EDSG :: Volume #16

#1504: Tianwaitian

Where runs!” “哪里跑!” Monster Clan and demon senior members level expert roars, accelerates to chase down Ye Chenfeng in abundance, wants to collaborate him to kill, captures the Top Grade Saint treasure that he has. 妖族、魔族尊级高手怒吼一声,纷纷加速追杀叶晨风,想要联手将他击毙,夺得他身怀的极品圣宝。 How the speed of sword wing to be too quick, the Life Soul Technique amplification consumption has not vanished, suddenly, Ye Chenfeng got rid of two in a big way Venerable chasing down of level expert, approached Tianwaitian little. 奈何剑翅的速度太快,命魂术增幅消耗还未消失,眨眼之间,叶晨风就摆脱了两大尊级高手的追杀,一点点接近了天外天。 Un, the surrounding space was frailer!” “嗯,周围的空间更脆弱了!” When approaches Tianwaitian, Ye Chenfeng felt that space becomes more and more frail, during the flights can tear to pieces the space. 接近天外天时,叶晨风感觉空间变得越来越脆弱,飞行之间都能撕破空间。 The space fissure that however his strength today we are no longer as we have been, cracks unceasingly does not threaten to him, extremely fast of Ye Chenfeng in the breakage space shuttled back and forth, enters ancient day celestial mountain most deep place, in the thick mist, saw revolved slowly, twists the broken space the black hole. 不过他的实力今非昔比,不断崩裂的空间裂痕对他毫无威胁,叶晨风在破裂空间中极速穿梭,进入到了古天仙山最深处,在浓浓雾气之中,看到了一个缓缓旋转,绞碎空间的黑洞。 But leaves his map according to the star sovereigns, this black hole Tianwaitian entrance. 而根据星皇留给他的地图,这黑洞正是天外天入口。 When Ye Chenfeng staring space black hole, his keen sensation strength realized that several formidable strengths have locked themselves, not again hesitant, changes to together the extremely fast sword shade, broke in the space black hole. 叶晨风凝视空间黑洞时,他敏锐的感知力察觉到数股强大的力量锁定了自己,没有再犹豫,化作一道极速剑影,破进了空间黑洞中。 Enters the space black hole, Ye Chenfeng immediately by fearfully the strength of extrusion space, wants to push to explode his mortal body. 进入空间黑洞,叶晨风立即遭到可怕的空间之力挤压,想要将他肉身挤爆。 Space rule, space trajectory!” “空间规则,空间轨迹!” Resists the extrusion of strength of space taking advantage of the sword wing, Ye Chenfeng escapes immediately into the space trajectory, the extremely fast in the pitch-dark spaces shuttles back and forth. 借剑翅抵御住空间之力的挤压,叶晨风立即遁入空间轨迹中,在伸手不见五指的空间中极速穿梭。 Also does not know how long to shuttle back and forth, Ye Chenfeng suddenly discovered that the front presented a bright, immediately picked up the speed of flight, departed the space channel, entered in Tianwaitian. 也不知道穿梭了多久,叶晨风突然发现前方出现了道道亮光,立即加快了飞行的速度,飞出了空间通道,进入到了天外天中。 Good thin spiritual energy!” “好稀薄的灵气!” Enters Tianwaitian, Ye Chenfeng discovered that here space spiritual energy is thinner, takes a broad view to look at dusky one piece, to person feeling of very uncomfortable constraining. 进入天外天,叶晨风发现这里的空间灵气稀薄许多,放眼望去灰蒙蒙的一片,给人一种很难受的压抑之感。 Un, this Tianwaitian strength of space has the issue!” “嗯,这天外天中的空间之力有问题!” Ye Chenfeng puts out the Tianwaitian surrounding map, has identified under one , when to Tianwaitian flies discovered that the Tianwaitian space force is very strange, is having a strange fluctuation of energy, is disturbing his soul unceasingly, is confusing his intelligence. 叶晨风拿出天外天外围地图,辨认了一下方向,向天外天中飞去时发现,天外天空间力量很诡异,产生着一种奇异的能量波动,不断地干扰着他的灵魂,迷惑着他的神智。 If not his soul is formidable, several nearly achieved the [say / way] Venerable the boundary, he was very likely to lose in the Tianwaitian outer space. 如果不是他灵魂过于强大,几近达到了道尊境,他极有可能迷失在天外天外围空间中。 Spirit fish, the hot Qilin, comes out!” “灵鱼,火麒麟,出来!” Asked for advice the strangeness of Tianwaitian, Ye Chenfeng summoned the spirit fish and hot Qilin, wanted to have a look at them whether had the special induction to Tianwaitian. 领教到天外天的诡异,叶晨风将灵鱼和火麒麟召唤了出来,想要看看她们是否对天外天有特殊的感应。 „The Chenfeng elder brother, is here Tianwaitian?” 