EDSG :: Volume #16

#1506: Higher authority Saint beast six snakes

Ye Chenfeng and sword wing merges into one organic whole, flies in the gloomy space rapidly, slowly, weather gloomy, the Ye Chenfeng body dodged, hides on dozens zhang (3.33 m) high ancient tree, waiting darkness. 叶晨风与剑翅融为一体,在灰暗的空间中急速飞行,慢慢的,天色阴暗了下来,叶晨风身子一闪,躲在了一株数十丈高的古木上,等待天黑。 Late at night, the group asterism point, in silent Tianwaitian has resounded the absolutely terrified beast roar, massive rank extremely high Monster Beast appear and disappear in the wilderness. 深夜,群星点点,寂静的天外天中响起了毛骨悚然的兽吼声,大量等级极高的妖兽出没在荒野中。 In Tianwaitian Monster Beast, although the rank is extremely high, but these Monster Beast are different from the outside, that is the spirit wisdom is extremely low, only the knowledge slaughters. 天外天中妖兽虽然等级极高,但这些妖兽不同于外界,那就是灵智极低,只知杀戮。 However Ye Chenfeng also has no intention to subdue these Monster Beast, the regard moves, summoned three mahatma beasts, making them slaughter these Monster Beast, swallows monster pill to promote the strength. 不过叶晨风也无意收服这些妖兽,心意一动,将三大圣兽召唤了出来,让它们杀戮这些妖兽,吞噬妖丹提升实力。 When three mahatma beasts hunt and kill Monster Beast, Ye Chenfeng controls the Devouring God Brain extremely fast to deduce, the change of deduction space stars. 在三大圣兽猎杀妖兽时,叶晨风控制噬神脑极速推演起来,推演天上繁星的变化。 Really, has crushed magnetic field ancient tree, broke the magnetic field foundation, the magnetic field strength in this Tianwaitian surrounding was weaken much.” “果然,粉碎了磁场古木,破了磁场根基,这天外天外围中的磁场力量减弱了不少。” Deduces once more, Devouring God Brain can deduce the change of stars clearly, this makes the Ye Chenfeng innermost feelings secretly rejoice, through the deduction stars change, seeks for the next magnetic field ancient tree position. 再次推演,噬神脑能清晰地推演出繁星的变化,这让叶晨风内心暗喜,通过推演繁星变化,寻找下一株磁场古木的位置。 Quick, dawn. 很快,天亮了。 Has slaughtered for night, swallowed massive monster pill, the whole body bloodstain three mahatma beasts came back. 杀戮了一夜,吞噬了大量妖丹,满身血迹的三大圣兽回来了。 Primordial Chaos Divine Beast, how long do you also need to evolve for the higher authority Saint beast?” 混沌神兽,你们还需要多久才能进化为上级圣兽?” looks moistens the full Beast Blood three mahatma beasts, Ye Chenfeng opens the mouth to ask. 看着身上沾满兽血的三大圣兽,叶晨风开口问道。 Boss, this place was good, if makes us continue to hunt and kill to swallow, I estimate in three days we can evolve!” Primordial Chaos Divine Beast opens the big mouth, said excitedly. “老大,这地方太好了,如果让我们继续猎杀吞噬下去,我估计三天内我们就能进化!”混沌神兽裂开大嘴,兴奋地说道。 Good, we stop over for several days!” “好,那我们就多逗留几天!” Three mahatma beasts are very big to the Ye Chenfeng help, if they can further evolve, will promote greatly the Ye Chenfeng control the strength. 三大圣兽对叶晨风帮助很大,如果它们能进一步进化,将大大提升叶晨风掌控的力量。 Walks, we go to the next place!” “走吧,我们去下一个地方!” When three mahatma beasts hunt and kill Monster Beast, Devouring God Brain deduces the next magnetic field ancient tree position, Ye Chenfeng is riding Primordial Chaos Divine Beast, leaps space that constantly is changing, arrived at second dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, all over the body under perse magnetic field ancient tree. 三大圣兽猎杀妖兽时,噬神脑推演出下一株磁场古木的位置,叶晨风骑着混沌神兽,飞跃着不断变化的空间,来到了第二株数十丈高,通体深灰色的磁场古木下。 Un, what is that?” “嗯,那是什么?” The Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, sees under magnetic field ancient tree to have a hollow black puddle, in the midpoint of puddle, is growing one -and-a-half meters many high, is congealing the young trees of three white fruits. 叶晨风瞳孔一缩,看到磁场古木下有一洼黑色的水潭,在水潭的正中央,生长着一株半米多高,凝结着三颗白色果实的小树。 White Jade immortal fruit, that is the White Jade immortal fruit!” “白玉仙果,那是白玉仙果!” When Ye Chenfeng controls Devouring God Brain deduction puddle midpoint three white fruits, in Devouring God Brain presented the actual situation of three white fruits immediately. 