EDSG :: Volume #15

#1500: The powerful extinguishes kills

What's wrong, do you also want simultaneously to control six big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks?” “怎么,你还想同时控制六大极品圣宝攻击?” White Osaku was Heaven Clan antiquity big energy, fully realized that controlled the consumption of Top Grade Saint treasure attack to be so big, even if by his 6-Star Tiansheng peak strength , can only control a big Top Grade Saint treasure to play the strongest might. 白翁作为天族上古大能,深知操控极品圣宝攻击的消耗何等之大,就算以他六星天圣巅峰实力,也仅能控制一大极品圣宝发挥最强威力。 But he does not know that the Ye Chenfeng body is flowing among the universes most formidable Primordial Chaos Blood, has the inexhaustible skill in Daoist cultivation. 但他不知道,叶晨风身上流淌着宇宙间最强大的鸿蒙之血,拥有无穷无尽的道力。 „Is this very difficult?” “这很难吗?” Ye Chenfeng shows a faint smile, Nine Dragons Jade Annulus increased unceasingly, has separated void, nine made threatening gestures, was evolving a Heaven and Earth mark kills the crazy dragon to submerge Nine Dragons Jade Annulus certainly, bringing formidable dragon prestige, the bombardment to approach Bai the old man three people. 叶晨风微微一笑,九龙玉璧不断地变大,隔断了虚空,九条张牙舞爪,演化着天地道纹的绝杀狂龙没入了九龙玉璧,带着让人生畏的龙威,轰击向了白翁三人。 Nine kill crazy Dragon Xilai certainly, Bai the old man three people summons the formidable high-grade Saint treasure to move forward to meet somebody, depends upon the absolute strength to shake the attack of Nine Dragons Jade Annulus . 九条绝杀狂龙袭来,白翁三人纷纷召唤出强大的上品圣宝迎了上去,依靠绝对的实力撼动着九龙玉璧的攻击。 „The hand of real demon!” “真魔之手!” Under the Ye Chenfeng thought control, the hand of real demon pierced void, appears in Bai the old man three person's head tops, turned into blocking the sky, controls the livelihood the big hand, is caving in surrounding area one li (0.5km) space, suppressed to Bai the old man three people, was dispersing their attack. 叶晨风意念控制下,真魔之手洞穿了虚空,出现在白翁三人头顶,化成了遮天蔽日,掌控日月的大手,塌陷着方圆一里的空间,镇压向了白翁三人,分散着他们的攻击。 Nine Heavens imperial jade seal!” 九天玉玺!” Monster emperor furnace!” “妖帝炉!” Blood demon mountain!” “血魔山!” When Bai old man three people of full power resist the hand of real demon, Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , Ye Chenfeng controlled another three big Top Grade Saint treasures to hit, was shelling three people of bodies. 白翁三人全力抵挡真魔之手,九龙玉璧时,叶晨风控制另外三大极品圣宝撞击了上来,轰击着三人的身体。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Simultaneously encounters Ye Chenfeng to control five big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, Bai the old man three people are bearing the huge pressure, puts forth the skills to go all out to defend. 同时遭到叶晨风控制五大极品圣宝攻击,白翁三人承受着巨大的压力,使出浑身解数拼命地防御。 How, the might of five big Top Grade Saint treasures are too terrorist, but they are strong, does not have the Top Grade Saint treasure self-defense, merely more than ten breath, their defenses had been broken to pieces by five big Top Grade Saint treasure bang, the mortal body has encountered hitting hard. 奈何,五大极品圣宝的威力太恐怖,而他们三人虽强,却没有极品圣宝防身,仅仅十多个呼吸,他们三人的防御就被五大极品圣宝轰碎了,肉身遭到了重击。 How possible, how possibly simultaneously to control five big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks by his strength, but uses up ineffectively?” “怎么可能,以他的实力怎么可能同时操控五大极品圣宝攻击而不力竭?” The injury was getting more and more serious, cannot resist Bai the old man three people of five big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, in the heart has raised the dreadful rough seas, can say that the Ye Chenfeng method has gone beyond their cognition category. 伤势越来越重,抵挡不住五大极品圣宝攻击的白翁三人,心中掀起了滔天大浪,可以说叶晨风的手段超出了他们的认知范畴。 Tertiary day!” “三重天阵!” The experience to the fearfulness of Ye Chenfeng, Bai the old man three people quickly composed Heaven Clan to inherit Great Array, the strength of continuous reassignment fearful day integrated the body, was evolving the Heaven Clan inheritance, wanted to shake the attacks of five big Top Grade Saint treasures taking advantage of array . 见识到叶晨风的可怕,白翁三人迅速组成了天族传承大阵,源源不断的调动可怕的天之力融入身体,演化着天族传承,想要借阵法撼动五大极品圣宝的攻击。 Snort, is array useful?” “哼,阵法有用吗?” Ye Chenfeng sneers , to continue to control five big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, the bang breaks to pieces three people to control the attack of tertiary day bursting out. 