都能折断,但轰击在死魔傀儡上时,却仅仅撼动了他的身体,未能将其击伤。 Un, the puppet of Top Grade Saint treasure rank!” “嗯,极品圣宝等级的傀儡!” Felt that the defense of dead demon puppet, Ye Chenfeng has revealed a surprise. 感觉到死魔傀儡的防御,叶晨风露出了一丝诧异。 „The Human Race boy, you can compel my this card in a hand, you were die sufficiently are also proud!” 人族小子,你能逼出我这个底牌,你就是死也足以自傲了!” Saying, the demon was revering to the order that the dead demon puppet issued must kill, ordering his full power to strike to kill Ye Chenfeng. 说着,魔尊向死魔傀儡下达了必杀的命令,命令他全力击杀叶晨风 Snort, does the trivial puppet give you greatly to be so self-confident?” “哼,区区傀儡就给你这么大自信?” Ye Chenfeng cold snort|hum, has taken back three mahatma soldiers suddenly, three mahatma soldiers, unarmed welcoming has approached the dead demon puppet. 叶晨风冷哼一声,突然收回了三大圣兵,三大圣兵,赤手空拳的迎向了死魔傀儡。 „The spirit of bead dying, the spirit of bead living, extinguishes to me!” “死之灵珠,生之灵珠,给我灭!” Ye Chenfeng controls two big innate spirit beads the strengths to collect on the right-hand man, continual shaking dead demon puppet. 叶晨风控制两大先天灵珠的力量汇集在左右手上,连续的撼动死魔傀儡。 Although dead demon puppet takes advantage of the formidable defense, resisted Ye Chenfeng to flood the fist attack of 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength completely, the strength of spirit of bead spirit of bead and living that death but in his fist contained, unceasingly was weak his within the body the death air/Qi, destroyed the death of its body to tie seal. 虽然死魔傀儡依仗强大的防御,完全抵御住了叶晨风充斥着1000000000斤力量的拳头攻击,但他拳头中蕴含的死之灵珠和生之灵珠的力量,却不断地虚弱他体内的死气,破坏着它身体的死亡结印。 Un, how was dead demon puppet this?” “嗯,死魔傀儡这是怎么了?” Discovery that outside demon your opinion makes the best use of the time rapidly therapy, the offensive of dead demon puppet is getting more and more slow, by the Ye Chenfeng unarmed suppression, the complexion great change, cannot believe that completely Ye Chenfeng has the method to restrain the dead demon puppet unexpectedly. 抓紧时间迅速疗伤的魔尊意外的发现,死魔傀儡的攻势越来越慢,完全被叶晨风赤手空拳的压制,脸色巨变,不敢相信叶晨风竟有手段克制死魔傀儡。 But, the thought that he can only give up continuing therapy, grasped the double demon blade to cut to Ye Chenfeng. 无奈之下,他只能放弃继续疗伤的念头,手持双魔刀斩向了叶晨风 Demon ba, comes out!” “魔魃,出来!” The Ye Chenfeng thought moves, savage demon ba will summon, orders attack that his full power resistance demon Venerable, but he continues to the dead demon puppet launches the tidal offensive, wants to crush knot seal that his within the body the strength of death congealed in one vigorous effort. 叶晨风意念一动,将凶残的魔魃召唤了出来,命令他全力抵御魔尊的攻击,而他继续向死魔傀儡发动潮水般的攻势,想要一鼓作气粉碎他体内的死亡之力凝结的结印。 In living the dead souls bead corrodes under the attack unceasingly, the striking power of dead demon puppet is getting more and more weak, the death in within the body tied seal to present a fissure. 在生死灵珠不断地侵蚀攻击下,死魔傀儡的攻击力越来越弱,体内的死亡结印更是出现了道道裂痕。 Gives me to break to pieces!” “给我碎!” Ye Chenfeng stimulated the spirit of bead strongest might life and death, rumbled in the dead demon puppet body, the strength of fearful life and death directly destroyed the death of his within the body to tie seal, rumbled to depart several kilometers far him, hit on a giant rugged rock, lost the action. 叶晨风激发了生死之灵珠最强的威力,轰进了死魔傀儡的身体中,可怕的生死之力直接破坏了他体内的死亡结印,将他轰飞出了数千米远,撞在了一块巨大的嶙峋怪石上,失去了行动力。 „The death of dead demon puppet within the body tied seal to be broken, how he achieved!” “死魔傀儡体内的死亡结印被破了,他到底是怎么做到的!” At this time, the demon Venerable in the heart to produce the intense restlessness, he biggest taking advantage was broken by Ye Chenfeng with ease, lets the danger that his situation all of a sudden changed. 