EDSG :: Volume #16

#1508: Kills the monster Venerable

Finally was right, rectified the map position!” “终于对了,矫正了地图方位!” After Devouring God Brain deductions, Ye Chenfeng rectified the position, instructed according to the map that the space entrance to Tianwaitian flies. 经过噬神脑一次次的推演,叶晨风重新矫正了方位,按照地图指示,向天外天内空间入口飞去。 About three days later, Ye Chenfeng has flown a bottle gourd shape, in the space pressure enormous level area, but according to topographic diagram labelling, in the space entrance, hides in this bottle gourd shape level area. 大约三天之后,叶晨风飞到了一座葫芦形,空间压力极大的山坳中,而根据地形图标注,内空间入口,就隐藏在这葫芦形山坳中。 First solved the monster Venerable, demon Venerable, then entered in Tianwaitian the space!” “先解决了妖尊、魔尊,再进入天外天内空间吧!” Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction already felt that the monster Venerable, demon Venerable tags along, found in the space entrance, Ye Chenfeng has decided to solve them first. 极速推演的噬神脑早就感觉到妖尊、魔尊一路尾随,找到了内空间入口,叶晨风决定先解决他们。 Antiquity obstructed the day chart, banned!” “上古遮天图,禁!” The Ye Chenfeng regard moved, summons the antiquity to obstruct the day chart, was banning the entire space. 叶晨风心意一动,召唤出了上古遮天图,禁制着整个空间。 Then, two handle blade swords, the day of Top Grade Saint rank cut to appear in his hands, the full power attack has approached a shape strange rugged rock. 接着,两柄似刀似剑,极品圣器等级的天斩出现在他手中,全力攻击向了一块形态怪异的嶙峋怪石。 When the rugged rock was shattered, the entire space had the distortion, the endless strange strength drills in the distortion space, is indistinct, in the distortion space of strange fluctuation, presented one not to know the space channel to where. 当嶙峋怪石破碎时,整个空间发生了扭曲,无尽的奇异力量在扭曲空间中钻出,隐约间,在奇异波动的扭曲空间中,出现了一条不知通往何处的空间通道。 That Human Race junior really came prepared, had found in the space entrance!” “那人族小辈果然有备而来,找到了内空间入口!” Has restrained the aura, hides Venerable, the demon clan to see the space channel that in the distortion space presents in the monster of hidden place, the innermost feelings great happiness, two people sent greetings discussed that changed to two remnant shades, flew at the extremely quick speed. 收敛了气息,隐藏在暗处的妖尊、魔族看到扭曲空间中出现的空间通道,内心大喜,二人传音商议了一下,化作两道残影,以极快的速度飞了过来。 You are willing to come out finally.” “你们终于肯出来了。” Looks the monster that flies rapidly Venerable the demon Venerable, not only on the Ye Chenfeng face has not revealed the startled color, instead reveals thick killing intent. 看着急速飞来的妖尊魔尊,叶晨风脸上不但没有流露出惊慌之色,反而流露出浓浓的杀意 What's wrong, did you early discover us?” “怎么,你早发现我们了?” The monster Venerable a brow slightly wrinkle, somewhat accidental saying. 妖尊眉头微微一皱,有些意外的说道。 By strength that he and demon Venerable, the concealment generally Venerable level expert is very difficult to discover desirably that actually cannot hide the truth from Ye Chenfeng. 以他和魔尊的实力,刻意隐匿就算一般尊级高手也很难发现,却未能瞒过叶晨风 On your tricks, wants to practice trickery, was too rather naive!” Ye Chenfeng shook the head, ice-cold saying: In space entrance here, defeats me to go.” “就你们那点伎俩,也想瞒天过海,未免太天真了!”叶晨风摇了摇头,冰冷的说道:“内空间入口就在这里,击败我就能进去。” Saying, the Ye Chenfeng control antiquity obstructed the day chart to ban the entire space, blocked the monster Venerable the escape route that demon Venerable. 说着,叶晨风控制上古遮天图禁制了整个空间,封死了妖尊、魔尊的退路。 Junior, you are very it seems like self-confident to your strength!” “小辈,看来你对自己的实力很自信嘛!” Felt that the space was banned, demon Venerable, the monster Venerable the face darken, two dense killing off jumped to shoot in their eyes, has locked Ye Chenfeng. 感觉到空间被禁制,魔尊,妖尊脸色阴沉了下来,两道森然的杀光在他们眼睛中迸射出来,锁定了叶晨风 Hits to explode you to be enough!” “打爆你们足以!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, fused holy blood Zhu, the town day bead, has burnt Primordial Chaos Blood, promoted the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the boundary of peak own strength instantaneously. 