叶晨风冷笑一声,继续控制五大极品圣宝攻击,轰碎着三人操控三重天阵迸发的攻击。 Ye Chenfeng is too terrorist with the destructive power that three Tiansheng attacks create, is destroying the ancient day celestial mountain frail space unceasingly, awakened many deep sleep in the antiquity big energy of celestial mountain deep place. 叶晨风与三大天圣攻击造成的破坏力太恐怖,不断地摧毁着古天仙山脆弱的空间,惊醒了不少沉睡在仙山深处的上古大能。 Quick, another wears the Purple gold color long gown, wears the gold crown, grasped Heaven Clan of handle Top Grade Saint rank great blade to appear greatly. 很快,又一名身穿紫金色长袍,头戴金冠,手持一柄极品圣器等级巨刀的天族大能出现了。 Day marquis, fast comes the help, has killed this Human Race boy, we carve up his Top Grade Saint treasure!” “天侯,速速过来帮忙,杀了这人族小子,我们瓜分他身上的极品圣宝!” Is scarred, covers entirely bloodstain graceful bearing female, saw that the Purple gold robe man wakes up in the deep sleep, in the heart the great happiness, shouts to him immediately loudly. 伤痕累累,布满血痕的风韵女子,看到紫金袍男子在沉睡中醒来,心中大喜,立即冲着他大声喊道。 Fights with me, you also dare to divert attention!” “和我交手,你还敢分心!” The Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, Devouring God Brain continues to deduce, the fearful soul turned into the dizziness strength, such as the steelyard weight rumbled generally in the soul of graceful bearing female, making her soul tremble, in a short time presented one to be out of sorts. 叶晨风瞳孔一缩,噬神脑继续推演,可怕的灵魂化成了眩晕力,如重锤一般轰进了风韵女子的灵魂中,让她灵魂一颤,短时间内出现了一丝失神。 Although she restores in a flash soberly, but this short absent-minded actually sufficiently fatal. 虽然她转瞬之间恢复清醒,但这短暂的失神却足以致命。 Ye Chenfeng back sword wing fierce dodges, is bringing the dazzling sword glow, to surmount the speed attack of several fold speed of light to have approached the graceful bearing female. 叶晨风背后剑翅剧烈的一闪,带着道道刺目的剑芒,以超越数倍光速的速度攻击向了风韵女子。 Time acceleration!” “时间加速!” Approached the instance of graceful bearing female, Ye Chenfeng sped up two times of time speeds of flow suddenly, controlled silver Sword Soul to fuse first in the Heavenly Sword embryo together, a sword punctured her body defense, pierced her body. 逼近风韵女子的瞬间,叶晨风突然加快了两倍时间流速,控制白银剑魂与先天剑胎融合在一起,一剑刺破了她的身体防御,洞穿了她的身体。 The next quarter, silver Sword Soul in the graceful bearing female body, divulges endless sword intent, twists to break to pieces the meridians of her whole body, is puncturing her heart lineage/vein. 下一刻,白银剑魂在风韵女子身体中,宣泄出无尽的剑意,绞碎着她全身的经脉,刺破着她的心脉。 Bang!” “嘭!” The mortal body of graceful bearing female was extinguished, only remained the soul to escape from the soul sea. 风韵女子的肉身被灭,仅剩灵魂逃出了魂海。 Whiz whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖嗖!” Panic-stricken yelled when the soul of graceful bearing female, seeks harbour, the Ye Chenfeng back sword wing fierce leaf, interweaves to make a debut the sharp sword shade, twisted to break to pieces her soul, struck to kill her. 就在风韵女子的灵魂惊恐大叫,寻求庇护时,叶晨风背后的剑翅剧烈一扇,交织出道道锋利的剑影,绞碎了她的灵魂,将她击杀。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Witnessed that the Ye Chenfeng powerful strikes to kill one of the graceful bearing female, the day marquis was angry, he grasps 1000000 cattys in weight, portrays multiplication Array Talisman(s), composes Dragon Xing the great blade, cut to break more than ten zhang (3.33 m) space, by the potential of Mt. Liba river, cut to Ye Chenfeng. 目睹叶晨风强势击杀风韵女子的一幕,天侯愤怒了,他手持重达1000000斤,刻画着道道繁衍阵纹,组成龙形的巨刀,斩破了十余丈空间,以力拔山河之势,斩向了叶晨风 This blade, day Hou Jiang Dao Intent and strength display the pinnacle, the mountain can be broken out by this blade, a 6-Star Saint cannot resist. 这一刀,天侯将道意和力量发挥到极致,山岳都能被这一刀劈开,六星道圣都抵挡不住。 But the Ye Chenfeng inside story is too deep, combustion Primordial Chaos Blood, his human body strength several about 1 billion jin (0.5 kg), are more terrorist than the high-grade Saint beast. 叶晨风的底蕴太深,燃烧鸿蒙之血,他肉体力量几近1000000000斤,比上品圣兽还要恐怖。 He grasps Heavenly Sword embryo full power to meet the approaching enemy first, hits in the day Hou Zhanluo dragon shape great blade together, produced heaven-shaking to move the place the demolition strength, the fearful strength broke a large cave the vault of heaven bang directly. 