EDSG :: Volume #16

#1502: The emperor northern heavens revere

Receives!” “收!” The powerful struck to kill Bai old man and the others, Ye Chenfeng has taken away their relic immediately, the thought moved, returned to Universe Realm, drank drop of life ichor, restored in 5000 of combustion consumption the life. 强势击杀了白翁等人,叶晨风立即收走了他们的遗物,意念一动,回到了乾坤境中,喝下了一滴生命灵液,恢复了燃烧消耗的5000年寿元。 About about one day the time, Ye Chenfeng fully restored the body consumption and injury, left Universe Realm. 大约一天左右时间,叶晨风完全恢复了身体消耗和伤势,离开了乾坤境 But he leaves the Universe Realm instance, he felt that a suffocating strength has locked him. 但他离开乾坤境的瞬间,他感觉到一股让人窒息的力量锁定了他。 Day Venerable!” “天尊!” Felt that this strength has gone beyond the Tiansheng category, ancient Tiange guessed correctly immediately that locks his is this world most fearful existence day Venerable absolutely. 感觉到这股力量超出了天圣范畴,古天歌立即猜到,锁定他的绝对是这个世界最可怕的存在天尊。 Nine Heavens god country is not only then three big days revere, on this day revere come from where, could it be he is emperor Profound Heaven of Nine Heavens god country's!” 九天神国不是只有三大天尊,这天尊又是从何处而来,难道他就是九天神国的帝玄天尊!” Thinks that initially when emperor Nine Heavens collaborated, suppresses the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable, Nine Heavens god country another big day Venerable emperor Profound Heaven not to appear, at that time Ye Chenfeng suspected that emperor Profound Heaven in the Nine Heavens god country, now has not looked like, emperor Profound Heaven was very likely to hide near Tianwaitian. 想到当初自己与帝九天联手,镇压帝灭天尊时,九天神国另一大天尊帝玄天尊并未出现,当时叶晨风就怀疑,帝玄天尊没在九天神国中,如今看来,帝玄天尊极有可能隐藏在天外天附近。 „The Human Race junior, your courage was not small, dares to kill my Heaven Clan Tiansheng, your did could it be want to provoke various clan disputes to be inadequate?” 人族小辈,你胆子不小,竟敢杀我天族天圣,你难道想要挑起诸族纷争不成?” When Ye Chenfeng is surprised, he noticed that in the ancient angel caves had a large area of distortion, a body depth purple long gown, the snow white long hair hangs loose at will in the shoulders, the top of the head float a man of six corner cutter heads, went out of the distortion space, sound vigorous saying. 叶晨风惊疑之际,他看到古天仙山空间发生了大面积的扭曲,一名身穿深紫色长袍,雪白长发随意披散在双肩,头顶悬浮着一座六棱刀盘的男子,走出了扭曲空间,声音浑厚的说道。 Emperor Profound Heaven!” “帝玄天尊!” Felt the strength of white hair man to achieve the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the peak, Ye Chenfeng determined basically he was one of the Nine Heavens god country protectors, the antiquity has not died can greatly emperor Profound Heaven. 感受到白发男子的实力达到了一星道尊巅峰,叶晨风基本确定他就是九天神国守护者之一,上古未死大能帝玄天尊。 Un, do you know the main body?” “嗯,你认识本尊?” An emperor Profound Heaven brow wrinkle, two just like the essence pupil light boils up in his profound both eyes slightly, looks at 5-Star Saint boundary Ye Chenfeng, sound low and deep saying. 玄天尊眉头微微一皱,两道犹如实质的眸光在他深邃的双眼中迸出,看着五星道圣境界的叶晨风,声音低沉的说道。 Has not thought that the protector in Nine Heavens god country's, hid here, it seems like Heaven Clan unexpectedly schemes the secret of Tianwaitian to be very long!” “没想到九天神国的守护者,竟然躲在这里,看来天族图谋天外天的秘密很久了!” Although an emperor Profound Heaven strength is very terrorist, but Ye Chenfeng does not have strength of the war, but he felt that perhaps here incessantly emperor Profound Heaven Venerable level expert, the thinking must strike to kill emperor Profound Heaven forcefully. 虽然帝玄天尊的实力很恐怖,但叶晨风并非没有一战之力,不过他感觉,这里恐怕不止帝玄天尊一名尊级高手,思索要不要强行击杀帝玄天尊。 Junior, your idle talk were too many!” In an emperor Profound Heaven body erupts heaven-shaking to move the place suddenly the strength: And other main body seized you, but who actually must have a look at you are.” “小辈,你的废话太多了!”帝玄天尊身体中突然爆发出惊天动地的力量:“等本尊擒住你,倒要看看你是谁。” Antiquity obstructed the day chart!” “上古遮天图!” Saw that emperor Profound Heaven moved to oneself has killed to read, Ye Chenfeng has not flinched, summoned the antiquity to obstruct the day chart rapidly, has banned the space in a circumference of several miles. 