EDSG :: Volume #16

#1507: Six star Saint

Six monster pill, harvest is good!” “六颗妖丹,收获不错!” The Ye Chenfeng thought control the Heavenly Sword embryo, dug six snake huge statures first, obtained six precious monster pill, and spouted to burn the day ceremonial fire, melted its heart, refine to turn into the pure Saint beast essence and blood. 叶晨风意念控制先天剑胎,刨开了六头蛇庞大的身躯,得到了六颗弥足珍贵的妖丹,并喷出焚天圣火,融化了它的心脏,炼化成了精纯的圣兽精血。 Primordial Chaos, Dragon Xueshi, the hot Qilin, these six high-grade Saint beast monster pill gives you!” 混沌,龙血狮,火麒麟,这六颗上品圣兽妖丹给你们!” Devouring Void Insect, this Saint beast essence and blood gives you!” 噬空虫,这圣兽精血给你!” The Ye Chenfeng thought moved, returned to Universe Realm, will strike to kill six snakes to send under guard to Primordial Chaos Divine Beast and other mahatma beasts. 叶晨风意念一动,回到了乾坤境中,将击杀六头蛇所获送给了混沌神兽等四大圣兽。 Roar roar, high-grade Saint beast monster pill, had these two monster pill, I can break through the high-grade Saint to be beastly immediately!” Primordial Chaos Divine Beast both eyes brave the light looks at Ye Chenfeng to hand over monster pill, yelled excitedly. “吼吼,上品圣兽妖丹,有了这两颗妖丹,我马上就能突破上品圣兽了!”混沌神兽双眼冒光的看着叶晨风递来的妖丹,兴奋地大叫道。 Was good, your fast practice!” “好了,你们速速修炼吧!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was leaving Universe Realm, arrived at the outside, summoned Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, the attack has approached magnetic field ancient tree. 说着,叶晨风离开了乾坤境,来到了外界,将混沌神木召唤了出来,攻击向了磁场古木 Swallowed magnetic field ancient tree, Primordial Chaos Divine Wood implication the strength of Primordial Chaos strengthened, set up the body becomes more formidable, quick has restrained magnetic field ancient tree, extended the massive five colors root hair, gripped in ancient tree, swallowed the strength of magnetic field. 吞噬了一株磁场古木,混沌神木蕴含的混沌之力又增强了一些,树体变得更加强大,很快就克制了磁场古木,延伸出大量的五色根须,扎进了古木中,吞噬磁场之力。 When Primordial Chaos Divine Wood swallows magnetic field ancient tree, Ye Chenfeng puts out the White Jade immortal fruit that had just taken off, swallowed in the stomach, with the immortal strength of White Jade immortal fruit implication, attacked the boundary of 6-Star Saint. 混沌神木吞噬磁场古木时,叶晨风拿出了一颗刚刚摘下的白玉仙果,吞到了肚中,借白玉仙果蕴含的仙力,冲击六星道圣之境。 Good pure energy!” “好精纯的能量!” When the White Jade immortal fruit enters the Ye Chenfeng body, immediately turned into the pure energy, crazy integration to his mortal body and cell. 白玉仙果进入叶晨风身体时,立即化成了精纯的能量,疯狂的融入到他肉身和细胞中。 Pure of White Jade immortal fruit implication energy, has gone far beyond general Saint pill, lets day song self-satisfied, feeling that ten shares receive, but his own strength, is increased at the extremely quick speed. 白玉仙果蕴含能量之精纯,远远超过了一般的圣丹,让古天歌有一种飘飘然,十分享受的感觉,而他自身的实力,更是以极快的速度提升着。 Bottleneck became less crowded!” “瓶颈松动了!” When Ye Chenfeng revolution Soul Devouring Secret Art, refine to melt this White Jade immortal fruit at the extremely quick speed, when integrated the body, he discovered surprisedly that the impregnable boundary bottleneck presented becoming less crowded unexpectedly. 叶晨风运转噬魂诀,以极快的速度炼化了这颗白玉仙果,融入身体时,他惊奇的发现,牢不可破的境界瓶颈竟然出现了松动。 This White Jade immortal fruit was too mysterious, I do not need to take next Tiansheng broken cangue pill unexpectedly, made the bottleneck present becoming less crowded!” “这白玉仙果太神奇了,我竟然不需要服下天圣破枷丹,就让瓶颈出现了松动!” Caught the turning point of breakthrough, Ye Chenfeng not hesitant, then took the second White Jade immortal fruit, full power has attacked the boundary of 6-Star Saint. 捕捉到了突破的契机,叶晨风没有犹豫,接着服下了第二颗白玉仙果,全力冲击六星道圣之境。 But at this time, Primordial Chaos Divine Wood the magnetic field ancient tree suck dry, broke the second Great Array base of Tianwaitian surrounding magnetic field, is weakening the strength of magnetic field. 而这时,混沌神木已经将磁场古木吸干,破掉了天外天外围磁场的第二大阵基,削弱着磁场之力。 