他手持先天剑全力迎击,与天侯斩落的龙形巨刀撞击在一起,产生了惊天动地的爆破力量,可怕的力量直接将天穹轰破了一个大洞。 Anything......” “什么……” The day marquis walks to refine the body route, is self-confident to own strength, when he and Ye Chenfeng firmly resist attack, actually discovered that the Ye Chenfeng strength goes far beyond him, swung the dragon shape great blade in his hand directly, shook his arm to have the serious numb feeling. 天侯走炼体路线,对自己的力量充满自信,但他与叶晨风硬憾攻击时,却发现叶晨风的力量远远超过他,直接荡开了他手中的龙形巨刀,震得他手臂出现了严重的酥麻感。 Time acceleration!” “时间加速!” Shakes to draw back the day marquis by the most tyrannical stance, Ye Chenfeng deduces the pinnacle to follow up a victory with hot pursuit three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, the full power attack day marquis, does not give him a respite the opportunity. 以最强横的姿态震退天侯,叶晨风将三大灵级道图推演到极致乘胜追击,全力攻击天侯,不给他一丝喘息的机会。 Desolate of furnace day!” “天之荒炉!” Bai and Weng have not thought that Ye Chenfeng is so valiant, after the bang kills the graceful bearing female, full power suppressed the strength to be by far they the day marquis, turned into Desolate of furnace two day rapidly, the bombardment has approached Ye Chenfeng. 白翁二人没想到叶晨风如此彪悍,轰杀风韵女子后,又全力压制了战力远胜他们的天侯,迅速化成两座天之荒炉,轰击向了叶晨风 Nine Dragons Jade Annulus separates the space!” 九龙玉璧隔断空间!” „The Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, blood demon mountain, the hand of real demon, the monster emperor furnace, gives me to rumble!” 九天玉玺,血魔山,真魔之手,妖帝炉,给我轰!” Ye Chenfeng wholeheartedly multipurpose, when grasps the first Heavenly Sword embryo full power suppression day marquis, controlled five big Top Grade Saint treasure bombardments to approach Bai and Weng. 叶晨风一心多用,手持先天剑全力压制天侯时,控制五大极品圣宝轰击向了白翁二人。 Under five big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, the wild furnace of Bai old man incarnation was broken, the prestige of fearful Saint treasure shells maliciously on their bodies, rumbled to fly them, falling of heavily on the ground. 在五大极品圣宝攻击下,白翁化身的荒炉被破,可怕的圣宝之威狠狠地轰击在他们二人身体上,将他们轰飞了出去,重重的摔在了地上。 Universe Sword Array!” 乾坤剑阵!” When taking advantage of five big Top Grade Saint treasure heavy injury Bai and Weng, Ye Chenfeng also summoned Universe Sword Array, surrounded around the body, turned into a handle handle might enormous great sword unceasingly, divided to cut the day marquis, was aggravating his body injury. 借五大极品圣宝重创白翁二人时,叶晨风又召唤出了乾坤剑阵,环绕在身体周围,不断地化成一柄柄威力极大的巨剑,劈斩着天侯,加重着他身体伤势。 Quite valiant, this person anything origin, when the central world presented this and other fearful Human Race expert!” “好彪悍,此人到底什么来历,中央世界什么时候出现了这等可怕的人族高手!” Hides the demon clan that much observes in the hidden place, Monster Clan can by the Ye Chenfeng fearful strength be frightened greatly, but relations between three clans are not harmonious, saw that the day marquis three people have the danger, the demon clan, Monster Clan can not have make a move to assist greatly. 不少躲在暗处观战的魔族,妖族大能被叶晨风可怕的战力震慑住,不过三族之间的关系并不融洽,看到天侯三人有危险,魔族,妖族大能并没有出手相助。 Had finished, dies!” “结束了,去死吧!” When day marquis of being scarred by day that’ Nine Heavens imperial jade seal seal falls a character mark shakes from the midair falls, Ye Chenfeng controls Universe Sword Array to fuse in together, turns into invincible great sword that a handle has swept away all obstacles, such as lets fall void Milky Way, a sword cut to has grasped the day marquis who Dragon Xingju the blade went all out to defend. 伤痕累累的天侯被九天玉玺印落的‘天’字道纹从半空中震落时,叶晨风控制乾坤剑阵融合在一起,化成了一柄所向披靡的无敌巨剑,如垂落虚空的银河,一剑斩向了手持龙形巨刀拼命防御的天侯。 Bang!” “轰!” Among Heaven and Earth resounded heaven-shaking to move place the demolition sound. 天地间响起了惊天动地的爆破声。 The fearful sword prestige that the universe great sword erupts pounds to drop the stratum the day marquis most side body. 乾坤巨剑爆发的可怕剑威将天侯大半边身子砸落进地层。 The universe great sword that the next quarter, the play trembles, turned into the swords of 300 universe such as the crowded sword rain, embezzles day marquis who injury was serious, twists broken him, strikes to kill at the scene. 下一刻,剧颤的乾坤巨剑,化成了300把乾坤之剑如密集的剑雨,吞没了伤势严重的天侯,将他绞碎,当场击杀。
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