看到帝玄天尊对自己动了杀念,叶晨风也没有退缩,迅速召唤出了上古遮天图,禁制了方圆数里的空间。 Un, this was the antiquity of Nine Heavens emperor's clan obstructs the day chart, this chart how in your hand!” Emperor Profound Heaven recognizes, the mixture of truth and deceit ban void light chart, is one of the Nine Heavens god country's heavy treasures. “嗯,这是九天皇族的上古遮天图,此图怎么会在你手上!”帝玄天尊一眼认出,虚虚实实禁制虚空的光图,正是九天神国的重宝之一。 Your idle talk were too many!” “你的废话太多了!” Ye Chenfeng directly replied him with emperor Profound Heaven words, the thought moved, summons seal demon ba bronze ancient Guan. 叶晨风直接用帝玄天尊的话回答他,意念一动,召唤出了封印魔魃的青铜古棺。 „!” “嗷嗷!” The bronze ancient coffin opens, appalling demon cry sounds get up, the whole body twined thick demon air/Qi demon ba to go out of bronze ancient Guan, extinguished the day Venerable to face upward to the emperor to whoosh. 青铜古棺打开,一道道让人毛骨悚然的魔唳声响起,全身缠绕着浓浓魔气的魔魃走出了青铜古棺,冲着帝灭天尊仰天嘶吼。 ba, by your strength, has subdued king of the corpse unexpectedly!” “魃,以你的实力,竟然收服了一只僵尸之王!” Emperor Profound Heaven takes the Heaven Clan big energy, fully realized that King of Ba corpse fearfulness, is smallest and weakest ba, is more formidable than him. 玄天尊作为天族大能,深知僵尸之王魃的可怕,就是最弱小的魃,都比他强大。 ba, extinguished him!” “魃,灭了他!” Ye Chenfeng will strike to kill the day marquis, the dragon mark great blade of strength of 1000000 cattys in weight obtains gave ba, the order said. 叶晨风将击杀天侯,得到的重达1000000斤之力的龙纹巨刀交给了魃,命令道。 „, I must drink blood!” “嗷,我要喝血!” Demon ba grasps Dragon Wenju the blade, face upwards to roar, is bringing the thick demon air/Qi, cut to emperor Profound Heaven. 魔魃手持龙纹巨刀,仰天咆哮一声,带着浓浓的魔气,斩向了帝玄天尊。 Demon ba raids, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the pupil to shrink, float cutter head fast maneuver in his top of the head, interweaves like the mountain great blade edge, cuts to break to pieces void, divided to cut to demon ba. 魔魃袭来,帝灭天尊瞳孔一缩,悬浮在他头顶的刀盘快速的回旋起来,交织出一道道如山岳般的巨刃,斩碎着虚空,劈斩向了魔魃。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Deafening demolition sound gets up. 震耳欲聋的爆破声响起。 Demon ba grasps Dragon Wenju the blade fierce attack, unceasingly mountain blade glow crushing. 魔魃手持龙纹巨刀凶猛的攻击,不断将一道道山岳般的刀芒击碎。 How in the demon ba body to have three big seals, is unable to display the strongest strength, slowly, his offensive was suppressed by emperor Profound Heaven completely, the body of demon air/Qi winding from the midair is also cut to fall by great blade edge times that the cutter head interweaves. 奈何魔魃身体中有三大封印,根本无法发挥最强的实力,慢慢的,他的攻势被帝玄天尊完全压制,魔气缠绕的身体也被刀盘交织出的巨刃一次次从半空中斩落。 Town day bead, holy blood bead, friendly!” “镇天珠,圣血珠,融!” Ye Chenfeng saw that demon ba is unable to threaten emperor Profound Heaven, immediately fused two big most precious objects, has burnt Primordial Chaos Blood, own strength promotion to the 6-Star Saint limit, summoned the sword wing stiffly, penetrated the shatter space, attacked to emperor Profound Heaven. 叶晨风看到魔魃无法威胁到帝玄天尊,立即融合了两大至宝,燃烧了鸿蒙之血,硬生生将自身的实力提升到六星道圣极限,召唤出了剑翅,穿透了破碎的空间,攻击向了帝玄天尊。 Sword wing, how the emperor extinguishes the sword wing that day Venerable on you!” “剑翅,帝灭天尊的剑翅怎么会在你身上!” Sees to spend the sword wing of Ye Chenfeng body, emperor Profound Heaven innermost feelings overawes, in the mind has had not a good thought. 看到破出叶晨风身体的剑翅,帝玄天尊内心威震,脑海中产生了一个不好的念头。 The next quarter, circles the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal of gold dragon to reappear the Ye Chenfeng body, increases unceasingly, seal is falling day character ancient Wen, seal fell to emperor Profound Heaven. 下一刻,盘旋着金龙的九天玉玺浮现出叶晨风身体,不断地变大,印落着‘天’字古纹,印落向了帝玄天尊。 Has not thought that the emperor extinguished the day Venerable fell down unexpectedly in your hand, I looked down on your method actually!” “没想到帝灭天尊竟然栽倒了你的手上,我倒是小瞧你的手段了!” Saw that the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable two big to the treasured sword wing and Nine Heavens imperial jade seal on Ye Chenfeng, emperor Profound Heaven determined basically that the emperor extinguished the day Venerable to have an accident. 