叶晨风控制噬神脑推演水潭正中央的三颗白色果实时,噬神脑中立即出现了三颗白色果实的虚实。 The White Jade immortal fruit in Heaven Territory is value extremely high immortal, but the effect of White Jade immortal fruit has one, that promotes the strength. 白玉仙果在天域都是价值极高的仙物,而白玉仙果的功效只有一个,那就是提升实力。 By the Ye Chenfeng endless strength, if obtains these three White Jade immortal fruits, he will not have the breakthrough Level 5 Saint of suspense, achieves the Level 6 Saint boundary. 叶晨风无尽的实力,如果得到这三颗白玉仙果,他将毫无悬念的突破五级道圣,达到六级道圣境界。 Once he steps a 6-Star Saint, even if not display Life Soul Technique, by his strength and inside story, can defeat general Venerable level expert. 而一旦他踏上六星道圣,就算不施展命魂术,以他的实力和底蕴,也能击败一般的尊级高手 What under this puddle will have?” “这水潭下面会有什么呢?” Like White Jade immortal fruit grade of immortal, definitely had extremely fearful existence protection, Ye Chenfeng has closed the eye, controlled the Devouring God Brain extremely fast deduction, released formidable Soul Power, seeped in the puddle, has discovered an extremely terrifying aura. 像白玉仙果这等仙物,绝对有极其可怕的存在守护,叶晨风闭上了眼睛,控制噬神脑极速推演,释放强大的灵魂力,渗透进了水潭中,发现了一个极其恐怖的气息。 This aura, the higher authority Saint beast, the protector of this White Jade immortal fruit unexpectedly was an antiquity Saint beast!” “这股气息,上级圣兽,这白玉仙果的守护者竟然是一只上古圣兽!” In the central world, the Saint beast is extremely difficult to see that do not say the higher authority Saint was beastly, Ye Chenfeng guessed, reason that Monster Beast cultivated the higher authority Saint beast, had the possibility to be related with the White Jade immortal fruit extremely. 在中央世界,圣兽都极难见到,更不要说上级圣兽了,叶晨风猜测,那妖兽之所以修炼到上级圣兽,极有可能与白玉仙果有关。 Sword wing, acceleration!” “剑翅,加速!” Although higher authority Saint beast is very fearful, but Ye Chenfeng completely has the strength to strike to kill, he summoned the sword wing, fused in the sword wing together, to surmount the speed of light several fold speed, flew to the White Jade immortal fruit, wanted to pick first them, when fierce combat was affected. 虽然上级圣兽很可怕,但叶晨风完全有实力击杀,他召唤出了剑翅,与剑翅融合在一起,以超越光速数倍的速度,飞向了白玉仙果,想要先将它们摘到手,以免激战时受到波及。 Hissing hissing hissing!” “嘶嘶嘶!” Flagitious neighing sounds resound in the puddle. 一道道凶残的嘶叫声在水潭中响起。 The snake heads of six grinding pan sizes have spent the puddle, spouts stenches the gas clouds, blocked the space, the attack has been approaching Ye Chenfeng. 六只磨盘大小的蛇头破出了水潭,喷出一股股腥臭的毒雾,封锁着空间,攻击向了叶晨风 But the Ye Chenfeng speed is too fast, snatches before six fierce snake heads attack, the sword wing has cut off half meter high young tree, already the mature White Jade immortal fruit picked directly three. 叶晨风速度太快,抢在六颗狰狞蛇头攻击前,剑翅斩断了半米多高的小树,直接将三颗早已成熟的白玉仙果摘到手。 „, Mean humanity, I have killed you!” “嗷嗷,卑鄙的人类,我杀了你!” The protection does not know that many years Bai Yu xian peel Ye Chenfeng rob, has enraged the higher authority Saint beast in puddle completely, a length of body surpasses two hundreds of zhang (333m), grew the six snakes of six fierce tongues to spend the puddle, in Ye Chenfeng to empty standing roared loudly. 守护不知道多少岁月的白玉仙果被叶晨风抢走,完全激怒了水潭中的上级圣兽,一只体长超过二百丈,长着六颗狰狞舌头的六头蛇破出了水潭,冲着虚立中的叶晨风大声咆哮。 Demon ba, comes out!” “魔魃,出来!” Ye Chenfeng does not want to delay the too much time, summoned demon ba rapidly, attacks together to six snakes that the spookiness has soared to the heavens. 叶晨风不想耽搁过多的时间,迅速将魔魃召唤了出来,一起攻击向了妖气冲天的六头蛇。 Although six snakes were the antiquity heterogeneous, strength by far common high-grade Saint beast, but its quite 6-Star monster Saint peak big energy, did not threaten to Ye Chenfeng merely. 六头蛇虽然是上古异种,实力远胜一般的上品圣兽,但它也仅仅相当六星妖圣巅峰大能,对叶晨风来说毫无威胁。 The mortal body is in addition fearful, attacks astonishing demon ba, the angry six snake offensive were suppressed instantaneously, cover the scale of its whole body to be broken by demon ba, dripping with blood. 