EDSG :: Volume #16

#1503: The defeat day Venerable

Bang!” “轰隆隆!” When emperor Profound Heaven pounds to fall to ground, three big Spirit Level Dao Chart turned into a sea, with skill in Daoist cultivation that Ye Chenfeng within the body gushes out, poured into five big Top Grade Saint treasures separately, such as the meteorites of five crash this world, pounded to emperor Profound Heaven. 玄天尊砸落到地面时,三大灵级道图化成了道海,与叶晨风体内喷薄而出的道力,分别注入到了五大极品圣宝中,如五颗坠落凡尘的陨石,砸向了帝玄天尊。 The fearful strength caved in directly the ground in a circumference of several miles, made in day celestial mountain present one deeply not to see the bottom directly the black hole. 可怕的力量直接塌陷了方圆数里的地面,直接让古天仙山中出现了一个深不见底的黑洞。 Universe Sword Array, extinguishes to me!” 乾坤剑阵,给我灭!” When five big Top Grade Saint treasures attack emperor Profound Heaven fierce, Universe Sword Array under the Ye Chenfeng thought control, turned into the endless sword sea, crashed to more and more deep black hole, was aggravating the emperor Profound Heaven body injury. 五大极品圣宝凶猛攻击帝玄天尊时,乾坤剑阵叶晨风意念控制下,化成了无尽的剑海,坠落向了越来越深的黑洞中,加重着帝玄天尊的身体伤势。 Unparalleled Saint shield.” “无双圣盾。” In the dangerous situation, encounters five big Top Grade Saint treasure and Universe Sword Array fatal attacks, the whole body was emperor Profound Heaven of blood has used the final card in a hand, at the same time was flowing mysterious ancient Wen, mounted a black shield of lion's head to reappear his body, was isolating the space, was resisting the fierce attacks of five big Top Grade Saint treasures. 身临险境,遭到五大极品圣宝和乾坤剑阵致命攻击,浑身是血的帝玄天尊动用了最后的底牌,一面流动着玄奥古纹,镶嵌着一颗狮头的黑盾浮现出他的身体,隔绝着空间,抵御着五大极品圣宝的凶猛攻击。 Defends the Top Grade Saint treasure, the inside story that the Heaven Clan day Venerable is really uncommon!” “防御极品圣宝,天族天尊的底蕴果然不凡!” An emperor Profound Heaven book is the 1-Star day Venerable peak expert, now he also has to defend the Top Grade Saint treasure, is almost in an impregnable position, making Ye Chenfeng feel quite thornily. 玄天尊本就是一星天尊巅峰高手,如今他又拥有防御极品圣宝,几乎立于不败之地,让叶晨风颇感棘手。 „The Human Race junior, the main body pledged that certainly defeats the bone to raise the ash you, refining up your soul exactly!” 人族小辈,本尊发誓一定将你挫骨扬灰,活炼死你的灵魂!” As the Nine Heavens god country protector, existence of Battle Soul Continent most peak, how could emperor Profound Heaven has been seriously injured this grade, he roared angrily, in deeply did not see the bottom in the black hole to depart, controlled the Top Grade Saint treasured sword plate to cut to Ye Chenfeng. 作为九天神国守护者,斗魂大陆最巅峰的存在,帝玄天尊何曾受过这等重伤,他愤怒的咆哮一声,在深不见底的黑洞中飞出,控制极品圣宝刀盘斩向了叶晨风 Under an angry emperor Profound Heaven fierce counter-attack, Ye Chenfeng rushed to the pressure immediately, five big Top Grade Saint treasures that he controls were cut to fly by cutter head times, the offensive of demon ba completely was also suppressed by emperor Profound Heaven, is almost unable to constitute the injury to him. 在愤怒的帝玄天尊凶猛的反击下,叶晨风立即赶到了压力,他操控的五大极品圣宝被刀盘一次次斩飞,魔魃的攻势也被帝玄天尊完全压制,几乎无法对他构成伤害。 „In 5000 life, combustion!” “5000年寿元,燃烧!” The offensive was suppressed, Ye Chenfeng not hesitant, has burnt instantaneously in 5000 the life, with the strength of huge life, promoted the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable own boundary stiffly, the human body strength broke through 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength. 攻势被压制,叶晨风没有犹豫,瞬间燃烧了5000年寿元,借庞大的生命之力,硬生生将自身的境界提升到了一星道尊,肉体力量更是突破了1000000000斤之力。 The strength rises suddenly, Ye Chenfeng controls five big Top Grade Saint treasures the might to soar, quick, five big Top Grade Saint treasures suppressed to cut the mountain blade glow unceasingly the cutter head, suppressed an emperor Profound Heaven offensive. 实力暴涨,叶晨风操控五大极品圣宝的威力直线上升,很快,五大极品圣宝就压制住了不断斩出山岳般刀芒的刀盘,重新压制住了帝玄天尊的攻势。 „!” “咻!” When emperor Profound Heaven is surprised, the sword wing fierce leaf, Ye Chenfeng such as the light, appeared in an emperor Profound Heaven front together instantaneously, grasped the first Heavenly Sword embryo thorn to an emperor Profound Heaven chest. 玄天尊惊疑时,剑翅剧烈一扇,叶晨风如一道光影,瞬间出现在了帝玄天尊面前,手持先天剑胎刺向了帝玄天尊的胸口。 The critical time, emperor Profound Heaven kept off the unparalleled Saint shield before the body, resisted the first Heavenly Sword embryo. 危急时刻,帝玄天尊将无双圣盾挡在了身前,抵挡住了先天剑胎。 But the first Heavenly Sword embryo stabbing unparalleled Saint shield erupts to surpass 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, made emperor Profound Heaven bear not the small pressure, the body cannot help but retroceded several rice. 但先天剑胎刺中无双圣盾爆发超过1000000000斤的力量,却让帝玄天尊承受了不小的压力,身体不由得后退了数米。 Big strength, his humanity, why the human body strength has surpassed Monster Clan!” “好大的力量,他一个人类,为何肉体力量超过了妖族!” Asked for advice the Ye Chenfeng astonishing strength, emperor Profound Heaven has revealed the thick panic-stricken color, displayed big killing move continuously, wanted to compel to draw back Ye Chenfeng. 领教到叶晨风惊人的力量,帝玄天尊露出了浓浓的惊骇之色,连续施展大杀招,想要将叶晨风逼退。 Certainly sword Black Dragon!” “绝剑黑龙!” At this time, under the Ye Chenfeng thought control, silver Sword Soul and Heavenly Sword embryo fused first in together, turned into the Black Dragon Divine sword, brought not to have the thing not broken striking power, has torn to pieces an emperor Profound Heaven attack directly, a sword divided to his head, forcing emperor Profound Heaven only to draw support from the unparalleled Saint shield defense. 这时,在叶晨风意念控制下,白银剑魂和先天剑胎融合在一起,化成了黑龙般的神剑,带着无物不破的攻击力,直接撕破了帝玄天尊的攻击,一剑劈向了他的脑袋,逼迫帝玄天尊只能借助无双圣盾防御。 I must have a look at you to be able but actually to resist my many attacks.” “我倒要看看你能抵挡我多少次攻击。” Ye Chenfeng erupts the strength of heaven-shaking, blends the strength of spirit of bead dying, grasps the Top Grade Saint snake stick, continual attack unparalleled Saint shield. 叶晨风爆发惊天之力,交融死之灵珠的力量,手持极品圣器蛇杖,连续的攻击无双圣盾。 Each attack, Ye Chenfeng displays the pinnacle the human body strength, over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength is attacking the unparalleled Saint shield unceasingly, is shaking an emperor Profound Heaven body. 每一次攻击,叶晨风都将肉体力量发挥到极致,超过1000000000斤的力量不断的攻击着无双圣盾,撼动着帝玄天尊的身体。 