此时,魔尊心中产生了强烈的不安,他最大的依仗被叶晨风轻松破掉,让他的处境一下子变的危险起来。 Whiz!” “嗖!” His body moves, the decisive giving up puppet, flies to void at the extremely quick speed, wanted to pierce the antiquity to obstruct the day chart, fled from here. 他身子一动,果断的放弃傀儡,以极快的速度向虚空之上飞去,想要洞穿上古遮天图,逃离这里。 Now wants to run away, was too late!” “现在想逃,太晚了!” The antiquity obstructed the day chart to be transformed by Ye Chenfeng, melted ten thousand Top Grade cornerstones, the emperor who even if the 2-Star day Venerable the boundary extinguished the day Venerable cannot break in a short time, do not say him. 上古遮天图被叶晨风改造一番,融进了万颗极品阵基石,就算二星天尊境界的帝灭天尊短时间内也破不开,更不要说他了。 Sword wing fierce dodges, twists the massive sword shades, swept across Venerable to the demon, keeping him from the full power attack antiquity obstructing the day chart. 剑翅剧烈的一闪,绞动着大量的剑影,席卷向了魔尊,让他无法全力攻击上古遮天图。 Monster Venerable on the road to Hades to be somewhat lonely, you get down to accompany him!” “妖尊黄泉路上有些寂寞,你还是下去陪他吧!” Ye Chenfeng displays pinnacle the time rule, interweaves the dazzling sword shade, the attack is bewitched Venerable, is aggravating his body injury. 叶晨风将时间规则发挥到极致,交织成让人眼花缭乱的剑影,攻击着魔尊,加重着他身体伤势。 As the Ye Chenfeng offensive is getting more and more fierce, the injury that demon Venerable is getting more and more serious, his heart trembled. 随着叶晨风攻势越来越凶猛,魔尊的伤势越来越重,他心颤了。 However the demon Venerable the innermost feelings to be very arrogant, he has not begged for mercy, but is bites jaw to support tightly by strenuous efforts, wants to seek the final vitality in the hopeless situation. 不过魔尊内心十分高傲,他并没有求饶,而是紧咬牙关苦苦的支撑着,想要在绝境中寻求最后的生机。 Was good, under making you experience my last resort!” “好了,让你见识下我最后的手段吧!” Venerable with the monster, the demon Venerable to examine own strength, Ye Chenfeng also lost the patience, the regard moved, summons five big Top Grade Saint treasures, controlled them Venerable to launch the fierce attack to the demon. 拿妖尊,魔尊检验了自己的战力,叶晨风也失去了耐心,心意一动,召唤出了五大极品圣宝,控制他们向魔尊发动了凶猛的攻击。 At this time, the demon Venerable injured seriously, resists a big Top Grade Saint treasure quite to be difficult, do not say that resisted five big Top Grade Saint treasures. 此时,魔尊受伤严重,抵挡一大极品圣宝都颇为困难,更不要说抵挡五大极品圣宝了。 Under five big Top Grade Saint treasure wanton bombing, the both arms that the demon Venerable is broken to pieces by the bang stiffly, the entire body pounded to fly by the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal and real demon hand, torn to pieces. 在五大极品圣宝狂轰滥炸下,魔尊的双臂被硬生生轰碎了,整个身子更是被九天玉玺和真魔之手砸飞,支离破碎。 Junior, goes to hell with the main body!” “小辈,和本尊一起下地狱吧!” The demon that both arms smashing, body severe wound, vitality broken Venerable to call out one, has fired into Ye Chenfeng crazily, starts to him from exploding strikes, wants to perish together with him. 双臂粉碎,身体重伤,生机已断的魔尊暴吼一声,疯狂的冲向了叶晨风,向他发动自爆一击,想要和他同归于尽。 You were too naive!” “你太天真了!” The demon Venerable from exploding the instance, Ye Chenfeng revealed color of the ridicule, the regard moved, hid in Universe Realm. 魔尊自爆的瞬间,叶晨风露出了一丝讥讽之色,心意一动,躲进了乾坤境中。 No!” “不!” Looks at Ye Chenfeng to vanish helplessly, the demon Venerable to exude the unwilling roaring sound, the entire body erupted a terrifying energy, has blasted out a large cave the space, exploded the body to perish. 眼睁睁看着叶晨风消失,魔尊发出了不甘的怒吼声,整个身体爆发出一股恐怖的能量,将空间炸开了一个大洞,爆体而亡。
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