看到帝灭天尊两大至宝剑翅和九天玉玺都在叶晨风手上,帝玄天尊基本确定,帝灭天尊出事了。 Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , gives me to rumble!” 九龙玉璧,给我轰!” When emperor Profound Heaven controls the Top Grade Saint treasured sword plate firmly resist Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, Nine Dragons Jade Annulus has spent the Ye Chenfeng body, is separating void, condenses kills the crazy dragon that the Heavenly Law mark is sublimating first certainly, howled the attack to extinguish the day Venerable to the emperor. 玄天尊控制极品圣宝刀盘硬憾九天玉玺时,九龙玉璧破出了叶晨风身体,隔断着虚空,凝聚着一条条先天道纹凝华的绝杀狂龙,呼啸着攻击向了帝灭天尊。 Cutter head, Wan Daozhan!” “刀盘,万刀斩!” An emperor Profound Heaven pupil shrinks, circles cutter head fast revolving in his top of the head, interweaves ten thousand blade glow, cuts to break to pieces is killing the crazy dragon certainly, is shelling Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , shakes Nine Dragons Jade Annulus fierce shivering. 玄天尊瞳孔一缩,盘旋在他头顶的刀盘快速的旋转起来,交织出万道刀芒,斩碎着绝杀狂龙,轰击着九龙玉璧,震得九龙玉璧剧烈的颤抖。 Saw that Nine Dragons Jade Annulus cannot resist the attack of cutter head, the monster emperor furnace, the hand of real demon, the blood demon mountain appears the Ye Chenfeng body, under his thought control, four big Top Grade Saint treasures divided four direction attacks to emperor Profound Heaven, was involving his energy. 眼看九龙玉璧抵御不住刀盘的攻击,妖帝炉,真魔之手,血魔山浮现出叶晨风身体,在他意念控制下,四大极品圣宝分四个方向攻击向了帝玄天尊,牵扯着他的精力。 Un, by your strength, how possibly simultaneously to control five big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks!” “嗯,以你的实力,怎么可能同时控制五大极品圣宝攻击!” Simultaneously encounters four big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, emperor Profound Heaven has revealed the color of being startled, is startled the Ye Chenfeng strength and inside story. 同时遭到四大极品圣宝攻击,帝玄天尊露出了吃惊之色,吃惊叶晨风的实力和底蕴。 „!” “嗷嗷!” At this time, demon air/Qi dreadful demon ba departed from the shatter stratum, effort has shot bronze ancient Guan, pounded to emperor Profound Heaven. 这时,魔气滔天的魔魃从破碎的地层中飞出,用力的掷出了青铜古棺,砸向了帝玄天尊。 When bronze ancient Guan was cut by an emperor Profound Heaven blade flies, demon ba grasps several million jin (0.5 kg) dragon mark broadsword fierce cuts, the fearful broadsword chops to cut in circling when the cutter head of his top of the head, has had the strength of formidable counter- shaking, shook emperor Profound Heaven to retrocede three steps. 当青铜古棺被帝玄天尊一刀斩飞时,魔魃手持数百万斤重的龙纹大刀凶猛的斩来,可怕的大刀劈斩在盘旋在他头顶的刀盘上时,产生了强大的的反震之力,震得帝玄天尊后退了三步。 An emperor Profound Heaven backlash, Ye Chenfeng controlled five big Top Grade Saint treasures to attack the past immediately. 玄天尊一后退,叶晨风立即控制五大极品圣宝攻击了过去。 Encounters continuously crushes the mountain sufficiently, pierces five of the big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks space prestige, emperor Profound Heaven retreats in defeat again and again, the offensive suddenly was suppressed. 连续遭到足以粉碎山岳,洞穿空间的之威的五大极品圣宝攻击,帝玄天尊节节败退,攻势一时间被压制了。 Universe Sword Array, cuts!” 乾坤剑阵,斩!” Seizes this opportunity, Ye Chenfeng and sword wing merges into one organic whole, appears in an emperor Profound Heaven top of the head, controls the Universe Sword Array fast fusion, is blending the prestige of sword wing, turned into a handle to separate the void heavy sword, divided maliciously to an emperor Profound Heaven top of the head. 抓住这个机会,叶晨风与剑翅融为一体,出现在帝玄天尊头顶,控制乾坤剑阵快速的融合,交融着剑翅之威,化成了一柄隔断虚空的重剑,狠狠地劈向了帝玄天尊的头顶。 Bang!” “轰!” Entire shivered void. 整个虚空颤抖了一下。 Emperor Profound Heaven of full power defense from the midair is divided to fall by the sword that Ye Chenfeng starts directly, such as the kite of line, has pounded maliciously in the ground, smashed a big hole the ground. 全力防御的帝玄天尊被叶晨风发动的这一剑从半空中直接劈落,如断了线的风筝,狠狠地砸在地面上,将地面砸出了一个大坑。
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