EDSG :: Volume #16

#1505: Magnetic field Gu Mu

About after more than half double-hour, Ye Chenfeng one line of arrived at dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, the perse, the bark surface is winding all over the body under ancient tree of ancient veteran mark. 大约半个多时辰后,叶晨风一行人来到了一株数十丈高,通体深灰色,树皮表面蜿蜒着古老树纹的古木下。 „The Chenfeng elder brother, this does ancient tree have the issue?” 晨风哥,这古木有问题吗?” The spirit fish looks that Ye Chenfeng has stared at this ancient tree, is blinking big eye curious asking. 灵鱼看着叶晨风一直凝视这株古木,眨巴着大眼睛好奇的问道。 If I feel well, this ancient tree should be one of the magnetic field bases, if breaks this ancient tree to be able to weaken the might of magnetic field, reduces the magnetic field to our influences!” “如果我感觉不错,这株古木应该就是磁场阵基之一,如果打破这株古木应该可以削弱磁场的威力,减轻磁场对我们的影响!” Ye Chenfeng controls the time that Devouring God Brain induced repeatedly has burnt a joss stick, determined that one of the ancient tree magnetic field bases, the thought moved, summoned Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, controlled Divine Wood to swallow to ancient tree. 叶晨风控制噬神脑反复感应了一炷香的时间,确定这株古木正是磁场阵基之一,意念一动,将混沌神木召唤了出来,控制神木吞噬向了古木 Incites!” “滋滋滋!” Was swallowed by Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, this perse ancient tree is dragging the luxuriant crown immediately, releases massively like the magnetic field energy, is attacking Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, is crushing its attack. 遭到混沌神木吞噬,这株深灰色的古木立即摇曳着茂盛的树冠,释放出大量如磁场般的能量,攻击着混沌神木,粉碎着它的攻击。 The strength of magnetic field raids like the Tsunami, Primordial Chaos Divine Wood drags Primordial Chaos five lines of light immediately, is crushing the strength of magnetic field, extends the massive five colors root hair, took root to ancient tree. 磁场之力如海啸般袭来,混沌神木立即摇曳出混沌五行光,粉碎着磁场之力,延伸出大量的五色根须,扎根向了古木 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The five colors root hair raids, in grey ancient tree has resounded the deafening thunderous sound, has spent ancient tree like the strength of heavenly thunder magnetic field massively, is attacking the five colors root hair, does not give the opportunity of his near body. 五色根须袭来,灰色古木中响起了震耳欲聋的雷鸣声,大量如天雷般的磁场之力破出了古木,攻击着五色根须,不给其近身的机会。 „The Chenfeng elder brother, do we want to help?” 晨风哥,我们要不要帮忙?” Looks at intensely to reprimanding two big Divine Wood, in the spirit fish attractive big eye are burning thick fighting intent, opens the mouth to ask. 看着激烈对斥的两大神木,灵鱼漂亮的大眼睛中燃烧着浓浓的战意,开口问道。 Does not use, everybody waits for same place then!” “不用,大家原地等待即可!” Primordial Chaos Divine Wood is among the universes one of the most formidable Divine Wood, at is not magnetic field ancient tree can resist. 混沌神木乃是宇宙间最强大的神木之一,根本不是磁场古木可以对抗的。 When two big ancient tree intense attacks, Ye Chenfeng sat cross-legged to sit on the ground, controlled the Devouring God Brain extremely fast to deduce the surrounding magnetic field change. 在两大古木激烈对攻时,叶晨风盘膝坐在了地上,控制噬神脑极速推演周围的磁场变化。 „It is not good, the enemy came!” “不好,敌人来了!” Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng has opened the double pupil of shutting tightly, in the profound double pupil reveals the dignified color, looked to East, saw that wore the black long gown, tall and powerfully built, was flooding the man of explosive muscle, flew with the startled transvestite strength. 突然,叶晨风睁开了紧闭的双眸,深邃的双眸中流露出凝重之色,看向了正东方,看到一名身穿黑色长袍,身材魁梧,充斥着爆炸性肌肉的男子,携惊人妖力飞了过来。 Finally found you!” “终于找到你们了!” The antiquity monster Venerable empty stands in midair, looks at Ye Chenfeng and the others, sound vigorous saying. 上古妖尊虚立在半空中,看着叶晨风等人,声音浑厚的说道。 How found, to depend on you to be able how us?” “找到又如何,就凭你能奈何我们吗?” Although the antiquity monster Venerable the strength terror, but by the Ye Chenfeng strength and inside story, can definitely defeat him. 