晨风哥,这里就是天外天吗?” Periphery looks at the gloomy space, the spirit fish inexplicable feeling loves dearly, the chubby small face also becomes pale bloodless. 看着周围灰暗的空间,灵鱼莫名的感觉到心疼,胖嘟嘟的小脸也变得苍白无血。 Un, here is Tianwaitian!” Ye Chenfeng nodded saying: Spirit fish, the hot Qilin, do you have the special induction to here?” “嗯,这里就是天外天!”叶晨风点了点头道:“灵鱼,火麒麟,你们对这里有特别的感应吗?” No!” “没有!” The spirit fish has closed the eye, felt silently a meeting, besides feeling inexplicable sadness, does not have other special inductions. 灵鱼闭上了眼睛,默默地感觉了一会,除了感到莫名的伤心外,没有其他特别的感应。 But the hot Qilin is also first time enters Tianwaitian, is very similarly strange to here, by here strange strength disturbance. 而火麒麟也是第一次进入天外天,对这里同样很陌生,受这里奇异的力量干扰。 Walks, we go down to here to have a look, hopes that can find your father!” “走吧,我们深入这里看看,希望能找到你父亲!” Then, Ye Chenfeng and spirit fish rode above the hot Qilin, inherited the topographic diagram that according to the star sovereigns, approached to Tianwaitian little. 说完,叶晨风和灵鱼骑在了火麒麟之上,按照星皇传承的地形图,一点点向天外天内部靠近。 Un, they pursued!” “嗯,他们追来了!” The extremely fast of hot Qilin in gloomy Tianwaitian ran quickly more than half double-hour, Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction realized that an emperor Profound Heaven three people of aura, Ye Chenfeng has transmitted in Universe Realm to hide them without hesitation. 火麒麟在灰暗的天外天中极速奔驰了半个多时辰,极速推演的噬神脑察觉到了帝玄天尊三人的气息,叶晨风毫不犹豫将他们传送到了乾坤境中躲藏。 About after more than three double-hour, Ye Chenfeng felt that emperor Profound Heaven three people have walked away, left Universe Realm , to continue moves to the Tianwaitian deep place. 大约三个多时辰后,叶晨风感觉帝玄天尊三人走远了,离开了乾坤境,继续向天外天深处移动。 Wait / Etc. hot Qilins, stops, some do not suit!” “等等火麒麟,停下来,有些不对劲!” When the hot Qilin according to topographic diagram labelling speeds along, the direction and topographic diagram that the discovery of Ye Chenfeng accident, oneself lead the way had the huge difference, immediately stopped the hot Qilin, observes the situation all around. 火麒麟按照地形图标注飞驰时,叶晨风意外的发现,自己前行的方向与地形图出现了巨大的差异,立即喊停了火麒麟,环视四周。 This Tianwaitian worthily is the central world first strategic place, here environment is changing unexpectedly every time!” “这天外天不愧是中央世界第一险地,这里的环境竟然每时每刻都在变化!” Ye Chenfeng controlled Devouring God Brain to deduce a meeting, discovered that the surrounding environment actually repeatedly was having the subtle change, cannot help but revealed the dignified color. 叶晨风控制噬神脑推演了一会,发现周围的环境竟然不断发生着微妙的变化,不由得流露出凝重之色。 If unable to find to enter Tianwaitian internal entrance, even if he has to enter internal key to be also useless. 如果无法找到进入天外天内部的入口,就算他有进入内部的钥匙也没用。 „The Chenfeng elder brother, your meaning we lost here!” 晨风哥,你的意思我们迷失在了这里!” The spirit fish is blinking the big eye, looks at the surrounding strange space, asked in a low voice. 灵鱼眨巴着大眼睛,看着周围陌生的空间,低声问道。 Un, just I had not discovered the change of this space. The place that we place now, is enormous with the route difference that the map labels, we must determine the position is good!” Ye Chenfeng nodded, controls the deduction of Devouring God Brain extremely fast, is inducing the change of space. “嗯,刚刚我没有发现这个空间的变化。我们现在身处的地方,与地图标注的路线差别极大,我们必须要重新确定方位才行!”叶晨风点了点头,控制噬神脑极速的推演,感应着空间的变化。 Walks, that side we go!” “走,我们去那边!” The Devouring God Brain extremely fast deduced several double-hour, Ye Chenfeng has opened the double pupil suddenly, has locked the Northwest, was bringing the spirit fish and hot Qilin flew fast. 噬神脑极速推演了数个时辰,叶晨风突然睁开了双眸,锁定了西北方,带着灵鱼和火麒麟快速的飞了过去。 When flight, Ye Chenfeng puts out one each article unceasingly, inserts leaves behind the mark in the ground. 