EDSG :: Volume #16

#1501: Kills you, such as kills the chicken

Under, was one's turn you!” “下面,轮到你们两个了!” The powerful struck to kill a day of marquis, the body was contaminating the bloodstain, graceful such as hell Asura's general Ye Chenfeng has approached Bai and Weng the vision projection, killing intent imposing saying. 强势击杀了天侯,身上沾染着血渍,婉如地狱修罗一般的叶晨风将目光投射向了白翁二人,杀意凛然的说道。 Walks!” “走!” The experience to the Ye Chenfeng fearful strength, Bai and Weng feared, does not dare to fight with him, rapid runs away to the ancient day celestial mountain deep place. 见识到叶晨风可怕的战力,白翁二人恐惧了,不敢在与他交手,迅速的向古天仙山深处逃去。 „!” “咻!” The grating air fricative resounds together. 一道刺耳的空气摩擦声响起。 Ye Chenfeng and sword wing fuses in together, the flying speed promotion to the limit, intercepts Bai and Weng instantaneously, is interweaving ten thousand sword shades, launches the fierce attack to them. 叶晨风与剑翅融合在一起,将飞行速度提升至极限,瞬间拦截住白翁二人,交织着万道剑影,向他们二人发动凶猛的攻击。 „, You still in anything, this Human Race boy appear here, to Tianwaitian come, to wait for homicide light us obviously, was one's turn you!” “诸位,你们还在等什么,这人族小子出现在这里,明显是冲天外天而来,等他杀光我们,就轮到你们了!” Under the sword shade attack of blocking the sky, the body injury of Bai and Weng is getting more and more serious, they cannot resist the attack of Top Grade Saint treasure, can only seek help from the demon clan, the Monster Clan big energy. 在遮天蔽日的剑影攻击下,白翁二人的身体伤势越来越重,他们根本抵挡不住极品圣宝的攻击,只能求助于魔族,妖族大能。 „, So long as you are willing make a move to assist, waits to kill them, his Top Grade Saint treasure, our does not want!” “诸位,只要你们肯出手相助,等杀死他们,他身上的极品圣宝,我们一件也不要!” Is surrounded by perils, the life hung Bai an old man to eject one enticement that enabled the demons and monster two clans greatly unable to resist, said loudly. 险象环生,命悬一线的白翁抛出了一个让魔、妖两族大能无法抵御的诱惑,大声说道。 This words take seriously!” “此话当真!” The Top Grade Saint treasure is extremely precious, in Heaven Territory, Saint level expert is also hard to obtain one, if can obtain the Top Grade Saint treasure, will promote greatly their inside story. 极品圣宝太过珍贵,就算在天域,圣级高手也难以得到一件,如果能得到极品圣宝,将大大提升他们的底蕴。 Old man by personality guarantee, so long as kills him, the Top Grade Saint treasure our does not want!” In order to maintain a livelihood, Bai the old man has to compromise for the general interest, promises to say. “老夫以人格担保,只要杀死他,极品圣宝我们一件也不要!”为了活命,白翁不得不委曲求全,许诺道。 Good, finalized!” “好,成交!” Hears Bai the old man to promise that hides in the four monster Saints of hidden place, four demon Saints carried each article might enormous high-grade Saint treasure to appear, was blocking void, the attack has approached Ye Chenfeng. 听到白翁许诺,隐藏在暗处的四名妖圣,四名魔圣携带着一件件威力极大的上品圣宝出现了,封锁着虚空,攻击向了叶晨风 You cancould help make a move finally!” “你们终于忍不住要出手了!” Ye Chenfeng under sword wing amplifying, the extremely fast in void shuttled back and forth, fends each article might enormous high-grade Saint treasure attack, appeared above the collapse space, disregarded the swallowing strength of space fissure release, looks at four big monster Saints, four big demon Saints said. 叶晨风在剑翅振幅下,在虚空中极速穿梭,闪避开了一件件威力极大的上品圣宝攻击,出现在塌陷空间之上,无视空间裂痕释放的吞噬力,看着四大妖圣,四大魔圣道。 What's wrong, you thought that can resist our ten mahatma level expert by a person of strength?” “怎么,你觉得以一人之力能对抗我们十大圣级高手?” Tall and powerfully built, has a golden yellow long hair, sends out the thick spookiness 6-Star monster Saint to stare the copper bell to see Ye Chenfeng greatly, the sound such as the stuffy drum is resounding. 一名身材魁梧,拥有一头金黄色长发,散发着浓浓妖气的六星妖圣瞪着铜铃大眼看着叶晨风,声音如闷鼓般响亮。 Kills you, such as kills chicken!” “杀你们,如杀鸡!