再加上肉身可怕,攻击惊人的魔魃,愤怒的六头蛇攻势瞬间被压制,覆盖它全身的鳞片更是被魔魃震碎,鲜血淋漓。 Universe Sword Array, the universe strikes!” 乾坤剑阵,乾坤一击!” In six snakes by retreating in defeat again and again of demon ba attack, Ye Chenfeng was summoned Universe Sword Array, controls Sword Array to fuse in together, turned into one handle several feet, is flowing the first great sword of Heavenly Law mark, cut to six snake drippings with blood heads. 在六头蛇被魔魃攻击的节节败退时,叶晨风召唤出了乾坤剑阵,控制剑阵融合在一起,化成了一柄数丈长,流动着先天道纹的巨剑,斩向了六头蛇一颗鲜血淋漓的脑袋。 „!” “嗷!” A painful neighing sound gets up. 一道痛苦嘶叫声响起。 Under the Universe Sword Array attack, six snakes were cut a head, the massive blood such as the fountain has splattered generally. 乾坤剑阵攻击下,六头蛇被斩掉了一颗脑袋,大量的鲜血如喷泉一般喷溅了出来。 First the Heavenly Sword embryo, cuts!” “先天剑胎,斩!” The next quarter, silver Sword Soul fuses first in the Heavenly Sword embryo together, escapes into to the space trajectory, six snakes that does not wait for the pain make the secondary reaction, another sword cut its second head. 下一刻,白银剑魂与先天剑胎融合在一起,遁入到空间轨迹中,不等痛苦的六头蛇做出第二反应,又一剑斩掉了它第二颗脑袋。 Two heads were divided by Ye Chenfeng, six snakes of being scarred feared, does not dare to continue to attack again, transfers the huge body to escape. 两颗脑袋被叶晨风劈掉,伤痕累累的六头蛇恐惧了,不敢再继续攻击,调转庞大的身躯想要逃跑。 Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, blood demon mountain, suppression!” 九天玉玺,血魔山,镇压!” Monster pill and essence and blood that Ye Chenfeng needs six snakes, how to the opportunity that it will escape, under his thought control, two big Top Grade Saint treasures has spent his body, will release the fearful suppression strength, suppressed maliciously in six snake huge statures, suppressed it stiffly, keeping it from escaping. 叶晨风需要六头蛇的妖丹和精血,怎会给它逃跑的机会,在他意念控制下,两大极品圣宝破出了他的身体,释放出可怕的镇压力量,狠狠地镇压在了六头蛇庞大的身躯上,硬生生镇压住了它,让它无法逃跑。 At this time, demon air/Qi dreadful demon ba approached six snakes, floods the both hands of several billions jin (0.5 kg) strength were covering a snake head, effort pulls out, three snake heads switched off stiffly, the pain six snakes several wanted the faint in the past. 这时,魔气滔天的魔魃逼近了六头蛇,充斥着数亿斤力量的双手扣住了一颗蛇头,用力的一拔,硬生生将三颗蛇头拔断,疼的六头蛇几欲昏厥过去。 Humanity, I die, must draw you to go to hell!” “人类,我就是死,也要拉你们下地狱!” Loses three snake heads, has enraged six snakes completely, it has exuded the savage howling, must detonate within the body six monster pill, starts fatally to Ye Chenfeng and demon ba strikes. 失去三颗蛇头,完全激怒了六头蛇,它发出了凶残的吼叫声,就要引爆体内六颗妖丹,向叶晨风和魔魃发动致命一击。 You thought that I will give you this opportunity?” “你觉得我会给你这个机会吗?” Ye Chenfeng sneered, in the brain Soul Power erupts, turned into the fearful dizziness strength, rumbled in six snake three snake heads, has had the intense dizziness feeling. 叶晨风冷笑一声,脑中灵魂力爆发,化成了可怕的眩晕力,轰进了六头蛇三颗蛇头中,产生了强烈的眩晕感。 Then, Ye Chenfeng deduces the pinnacle three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, stimulated the silver Sword Soul strongest might, melted first in the Heavenly Sword embryo, started fatally to six snakes strikes. 接着,叶晨风将三大灵级道图推演到极致,激发了白银剑魂最强威力,融进了先天剑胎中,向六头蛇发动致命一击。 A sword chops, in chaotic void presents the space fissure that has extended unceasingly, the fearful sword prestige has passed through the bodies of six snakes directly, divided his fourth, fifth snake head. 一剑劈出,混乱的虚空中出现了一道不断延伸的空间裂痕,可怕的剑威直接贯穿了六头蛇的身体,劈掉了他第四、第五颗蛇头。 When snake head that in six snakes only remain forcefully from exploding, demon ba grasped the dragon mark broadsword to cut, cut its last snake head, struck to kill this higher authority Saint beast six snakes. 在六头蛇仅剩的蛇头强行自爆时,魔魃手持龙纹大刀斩了过来,斩掉了它最后一颗蛇头,击杀了这只上级圣兽六头蛇。
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