飞行时,叶晨风不断地拿出一件件道器,插在地上留下印记。 After more than double-hour, grey Sun is getting more and more dark, Ye Chenfeng one line of present in a small hill is looking into the distance by the space that the ash-gray mist covers up. 一个多时辰后,灰色太阳越来越暗,叶晨风一行人出现在一个小山丘中眺望着被灰色雾气遮掩的空间。 „The Chenfeng elder brother, did you find the map position?” 晨风哥,你找到地图方位了吗?” Looks to deep frown to look at Ye Chenfeng of distant place, the spirit fish asked in a soft voice. 看着眉头紧锁望着远方的叶晨风,灵鱼轻声问道。 This Tianwaitian imagines me also wants to be stranger than and mysterious.” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath said: If I feel well, here is a giant magnetic field, through the magnetic field change, the space also changes.” “这天外天远比我想象中还要诡异和玄妙。”叶晨风深吸一口气道:“如果我感觉不错,这里就是一个巨大的磁场,通过磁场变化,空间也随之变化。” Was good, tonight we here rest, tomorrow we will continue the way!” “好了,今夜我们就在这里休息吧,明天我们继续寻路!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, sat cross-legged to sit on the ground, controlled the Devouring God Brain extremely fast deduction, was inducing the change of magnetic field. 叶晨风深吸一口气,盘膝坐在了地上,控制噬神脑极速推演,感应着磁场的变化。 But at this time, the weather was getting more and more black, ash-gray Sun vanished does not see, everywhere stars appeared on void. 而这时,天色越来越黑,灰色的太阳消失不见,漫天的繁星出现在虚空上。 Un, these stars have issue!” “嗯,这些繁星有问题!” All over the sky when the stars appear, Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction realized that the end has doubted, Ye Chenfeng discovered that the stars of space are multiplication Dao Intent evolve, but with the change of time, the stars of space is also having the change. 满天繁星出现时,极速推演的噬神脑察觉到了端疑,叶晨风发现天上的繁星是繁衍的道意演化而成的,而随着时间的变化,天上的繁星也在发生着变化。 Some this discovery, in Ye Chenfeng heart great happiness, if he can deduce the change of stars, can perhaps deduce the change of magnetic field, thus found to penetrate the route in Tianwaitian surrounding. 有了这个发现,叶晨风心中大喜,如果他能推演出繁星的变化,说不定就能推演出磁场的变化,从而找到深入天外天外围的路线。 „......” “嗷嗷嗷……” Controls Devouring God Brain when Ye Chenfeng, deduces the stars change, savage beast roars resound. 就在叶晨风控制噬神脑,推演繁星变化时,一道道凶残的兽吼声响起。 In the jet black space presented in pairs a savage eye, massive Monster Beast feel Ye Chenfeng their aura, approaches slowly, surrounded the small hill all round. 漆黑的空间中出现了一双双凶残的眼睛,大量的妖兽感受到叶晨风他们的气息,缓缓地靠近,将小山丘团团包围了。 low level Saint beast!” 下级圣兽!” Felt that surrounds in own Monster Beast, really has the low level Saint beast to exist, Ye Chenfeng has revealed the color of accident. 感觉到包围自己的妖兽中,竟然有下级圣兽存在,叶晨风露出了意外之色。 This Tianwaitian imagines me is more fearful, greatly here the Nirvana boundary can survive possibly was too small!” “这天外天比我想象中还要可怕,涅槃境大能在这里生存的可能太小了!” Ye Chenfeng has not begun Monster Beast that cuts to kill to approach, but Primordial Chaos Divine Beast, gold/metal Qinglong the blood lion summoned, these monsters ** has given three mahatma beasts. 叶晨风没有动手斩杀靠近的妖兽,而是将混沌神兽,金晴龙血狮召唤了出来,将这些妖**给了三大圣兽。 Roar roar!” “吼吼!” The fearful beast roar broke the peace of dark night, Monster Beast of three mahatma beast and all around has battled, the fearful monster strength is vibrating side Heaven and Earth. 可怕的兽吼声打破了黑夜的宁静,三大圣兽与四周的妖兽激战了起来,可怕的妖力震动着一方天地 Kills after striking of over night, three mahatma beast joint efforts, have torn into shreds all Monster Beast, has swallowed their monster pill. 经过一夜的击杀,三大圣兽合力,撕碎了所有的妖兽,吞噬了它们的妖丹。 Dawn, Ye Chenfeng has opened the double pupil of shutting tightly, rode on gold/metal Qinglong the blood lion, said loudly: Walks, we go to the Northwest.” 天亮时分,叶晨风睁开了紧闭的双眸,骑在了金晴龙血狮上,大声说道:“走,我们去西北方。”
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