叶晨风深吸一口气,融合了圣血珠,镇天珠,燃烧了鸿蒙之血,瞬间将自身的实力提升到了一星道尊巅峰之境。 Un......” “嗯……” Felt strength that Ye Chenfeng rises suddenly instantaneously, the demon Venerable, the monster Venerable the facial expression to be startled, smelled a dangerous aura from Ye Chenfeng. 感觉到叶晨风瞬间暴涨的实力,魔尊,妖尊神情一怔,从叶晨风身上嗅到了一丝危险的气息。 „Under today takes you to examine me to promote the strength after boundary!” “今天就拿你们检验下我提升境界后的实力吧!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was summoning the sword wing, changed to together the dazzling sword shade in void, attacked Venerable to the monster with the demon Venerable. 说着,叶晨风召唤出了剑翅,在虚空中化作一道让人眼花缭乱的剑影,攻击向了妖尊和魔尊。 Courts death!” “找死!” Ye Chenfeng with heaven-shaking sword momentum, the monster Venerable, the demon Venerable moved forward to meet somebody immediately, wants with joint forces heavy injury Ye Chenfeng, pressed for an answer on him all secrets, entered in Tianwaitian in the space. 叶晨风惊天剑势袭来,妖尊,魔尊立即迎了上去,想要合力重创叶晨风,逼问出他身上所有的秘密,进入天外天内空间中。 Wrath of God Punishment!” 神罚之怒!” Ye Chenfeng pours into three big Saint Spirit to the right fist, erupts over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, a fist bombardment has soared to the heavens to the whole body spookiness, the muscle inflates, appears Venerable in the gold/metal lion shadow monster. 叶晨风将三大圣灵灌入到右拳中,爆发出超过1000000000斤的力量,一拳轰击向了全身妖气冲天,肌肉膨胀,浮现在金狮影子的妖尊。 Bang!” “轰!” Two fists bump into, Wrath of God Punishment exploded, the strength of fearful infliction from god such as the volcano of erupting, shelled maliciously to the having a big shock monster Venerable, shook to fly him. 两拳相撞,神罚之怒爆炸了,可怕的神罚之力如爆发的火山,狠狠地轰击向了大惊失色的妖尊,将他震飞了出去。 The next quarter, the first Heavenly Sword embryo and silver Sword Soul fuse in together, changes sword glow that is a worthy opponent together, a sword cut to the demon Venerable, resists big killing move that he started. 下一刻,先天剑胎和白银剑魂融合在一起,化作一道匹敌的剑芒,一剑斩向了魔尊,抵挡住了他发动的大杀招 „Are your strengths also mediocre?” “你们的实力也不过如此吗?” By an enemy two, the firmly resist demon Venerable, monster Venerable, Ye Chenfeng innermost feelings Dading, ate delicacies crazily, summoned Universe Sword Array, controlled Universe Sword Array to turn into crowded sword rain, attacked to has grasped the demon that the double demon blade cut Venerable. 以一敌二,硬憾魔尊、妖尊,叶晨风内心大定,狂啸一声,召唤出了乾坤剑阵,控制乾坤剑阵化成了一片密集的剑雨,攻击向了手持双魔刀斩来的魔尊。 Universe Sword Array, ever changing!” 乾坤剑阵,千变万化!” Under the Ye Chenfeng thought control, Universe Sword Array constantly is changing the attack shape, the fierce attack demon Venerable. 叶晨风意念控制下,乾坤剑阵不断地变化着攻击形态,凶猛的攻击魔尊。 The strength achieves the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the limit, Ye Chenfeng controls Universe Sword Array might terror, tears into shreds the attack that is bewitched Venerable unceasingly, suppresses his offensive. 实力达到一星道尊极限,叶晨风操控乾坤剑阵的威力更加的恐怖,不断地撕碎着魔尊的攻击,压制住他的攻势。 Fight shape!” “战斗形态!” Saw that the demon Venerable to retreat in defeat again and again, the monster Venerable to call out one, changed the strongest fight shape, grasped a 1 million jin (0.5 kg) white bone stick, such as withstood great pressure pounds generally to Ye Chenfeng. 看到魔尊节节败退,妖尊暴吼一声,变化成了最强的战斗形态,手持一根1000000斤重的白色骨杖,如泰山压顶一般砸向了叶晨风 Superhuman!” “三头六臂!” The monster Venerable to pound by the potential of heaven-shaking, the Ye Chenfeng decisive change the superhuman ultimate shape, has grasped three big Top Grade Saint soldiers, three big Top Grade Saint treasures, the firmly resist monster Venerable the white bone stick that pounds to fall. 妖尊以惊天之势砸来,叶晨风果断的变化成了三头六臂终极形态,手持三大极品圣兵,三大极品圣宝,硬憾妖尊砸落的白色骨杖。 Bang!” “轰!” Counts the mahatma soldier to collide together, such as the meteorite hit erupts the ruinous strength, tenacious the space in Tianwaitian has torn a fissure directly, the fissures of winding spread in the space unceasingly. 