When Ye Chenfeng full power attack, insists also under his thought control, interweaves ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword shade, has covered an emperor Profound Heaven body, is aggravating his body injury. 叶晨风全力攻击时,坚持也在他意念控制下,交织出万丈剑影,笼罩了帝玄天尊的身体,加重着他的身体伤势。 Desolate of furnace day!” “天之荒炉!” Cannot resist the Ye Chenfeng fierce attack faintly, emperor Profound Heaven deduces the pinnacle own Dao Intent, turned into the giant wild furnace, has hit, wants to hit to draw back Ye Chenfeng. 隐隐抵挡不住叶晨风凶猛的攻击,帝玄天尊将自身的道意推演到极致,化成了巨大的荒炉,撞了上去,想要将叶晨风撞退。 At this time, the five big Top Grade Saint treasures of complete suppressed Daoist robe under Ye Chenfeng thought control, extremely fast flew, hit in emperor Profound Heaven incarnation the Desolate of furnace of day together, has crushed the wild furnace god shade, hit to fly injury heavy emperor Profound Heaven, pounded maliciously, in the antiquity has obstructed the day chart on the banned light jade. 这时,完全压制道袍的五大极品圣宝在叶晨风意念控制下,极速的飞来,与帝玄天尊化身的天之荒炉撞击在一起,粉碎了荒炉神影,将伤势不轻的帝玄天尊撞飞了出去,狠狠地砸在了上古遮天图的禁制光璧上。 Day Venerable the bloodlines, strongest combustion!” “天尊血脉,最强燃烧!” Emperor Profound Heaven has not thought that Ye Chenfeng method these many, the strength is to exceed his imagination, has to revere the strength of bloodlines to display the pinnacle the day, controls two big Top Grade Saint treasure full power to wrestle. 玄天尊没想到叶晨风的手段这么多,实力更是超出他的想象,不得不将天尊血脉的力量发挥到极致,控制两大极品圣宝全力一搏。 „!” “嗷嗷!” Emperor Profound Heaven raids with the strength of heaven-shaking, demon ba kept off before his body suddenly, grasped the rudely dragon mark broadsword, firmly resist his attack. 玄天尊携惊天之力袭来,魔魃突然挡在了他的身前,手持势大力沉的龙纹大刀,硬憾他的攻击。 Bang!” “轰!” Emperor firmly resist a Profound Heaven attack, the body of demon ba trembles, the offensive was crushed instantaneously, the body was throws departed several hundred meters far, pounded on the banned light jade. 硬憾玄天尊的攻击,魔魃的身体一颤,攻势被瞬间粉碎,身子更是抛飞出了数百米远,砸在了禁制光璧上。 ancient Jiange, sword heart passes the bright moonlight!” “古剑歌,剑心通明月!” Holds demon ba Emperor firmly resist a Profound Heaven instance, Ye Chenfeng such as flickers to move appears in his top of the head generally, grasps the first Heavenly Sword embryo, is blending silver Sword Soul, cut clearly to hang tall Zhao a sword, forcing emperor Profound Heaven only to grasp the unparalleled Saint shield defense, has broken his offensive. 抓住魔魃硬憾玄天尊的瞬间,叶晨风如瞬移一般出现在他头顶,手持先天剑胎,交融着白银剑魂,斩出了明悬高照的一剑,逼迫帝玄天尊只能手持无双圣盾防御,打断了他的攻势。 When he depends upon the absolute strength, when crushes ancient sword the song that Ye Chenfeng cuts, five big Top Grade Saint treasures under the Ye Chenfeng thought control, connected the bombardment to him, was shaking his body, shocked him to retreat in defeat again and again, the body surrounding space was having a large area of collapse. 当他依靠绝对的实力,粉碎叶晨风斩出的古剑歌时,五大极品圣宝在叶晨风意念控制下,接连轰击向了他,撼动着他的身体,震动着他节节败退,身体周围的空间发生着大面积的塌陷。 „The emperor Profound Heaven this world did not belong to your Heaven Clan, I deliver you falling samsara!” “帝玄天尊这个世界本就不属于你天族,我还是送你坠轮回吧!” Ye Chenfeng calls out one, does not give the emperor a Profound Heaven respite the opportunity , to continue to attack him with five mahatma treasures, wants to strike to kill him while this opportunity, weakens the foundation of Nine Heavens god country's. 叶晨风暴吼一声,不给帝玄天尊一丝喘息的机会,携五大圣宝继续攻击他,想要趁此机会将他击杀,削弱九天神国的根基。 Displays the skills when Ye Chenfeng, full power attack, his complexion slightly changes, he felt that the banned void antiquity obstructed the day chart to encounter the attack unexpectedly. 就在叶晨风施展浑身解数,全力攻击时,他脸色微微一变,他感觉禁制虚空的上古遮天图竟然遭到了攻击。 But the attack antiquity obstructed the strength of person of day chart to be extremely terrorist, was not weak Emperor in Profound Heaven many. 而攻击上古遮天图之人的实力极其恐怖,并不弱于帝玄天尊多少。 Is Monster Clan and Venerable level expert of demon clan!” “是妖族和魔族的尊级高手!” Has surpassed has not thought that in this crucial point, Venerable level expert of another two clans meets make a move, in the mind flashes through several thoughts. 已超过没想到,在这个节骨眼上,另外两族的尊级高手出手,脑海中闪过数个念头。 Although he grasps the God to project this to kill greatly, but, he is not willing to use unless it is absolutely essential. 虽然他掌握着天帝投影这个大杀器,但不到万不得已,他并不愿动用。 Once Monster Clan and demon senior members level expert tore to pieces the antiquity to obstruct the day chart to kill, he was further combustion life, perhaps is unable Reversing Heaven and Earth. 而一旦妖族、魔族尊级高手撕破上古遮天图杀进来,那他就是进一步燃烧生命,都恐怕无法逆转乾坤 „The time of if burning a joss stick is unable to strike to kill emperor Profound Heaven, immediately leaves here!” “如果一炷香的时间无法击杀帝玄天尊,立即离开这里!” Ye Chenfeng courageously has made the decision, does not hesitate the control five big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks of price, wanted to snatch before the antiquity obstructs the day chart burst, strikes to kill emperor Profound Heaven. 叶晨风当机立断做出了决定,不惜代价的控制五大极品圣宝攻击,想要抢在上古遮天图破裂前,击杀帝玄天尊。 The attacks of five big Top Grade Saint treasures are getting more and more fierce, an emperor Profound Heaven injury is getting more and more serious. 五大极品圣宝的攻击越来越凶猛,帝玄天尊的伤势越来越重。 However with the aid of the defense of unparalleled Saint shield, emperor Profound Heaven or withstands the tidal offensive that Ye Chenfeng launched. 不过借助无双圣盾的防御,帝玄天尊还是承受住了叶晨风发动的潮水般攻势。 It seems like in a short time is unable to strike to kill this emperor Profound Heaven Venerable!” “看来短时间内无法击杀这帝玄天尊了!” Felt that the antiquity obstructed the day chart to encounter Monster Clan and demon clan to attack fierce, presented the breakage, Ye Chenfeng helpless sigh, gave up striking to kill an emperor Profound Heaven thought decisively, summoned Universe Realm demon ba, took away the banned space antiquity to obstruct the day chart rapidly. 感觉到上古遮天图遭到妖族、魔族凶猛攻击,出现了破损,叶晨风无奈的叹息一声,果断放弃击杀帝玄天尊的念头,将魔魃召唤回乾坤境,迅速收走了禁制空间的上古遮天图。 The next quarter, Ye Chenfeng and sword wing melts for a body, snatches before Monster Clan and demon senior members level expert intercepts, flew to Tianwaitian. 下一刻,叶晨风与剑翅融为了一体,抢在妖族、魔族尊级高手拦截前,飞往了天外天。
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