虽然上古妖尊实力恐怖,但以叶晨风的实力和底蕴,完全可以击败他。 Big tone, you think really defeats the emperor to resist me unreliably? Today I make you know main body the fearfulness!” “好大的口气,你真以为击败帝玄就能对抗我?今天我就让你知道本尊的可怕!” When saying, the antiquity monster was revering the chest place to reappear a giant lion's head, the lion's head split the big mouth, a terrifying sound roar the eruption, the bombardment has approached Ye Chenfeng and the others. 说着,上古妖尊胸口处浮现出一只巨大的狮头,狮头裂开血盆大口时,一股恐怖的声啸喷发而出,轰击向了叶晨风等人。 Saw that Ye Chenfeng and the others ate delicacies to sweep across by this fearful sound, the Ye Chenfeng thought moves, the spirit fish, three mahatma beasts summoned in Universe Realm, vanished does not see. 眼看叶晨风等人被这股可怕的声啸席卷,叶晨风意念一动,将灵鱼,三大圣兽召唤进了乾坤境中,消失不见。 Space treasure!” “空间宝物!” Looks at Ye Chenfeng their strange disappearances, the antiquity monster Venerable the facial expression to be startled, has revealed color of the accident, accident Ye Chenfeng unexpectedly this rare rare space treasure. 看着叶晨风他们诡异的消失,上古妖尊神情一怔,露出了一丝意外之色,意外叶晨风竟然这种稀世罕见的空间宝物。 „!” “嗷嗷!” Venerable when the antiquity monster locked Universe Realm, savage sounds in void resound. 在上古妖尊锁定乾坤境时,一道道凶残的声音在虚空中响起。 Bronze ancient Guan did not have Universe Realm, having hundred million honored strength hits Venerable to the antiquity monster. 青铜古棺没出了乾坤境,带着亿钧之力撞击向了上古妖尊。 When the antiquity monster Venerable to wield the wash bowl big fist, when a fist bang flying bronze ancient coffin, demon ba has spent ancient Guan, grasped 1 million jin (0.5 kg) dragon mark broadsword, cut Venerable to the antiquity monster. 当上古妖尊挥动脸盆大的拳头,一拳轰飞青铜古棺时,魔魃破出了古棺,手持1000000斤重的龙纹大刀,斩向了上古妖尊。 ba!” “魃!” Saw demon ba the instance, the antiquity monster Venerable with emperor Profound Heaven is the same, has revealed the color of accident. 看到魔魃的瞬间,上古妖尊和帝玄天尊一样,露出了意外之色。 Because in Heaven Territory, ba is very fearful existences, wants to subdue is difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 因为就算在天域,魃都是很可怕的存在,想要收服更是难如登天。 Bang!” “轰!” Demon ba cut the dragon mark broadsword that fell to divide to cut Venerable in the antiquity monster horizontally on the great spear|gun of top of the head, the fearful strength vibrated the Tianwaitian space to have the distortion. 魔魃斩落的龙纹大刀劈斩在上古妖尊横在头顶的巨枪上,可怕的力量震动着天外天空间发生了扭曲。 Originally the body of this ba has the seal, like this is just right, this ba gives to me!” “原来这魃的身体有封印,这样正好,这魃就送给我吧!” Fights directly, the antiquity monster Venerable to feel that in the demon ba body the strength of seal, in the copper bell big eye has shown the greedy color, grasped the Top Grade Saint rank the black long gun|spear, just liked the overwhelming flood dragon, the fierce attack to demon ba, has pulled out to fly him directly. 正面交手,上古妖尊感觉到魔魃身体中封印的力量,铜铃大眼中透出了贪婪之色,手持极品圣器等级的黑色长枪,犹如翻江倒海的蛟龙,凶猛的攻击向了魔魃,直接将他抽飞了出去。 Demon ba because of the seal, the strength was well below the antiquity monster Venerable, but his body actually surpassed the antiquity monster Venerable are too too many, encountered the antiquity monster Venerable the attack continuously, his times pulled out to fly, once again time flew, Venerable intense battle with the antiquity monster. 魔魃因为封印,战力远远不及上古妖尊,但他的身体却超过上古妖尊太多太多,连续遭到上古妖尊攻击,他一次次被抽飞了出去,又一次次飞了过来,与上古妖尊激烈的厮杀。 But at this time, Primordial Chaos Divine Wood suppressed magnetic field ancient tree completely, several thousand five colors root hair broke in ancient tree directly, crazy swallowed the energy of ancient tree implication. 而这时,混沌神木完全压制了磁场古木,数万道五色根须直接破进了古木中,疯狂的吞噬古木蕴含的能量。 Un, what treasure is that?” “嗯,那又是什么宝物?” Looks to drag Primordial Chaos five lines of light Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, the attention that the antiquity monster Venerable deeply is attracted. 