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng displays Life Soul Technique, has burnt in 5000 the life, with the strength of life rolling surges, surmounted the 6-Star Saint limit stiffly, has achieved the boundary of 1-Star [say / way] Venerable. 说着,叶晨风施展命魂术,燃烧了5000年寿元,借滚滚涌动的生命之力,硬生生跨越了六星道圣极限,达到了一星道尊之境。 Anything!” “什么!” Felt strength that Ye Chenfeng rises suddenly instantaneously, combative ten mahatma level expert were all scared, does not dare to imagine Ye Chenfeng to grasp this card in a hand that unexpectedly went against heaven's will. 感觉到叶晨风瞬间暴涨的实力,杀气腾腾的十大圣级高手全都傻了眼,不敢想象叶晨风竟掌握着这等逆天的底牌。 Antiquity obstructed the day chart, banned!” “上古遮天图,禁!” Smelled the thick dangerous aura when ten mahatma level expert, bears the corruption in heart read, gives up collaborating to strike to kill Ye Chenfeng wants to leave rapidly, Ye Chenfeng summons the antiquity to obstruct the day chart, had banned the entire space, not to the opportunity that they leave. 就在十大圣级高手嗅到了浓浓的危险气息,忍住心中的贪念,放弃联手击杀叶晨风想要迅速离开时,叶晨风召唤出了上古遮天图,禁制了整个空间,不给他们离开的机会。 What's wrong, you also want to kill us inadequately!” “怎么,你还想将我们全都杀死不成!” The escape route was sealed, in the golden hair man copper bell big eye jumps projects the anger, annoyed saying. 退路被封,金发男子铜铃大眼中迸射出浓浓的怒气,恼火的说道。 You said right!” “你说对了!” Ye Chenfeng summoned Universe Sword Array, evolved in top of the head, has locked the golden hair man ten people. 叶晨风召唤出乾坤剑阵,在头顶演化,锁定了金发男子十人。 „The Human Race boy, you should better think that the consequence of clear this matter, has killed us, you will certainly alarm in the celestial mountain Venerable level expert of deep sleep, to is then you to have superhuman is also difficult to run away dies!” 人族小子,你最好想清楚这件事的后果,杀了我们,你一定会惊动仙山中沉睡的尊级高手,到时任你有三头六臂也难逃一死!” The strength disparity of between Saint level with Venerable levels is too big, is unable to make up with the population, felt that the Ye Chenfeng present strength, making golden hair man and the others unable to give birth to fighting intent. 圣级与尊级之间的实力差距太大,根本无法用人数来弥补,感觉到叶晨风如今的实力,让金发男子等人生不出一丝战意 Your idle talk were too many!” “你们的废话太多了!” Life Soul Technique can only the short time promote the Ye Chenfeng strength, he does not have to lose the time again, the fanning sword wing of extremely fast, interwove ten thousand sword glow, the attack has been approaching the golden hair man ten people. 命魂术只能短时间提升叶晨风实力,他没有再耽误时间,极速的扇动剑翅,交织着万道剑芒,攻击向了金发男子十人。 Promotes to the boundary of 1-Star [say / way] Venerable, Ye Chenfeng to use the Top Grade Saint treasure the might to be bigger, under his continuous skill in Daoist cultivation control, six big Top Grade Saint treasures erupts heaven-shaking to move the place the strength, is caving in the space, launches the most fatal attack to the golden hair man ten people. 提升到一星道尊之境,叶晨风动用极品圣宝的威力更大,在他源源不断的道力控制下,六大极品圣宝爆发出惊天动地的力量,塌陷着空间,向金发男子十人发动最致命的攻击。 The life hangs one, three clan Saint level expert share a common hatred defends with joint forces, how six big Top Grade Saint treasures the might to be too terrorist, defense line times that they interweave were torn, Bai and Weng aggravate the injury unceasingly, cannot support faintly. 命悬一线,三族圣级高手同仇敌忾合力防御,奈何六大极品圣宝的威力太恐怖,他们交织的防线一次次被撕裂,白翁二人更是不断加重伤势,隐隐支撑不住。 First makes me deliver you to return to the western paradise.” “先让我送你们两个归西吧。” The Ye Chenfeng profound double pupil has locked injury final Bai and Weng, the back sword wing fierce leaf, tears to pieces the attack that golden hair man and the others had interwoven, appears before Bai and Weng of having a big shock. 叶晨风深邃的双眸锁定了伤势最终的白翁二人,背后剑翅剧烈一扇,撕破了金发男子等人交织的攻击,出现在大惊失色的白翁二人面前。 divine ability mirror image!” 神通镜像!” When Bai and Weng instinct fends, Ye Chenfeng split mirror image clone, has blocked the fending space of Bai and Weng. 在白翁二人本能闪避时,叶晨风分裂出了镜像分身,封锁了白翁二人的闪避空间。 „!” “咻!” In Bai and Weng bang broken mirror image clone instance, the Heavenly Sword embryo cuts the space first, a sword has broken out the body of obese man, twisted to break to pieces his soul, struck to kill him at the scene. 在白翁二人轰碎镜像分身的瞬间,先天剑胎划破空间,一剑劈开了肥胖男子的身体,绞碎了他的灵魂,将他当场击杀。 You cannot run away!” “你跑不掉!” The powerful struck to kill one person, in the Ye Chenfeng brain soul power erupts, has formed the strength of fearful dizziness, rumbled in Bai Weng Hunhai, making his soul tremble, the action presented a slowness. 强势击杀一人,叶晨风脑中魂力爆发,形成了可怕的眩晕之力,轰进了白翁魂海中,让他灵魂一颤,行动力出现了一丝迟缓。 No!” “不!” When Bai the old man has gotten back one's composure, Ye Chenfeng floods over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength body to hit maliciously on his body, the fearful strength has broken his body defense, cracked-up him turned into one group of blood fog, was killed violently at the scene. 当白翁回过神时,叶晨风充斥着超过1000000000斤力量的身体狠狠地撞击在他身体上,可怕的力量破开了他的身体防御,将他撞碎化成了一团血雾,当场毙命。 Struck to kill Bai and Weng, Ye Chenfeng with six big Top Grade Saint treasures, attacked to the golden hair man eight people, was crushing their attack, heavy injury their bodies. 击杀了白翁二人,叶晨风携六大极品圣宝,攻击向了金发男子八人,粉碎着他们的攻击,重创着他们的身体。 Quick , the person cannot resist the Ye Chenfeng fierce attack, had been broken to pieces the body by each article might enormous Top Grade Saint treasure bang, passed away. 很快,又有一人抵挡不住叶晨风凶猛的攻击,被一件件威力极大的极品圣宝轰碎了身体,命丧黄泉。 Vitality combustion!” “气血燃烧!” Ye Chenfeng kills three people continually, making golden hair man and the others the hearts fall into the trough. 叶晨风连杀三人,让金发男子等人的心跌入到了低谷。 At this moment, they know that does not go all out, waited for that their will die, does not hesitate the price the combustion vitality, displays final card in a hand full power to wrestle. 此时此刻,他们知道再不拼命,等待他们的将是死亡,不惜代价的燃烧气血,施展最后的底牌全力一搏。 How, has the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable strength Ye Chenfeng to control six big Top Grade Saint treasures the might to be too big, golden hair man and the others put forth the skills unable to resist. 奈何,拥有一星道尊战力的叶晨风操控六大极品圣宝的威力太大,金发男子等人使出浑身解数都抵挡不住。 „......” “啊啊……” Two sad and shrill pitiful yell sounds get up. 两道凄厉的惨叫声响起。 Two 6-Star demon Saints were killed the crazy dragon to tear to pieces the defense by nine certainly, the bang have broken to pieces the body, turned into the blood fog. 两名六星魔圣被九条绝杀狂龙撕破防御,轰碎了身体,化成了血雾。 „The Human Race boy, should not be favorite, the demon Venerable will revenge for us!” 人族小子,你不要得意,魔尊会为我们报仇的!” An demon Saint that only remains, knows to be doomed, face upwards to roar, has fired into Ye Chenfeng, when approaching his body, started from exploding strikes. 仅剩的一名魔圣,自知在劫难逃,仰天咆哮一声,冲向了叶晨风,在靠近他身体时,发动了自爆一击。 But has the sword wing, the Ye Chenfeng flying speed is too fast, suddenly he dodges to the kilometer beyond, from exploding to strike to affect by the demon Saint. 但拥有剑翅,叶晨风飞行速度太快,眨眼之间他就闪躲到千米之外,未被魔圣自爆一击波及到。 After being bathed in blood to slaughter, ten mahatma level expert remaining golden hair man three people, other people all were only killed by Ye Chenfeng. 经过浴血厮杀,十大圣级高手只剩下金发男子三人,其他人全都被叶晨风杀死了。 Kills!” “杀!” Ye Chenfeng explodes heartlessly drinks one, has killed with six big Top Grade Saint treasures, suppressed three people of offensive instantaneously, forces their being repulsed successively. 叶晨风无情地爆喝一声,携六大极品圣宝杀了过去,瞬间压制了三人的攻势,逼迫他们节节的败退。 Finally, the golden hair man three people cannot resist the attack of Top Grade Saint treasure, the entire body explodes, annihilates under the Top Grade Saint treasure attack, passed away. 最终,金发男子三人抵挡不住极品圣宝的攻击,整个身体爆开,湮灭在极品圣宝攻击下,命丧黄泉。
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