The change of the seasons, the time flies. 斗转星移,时间飞逝。 Quick, three days of time passed by. 很快,三天时间过去了。 6-Star Saint, breakthrough!” 六星道圣,突破!” Built up to melt the second White Jade immortal fruit, Ye Chenfeng own skill in Daoist cultivation has achieved the boundary bottleneck, he in one vigorous effort, taking advantage of the pure energy of White Jade immortal fruit implication, exceeded the boundary of 6-Star Saint, but his human body strength also increased 50 million jin (0.5 kg) strength. 炼化了第二颗白玉仙果,叶晨风自身的道力达到了境界瓶颈,他一鼓作气,借白玉仙果蕴含的精纯能量,一举突破到了六星道圣之境,而他的肉体力量也随之增加了50000000斤力。 Shouted, broke through, finally broke through!” The instance of breakthrough, Ye Chenfeng has opened both eyes, in the profound pupil is burning thick fighting intent: By my present strength and inside story, does not display Life Soul Technique, should also be able to defeat general Venerable level expert.” “呼,突破了,终于突破了!”突破的瞬间,叶晨风睁开了双眼,深邃的眸子中燃烧着浓浓的战意:“以我现在的实力和底蕴,不施展命魂术,应该也能击败一般的尊级高手了吧。” Spirit fish, this White Jade immortal fruit gives you!” “灵鱼,这颗白玉仙果给你!” Breaks through to the boundary of 6-Star Saint, Ye Chenfeng has not left immediately, he summoned the spirit fish, the last White Jade immortal fruit will have donated she. 突破到六星道圣之境,叶晨风没有立即离开,他将灵鱼召唤了出来,将最后一颗白玉仙果赠予了她。 Knew that the great strength of White Jade immortal fruit, the spirit fish eye bent the adorable crescent moon shape immediately, swallowed in the White Jade immortal fruit the stomach, fast refine, attacked the boundary of 3-Star Saint. 得知白玉仙果的强大,灵鱼眼睛立即弯成了可爱的月牙状,将白玉仙果吞到了肚中,快速的炼化,冲击三星道圣之境。 Un, pursued?” “嗯,追来了?” In Ye Chenfeng consolidated 6-Star Saint boundary, when protects buddhist law for the spirit fish, Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction realized that the monster Venerable with the aura that the demon Venerable. 叶晨风一边巩固六星道圣境界,一边为灵鱼护法时,极速推演的噬神脑察觉到了妖尊和魔尊的气息。 In the Ye Chenfeng preparation examines with them oneself break through the strength after boundary, his accidental discovery monster Venerable with the demon Venerable has not approached itself, instead has restrained the aura, hid. 就在叶晨风准备拿他们两个检验自己突破境界后的实力时,他意外的发现妖尊和魔尊并没有靠近自己,反而收敛了气息,隐藏了起来。 Interesting!” “有意思!” Felt that the monster Venerable with the intention that the demon Venerable, Ye Chenfeng reveals has wiped to sneer, disguises not to discover them, continued the consolidated boundary. 感觉到妖尊和魔尊的意图,叶晨风露出了一抹冷笑,假装没有发现他们,继续巩固境界。 About about five days the time, a formidable aura fills the air in the spirit fish body, refine to melt the White Jade immortal fruit, the spirit fish successful broke through the boundary, has achieved a 3-Star Saint. 大约五天左右时间,一股强大的气息在灵鱼身体中弥漫出来,炼化了白玉仙果,灵鱼水到渠成般突破了境界,达到了三星道圣。 Walks, we leave here , to continue to go forward!” “走吧,我们离开这里,继续前进!” Waited for the spirit fish to consolidate the boundary, Ye Chenfeng was leading her, according to the position road map of Devouring God Brain deduction, the space entrance to Tianwaitian flew. 等灵鱼巩固了境界,叶晨风带着她,按照噬神脑推演的方位路线图,向天外天内空间入口飞去。 You really with!” “你们果然跟来了!” The entire flight, the deduction of Devouring God Brain extremely fast, Ye Chenfeng realized that the monster Venerable, demon Venerable follows itself. 飞行过程,噬神脑极速的推演,叶晨风察觉到妖尊、魔尊一路跟随自己。 However he does not worry to begin to them, he prepares to find killer of an appropriate place under to them, in order to avoid made them run away. 不过他并不着急对他们动手,他准备找一个合适的地方对他们下杀手,以免让他们逃了。 Meanwhile, by Ye Chenfeng heavy injury, was received severely wounded emperor Profound Heaven not to enter to Tianwaitian, but has flown above Nine Heavens, arrived in the fire scarlet day Heaven Territory front door, through the Heaven Clan seal, passed to the Heaven Clan ear the accident that the Nine Heavens god country as well as Tianwaitian had. 