看着摇曳着混沌五行光的混沌神木,上古妖尊的注意力被深深地吸引。 Has not thought that Human Race boy inside story is so deep, unexpectedly some these many good things!” “没想到那人族小子底蕴这么深,竟有这么多好东西!” The antiquity monster Venerable corruption in heart to read is getting more and more intense, the treasure that to obtain Ye Chenfeng had, he decided that did not hesitate the price also to him strike to kill. 上古妖尊心中的贪念越来越强烈,为了得到叶晨风身怀的宝物,他决定不惜代价也要将他击杀。 Fight shape!” “战斗形态!” For fighting a battle to force a quick decision, routed demon ba, the antiquity monster Venerable to change the strongest fight shape, the strong body surface covered one just liked the steel nail lion wool, own strength has also reached the 1-Star monster Saint limit. 为了速战速决,击溃魔魃,上古妖尊变化成了最强的战斗形态,强壮的身体表面覆盖了一层犹如钢钉般的狮毛,自身的实力也达到了一星妖圣极限。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死吧!” The strength rises suddenly, the antiquity monster Venerable to puncture the rainbow to pass through a date spear|gun, the fearful spear|gun glow turned into a Black Dragon, howled has been crushing the attack of demon ba, flew his bayonet, fell several kilometers far. 实力暴涨,上古妖尊刺出了长虹贯日般的一枪,可怕的枪芒化成了一条黑龙,呼啸着粉碎了魔魃的攻击,将他一枪刺飞了出去,摔出了数千米远。 Recited!” “吟吟吟!” Struck flying demon ba, antiquity monster Venerable wants to rob Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, at this time, deafening Dragon's Roar sounds got up. 击飞魔魃,上古妖尊就想抢夺混沌神木,这时,一道道震耳欲聋的龙吟声响起。 Nine Dragons Jade Annulus has spent Universe Realm, has separated the space, condensed eight to kill the crazy dragon bombardment Venerable to the antiquity monster certainly. 九龙玉璧破出了乾坤境,隔断了空间,凝聚出八条绝杀狂龙轰击向了上古妖尊。 Another Top Grade Saint treasure, the main body chance came!” “又一件极品圣宝,本尊的机缘来了!” Felt that the rank of Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , the antiquity monster Venerable the eye color of burning hot to be thicker, he grasped black long gun|spear intense battle, interwove instantaneously ten thousand spear|gun glow, crushed is killing the attack of crazy dragon certainly. 感觉到九龙玉璧的等级,上古妖尊眼睛中的炙热之色更浓,他手持黑色长枪激烈的厮杀,瞬间交织出万道枪芒,粉碎着绝杀狂龙的攻击。 In him by the most tyrannical stance, breaks the Nine Dragons Jade Annulus attack, Ye Chenfeng left Universe Realm, appears by torn to pieces magnetic field ancient tree. 就在他以最强横的姿态,破掉九龙玉璧攻击时,叶晨风离开了乾坤境,出现在支离破碎的磁场古木旁。 After Primordial Chaos Divine Wood crazy swallowing, magnetic field ancient tree implication the strength of magnetic field is not much left, a Ye Chenfeng fist bang has broken to pieces ancient tree, weakened the strength of magnetic field. 经过混沌神木疯狂的吞噬,磁场古木蕴含的磁场之力所剩无几,叶晨风一拳轰碎了古木,削弱了磁场之力。 „The Human Race boy, you came out finally!” 人族小子,你终于出来了!” The antiquity monster Venerable combative saying, grasped the black long bayonet to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to strike to kill him first. 上古妖尊杀气腾腾的说道,手持黑色长枪刺向了叶晨风,想要先将他击杀。 „To kill me, next generation!” “想杀我,下辈子吧!” Magnetic field ancient tree was shattered, Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction deduced a route, Ye Chenfeng had not prolonged contact, took in the body Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, transmitted Universe Realm demon ba, summoned the sword wing, dodges attack that the antiquity monster Venerable, to south flew. 磁场古木破碎,极速推演的噬神脑推演出了一条路线,叶晨风没有恋战,将混沌神木收进身体,将魔魃传送到乾坤境,召唤出了剑翅,闪躲开上古妖尊的攻击,向正南方飞去。 Where runs!” “哪里跑!” The antiquity monster Venerable to call out one, chasing down Ye Chenfeng of extremely fast. 上古妖尊暴吼一声,极速的追杀叶晨风 How the speed of sword wing to be too quick, the time of less than burning a joss stick, Ye Chenfeng got rid of his chasing down, vanishes in the gloomy space, the air/Qi antiquity monster Venerable to face upward to roar. 奈何剑翅的速度太快,不到一炷香的时间,叶晨风就摆脱了他的追杀,消失在灰暗的空间中,气的上古妖尊仰天咆哮。
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