数大圣兵碰撞到一起,如陨石撞击爆发出毁灭性的力量,直接将天外天中坚韧的空间撕裂了道道裂痕,一条条蜿蜒的裂痕不断在空间中蔓延。 Superhuman, how you can the Qilin god country inherit divine ability!” “三头六臂,你怎么会麒麟神国传承神通!” The monster Venerable to stare in a big way the eye, looks at the superhuman shape Ye Chenfeng, surprised saying. 妖尊瞪大了眼睛,看着三头六臂形态的叶晨风,吃惊的说道。 „To know? Goes to hell to ask the people in Qilin god country's!” “想知道吗?下地狱问麒麟神国的人吧!” Ye Chenfeng six arm complete Dong, revere, the demon clan to launch the tidal offensive to the monster, wants in one vigorous effort their heavy injury, strikes to kill them. 叶晨风六臂齐动,向妖尊、魔族发动潮水般的攻势,想要一鼓作气将他们重创,将他们击杀。 Gold/Metal lion roar!” “金狮吼!” The Ye Chenfeng strength surpasses them to imagine, two people cannot resist the Ye Chenfeng fierce attack with joint forces, when two people of offensive were suppressed, the monster Venerable the strong body to inflate suddenly, a fierce lion's head appears his body, exuded the landslide Tsunami lion roar to Ye Chenfeng, the bombardment has approached his body. 叶晨风的战力超出他们想象,二人合力都抵挡不住叶晨风凶猛的攻击,在二人攻势被压制时,妖尊强壮的身体突然膨胀,一只狰狞的狮头浮现出他的身体,冲着叶晨风发出了山崩海啸般的狮吼声,轰击向了他的身体。 divine ability Tyrant Jiao!” 神通霸脚!” Fearful lion roar raids, Ye Chenfeng rapid trod a foot, the fearful footprint was similar to treads to put on nine quiet general, was having hundred million honored strength, treads gold/metal lion roar that the monster Venerable to display. 可怕的狮吼声袭来,叶晨风迅速的踏出了一脚,可怕的脚印如同踏穿九幽一般,带着亿钧之力,踏碎了妖尊施展的金狮吼。 Then, sword wing fanned fiercely, has curled up ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow, attacks Venerable to the monster that has dodged. 接着,剑翅剧烈的扇动了一下,卷起了万丈剑芒,攻击向了闪躲不及的妖尊。 The sharp sword feather unceasing tunnel puts on his defense, is cutting his body, has left behind the sharp sword mark on his strong body, splatters the massive blood. 锋利的剑羽不断地洞穿着他的防御,切割着他的身体,在他强壮的身体上留下了道道锋利的剑痕,喷溅出大量的鲜血。 „The universe sword cuts!” “乾坤剑斩!” When the injured monster Venerable retreats in defeat again and again, Universe Sword Array under the Ye Chenfeng thought control combines in one, turned into to the great sword of looking disdainfully, is complicated the mark of Grand Dao, a sword cuts, in the monster Venerable on the bone stick that goes all out to defend. 在受伤的妖尊节节败退时,乾坤剑阵叶晨风意念控制下组合在了一起,化成了所向睥睨的巨剑,交缠着大道之纹,一剑斩在了妖尊拼命防御的骨杖上。 A over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength erupts in the universe great sword, poured into the monster Venerable in the both arms by the bone stick, shook his both arms to be bruised and lacerated, the both legs were pounded in the stratum. 超过1000000000斤的力量在乾坤巨剑中爆发,透过骨杖灌入到了妖尊双臂中,震得他双臂皮开肉绽,双腿更是被砸进了地层中。 The monster Venerable by Ye Chenfeng heavy injury, demon is revered wants to rescue immediately. 妖尊被叶晨风重创,魔尊立即想要救援。 At this time, five big Top Grade Saint treasures under the Ye Chenfeng control, erupted the strength of heaven-shaking, connected the bombardment Venerable to the demon, the fearful strength crushed the attack that the demon Venerable, compelled to draw back him stiffly. 这时,五大极品圣宝在叶晨风控制下,爆发出惊天之力,接连轰击向了魔尊,可怕的力量粉碎了魔尊的攻击,硬生生将他逼退了回去。 Had finished, goes to hell!” “结束了,下地狱吧!” The Ye Chenfeng thought moves, the first Heavenly Sword embryo and silver Sword Soul fuse in together, changes in chaotic void wipes the cold star, a sword thorn to the head that the monster Venerable. 叶晨风意念一动,先天剑胎和白银剑魂融合在一起,在混乱的虚空中化作一抹寒星,一剑刺向了妖尊的脑袋。 Bang!” “嘭!” The defense was shattered, is injured serious monster Venerable only thinks that at present the virtual light dodges, was pierced the head by the Heavenly Sword embryo first, twisted to break to pieces the soul, was killed violently at the scene. 防御破碎,受伤严重的妖尊只觉眼前虚光一闪,被先天剑胎洞穿了脑袋,绞碎了灵魂,当场毙命。
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