与此同时,被叶晨风重创,受到重伤的帝玄天尊并未进入到天外天中,而是飞到了九天之上,来到了火赤天中的天域大门,通过天族封印,将九天神国以及天外天发生的变故传到了天族耳中。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” Emperor Profound Heaven waited for outside the Heaven Territory front door patiently several days time, the seal the Heaven Territory front door of heavily ban was fluctuating suddenly, more and more big fissure appears in the Heaven Territory front door together. 玄天尊在天域大门外耐心等待了数日时间,封印着重重禁制的天域大门突然波动了起来,一道越来越大的裂痕出现在天域大门中。 As the fissure is getting bigger and bigger, in the fissure presented a fuzzily form. 随着裂痕越来越大,裂痕中出现了一道模糊地身影。 Emperor is unreliable, I have forgotten many years, we met!” “帝玄,我都忘了多少年了,我们又见面了!” The form was fuzzily getting more and more clear, has revealed an old face, sound vigorous saying. 模糊地身影越来越清晰,露出了一张苍老的面孔,声音浑厚的说道。 black ink feather day Venerable!” “墨羽天尊!” Looks to go out of the old man of Heaven Territory front door, the emperor Profound Heaven innermost feelings great happiness, immediately goes forward to salute to say respectfully. 看着走出天域大门的老者,帝玄天尊内心大喜,立即上前恭敬地行礼道。 The black ink feather day Venerable with emperor Profound Heaven came from azure Heaven Clan, is the old knowledge, but the black ink feather day Venerable, regardless of innate skill or potential by far strong Emperor in Profound Heaven, by azure Heaven Clan key training, but emperor Profound Heaven actually unfortunately sent Lower Realm, guarded the Nine Heavens god country. 墨羽天尊与帝玄天尊都来自于青天族,乃是旧识,只不过墨羽天尊无论天赋还是潜力都远远强于帝玄天尊,被青天族重点培养,而帝玄天尊却不幸派到了下界,镇守九天神国。 Now says goodbye, an emperor Profound Heaven also card Venerable the peak boundary in the 1-Star day, but the black ink feather day Venerable is the 6-Star day Venerable the peak, only misses one step to break through to the boundary of God. 如今再见,帝玄天尊还卡在一星天尊巅峰境界,而墨羽天尊已经是六星天尊巅峰,仅差一步就突破到天帝之境。 Emperor is unreliable, you subpoenaed to elder, said that the Nine Heavens god country, Tianwaitian had the big accident, how was a matter?” The black ink feather day Venerable to ask. “帝玄,你向长老传讯,说九天神国,天外天发生了大变故,到底是怎么一回事?”墨羽天尊问道。 Reply the black ink feather day Venerable, the emperor extinguished the day Venerable is controlled by Human Race expert doubtful, now the central world is having the three-country tangled warfare. But person most recent several day appears outside Tianwaitian secretly, has defeated me, now should rush to Tianwaitian!” Emperor Profound Heaven detailed saying. “回禀墨羽天尊,帝灭天尊疑似被人族高手控制了,如今中央世界正发生三国混战。而幕后之人前几日出现在天外天外,击败了我,如今应该闯到了天外天中!”帝玄天尊详细的说道。 That person of what origin?” The black ink feather day Venerable a brow slightly wrinkle, asked in a low voice. “那人什么来历?”墨羽天尊眉头微微一皱,低声问道。 That person is very mystical, seems like, only then 5-Star Saint boundary, but he is grasping the cards in a hand of many going against heaven's will, may promote the boundary to the boundary of [say / way] Venerable in a short time, but that person can also the stepless control six big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks.” Emperor Profound Heaven said. “那人很神秘,看似只有五星道圣境界,但他掌握着不少逆天的底牌,可短时间内将境界提升到道尊之境,而那人还能连续控制六大极品圣宝攻击。”帝玄天尊道。 In this low status world, is hiding this grade of Human Race expert unexpectedly!” The eye that the black ink feather day Venerable has shone: Walks, I accompany you to go to Tianwaitian to have a look, where to have a look at that Human Race sacredly.” “在这个低等的世界,竟隐藏着这等人族高手!”墨羽天尊的眼睛亮了起来:“走,我陪你去天外天看看,看看那人族到底何方神圣。” Then, under emperor Profound Heaven leads, came from Heaven Territory azure Heaven Clan, own strength was the 6-Star day Venerable the black ink feather day of boundary of peak Venerable to arrive at outside Tianwaitian, but Ye Chenfeng actually did not know the circumstances of the matter. 说完,在帝玄天尊带领下,来自于天域天族,自身实力达到六星天尊巅峰之境的墨羽天尊来到了天外天外,而叶晨风却不知情。
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